Words have never failed me
Yet words it is that we are lacking
From the very beginning
Until this moment in time
It seems like  between us
There are thousands words left unsaid
My words within are aplenty
Yet the words I speak out are paltry
Leaving more questions than answers
Letting silence ferment loudly
Speech muted and silenced
Whispers left to rot in the void
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want a pair of theseee ╯﹏╰
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turtleducks are the cutest
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Best boi.
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tea shop zuko = best zuko
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I can already hear the poor cabbage seller crying for his cabbages.
How the public sees Avatar Aang
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What he really is
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Somebody told me I suck at writing to make me feel bad.
Pfft, joke's on you pal, I know I suck at it. But so what?
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(Heiko and Heiwa)
Hello, Heiko.
What are you doing here?
I am merely watching, of course. I am confused as to why these humans continue to fight again and again. There never seems to peace, is there?
Peace is an abstract idea, Heiwa. One that I am sure the humans are not capable of achieving.
But not impossible. They merely need the right push towards that direction. I do not know why I have been forbidden from leaving this plane despite the fact that I was born before all of you.
Your body is weak, Heiwa. You would perish in the harshness of the lands below, The miasma is thick with regret and hatred, you would lose control of your own divinity.
I am the deity of Harmony, am I not? I'm not as weak and volatile as everyone expects me to be.
Some things are just not meant to be, Heiwa.
I wish that I would be enough to contain the turmoil in their heart.
But you aren't. We'd never be enough to contain whatever lies in their hearts. We may be deities, may live longer than they, may have our gifts and blessings, but we are not invulnerable, Heiwa. They aren't our responsibilities.
No. Let this matter rest, Heiwa. You need to rest.
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A snippet of dialogue between two of my OCs.
(Heiko and Tatsu)
Peace is such a fragile thing, is it not?
Heiwa would love to disagree with that assessment of yours.
Oh, he would love to do that, wouldn't he?
You sound as if you did not expected that of him. Heiwa, right from the start, has always been stubborn and hell-bent on proving that Peace is not as fragile as it seems.
Of course, he would all know about Peace. He is named after it, is he not?
Doesn't mean that the Peace he seeks out will ever be achieved though, stupid idealist.
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Yes, it's me again hahaha. I'm back with one of my favorite bnha fanfic unfinished story I wrote. (talk about self advertisement, my audacity astounds me hahaha). But yep, this one is a WIP and it took longer than expected for me because ugh. I bit off more than I can chew and created a full blown world for this fanfic and now I'm stuck but I wanted to share this one. (i got stuck while making up the language/terms that were/are gonna be used in the story).
In a world where the deities and the mortals coexist together in a mutualistic relationship that relies heavily on their ability to pay homage and for the patrons to choose and mark a mortal child, the existence of one who has been left unmarked and unclaimed is an anomaly. An unmarked one was useless, unwanted, unneeded and unnamed. They had nothing, no name, no skill, no patron, and in this world, to have nothing, to be nothing, and to be a nameless mortal, is clear proof that even the deities rejected their very existence. 
"Oi, Deku. Maybe if you climb up the roof and jump, you'll get to have a mark in your next life." 
And the child with large dark-green eyes that seem to hold the stars and nothing at the same time, smiles as bright as he can. He shakes his head, his messy and fluffy dark-green hair that seems embedded with little stars move to copy his movement. His voice is soft and chiding, sounding grown up and yet young at the same time.
"Nendo-kun, if I really did jump, I'd die. And then you would end up in Adeiazo." 
"Yeah right. The deities would not punish me Deku, because even they rejected you. No mark. No name. No nothing. Nobody loves you, Deku. Not even your *epistia seeing as they didn't even give you your *paron when they abandoned you." 
