jelloapocalypse · 5 years
Hey, just saying it now, I heard from TV Tropes Epithet Erased is getting a second season, just wanna say... Thank you. A lot. I really enjoy the series, and I now doubt I could go without it!
Just so we’re clear, there is currently no guarantee of any more Seasons! I have ideas for the following seasons if we get them because I like planning ahead. That’s all! If you want another season, you should support the show on VRV with my code (http://vrv.co/jello) or chip in on my Patreon! This project took literally an entire year of my finances, and I’ll have to build that back up if I want any chance at a season 2!
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ask-tssb · 5 years
What if Topaz WAS a gun?
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dailymarshtomp · 5 years
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just kidding~ i only like real blood. anything else is bleh.
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undead-mew · 6 years
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Mightyreep: "WHY WOULD AH NOT?? SHE’S MAH MA!!"
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zeafeon · 7 years
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“Oh, thanks for the help, I appreciate it...” She nods slightly as the Braixen comes over and begins helping her gather up her dropped things. The two nearly have everything gathered, when suddenly...
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“HEY! You dumb little Litten!” She yells as a small stack of new paper is reduced to ash by the Pokemon, before they run off. “Yeah you better run...!” The Ninetales shouts to them as they scurry away. The girl sighs, composes herself again, before turning back to the Braixen from before. 
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“Sorry about that little outburst...” She says, scratching her head. “Thank you again for your help... even though that rude little cat burned some of the new paper I had just bought... Oh, and as for what it’s for, no I’m not an artist, but you could say I’m a form of writer.” She explains, chuckling slightly. “I sell little disposable spells that I write on these sheets of paper, half of it is for that, the other half is for... well, notes. I’m still a magic student, I’m not a master yet, you see.” She tells the shorter fox. That might explain the book or two she was carrying with her as well as the paper.
“Oh, and you can call me Jasmine, by the way.”
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daily-mienfoo · 7 years
Hm... alright. *Knocks Azzy to the ground.* This'll feel weird for a mo, sorry! *G0D used Sleep Powder!*
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ask-dream-world · 7 years
*Slaps Ivy* Calm it. If anyone's "Insane"... It'd be me. Don't ask why, it will NOT be pleasant... ok? Can you cheer up?
* … *
* … *
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* That really wasn’t the move to go for here. *
* She ends up disengaging from the conversation with G0D and walks over towards the Pokemon that asked about her past in the first place, trying to keep back her tears. *
( @dailycospix )
Ivy: S-So… you asked about my past, saying you couldn’t remember yours… can you… can you tell me what you remember from your past? If anything…?
* Before she lets the other Pokemon answer, she adds another comment. *
Ivy: Also... I never caught your name... sorry. My name’s Ivy, if it helps any.
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leavannyn-oskar · 7 years
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- “Gnötsche. I’ve told you to stop using bad words MANY times!”
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- “I wasn’t! I was calling him a cu-... cu- cu- cur-... cul... cucumb...”
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- “Okay, Fine, I was! But only because he was doing it first! I wasn’t the only one!”
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ask-tssb · 5 years
Question about your world, how do cores/souls work? It's clear that it's possible to absorb them, but... I'd like a full explanation.
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// a bit of this can be gleaned from the comic itself currently, but Cores are an organ found in every pokemon, usually in the center of the chest. they have a soft give when lightly squished, and they’re completely made of magic. their function is to produce magic which flows throughout the whole body; think of them like a sort of heart. like the Gems from Steven Universe, they dictate what their host’s body looks like, and yes, they can be absorbed through processes such as fusion. when a pokemon dies, their body disintegrates, and their magic returns to the earth; the dense magic in the leftover Core breaks down too after some few months.
the malleable nature of their bodies + Cores are what make pokeballs possible! although, pokeballs are not easy to get a hold of because of how easy it is to contain a Core from reforming indefinitely.
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askamelanisticvee · 7 years
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[Noir has been knocked unconscious from the impact of the bat.  She’ll wake up soon enough, but with a massive headache and probably less idea of where she was in the first place.]
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so-many-miniors · 7 years
*Egg! And it's just... sitting there*
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Pinkku stared at the egg. They thought eggs looked different. And nobody ever mentioned spikes! They wondered what kind of Pokemon would hatch.
“What a weird egg.” Whenever Ultra visited next, they’d have to ask about weird, spikey eggs.
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ask-shorai · 6 years
So I was challenged to do a theme only on the image and the fact that they are henchmen. Nothing else!  I thought to the Wizard of Oz with the monkeys and got this
Requested by @harrisontheweirdone
Hope you like it
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askbrvrandcompany · 7 years
I'll be literal-minded, then, and ask, what games DO you like playing? Chess?
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daily-mienfoo · 7 years
Why of course... Offensive, or Defensive?
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“I-I guess defensive…. considering that’s what my master wants me to train the most..so…”
“i-i mean if you want to…at least…”
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ask-dream-world · 7 years
Ivy, the [Necklace]? What of it?
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Ivy: Like I told the other… guy, I’ve always had this necklace. I don’t remember where I got it from, or if I got it from anyone at all.
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Ivy: I just know that this particular necklace holds a lot of sentimental value to me, though I’m not entirely sure what that va–
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Ivy: … ?
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ask-pokeprofs · 7 years
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