like 8 more old scripts to read
i’m determined to get my own series produced as a non-major
that’d be funny
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gotta dress like a nashville hipster if yer goin down to the performing arts district
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the company i work for does not utilize technology ethically and it makes me feel gross
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facebook doesn’t care about my edgy opinions on modern corporatism, but that’s not gonna stop me from posting an edgy status tomorrow
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also my computer is once more compliant so i’l be making comics
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watching indie game at 5:30 because it’s the best film ever and everyone should participate in the ideation of games. 
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I suppose as inspiration for the cartoon, I decided to walk around West Colfax this morning. Came up with some fresh concepts and social themes as an additional facet to the show. I'm stoked that my art is opening my eyes to issues I've been sleeping on in the community in which I directly reside. I don't think I'd really ever allowed myself to have an open dialogue about gentrification, for whatever reason (my suburban roots, probably). But I think I'm onto something here that'll resonate with a lot of people. Or just dirty millenials. That being said, I think I've been too fast to judge small businesses that actually enrich the surrounding community. I think there's a difference between all the trendy apartment complexes creeping out of Edgewater and into Lakewood, and say--Sweetbloom Coffee--a virtually invisible shop tucked away amidst old housing units. (I've yet to try it but want to soon. Perhaps tomorrow before work!) In fact, there's a pretty fucking huge difference between small businesses such as Sweetbloom, and the housing/construction companies encroaching into Lakewood. Sweetbloom doesn't cause construction from Wadsworth to Sheridan. I'm gonna feel particularly "dirty" for saying this, but.. Fuck corporate interest. This shit's gone too far. Granted, I work for a grocery store, but at least they project social values I can agree with, which is something that means literally nothing to half of this country as of late. It's honestly super weird becoming so disillusioned with half the shit you thought once held your interest. It REALLY makes you reevaluate your role in your own career. I'm coming to realize how much bullshit there is my own industry--so many arbitrary standards, both stylistically and narratively, imposed upon our supposed understanding of the craft. I've got no qualms with my animation program, don't get me wrong, I just think someone needs to shake some foundations. For a while I really liked the idea of animating at Pixar. And while I was super bummed that I got rejected this summer, I'm now kind of okay with it. I've had a lot of time to reevaluate my role as a director (a white male 20-something that looks kinda jewish, like seriously) and I'm coming to the realization that I wanna be that guy doing the shaking. Seriously, like I have both the privilege and the societal safety net based just on my biology (wtf) I have no fucking excuse to not make some god damn noise as an animator/director. Like who the fuck isn't talking about Rick and Morty? (To a lesser extent Steven Universe. Fuck yeah for all the values that show is teaching young children. Cartoons are sometimes the only escape from the oppressive nature of community mentality. Coming from Oklahoma I can vouch) Cartoons are the perfect means of communicating difficult topics and values with audiences that may be resistant any kind of "uncomfortable thinking" (?????). They arrest you with their humor and their storytelling, and allow you to have these intimate moments--of relating, however fleetingly with a particular character--or perhaps catching that little reference, a nostalgic injoke between you and your former self. (Shout out to Steven Universe for all of its retro gaming jokes. Can't get enough of that shit.) The thing is, I don't think there's enough people being honest enough with their art. And I feel like it's my responsibility as a director (??) to convey as much honesty as I can, because that's what resonates most. Lets be honest, Family Guy loses it's charm pretty fast (I hope for your sake, at least. I mean, come on, how many times can Seth McFarlane make a SLIGHTLY sexist/racist joke before he's actually a closet-bigot cashing in on budding dude-bros and their beyond-hope frat-dads? Also looking at you, Daniel Tosh, you chaotic-neutral bastard). Rick and Morty and Steven Universe, tho, they're paving the way. They're opening the gates. Justin Roiland, Dan Harmon, Rebecca Sugar, the list goes on, and I can't give them all credit, but damn.. I guess, as a young artist, I just wanna hit the ground running, cause it looks like a fucking straight away from up on the 8th floor, so to speak. And it's my hope that there are others in my boat in their respective industries. I know a lot of csreers don't afford you this kind of voice, but.. Shit's fucked y'all. Nobody's gonna listen to dirty millennials, that's the shitty truth. And people are gonna shit on me for identifying with the culture, but I'm kinda beyond giving a shit about old people that didn't strive to make a difference in their worlds. Maybe it's grandiose of me to say, but I feel it's my duty to make a difference at this point. Change is coming but it's slow. Why? Because of all those old people that didn't want to make a difference. That's a lot of fucking push-back for a diminutive nerd such as myself, lets be real. But I'm fortunate enough to have a big voice, so.. Let's all make a dirty mob and push harder.
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Still unsure of how I feel about Brent, given how he handled his differences with Menomena back in the day, but his collaboration here with Matt Berninger is pretty stellar.
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god damn i could listen to this single track all day.
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Time to go buy some new glasses for the first time in 4 years.
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how i feel explaining my ideas to anyone
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snagged some aladdin clouds in lakewood
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