leavannyn-oskar · 5 years
surprise, fellow kids. I bet you thought you’d seen the last of leavannyn-oskar
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leavannyn-oskar · 6 years
Didn’t really want to just... poof without saying anything. After 6-7 or so years, I’m leaving this space.
I could make a really detailed reasoning why, but to save your eyes from reading, I’ll keep it short.
• Ask-blogging no longer appeals to me. My motivation for drawing and whatnot is way too fleeting, making it way too difficult to be Consistent™ (hence why I always disappear for 6 months at a time). Not to mention the format doesn’t work well with my particular preferences, if that makes any sense.
• I have gotten other interests. Pokémon is still up there, but I want to shift my focus on some other things for a while. Entomology, for example.
• Real life. I’m struggling with economy issues, mental health issues and educational issues. I really don’t have the time to keep up with something like this.
And with that, I’ll say “see ya later”, because I might come back to this in the future, although most likely a separate blog. I haven’t lost my love for my characters (still drawing them from time to time), just the format.
Have fun with your pokin’! See ya later~
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leavannyn-oskar · 6 years
I wonder if pe6ple will be ab3e to tell who's talking, 1ust by the colour!
The colour of... what? The trees are colourful. Buuuuut I don't think they talk much... though, I did once see a tree that talked. It looked creepy. All dark, spooky and stuff.
No, n6t the trees! I mean the colo4r of the text! I'm mak5ng a post with text colours! It's pretty c6ol! I can even ma2e a rainbow if I want~
... Bleep-bloop, we can't see shit...
Shut up, sock! I'm hav5ng fun!
Talking to a light-pole!?
N6, Y64 #$€! 5'M 4S5NG THE E3ECTR5- ah, screw 5t... I'm not gonna expla5n things to someone with n6 brain!
Uh-huh... Well, Listen here, you co
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leavannyn-oskar · 6 years
[Do you ever like... start a project, but in the middle of it, you realize “Oh god, this is going to take weeks to finish!”
Yeah... I’ve done that... I AM doing that... and I will be doing it for a while...]
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leavannyn-oskar · 7 years
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HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! (4 days late)
Hope y’all had a fun Yule-season and whatnot and got lots’a fun stuff without any injuries from the fireworks!
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leavannyn-oskar · 7 years
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- “TL;DR: The bird beh5nd this bl6g is trying, but life keeps getting in the way!”
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- “Than2s for your concern, dear Wuzzle! But don’t worry! We will still occasional3y invade people’s inb6xes whenever we find the time to!”
[Yeah, seriously. I’ve been extremely busy lately, so I haven’t really had time to draw and stuff. Just these doodles took me from when I got this ask until a week ago to draw, because I just was too frickin’ tired!
I’ll try coming back when I have the time (and energy) to draw more. Thank you for your concern.]
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leavannyn-oskar · 7 years
[relevant to this blog too...]
Not my fault half my family is born in October-December!
Or that most good holidays occur at the same time!
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leavannyn-oskar · 7 years
I guess today is a good day for self-care.
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Theeere we go. Feeling much better already~
self care is drawing your favorite character with freckles
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leavannyn-oskar · 7 years
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Remember to show your friends affection, eveniftheymightnotbepreparedforit!
Bit of a filler, since I’ve had to deal with life.
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leavannyn-oskar · 7 years
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- “Gnötsche. I’ve told you to stop using bad words MANY times!”
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- “I wasn’t! I was calling him a cu-... cu- cu- cur-... cul... cucumb...”
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- “Okay, Fine, I was! But only because he was doing it first! I wasn’t the only one!”
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leavannyn-oskar · 7 years
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- “I guess that’s why you’re called Squishy.”
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- “Although… next time you come by, could you please use the door? Having pokes appear in my house out of nowhere is kinda scary.”
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leavannyn-oskar · 7 years
A little late, but I can't miss out on origin stories! How about 5 and 11?
5. Did you have any other choices of muse before settling on the muse(s) you have now?
For GLee and Gnoetsche, I was pretty much set on the first choice; GLee was meant to be a computer-like assistant (kinda broken, as she was based on my old laptop), so Porygon was a given.
