lees-book-log · 1 year
Jesus fr
“I just want someone to love me hardest when I least deserve it.”
— Javson Johnson, “Building”
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lees-book-log · 1 year
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Alphaville (1965) dir. Jean-Luc Godard.
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lees-book-log · 1 year
also I recently reread howls moving castle and just wanted to say no one understands hwc like I do. I get them on a deeper level than anyone else ever could and that’s okay. You wouldn’t understand.
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lees-book-log · 1 year
Thoughts on Happy Place by Emily Henry:
I agree with other reviewers that this book feels very undercooked. I almost wish there was less romance? I would rather there have been a larger focus on friendship. I feel like the bonds between the characters were more told than shown. I don’t think there needed to be fake dating at all, it would have been more interesting to see the way the friends reacted and carried on with them admitting the break up earlier on. I did enjoy the angst, and the friends to lovers situation in both the present and past kinda reminded me of the way this trope is approached in fanfic, which I appreciate.
If I have to read one more emily henry character whose main angst is a dead parent I might kms. Overall, I love emily henry and I enjoyed this book but I think she should get off of this one book a year schedule and let her books have the time they need to develop.
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lees-book-log · 1 year
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I am addicted to taking pictures of books to buy later because I either have no money or I just need to finish my stack of unread books
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lees-book-log · 1 year
tlou is so good I wish dads were real
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lees-book-log · 1 year
finished Lobizona by Romina Garber here’s some thoughts:
I always appreciate diverse stories, especially in fantasy. to me the argentine culture and spanish language was the strongest part of this book.
entirely disinterested in the romance. it’s as if the author just added it in there because that’s what is expected for ya fantasy (tbf it is) the reader is supposed to believe that they fell in love in a month for no reason.
did appreciate most of friendships. definitely appreciated the familial relationships.
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lees-book-log · 1 year
archive !
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lees-book-log · 1 year
some of my favorite(*) books:
book lovers by emily henry- I know that at the bottom of this I just said I didn’t like most tt recommendations or romance but I actually really like emily henry. I would absolutely NOT compare her to Jane Austen (such a dumb thing to do, honestly) but I like the mix between romance and “womens” fiction. book lovers is my favorite of hers (sorry beach read fanatics) because I really enjoyed how the romance between charlie and nora complimented both of their inner struggles.
raybearer by jordan ifueko- honestly I read this extremely quickly back in july so i don’t have many thoughts on it anymore, but i think i liked it so much because it was a reintroduction to african based fantasy, and also because of how valued friendships were.
the girl who fell beneath the sea by axie oh- to be honest, I don’t think I would like this much upon reread but that’s okay because I really loved it the first time around. mostly for the vibes and the friendship though because in my opinion the romance wasn’t very compelling/ there was no chemistry.
all my rage by sabaa tahir- I am first and foremost a sabaa tahir stan. would say that as opposed to how I felt about modern stuff being explicit in highly suspicious and unfairly cute, I did not like all of the name drops of authors sabaa is friends with at the end, but that is a small bone to pick. I will reread at some point and add updated thoughts.
legendborn by tracy deon- honestly there is a few things I could critique about this book, and if I ever reread it I’ll definitely have slightly more coherent thoughts on it. but despite my issues with it Bree, the main character has creeped into my mind and claimed a corner there. I will remain invested in her story for better or for worse. also, there are things that I really like about it!
pride and prejudice by jane austen- it’s pride and prejudice what do I have to say that hasn’t already been said. 2005 movie supremacist.
howls moving castle by diana wynne jones- I will always always always always love howls moving castle. each time I reread it I forget jones is dead and then relive finding out 💔. Even though the movie adaptation changes a lot it’s my favorite book to movie adaptation. I love it sm. diana wynne jones you’ll always be famous.
*okay so reading. I read OBSESSIVELY as a child and then in middle school I kind of just. stopped. I guess, well, I still read fanfiction ☠️ but that hardly counts (don’t get me wrong there’s amazing fanfic out there, just the majority of what I read wasn’t) but then! traumatic event happened in my life and I started reading as escapism 😍 but because I was reading to escape reality and because I wasn’t able to consistently go to a shop or the library I was getting most of my recommendations off of tiktok. and reading mostly romance. and I hated most of it. And this year I’m trying to branch out, discover my own unique taste a bit. but yeah, most of these will be super popular, apologies.
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lees-book-log · 1 year
my friends keep trying to pmo chainsaw man but it’s boring at first I’m sorry 😞. after I catch up in jjk Ill try again I think.
currently rereading jjk, finished vol 1.
I love them all sm.
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lees-book-log · 1 year
currently rereading jjk, finished vol 1.
I love them all sm.
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lees-book-log · 1 year
finished highly suspicious and unfairly cute by talia hibbert, here’s some thoughts.
first off I like dual pov romance books so that’s a plus.
was not bothered by mentions of tiktok or bradley’s finsta.
WAS bothered by him being named bradley, but you win some you lose some.
Idk it was just fun. I had a great time reading it so i’m incredibly biased.
Celine our fmc struggles with child abandonment on her fathers part, and her perspective on that and how she views making friends was relatable to me so that was nice
brads ocd was also refreshing to read abt, him being pretty in tune with his needs + not making a big deal of it? like dude was just living his life
they were cute!!
After I read it I saw a blurb on the back that was like “enemies to lovers 😍” I hate the tropification of actual books kill me now. THEYRE NOT EVEN ENEMIES. sigh.
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lees-book-log · 1 year
finally reading the hunger games for the first time! was worried that I’d missed my window but I’m actually liking it so far.
unrelated, but I saw someone on tiktok recommend Ace of Spades as a “lovers to enemies” book. no nuance. no trigger warnings. tbc, the lovers in question (spoilers) were the fmc and her racist gf. 99% certain whoever this was just included it for diversity points.
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lees-book-log · 2 years
My one star reads the past yearish because I am first and foremost a hater (in no particular order):
The Unhoneymooners by Christiana Lauren-I am genuinely concerned for anyone who enjoys the romance in this book. Seriously the mmc is everything I wouldn’t want in a friend, let alone a partner.
It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover- The main character is named Lilly Blossom Bloom and she wants to own a flower shop? Need I say more? No but I do seriously have issues with the portrayal of domestic abuse and the impact this book has had online (tiktok in particular)
The Hating Game by Sally Thorne- It just wasn’t to my personal taste. I mean the size difference being mentioned on every other page alone was insufferable.
The Bridge Kingdom by Danielle L. Jenson-Looking back I am glad that I read this if only because it got me back in to fantasy but it was a huge let down. The fmc really made me hate it though, In my opinion she was terribly annoying an inconsistent. The author shoved her characteristics down our throat but her actions never proved that she ACTUALLY had those traits.
Luna and the Lie by Mariana Zapata- I actually would have never picked this up or finished it if not for a friend. Zapatas books in general are not to my taste. While I love slow burn I hate her writing style. It’s like she rehashes the same things over and over again to make her books longer. I also don’t like the way she describes men, it’s traumatizing. This book in particular pissed me off sm.
this is my own fault for trusting tiktok.
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