#squishy reuniclus
smile-files · 10 months
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my own poke-miku!!
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ophangel · 4 months
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squishy reuniclus
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m1ckeyb3rry · 3 months
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in honor of my pokémon obsession and vague desire to one day write a pokémon au, here are the pokémon teams i think some of the bllk boys would have!!
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warning: all pokémon are from gen 6 or before because i didn’t really play the games after that, i chose pokémon based on aesthetics and vibes not functionality in battle or stats or anything like that HAHA, this truly is not that serious but if anyone steals my ideas i will be mad 😐 don’t plagiarize pls it’s not cool
characters: isagi yoichi, chigiri hyoma, barou shouei, nagi seishiro, mikage reo, otoya eita, karasu tabito, yukimiya kenyu, hiori yo
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isagi yoichi: charizard, lapras, stoutland, machamp, leafeon, raichu (this man is basic i’m sorry but he’s not going crazy or picking any atypical pokémon)
chigiri hyoma: rapidash, zebstrika, dragonite, gorebyss, liepard, pyroar (only chooses fast pokémon and likes to ride them around so he gets places before everyone else)
barou shouei: pangoro, krookodile, zoroark, sharpedo, houndoom, weavile (exclusively dark types so he can continue w the whole villain thing he has going on)
nagi seishiro: goodra, reuniclus, clefable, whimsicott, snorlax, arcanine (what can i say?? a bunch of squishy cuddly pokémon for a squishy cuddly guy)
mikage reo: gallade, mawile, flygon, persian, cinccino, florges (idk all of these pokémon just feel very elegant and classy to me which is super mikage “rich boy” reo)
otoya eita: greninja, sylveon, ampharos, blissey, altaria, ninetales (he tries to be cool so he picks greninja to start with but he ends up with exclusively cutesy pokémon for the rest of his team because he’s actually a loser)
karasu tabito: garchomp, honchkrow, staraptor, talonflame, pidgeot, lucario (his commitment to the bird aesthetic is impressive, but he feels a kinship with garchomp — perhaps due to their similarly shaped side profiles?? — and thinks lucario is cool, so those two get a pass)
yukimiya kenyu: breloom, alakazam, steelix, manectric, azumarill, noivern (i think he would only pick pokémon that make him seem refined and cool)
hiori yo: kingdra, metagross, nidoqueen, luxray, aurorus, swanna (a relatively balanced team in terms of typing, but to be honest i picked them because they’re all light blue/have light blue on them)
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nomstellations · 3 months
A Feast fit for a Glutton
hi! here's that self indulgent ass vore fic i wrote in a moment of strong thirst. 1.5k words, contains male pred/female prey, quarter size vore, pokevore, stuffing, some suggestive bits (mostly just moaning) and mentions of digestion (it happens to the food rather than the prey). the characters here are both my ocs and are in a relationship (sorta), and of course the pokemon depicted are gijinkas!
The table was set. 
Delicious food ranging from tender steaks, to lamb chops, to crab legs and other seafood with a wide array of sides and snacks covered the table completely. This was…probably not even enough to satisfy him completely, but it was the best she could do with what was available. She had a feeling he'd be having a little extra dessert afterwards, but…this was a reward for a battle well-fought. He did the best, and her team was always made to feel special for doing so.
Celeste didn't have to wait long- the smell of food always attracted the Reuniclus, who floated right into the dining room with a lazy, hungry smile on his face. "Woah-ho-ho~! A whole feast for me, Lessie? I think I just died n' went to heaven, heh heh~"  Celeste just smiled, watching as her childhood friend eyed the bountiful feast before him. "You know the way it works, Ribo! You perform well, you eat well! Whatever you want, you can have." A sly smile spreads upon his face. "Whatever I want, eh…? Oh, I've got myself a greeeaaat idea, heheh…" 
In a literal flash, Celeste found herself standing near the table's leg. He's gotten a lot snappier about using Minimize- and his telekinesis gently lifted his small trainer up to his smug face. "As much as I'd love to claim my prize now…I can't let this food go to waste! You can have the best seat in the house while I feast, how's about that lil' Lessie?" She sighs, rolling her eyes. She figured he'd want to devour her too, but this was his victory meal… "Alright Ribo, whatever. You're letting all the things I made get cold!"
