laurelandsun · 7 days
house hunting prayer to Hestia
O Hestia πολύολβος, I seek your aid in finding a new home
As you tend the sacred hearth of Olympus may the smoke of heaven guide me to the home meant to be mine
May you guide me to a home where you can be worshipped in your full splendor and glory, where great offerings will be made for you daily in praise and gratitude
May you guide me to a home where my family can live in joy and abundance, and may you protect us from struggle and grief
You are ever eternal, rich in blessings, most beloved Queen of the home and hearth. May your divine fire roar, keeping the universe in motion. And with it, may you help me find a home worthy of your glory.
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laurelandsun · 29 days
It's always "Hades isn't bad or cruel, his deeds are just metaphors of the inevitable death" or "Hades kidnapping Persephone represent the premature death".
But when the argument "Zeus has numerous affairs and many children because he represent the fertile rain" is brought up, all nuance is suddenly out of the window and Zeus is just a womanizer who can't keep it in his pants.
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laurelandsun · 29 days
When my oldest child was born, my husband and I jokingly referred to him as “baby Apollo” because he had the prettiest golden hair. I remember the sun being so bright when we left the hospital and it was incredibly warm for being a fall day. As he’s gotten older I can see more and more of Apollo in him. From his love of the outdoors and crows to watching how music soothes even his worst toddler tantrums.
Now our family has expanded again.
We had our second baby recently. My husband asked me if we were going to continue our tradition and have another “baby ____”. At first I wasn’t sure. He’s so different than his brother, but after thinking back on my pregnancy and his birth it struck me suddenly.
When I first found out I was pregnant I did an oracle card reading to ease some of my anxiety while waiting for my initial doctor appointment. Ares popped up repeatedly. I shuffled and reshuffled the cards. I had my husband shuffle too. Ares continued to show up again and again. Every single time I touched those cards during my pregnancy the Ares card would show up.
Then, when he was born, my doctor commented on how much he was fighting him the whole time. He came out screaming and flailing, never stopping until I held him. And he’s remained that way. He fights, and yells, and lets you know exactly what he wants when he wants it. He’s so serious when he looks around at the world and the people in it.
If my oldest is sunshine then my youngest is a wildfire, and I think it’s beautiful to see the gods reflected in my children.
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laurelandsun · 2 months
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Praise to Hera
O’ divine Mother, Queen Hera—protector of men and women; I offer my praise to you. 
Bright and fair-eyed Hera; Beloved Goddess of the skies,  She who blesses marriage and protects women in child labor,
I praise you. 
Queen Hera, guardian of the streets of Argos, of the blue clear waters of Samos, of the oldest temple of Olympia, I praise and honor you.
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Divider by @/vibeswithrenai I don't worship Hera, but I'm reading "Hera" by Jennifer Saint and feel that I need to give her some praise lmao. It's awkward since I don't know her, but I hope it's ok 🦚
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laurelandsun · 3 months
I’m scrolling through various Zeus tags because it’s Father’s Day and doing that brings me at least some sort of comfort, but it’s just depressing to see so many people (a lot of them saying they’re Hellenists) showing such little respect for him
Don’t get me wrong, I can understand why some people wouldn’t want to pray to him often or struggle with a lot of his mythology. I’m not discounting that. But… you can at least be respectful when discussing him. He’s still King of the Gods
How can we expect our faith to be taken seriously when we ourselves are disrespectful to our own gods? And a key god at that
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laurelandsun · 4 months
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Hera by Eduard Niczky (1850-1919).
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laurelandsun · 5 months
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Here’s what I have so far!
Top row, left to right: Hephaestus, Hera, Poseidon, Apollo, and Zeus
Bottom row, left to right: Aphrodite, Hestia
I've noticed a lot of "closeted" practitioners/worshippers and I'm debating making devotional jewelry/prayer beads that look more like friendship bracelets so people can practice discreetly if they need to.
I have actual prayer beads that I've made for myself and my husband, but it seems like we're lucky in that we don't have to hide our beliefs. I'd like to do something for others that need it
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laurelandsun · 5 months
I've noticed a lot of "closeted" practitioners/worshippers and I'm debating making devotional jewelry/prayer beads that look more like friendship bracelets so people can practice discreetly if they need to.
I have actual prayer beads that I've made for myself and my husband, but it seems like we're lucky in that we don't have to hide our beliefs. I'd like to do something for others that need it
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laurelandsun · 5 months
At night, the frogs croak loud enough to drive Dionysos mad twice-over.
The wind blows with the breath of Zephyrus, and Notos' cold breath no longer stings bare skin. Even the winds that are cold seem to come from a warmer source.
Apollo has returned to Delphi, and prophecies float freely through the ruins.
