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How will digital marketing change in the future?
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The Scope of Digital Marketing in 2023 is Much Larger
Digital marketing trends evolve each year as more companies enter the space and new technologies emerge. Looking ahead to 2023, here are some trends that will help continue to shape this space.
Digital marketing analysis is typically done after the fact. Marketers will publish a piece of content, for instance, and then check to see how effective it was after a few weeks. This is certainly helpful, but real-time analytics is beginning to shake up the world of digital marketing. Conducting real-time analysis allows marketers to both individualize content for smaller subsets of consumers and respond much more quickly to their performance.
Social Media Influencers
Advertisers in all sectors are connecting with social media influencers to help enhance their brands. This is proving to be an effective digital marketing strategy, largely because consumers tend to trust other consumers more than companies advertising products. Expect more companies in 2023 and beyond to use these influencers to drive sales.
Also, expect to see fewer celebrities promoting products, as consumers have grown relatively weary of their endorsements. Instead, the trend is moving more toward influencers who have more direct relevance to the product. One great example is make-up artist James Charles, who has become a celebrity but also has expertise specific to cosmetics, which Cover Girl has tapped for its promotions. 
Video Remains King
Video will remain a top strategy in 2023, as digital marketers capitalize on users’ short attention spans and desire to view content instead of reading it.Since 74 precent  of consumers in the United States watch online videos each week, this medium will continue to play a significant role in connecting customers and businesses. Most social media channels support video hosting and sharing.
One trend to watch out for is SEO images and vedios. Typically, people type in keywords relating to a particular image or video, but this can be tedious. More and more users are discovering that they can use existing or new images to search for other, closely related images online. This profoundly increases the scope of digital marketing. By adding relevant keywords to the titles of their images and videos, including alt text in image descriptions, and using other such methods, advertisers will make it easier for potential customers to find them.
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI)  enables digital marketers to better analyze user data so they can further customize the customer journey. AI helps companies understand a great deal about customers and how to best target audiences. 
AI also provides users with a more personalized experience, giving them customized assistance at each stage of the buying process. Businesses can achieve this customer experience by automating ads to targeted audiences using programmatic advertising.
Augmented and Virtual Reality
Companies will continue to use augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) in their marketing strategies to enhance brand awareness and satisfy customer demand. Companies like Starbucks, Nivea, and Volkswagen have launched successful AR and VR campaigns to offer customers an experience that better connects them to their brands and products.
Omni-channel Marketing
While today’s consumer expects every business to at least have an online presence, using a variety of media to engage your target market in a seamless manner is ideal. Often referred to as "omnichannel marketing" this approach does away with any barriers or “silos” that different media may impose. For instance, a product advertised on television should also have an online tie-in that’s optimized for both desktop and mobile users. 
The point is, consumers may use a variety of media to learn about and engage with your product (or service) before and after they buy. If there isn’t a smooth handoff among these different platforms, then it may hurt the experience and result in a lost sale.  
Content to Become More Interactive
Interactive content is nothing new, but it’s beginning to be embraced as an effective marketing tool more than ever. Not only do they increase the amount of time a prospective customer engages with your brand, but they allow you to capture more data and, in turn, fine-tune your digital marketing strategy.
From the perspective of expanding the scope of digital marketing, interactive content might include contests (e.g., “comment on this post and share it to your timeline to enter”), polls, surveys, or even games. Giving users more opportunities to interact with your brand also plays into the ultimate goal of greater personalization. 
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