Making a satisfied hum, the Reuniclus cradles his trainer in his squishy jellylike hands as he settles himself into a chair situated in front of all the food, letting her rest in his lap right in front of his stomach. It was audible how hungry he was, it growled and whined pathetically as if he hadn't eaten all day. That was quick to change- Ribo wasted no time in digging into his feast, and the quiet of the room was overtaken by the sounds of his gorging. Being where she is it was easy to hear- the smacking of his lips, every gulp and swallow he took, and the gurgling of his stomach as it started to fill with food. He really knew how to pack it away…
Celeste's mind wandered as he ate. She was going to be part of that at some point- she had no idea how he could fit that much food into him and still have room for a person, but Ribo had always been a big eater for as long as she’s known him. He somehow managed to stay rail-thin despite his constant gorging…maybe psychic types had particularly strong digestive systems to keep up with their energy demands. She wasn’t particularly worried about being eaten either, despite the risks that came with being eaten alive. He’s done it before and while it got her clothes dirty, she was ultimately unharmed. He claimed he could only feel full once he had swallowed her, but she had the feeling he had just developed a taste for his trainer at some point…
Speaking of that…a rumble rippled its way across her back. His stomach was full enough to press against her already? She hadn’t zoned out for long, but when Celeste turned she was greeted with his rounded gut starting to peek out from beneath his shirt. The sounds of digestion were audible, his stomach busily burbled and gurgled as it worked at his meal. Ribo leaned back as he started to chug a bottle of soda, and Celeste could just barely hear it fizzing as it collected inside his stomach. He belched as the bottle was emptied, and his stomach bubbled with carbonation. She opted to work her little hands into his stomach, kneading out a few extra belches and satisfied hums and moans from her pokemon. She won’t have to worry about too many belches squeezing her now…she turned around and let herself rest against his belly again, with the sounds of digestion overtaking her thoughts. But now that she thinks about it, he's been awful quiet after that…
Ribo's hand came suddenly, scooping her up in one smooth movement and holding her up in front of his face. He slowly licked his lips, smiling as he cast his hungry gaze on her. “Heeeey~ Guess who's got room for dessert? And guess who's lookin’ like dessert…”Celeste took this opportunity to look back at the table, seeing that he somehow managed to pack away most of that feast she made. “Ribo, I just don't know how your stomach does it. That was enough food for four people!” Her companion beamed proudly, with his stomach echoing the sentiment with a loud grumble. “That's a trade secret, eheheh! Say, why don't you ask it in person? But…mm…you could be bigger…”
He set her down again, right on top of his belly as his eyes glowed. Her size shifted once more, only growing large enough to just barely wrap her arms around his stuffed gut. “Mm~ Much better, wouldn't ya say Lessie? Dessert's got to be the cherry on top after all!” Both of his hands came to lift her up, positioning her above his head with her looking down at him. “Come on, Ribo…it's not like you to draw out mealtime.”“Oh?” One of his slimy horns twitched. “You're making it sound like you want to be inside, heheh~ Your wish is my command, my lady~”
His tone was playful and teasing, Celeste couldn't help but flush at his callout. Ribo’s maw opened wide beneath her, his tongue wiggling playfully as he began to lower her inside. His tongue traveled up her legs; a pleased hum vibrated around them as his mouth closed. The tasting continued for a moment before he suddenly swallowed, pulling her lower half and most of her torso into his mouth and down his throat. She kept still for now- he mostly loved a struggle once she was entirely sealed inside. He was really taking his time, holding her there for a minute or two before opening up to swallow again. His trainer sunk deeper into him, with her head being the last thing left to swallow. Faintly, she can feel fingers press against her from outside…and with a final, deep gulp, she was pulled down his gullet. The slide down was slow- he didn't bother with actively swallowing anymore, instead opting to let peristalsis do all the work. Gently, Celeste was pulled down past his excitedly thumping heart, and she could hear his busy stomach beginning to approach.