Gnoetsche was based on one of my plushes I had as a kid, so why not go with the only plush-based pokémon?
As for Oskar… Oh boy, did he have some choices to go by.
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Here you have all the potential “Oskars” we could’ve had. As earlier told, I started this blog as a personal, so these would’ve been all the “sona” candidates.
Scrafty because they were kinda “punky” and I was a bit of a deviant back then.Beedrill because… It’s my favourite and I’m also a bit of a grump.Scizor is another big fave… But that was pretty much it.Leavanny is often seen as rather feminine, while still being somewhat punchy. That one fit me best (considering the fact I was mistaken for a girl for about three-four years in elementary school), so that one I settled with.
11. How do you hope this blog comes across to other people?
I hope they find it fun~ I’ve seen a lot of rather dark plots and whatnot in many ask blogs, so I’m trying to keep this one light-hearted and fun, even if Gnoetsche can be a bit of an arse, sometimes.
But as long as I can get a few laughs, I’m all fine and dandy~
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leavannyn-oskar · 7 years
24. What’s your least favorite part about running this blog?
All the unexpected hiatuses that has happened time and again, along with the fleeting motivation in general.
I always wanted to be consistent with the things I do here, but life seems to think I love making lemonade. 
Things are now finally a bit more stable, so I’m hoping my motivation keeps up with my desires.
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leavannyn-oskar · 7 years
28. Which muse is your favorite? 
Now now. Parents shouldn’t choose a favourite between their children.
… but if you’re gonna be like THAT, I have to say GLee.
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She’s probably the one I’ve had most fun with, the most character development and I mean… Look at her! She’s so bouncy and round~
How can I not love a bouncy, sassy, internet-duck-mom?
I love all my dudes, but this duck’s face always makes me happy~
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leavannyn-oskar · 7 years
2, 13
2. Are there any blogs that inspire(d) you?
Err… Both yes and no; This blog started a personal blog where I would answer questions aimed at ME (Oskar used to be my sona), so I didn’t really get much inspiration in the start.Kinda stumbled into the ask-blogging community a while later. I saw the whole poké-ask community, which made me inspired to convert this blog into that type instead. My main inspirations at the time, when I got more into it were @gypsiesillusion (back when they went by another name) @duncanmew (same deal there) and a few others that nowadays have either stopped or changed their blogs so much I no longer remember what they were who ran them…
But yeah. Fun times.
13. How many followers do you have?
Uhm… No drugs allowed on this blog, but:
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leavannyn-oskar · 7 years
[Let’s do some of these while I’m working on stuff~]
Munday Meme
1. Why’d you start this blog? 2. Are there any blogs that inspire(d) you? 3. Why did you choose the muse that you did? 4. Was your muse almost different personality-wise? 5. Did you have any other choices of muse before settling on the muse(s) you have now? 6. Was this blog originally a different concept? 7. What do you wish you did more of on this blog? 8. What do you wish you could change about your blog? 9. Have you done anything embarrassing on this blog? 10. Has your art changed since the beginning of this blog? 11. How do you hope this blog comes across to other people? 12. Do you have any rules for yourself when it comes to this blog? 13. How many followers do you have? 14. How many people are you following? 15. How long do you think this blog will last? 16. How old is your blog? 17. Is there anything that gets in the way of this blog? 18. Have you made friends through this blog? 19. What’s your pet peeve in relation to this blog? 20. How does this blog make you feel? 21. How many likes do you have? 22. How many posts do you have? 23. What’s your favorite part about running this blog? 24. What’s your least favorite part about running this blog? 25. What sorts of things do you have in mind for the future? 26. What sort of asks do you wish you got more of? 27. What sort of asks do you wish you got less of? 28. Which muse is your favorite? 29. Outside of canon material and other blogs, what inspires you? 30. What sort of asks do you get a lot of?
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leavannyn-oskar · 7 years
Are you open to inter-fandom asks, interactions and rps?
[To a degree; I like seeing how people interpret different fandoms and such, but if it’s outside the range of Pokémon, Bomberman, Sgt. Frog or Rayman, you can’t expect me to keep up too well, as I will be VASTLY inexperienced.
That said, it’s okay to try me out. I’m not one to be shooing people away ;p ]
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