The child smiles, hiding the pain and the confusion in his eyes as he sees his peers all sporting their very own marks from the deities and the different parons they wear. He ignores the pain of being pushed down on the ground as they taunt and laugh at him while they show off the gifts that they had been given, the things that they have. The things that he will never have, apparently. He tries hard not to let tears fall unbidden as he maintains the smile. Even when a rock hits him on the head and he feels dizzy, he still smiles. He smells blood and it makes him sick, but he grits his teeth and keeps his smile on his face. He hears someone try to stop the others when they see him bleed, he knows it is a futile effort. The oldest, the strongest of their group is smug and points at him, voice filled with derision and mocking.
"Nobody cares, even if this Deku died, the world would still keep going. He doesn't even have an epistia. Besides we didn't even saw the *peftasteri when this one was brought into this world. Who knows if he even belongs in Kosmo or the other planes." 
The child shrinks in on himself and covers his head with his arm, eyes closed as he lets silence envelope him, ignoring the pain, the throb, and the strain that his little arms feel from the stones that hit him. He closes off his mind as he wills the pain away, wills the world away. Tears spill from his closed eyelids and it mixes with the blood flowing from his forehead. When the townschildren are gone, he is numb, broken, and bloody. But he still keeps the smile on his face. Because if he lets it slip, he does not know what he might do.
Afterwards, when the child is lying on the cold, hard ground while looking up at the sky, he lets tear fall from his beautiful eyes, he drops his smile and raises up his bruised arms, his hand stretched out hoping that someone out there was listening, that a deity would take pity on him and claim him. He lets his arm down after a while and he smiles through the pain again. The pain of continuous rejection, the pain of being ostracized, the pain of having his own existence disregarded. He has had worse after all, this is nothing. He stares at the skies some more before he sighs heavily, the sound is something so unfitting a small child like him and he tunes out the world.
The darkness was his only company. The cold was his only blanket, his source of comfort. The shadows seem alive as they writhe and twist and he swears he could hear them sing. He smiles, this time, more gentle. He feels the trees and the flowers around him sigh, and then he slumbers.
Maybe tomorrow, he would finally be claimed. Maybe he would no longer be a Deku. Maybe he would finally get a name of his own. 
But the deities, he realizes, are unfair and deaf. Because tomorrow, the same cycle repeats again. And somehow, his heart breaks just a little more than yesterday.
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I just love amnesia tropes HAHAHAHA I live for the ensuing drama and chaos but mostly because I like the idea of clean slates.
So. Here's one more. Izuku gets into an accident and ends up with amnesia. And Bakugou is asked by his parents to visit Izuku and keep him company while in coma and help him remember things when he does wakes up because they think they are best of friends. And he does, but he never really enters the hospital room. Until he does and they meet and well, here it is.
Katsuki looked at the other boy's eyes searching for any sign, any flicker of recognition. He felt his heart clench up with emotion - whether it was regret, guilt, or anger, he does not know nor does he dwell on it. Izuku smiles that same smile he had seen him reserve for strangers. It was polite and a barely there smile.
"Are you lost?"
Katsuki remains silent. Maybe, he thinks, he is really lost - has been probably lost for a long time. But finally standing in the same room as Izuku, breathing in the same space he was and staring at his dark-green eyes that were void of any recognition, he thinks he's not so lost anymore.
"I'm not sure."
I'm also curious why I'm like this. Oof.
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Here's another one. Dang. I have so many of these unwritten and unfinished fanfics I'm internally crying at the thought that I never wrote them out. Ugh.
This one here is another canon divergent story where Izuku has amnesia and doesn't remember much of his younger years because lo and behold, he did take Bakugou's advice and jumped off a rootop only he didn't die and survived and now he's not a hero but he's working with them to catch out villains as a quirk analyst. There's also a serial killer on the loose and this one's killing people indiscriminately. So color me intrigued when this idea popped into my head because we have an Izuku who has no memory of much of his younger years, is sassy and does not take shit from anybody even if he's quirkless because he is smarter than 90% of them anyway and that's got to count for something. Then we have Bakugou who has to deal with unravelling his ex-childhood friend whom he bullied so bad before disappearing to who knows where and appearing again without any recollection about him. I had this one plotted out and it was just pure chaos HAHAHA.