It felt like forever, but she was finally pushed into Ribo's gut. It was mostly full of half-digested gunk, though there were definitely whole chunks of food he gulped down in here. There wasn't a lot of room to start with, and the chyme reached her chest, but she pushed and squirmed around in an effort to settle in. The contents of his stomach sloshed around with her movements, grumbling and burbling noisily as its meal got comfortable. “Oooh~ aah, mmgh…Lessie…” He moaned in stuffed bliss, hands already pressing against his stomach to knead and massage it. “You fill me so good…~”
Someone sounded happy. Good, that was the point of all this. A belch suddenly rippled out of him, causing his churning stomach to close in tight for a moment. The walls relented only slightly, pushing against her as it worked on processing all of this food. Celeste reached out, pressing her hands into the folds of his gut to help it along. “Ohh, perfect.…good girl, that's the spot…” The Reuniclus reclined there for a short while, resting his hands on his stomach and just enjoying the feeling of being full. Any outsiders could clearly tell by his large round stomach and the loud sounds of digestion that he had a large meal to sleep off, and the gentle movement and bumps from inside meant it was particularly lively…but to her surprise, she could feel movement after a while of thinking he had fallen asleep.
“Mmh, so sleepy…let's go enjoy you somewhere more private, hm?”
He stood up, his gut sloshing and rocking as he moved. Celeste's world rocked around her, but the steady rhythm of the stomach walls shifting and compressing didn't let up an inch. Ribo moved slowly though the movement stirred up a couple belches; his destination was a hammock set outside in the sun. He carefully settled inside, unbuttoning his pants to let his gut expand as he laid down. The extra room wasn't much for his dinner guest when she was sharing space with a pool of half-digested food, but her new resting position wasn't bad. 
The sunlight against his stomach helped stir up digestion even more, making his belly warm and active. On the outside he slowly rubbed and kneaded his stomach, swaying in the hammock. The heat and movement was relaxing, and she knew she'd be released eventually…slipping into a food coma with her lifelong companion wasn't a bad idea.
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jaimemes · 1 month
why are the members of the reuniclus line all so far apart? theyre just cells
Excellent question, anon! I'd be happy to answer!
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Solosis was ranked as one of the few Psychic Pokemon that I believe would be a fairly good pick for young kids and inexperienced trainers! Because of their protective cellular membrane, they can survive practically any environment, making them a good companion no matter the climate or habitat! And due to this membrane, they're surprisingly sturdy for such a squishy Pokemon!
These Pokemon are intelligent enough to be able to communicate its needs to its trainer via telepathy, but not so intelligent that it will grow impatient at an intellectual gap between it and its trainer (an issue most common with Pokemon such as Alakazam, Slowking, Metagross, and Oranguru). All that is required is that they are kept mentally stimulated, and Solosis are fairly easy to entertain! They're very curious and eager to learn!
In terms of diet, Solosis aren't very picky at all! They absorb food through their membrane into their cytoplasm, where they will then break down the food for nutrients. As long as they receive a reasonable and balanced diet that covers all the necessary nutrients, this Pokemon will be happy and healthy!
And as far as psychic power goes, while Solosis does have a decent amount of psychic energy at their disposal, they only unleash it when they feel threatened or are being attacked. Outside of self-defense, Solosis mainly reserve their psionics for three things: homeostasis, levitation, and communication. Their membrane weakens if they overexert themselves, so they tend not to waste unnecessary energy.
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Things get a bit more complicated with Duosion.
I ranked these Pokemon in the "Can Be Difficult" tier for a few reasons. While Duosion retain many of the pros that Solosis has, the biggest drawback is that now it has two brains, and anyone with ADHD knows how difficult than can be (/silly). Because of the extra brain, Duosion can be utterly unpredictable, hopping between tasks constantly and seemingly arguing with itself. But when the two brains do agree, Duosion’s psychic power reaches its maximum potential— covering a range of over an entire kilometer.
Its intelligence and processing speed is doubled, leading to potential for frustration with its trainer if there is a perceived intellectual gap. And that doesn’t even take into account the frustration it will have with itself, as its two brains will constantly disagree and put the Pokémon in a state of decision paralysis. In this stage, it is more crucial than ever for the trainer to help Duosion learn developmental skills like decision-making, rationalization, and forethought.
While not impossible for a trainer to manage, Duosion is a difficult Pokémon for beginners with little to no experience or knowledge of what to expect. Ill-equipped trainers will find themselves struggling to keep up with their Duosion’s impulsivity and unpredictability.
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Reuniclus is a different story entirely.
