laurencethewitch · 4 years
I’ve picked up my Grimoire again and begun developing my Tarot section, (which is going to be huge and very time consuming but I am SO excited!)
Please feel free to use these pages as a guide in your own practices or as inspiration for your own BOS or Grimoire :) All I ask is that if you wish to recreate my design or wording, please credit in the description of your post!! Thank you 💕
✨Pages in my Grimoire on Tarot ✨
These pages begin my Tarot study on the symbols associated with the Major Arcana, the 4 Suites and associated zodiacs/meanings, the court cards and what they represent in meanings, numerology and their associated majors, and lastly color symbolism. this is basically all I need to do intuitive readings with the tarot!!
The next chunk of this will be meanings for each of the major arcana, based off of my own practices and what i’ve learned about their symbols.
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laurencethewitch · 4 years
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laurencethewitch · 4 years
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The discontented robins. 1847. Book cover. 
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laurencethewitch · 4 years
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laurencethewitch · 4 years
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laurencethewitch · 4 years
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Mermay 2020 by Faith Schaffer
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laurencethewitch · 4 years
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Lilies of the valley for Cinderella - Sergey Lesnikov
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laurencethewitch · 4 years
You've been touched by funerals
Heart stoppers
Embalmed alive
Made to endure the sunday lip services
Blinded by pittance
Twin inadequate eclipses
Buried under $40 bouquets
Money that could've bought a lot of nice lunches
Instead of this
Where you became lined with velvet
I wanted to lay still in it
Your palm as a casket
Peaceful as the statues that line the cemetery
Their dates slowly eroding
Finally restful
Calming as the last sunset
True as the black garb of the mourning's morning
The softness of death when wild things grow through ribcage planters
I know where I'm going when I want it over
For good
When I want to wander the yonder
Wondering if you would love me there
Do you want to lie with me
Our love able to make cremation run cold
Does the fever of it rise you
Back to the days of Romero
Or bury you in black-tied tape
Mummified in place
Stopping you from seeking the sanctity of sky burial
Does my body entomb a you that no longer means anything
Living in memoriam
Imitating holiness by ritual
Or can I be your fairy circle?
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laurencethewitch · 4 years
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To Night, Percy Bysshe Shelley 
 "Death will come when thou art dead, Soon, too soon— Sleep will come when thou art fled; Of neither would I ask the boon I ask of thee, belovèd Night— Swift be thine approaching flight, Come soon, soon!“ 
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laurencethewitch · 4 years
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laurencethewitch · 4 years
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With the right combination of elements, it was theorized, any substance on earth might be formed. 
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laurencethewitch · 4 years
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laurencethewitch · 4 years
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My mother boils seawater. It sits all afternoon simmering on the stovetop, almost two gallons in a big soup pot. The windows steam up and the house smells like a storm. In the evening, a crust of salt is all that’s left at the bottom of the pot. My mother scrapes it out with a spoon. We each lick a fingertip and dip them in the salt and it’s softer than you’d think, less like sand and more like snow. We lay our fingertips on our tongues, right in the middle. It tastes like salt but like something else, too—wide, and dark. It tastes like drowning, or like falling asleep on the shore and only waking up when the tide has come up to your feet and you wonder if you’d gone on sleeping, would you have sunk?
carri thurman, the alchemy: salt from water
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laurencethewitch · 4 years
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Yoshitaka Amano Tarot Illustrations
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laurencethewitch · 4 years
0. THE FOOL | blank slate, beginning, innocence ®* | reckless, negligence, unaware of consequences 1. THE MAGICIAN | willpower, manifestation of desires ® | trickery, illusions, lies, out of touch w/ truth 2. THE HIGH PRIESTESS | intuition, inner voice ® | repressed/unheard inner voice 3. THE EMPRESS | mother figure, nurture, earth/nature ® | smothering, dependence, needing to let go 4. THE EMPEROR | authority, structure, control, father figure ® | tyranny, too much control 5. THE HIEROPHANT | tradition, conformity, morality ® | rebellion, subversiveness, divergence 6. THE LOVERS | union, duality, choice, harmony ® | disharmony, loss of balance 7. THE CHARIOT | self-control & willpower leading to victory ® | loss of control, lack of direction 8. STRENGTH | bravery, inner understanding that radiates power ® | self-doubt, insecurity, weakness 9. THE HERMIT | solitude, contemplation, seeking inner truth ® | loneliness, isolation, disconnect w/ fellow humans 10. WHEEL OF FORTUNE | change, cycles, inevitability ® | bad luck, helplessness, series of bad events 11. JUSTICE | cause & effect, karmic retribution ® | unpunished misbehavior, unfair, turning a blind eye 12. THE HANGED MAN | willing sacrifice, release of control ® | stalling, needless sacrifice, waiting to no avail 13. DEATH | end, cyclical closure, metamorphosis ® | fear of change, stagnation, limbo, holding on 14. TEMPERANCE | moderation, balance, middle path ® | extremes, excess, lack of balance 15. THE DEVIL | materialism, destructive patterns, excess ® | freedom, release, restoring control 16. THE TOWER | sudden disaster, upheaval, collapse ® | delaying inevitable disaster, avoiding suffering that could lead to growth 17. THE STAR | hope, faith, guidance ® | faithlessness, lack of guidance, negative thoughts 18. THE MOON | unconscious, intuition, illusions, dreams ® | confusion, misinterpretation 19. THE SUN | success, clarity, positivity, conscious ® | negativity, depression, sadness, pessimism 20. JUDGEMENT | reckoning, honest evaluation of oneself ® | lack of self-awareness, self-loathing 21. THE WORLD | completion, wholeness, fulfillment ® | incompletion, no closure, nearing end of journey but something is missing
*® = reverse card meaning*® = reverse card meaning
Tarot Cheat Sheet #1 - Major Arcana
Tarot Cheat Sheet #2 - Wands
Tarot Cheat Sheet #3 - Cups
Tarot Cheat Sheet #4 - Swords
Tarot Cheat Sheet #5 - Pentacles
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laurencethewitch · 4 years
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Tarot spread for when you’re feeling frustrated and blocked. When there’s something wrong but you can’t quite figure what that is.
The cork, what’s keeping card five trapped.
What you need to keep an eye out for, the negative repercussions that this reveal will give you
The positives that will come from this being let into the light
What you should do to work on the negatives of card two, how to move further through them.
The central issue, the thing that needs to be let out into the light
How the positives found in card three will inform and shape and improve your life.
This spread actually helps me a lot with shadow work - if I keep running up against an emotion I can’t figure out the reason for, I work on this, but it also helps when I’m feeling stifled.
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laurencethewitch · 4 years
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Apelles symbolicus (1699)
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