"Oi, Deku." Izuku turns toward the voice and his surprised expression becomes pensieve as he looks at the pro hero who had called for his attention. He smiles, his eyes half-closed while he puts the stack of reports he was making down.
"Mou, I never took you for someone who would make that kindergarten mistake, Ground Zero-san. But I suppose my name can be read that way in kanji. Anyway, my name is Midoriya Izuku, as you all know, I'm also an independent and a professional quirk analyst currently contracted to the agency." His smile doesn't waver even when the pro hero shouts out things that would have made his mom wash his mouth with soap and hot water if he ever said anything remotely close to what the pro hero was saying. 
"The fuck you on about, fucking Deku?" He shakes his head and makes a mental note that this one would probably be a handful and pities whoever would be assigned to work with him during the whole working together period until the string of serial murders were solved. He turns towards the three other pro heroes and gives them a softer smile.
"Well, I hope we all have a wonderful time together, is what I would say if it was any normal day, but seeing as we have a case that is waiting to be cracked and solved, I say good luck to us."
Yep. Eyes closed. Pens down.
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And... Because I just love Izuku so much, Imma post this one here too. It's just a snippet from one of the unfinished fanfic that I wrote. I'll write the context after this one.
He looks at them, his left eyebrow raised and his expression unnatural. His lips twitch subtly and he tries to make his voice as steady and as relaxed as he can, as if their insane statement did nothing to ruffle his feathers. 
"Pardon me?" 
He notices his favorite underground hero's expression twist just a little and he feels glad that he wasn't the only one finding their claims outlandish and nonsensical.
The principal, Nezu-san, was the one who answered, repeating the statement that All Might, the hero he used to dream to emulate, had said when this conversation began in the first place.
"We believe that you have a very rare quirk, Midoriya-kun. One that has been left unnoticed and overlooked by everyone, including us."
He shakes his head, chuckling with mirth and just enough self-deprecation.
"A rare quirk?"
He fails to see the confused expression that flitted across the pro heroes face as he did so. His tone when he spoke again after composing himself is clipped and polite and just a tad bit cooler than his usual warm and sunny tone.
"I would apologize for laughing, but please, this really is not funny. I do not know why I'm here in the first place but if this is about the incident with Class 1-A being provoked and afterwards, I swear I have no part in them."
He furrowed his eyebrows and sighed full of unaired grievances of many years and a slight hint of anger at the joke they were playing on him.
"Please do not think that making comments about me having a quirk AFTER I have been explicitly diagnosed many times over as QUIRKLESS is not insulting and demeaning. I may be the only student enrolled in U.A. that is this way but I am not someone to be pushed around. If there's nothing else, I would like to take my leave. I have assignments to be done. Thank you."
He bowed politely and strode out of the room, his eyes cold and devoid of the bright and warm tone that had always been there.
Before the door completely closes, he hears Aizawa-sensei say something that sounded suspiciously along the lines of 'well that went well'. 
Context time: So... Yeah... This one is an extreme AU I made over a year ago when I was just so into the idea about Izuku having an invisible quirk and I was just studying about voids back then so yep. It's just an AU where Izuku is diagnosed as quirkless not because he was quirkless but because his quirk is a void. Meaning, every single quirk that does gets used on him is consumed and renders it useless without the users knowledge because there's no tell. So nobody ever got to know what his quirk is until he is enrolled in GenEd of UA and then gets caught up in an incident and Nedzu notices something odd about Izuku. So they learn he has a quirk after all, but Izuku doesn't believe them and even if he's cajoled into training, he never really believed Aizawa and he doesn't really want to be a hero because of reasons that are too many to mention. Oh and if he wasn't OP enough, apparently, if he gets his power under control, he could erase someone's quirk factor, permanently.
Sometimes, even I'm surprised at how my thought process works most days.
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Another one from my old chest of fanfic that never got published. I have an idea where I want to go with this but also... I'm just not cut out to be making fanfiction when I'm too much of a perfectionist I can't move past five chapters without wanting to scrap them.
This is the 'dark light' or 'brain gray' color that a person sees when they close their eyes.