This is a Pokémon that, while I don’t have personal experience raising myself, my mother does. Here’s what she has to say:
For an inexperienced trainer? Oh, no, not at all. Reuniclus are incredibly strong, both physically and psychically. They can easily grind boulders into fine dust with both their minds and bodies. It’s enrichment for them, even. If they aren’t given any new toys to destroy every now and then, they may become frustrated and destroy you, haha! Like humans, Reuniclus are very social creatures, so it is important that they interact with other Reunicli and form a social network with them. They communicate with one another by shaking hands and creating a neural link between their brains, which increases their psychic power exponentially. Entire communities of Reuniclus will hold hands to perform unimaginable feats of psychic power. To deprive them of a social network is to deprive them of enrichment and mental stimulation. They will become depressed and irate, and the last thing you want is an upset Reuniclus deciding that your skull would make a fun new stress toy. Ah, that reminds me! Shaking hands is also how Reunicli will test the strength of one another; they will grip each other’s hands with enough force to compress diamonds (in theory, at least— in practice, such a feat would cut their membranes). But a newly evolved Reuniclus will not know their own strength, so if it ever invites you to arm wrestle: don’t. Unless you’d like to see what powdered bone looks like! They mean no harm, really. A well-trained Reuniclus is as peaceful as any other Pokémon. But peaceful is not harmless. Harmless implies that they don’t have the power to cause harm. And Reuniclus certainly have the power to cause harm.
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lariyats · 8 months
something something my haikaveh pokemon au
the NOTES. for people who don’t have much knowledge of pokemon.
if you have NOT been linked here from the fic, the fic is here.
Pidgeot, Reuniclus, Mehrak (Porygon2)
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Braviary (Hisuian), Metagross, Pichu
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they each have a big bird, a stage 2 psychic type and a baby (mehrak is a baby) bc they’re cringe and matchy matchy mirrors of each other. etc.
i forgor the brush i was using so that’s why they look different oops sawry
FAQ (but not really)
Q: why does alhaitham have a metagross?
A: ‘i’m just a feeble scholar’ headass. i wrote that not many ppl know he has one but after the coup this changes and everyone finds out. they both hate it
Q: mehrak porygon and not rotom?
A: yes. bc someone has to be! ancient artificial pkmn thats been a little bugged out from age etc. i think its funnier like this too (running joke)
+relationship chart if anyone's curious. ignore that its in the notes app i wrote it while i was on vacation.
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protip: birds were picked on vibes (pokedex entries), psychic types on vibes but also how they can help with their day jobs (actually only kaveh) and their babies on both vibes and helpfulness (you can probably guess who). check the dex entries for more information. what can i say.
reshiram is the dragon of truth + zekrom is the dragon of ideals - why theyre paired with haitham and kaveh respectively should be self explanatory. i think.
not mentioned, but the other competitors teams.
in this au, the structure of the competition rounds is the same as canon, but they can also pick one pokemon partner to help them each round. battling is prohibited except for in the final round, where some is allowed for purposes of gaining the diadem. kaveh picked mehrak in all three rounds.
- faruzan and golurk
- layla and abra
- tighnari and breloom
& of course, wanderer and silvally, cyno and lucario, and nahida and shaymin! nahida also takes care of a 1% zygarde (a little squishy guy)
in my idea of hvkh. hthm is kind of a ‘and then i’ll keep these feelings inside until i die’ kind of guy but also not really. he knows he’s in love but he doesn’t want to say it out loud bc he also knows that saying it when kaveh isn’t ready for it could end badly.
so what he does is show it in other ways. he bickers like usual. he goes to pick him up from the tavern and pay his bill and take him home, take off his makeup and his accessories etc. making little accomodations for him that he wouldn’t for anyone else. that’s the kind of love that he shows.
kvh on the other hand is the …. hmmge…. dunno how to word it properly but the ‘if i let myself be loved then i let myself be known.’ kind of guy. or something. it’s not that he doesn’t return hthm’s feelings! or even not know what it means! but he doesn’t want to accept them for what they actually are bc… if he does, then it also means confronting the fact that someone actually Cares about him [jawdrop.jpg]. and that person is like. the most annoying person you have ever known but also like the only person who perfectly matches you beat for beat and makes you Feel. feelings. horrendous.
so bc of that i did Not actually choose to put in words the big L word . Yes they do Confess, but in the theme of things, it’s more Actions speak louder than Words. it is also more wow. both me and alhaitham would probably break out in hives if he straight up said it like that. i would much rather let the two of them be the ‘act’ and the ‘react’.