The Dryads slowly open their bleary red eyes from their long rest. By the time they are fully open, they will be green. In the meantime, their evergreen sisters tell them stories of the winter.
Artemis restrings Her bow, and carefully places perfect arrows into Her quiver. For now, She only hunts what grows in the forest - fiddlehead ferns, ramps, and water from sweet-flowing springs. But when the animals fully awaken, when the young are grown, She will take again to Her hunting grounds.
Athena receives Her yearly influx of frantic prayers from students as they embark on their end-of-the-year projects, be they theses or finals.
Hermes stands guard over muddy roads, stopping fools from going where their cars cannot.
Zeus sends down rain that is warm, that people can stand and dance in. This rain gives life, and never freezes. Below, blessed Hera laughs and picks the new flowers, and gently ushers Her peacock’s new chicks beneath Her skirt when the rain is too hard.
Below the Earth, Hades passes letters to Iris, each one carefully addressed to His beloved Wife, and Iris joyfully takes the letters in Her careful hands and springs up from the Underworld, leaving colorful arcs in the sky as She runs.
And, of course, Persephone returns to open-armed Demeter, whose joy echoes through the world along with that of Her Daughter's. How beautiful and blessed are the joys of the Gods!
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laurelandsun · 5 months
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A moodboard for King Zeus!!
I've been feeling his presence a lot lately 💛💙
Click for better quality! sorry, some reason the quality is so bad?
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laurelandsun · 5 months
I'm so tired of practicing alone. Physically, yes; but i also just feel so separated from the community.
I want people to stop saying there's a specific way to pray, worship, work with, devote, honor, or practice within hellenic polytheism.
But on the physical hand, i want people to dance in the sunlight with me as we pray to our gods. I want to be surrounded by like minded people as we practice what makes us and our religion ours.
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laurelandsun · 6 months
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In this house, we do not subscribe to the convention of vilifying Demeter in the myth of Persephone. 
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laurelandsun · 8 months
PAC: What Do I Need to Know Today
Take a moment to clear your mind and then choose which stack you feel most attracted to. Meanings are beneath the read more cut.
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There’s currently something in your life causing you to hesitate and shy away from the joy in your life. You might feel like you’re stagnant right now, but this is actually a very fertile time for you to grow your ideas, hopes, and dreams. Be careful of things that seem too good to be true though. Make sure to follow your intuition rather than your emotions.
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You’re at the end of a very painful and potentially traumatic time in your life. Due to these past events, you may find yourself unwilling to let go of the things that kept you safe during that time. You’re finally comfortable and don’t want to sacrifice any of what you’ve worked for. It’s important that you recognize sacrifice is necessary and you need to let go in order to heal.
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Your spiritual awakening is here. It’s never an easy thing to go through and your trust in the divine is currently lacking. You feel burned out and let down by the people around you. Your heart and your head are in disharmony while you’re adjusting to your spiritual awakening. Things will become clearer and less uncertain as you embrace the necessary growth.
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You’re busy expanding your mind in various ways, allowing yourself to grow into the dependable, caring person you wish you’d had previously. With this expansion can come fear. You seem to be slipping into depression and panic more often than not, terrified of moving forward at times. Growth of any sort is no easy feat, but it’s necessary for you right now. Rely on people who will nurture the divine spark in you rather than going it alone.
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laurelandsun · 8 months
Father Zeus, protector of the home. Lord Zeus, giver of good. King Zeus, ruler of all I hold dear.
Please keep my home safe from any harm physical, emotional and financial in this coming month. Averter of evil and saviour of all, help me keep my home safe and at peace.
As I take today to praise your name, please renew the energy in this house and make it a place of love and joy. Father Zeus, giver of good; Thank you for your guidance and I hope you accept this prayer as a token of my gratitude.
Great god of hospitality, and father of the people. Praise be to you.
orignal prayer for noumenia
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laurelandsun · 8 months
e-offering to lady hestia
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gentle hestia, blessed lady of the hearth,
i pray you enter this home and protect those who live here, ward off evil from inside and out,
stand with us as we cook our meals in your name, and have yourself the first bite
we honor you, lady hestia, it will be as you allow it.
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laurelandsun · 8 months
I have a lemon and eucalyptus incense I burn specifically for Apollo. I saw it while I was out shopping one day and it just felt right for some reason. Idk why. He seems to love it though
I literally only started this blog to say: at some point I started believing that Apollo liked eucalyptus? And idk where that came from because I don't think anyone has ever said that to me.
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laurelandsun · 8 months
are user boxes still a thing? no idea. but i made user boxes as my contribution to the community. they're matchy, too!! you're free to use them- just say Aterios made it.
i'm open to making these under request, just send me an ask with the deity you'd like a box for!! please be nice, too.
gods in this post: Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Hestia, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Athena, Hermes & Dionysus.
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