Summary: The world, they learn, has never been black and white. The Will of Fire was built upon the heaps of rotting corpse and rivers of blood. Peace was a drug that they had been addicted to, and when the feeble light they held on to is extinguished, they find themselves engulfed in perfect darkness.
"Hey, what do you do when everything you believed in fell apart to reveal a lie?"
So. There's that. Then here's its prologue of some sort. Guess who's who in this chapter ahahaha.
The Beginning of the Fall (Eigengrau)
Uzumaki Naruto did not know how things ended up this way. Nor did he know when had things started going downhill. There had never been any warnings, never any indication, only radio silence that nobody ever heard.
He should have known. He should have seen this coming from a hundred miles away. Damn it all, he should have been the first to see that there was a storm brewing just beneath their noses. He was the closest, the one who suffered just as much, yet he was blind to this development as well. It was a development that could have been stopped, cauterized from the vein where the blood was gushing forth.
But you didn't know, his Kyuubi taunted him from the seal inside his body, and now you've failed to protect your precious friend.
His blue eyes were slightly unhinged with a hint of red seeping through. His heart was in turmoil, his mind a mess. The fire in his heart that could not be extinguished even when the people of Konoha spat at him and hated him, felt like it had been doused by icy water, enough to freeze him to death, when those eyes stared at him with nary an emotion nor recognition. Only indifference and resignation like no other. He wondered when did those eyes turn like that.
The words he wanted to ask were stuck frozen in his throat, like a lump of cold ice that no matter how much heat or chakra he generated would simply not melt. Even if he used Katon no Jutsu, the feeling of cold dread and fear would never truly melt away. He was scared and hurt and confused.
His mouth opened and closed a few times as he tried to put into words the things he wanted to say, the emotions he felt slowly strangling him as he watched the scene unfold in front of him. Blood, sweat and tears slowly combined into one, dripping down from his chin to the broken ground.
In the end, he could only weakly utter five words.
"Where did things go wrong?"
The person in front of him gave no indication of having heard him. There was nothing to be seen in those eyes, only a sense of darkness that was veiled so deep that if one failed to look closely, would miss it all together. Those eyes that seemed to penetrate bone deep into him steadily stared him down. Despite that, Naruto still received a bland response.
"From the moment we met, Naruto, everything had already been wrong."
The voice that he had gotten used to listening to in the past few years had felt like a sharp knife that slowly buried deep down his skin before it gouged out his flesh to expose his bones to the frigid air.
"No... That's a lie..."
He wanted to shake his head, to point out that all the years they had spent together, the memories they shared, the fights, the smiles, the tears, the pain and fear... They were not wrong. They didn't feel wrong. They weren't wrong.
A sneer met his feeble resistance, as if the owner of those lips merely viewed him as a naive child who could not accept the truth. Naruto gritted his teeth hard as he raised his tired arms into a standard kata. Right now, what he needed the most to do was to buy the back-up time. The other member of his team would arrive soon, he could feel it. Until then, he needed to hold on.
Despite the chill and goosebumps that ran across his flesh and skin, he held fast. Blue eyes that had been recently blank and broken turned hard and vivid as Naruto steeled his resolve. He would not lose. He would not fall. He would not back down. He would not lose one of his precious people.
Before he could make a move however, he found himself frozen in place as their eyes slowly met each other. Then he was staring at nothing. He heard an amused chuckle behind him, his eyes widening. Then he felt a cold palm hit his neck acupoint. His eyes widened as his limbs failed him and his sight slowly darkened. He felt his body slide down onto the ground, the only thing keeping him from kissing the ground were the arms holding him up slightly.
"Good bye, Naruto. And, thank you."
The words were spoken slowly and he could hear a tinge of gratitude and dejection hidden in the chill of that voice. Then there was complete silence and perfect darkness, and Naruto knew no more.
Yey. There it is. Hahaha.
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Humans, I learned, are very interesting subjects to study.
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Because I like lemon slices... His name's Chuhei, by the way.
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I wonder sometimes how much of my words are all well-built and well-founded lies...
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I just want them all to stay quiet.
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