i also think that kaveh is someone who loves romantic gestures and even though what happened was romantic (kind of) lots of things happened that made it also. really weird. so while its p much acceptance of feelings he also wants to have a chance to properly convey things and have a heartfelt romantic dramatic speech etc. after he's prepared. that's the proper answer part.
it’s a tale of two idiots who both have acts of service as their giving love language but the extent to which their receiving (acts of service) differs. bc kaveh probably has receiving (words of affirmation) and haithams is. idk. receiving (knowing that the person he loves knows he is loved and that he is taking care of himself and knows his own worth). bc as cute as physical affection hc is it do think that it’s not really something he absolutely needs or wants. whoa i am rambling ok ill stop myself there for now. whew.
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0xeyedaisy · 2 years
may i recommend reuniclus the guy ever
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Hoooly shit you are so right, I need this as a squishy toy
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soothebellss · 2 years
(@pokentomology) excellent. i am now conscripting your services for New Friend
there's a number of Pokémon that I have, but the only ones allowed inside the house are iona (lurantis), Buggy (volcarona), Venom (scolipede), Mia (munna), and Chonk (shinx).
I would like, ideally, a friend that can perform three tasks (it doesn't have to be done Well or on command—the last two are basically just necessities of the household):
- snuggle
- let me lean on them sometimes
- get fire extinguisher (I will personally train them to use it dw)
Chonk is going up for adoption soon and I cannot keep him because he keeps shorting out my electricity, and I need a snuggly friend because now he has spoiled me. the others are either unsuitable for snuggling or just dont like it (Mia does, but she's a service pokemon trained to stay awake the whole night, which kind of defeats the purpose).
I run a pokemon sanctuary called Helios Refuge in southwest Unova, and I'd like them to be able to accompany me there—it's mostly outdoors, and all the doorways of my house have been forcibly enlarged by my dear Venom, so I wouldn't mind a bigger buddy.
They cannot be a grass-type. My house is full of violent bugs, and things around me catch fire all the time. All the time. They also cannot be a water-type, or at least not one without a counter to grass-type, because Iona will assassinate them.
I am very good with high-maintenance pokemon and have no aversion to any of the "creepy" types, although I would prefer not an Absol. Nothing wrong with them, I am just a walking disaster and the poor thing would be stressed out 24/7.
I recognize this is a tough ask and you don't actually have to assign me a new friend, I just thought it might be fun or cool if I brought anyone to mind. I'll always prefer to give a lonely pokemon a needed home before catching a new one wild. Thank you!!!
OKAY SO it took some brainstorming, but here’s what I’ve come up with
Our criteria
- Soft & calm enough to snuggle comfortably; big enough to lean on; dexterous enough to grab a fire extinguisher (and maybe use it)
- NOT a water or grass type, and okay with being outdoors a lot + interacting with other pokemon at the sanctuary
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- Ampharos are gentle giants & wonderful pillows + have aided humans in lighthouses for centuries
- Gengar are a little “scary”, but love other people & pokemon’s company
- Swoobat are big sweeties and are great support pokemon due to their ability to induce positive moods
- And Reuniclus are so squishy & give great hugs! :]
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pokeology · 2 years
hey, professor teak! i know it's a bit of a subjective question, but does reuniclus give good hugs? i've been curious for a while, but i don't know anyone with one and i don't want to just hug a stranger's pokemon! thanks in advance for answering this burning question.
It's very cold and wet, so I think most people would hate it, but I love my reuniclus enough to say I think they give very good hugs. They don't leave any residue since it's all contained in a membrane, but it's definitely... squishy.
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x-men-memes · 2 years
Magik, Magma, Karma, Sunspot, Cannonball, Wolfsbane, Mirage, Cypher
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This one was actually harder than I thought- wanted a dragon type initially for obvious reasons, but I went with the fairy type Granbull here instead. It's actually a very timid and misunderstood pokemon that can still pack a punch. I think they'd learn a lot from each other and the image of a tiny Illyana with a little Snubbull is too cute.
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Hisuian Growlithe- a cute but durable pokemon, a staple with a twist- everything I think of when I think of Magma- this fire rock type is still figuring things out but it's no less confident for that.
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Did go with Espeon here for a few different reasons. Psychic powers of course, but it's also a sensitive pokemon that tends to overwork itself and develops a personal bond with its trainer in order to evolve.
Also her brother can have an Umbreon.
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A proud Pyroar! Used by rich trainers, they run hot but are curious and loyal pokemon who love to stand up for their friends sometimes with no regard for their own safety. Handling one recklessly can leave you with a bad burn.
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One of the few I didn't choose based on powers, he'd probably like/have a Blissey. They level up from friendship, and have a healing ability to clear status conditions which he and his friends could definitely benefit from. Naturally calming and kind hearted- Not a similar power in sight, but definitely a good match.
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Dusk Form Lycanroc. So many wolf jokes so little time- but also: This form is literally the midpoint between Lycanroc's other two forms, a good balance for Rahne and all she's been through. I also like the cross the rocks in its neck forms as a good image of that, interrupted by the extra protrusion overhead. Claws and the wisdom to use them for good.
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Another pokemon that learned to overcome two conflicting parts of itself, Farigiraf is a cute and powerful psychic type pokemon with a good blend of physical and status attacks. I was trying to find a bear, but come on- it's literally wearing a helmet made of the thoughts that used to torment it to now protect itself- it's PERFECT.
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The key for Reuniclus is communication. It can use its psychic abilities to create its long arms it uses to protect itself, but it can also link its hands with others to form psychic bonds with instant communication like neurons firing. It's a hyper intelligent pokemon, but it is super squishy at the end of the day.
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pobopolybius · 2 years
uhhhh for pokemon ask game thing
not my favorite│ average │cute│v cute│best │ so cool │ultimate fave
ITS SO CUTEEE I love it!! Love it for being what introduced size differences to the pokedex!
not my favorite│ average │cute│v cute│best │ so cool │ultimate fave
SOOO SILLY. I love it's lore with zangoose so much, the two are such a cool pair!! Its colour scheme and design are both so so so good, had one for a very long time in my starter team in scarvio!
not my favorite│ average │cute│v cute│best │ so cool │ultimate fave
Volo moment. Started a tradition with myself where every time I catch a shiny one, or one with perfect IVs, I name them Volo :] they're so so pretty and their cry is so ethereal it's such a good pokemon. Amazing design, amazing dex entry, just perfect overall
not my favorite│ average │cute│v cute│best │ so cool │ultimate fave
BAAABY it has such an amazing shiny, I love this little cell guy!! One of my favorite gen 5 mons, they look so squishy and good.. ♡ Gummy guy forever
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solosissupposes · 2 years
(@sneasedtomeetyou) 7 and 40 for the ask game!
for the Pokeblr ask game!
7. If you were a gym leader, what kind of gym would you run? If you are already a gym leader or gym trainer, what’s your gym like?
so im not technically a gym trainer though i am currently interning over at elesa's studio. not to throw shade at the other leaders, but i mean cmon. nobody else in the region tops her gym. the coasters? the runway? THE MUSIC? ugh she slays so hard im so glad im working w/ her. anyways if i had a gym for myself i'd probably focus on... like. psychic pokemon. and the insides would be a giant maze-like anatomical model of the brain that you would have to travel through in order to reach me. and there'd be like neural pathways and fun puzzles and gym trainers would drop facts about the hippocampus and stuff and ugh itd be so fun. champion iris PLEASE hit me up if you think this is a good idea my number is
40. Favorite thing about your partner Pokémon?
mx. sneasedtomeetyou on tumblr dot com you are SO cruel for making me choose just one. okay. i'll trim it down to just two. my first favorite thing about ridley is how squishy he is. as someone with the autisms his gel is so good for stimming you dont even KNOW, and he appreciates all the little pets i give him. my second favorite thing is his curiosity. little guy hatched from an egg from sara, my reuniclus, only a year ago so everythings still shiny and new! its just so fun seeing him discover the world, especially living in a place as busy as castelia city. love my lil guy < 3
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oysterie · 2 years
Reuniclus 100% feels like those squishy cylander membrain jack off toys that had liquid and like little fish in it that you shook around
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leavannyn-oskar · 7 years
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- “I guess that’s why you’re called Squishy.”
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- “Although… next time you come by, could you please use the door? Having pokes appear in my house out of nowhere is kinda scary.”
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blurryflurryz · 3 years
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kinkafe · 6 years
My fav is Reuniclus!
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baby omg!!!!!  i love them!!!!!!!!!!!!
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