legendinprocess · 1 year
Amazing product
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legendinprocess · 2 years
Anniversary of being in SWYAL.... 💙
Anniversary of being in SWYAL…. 💙
21st football tournament I still remember getting an uncertain feeling of joining my Parish youth group. In spite of my Parish priest (Fr Agustin Alfonso) trying to convince me to join, I never gave it a thought. Then finally I decided to give it a try and attended the very first meeting on 14th November 2021. From being scared of being left alone and not being able to make 1 single friend…. I…
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legendinprocess · 2 years
Stereotype about cooking.......
Stereotype about cooking…….
I am 200% sure that when it comes to cooking we all depend on our mothers or sister or lady in the house… Have you’ll ever wonder, why not dad or bothers? Or for that matter any men in the family? Ok so let me start by telling you my story, when I was small it was always filled in my head, to learn to cook small things. But no boy was told the same. They always used to tell their mother what…
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legendinprocess · 2 years
It feels so good 😍
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legendinprocess · 2 years
OMG!!!! please do not get me started on this subject. Cause at times it irritates my soul, when I see people actually waiting for others to like their post. At times it goes beyond to that extend that they stop talking to the person, just because of a stupid reason ‘that they have not yet liked their post’…. Sometimes looking at the way people crave for likes, it looks like its adding to their…
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legendinprocess · 3 years
Classic Telenovela.....
Classic Telenovela…..
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legendinprocess · 3 years
I know.. I know ..you’ll be like again this person is telling the same thing or explaining the same things that we already know. The answer to that is No…. but this time I am not here to explain the concept but, I am here to share an experience. An experience that was a devastating one but as well as memorable one maybe!! 😁. It is that incident of my life where I met  humanity in person. At…
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legendinprocess · 3 years
Every time I think of Christmas it just brings so much joy and happiness to me. Personally speaking, I love Christmas. It means a lot to me and many others for sure. No offense to the grinch people who are reading this blog 😁😁😁. “It’s more than a season to me, it’s a feeling to say”… I know, I know those are not my lines but are my actual feelings towards Christmas. We always begin the advent…
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legendinprocess · 3 years
Ever heard the definition of Beauty? Let me tell you according to the people around us or the so-called “Society”. Beauty is defined as being thin, but not too thin then you become “skinny”. It’s defined as being a bit bulky, not too much then you become “fat”. It is defined as being on the fair side and not being dark or dusky. Now you are having a perfect image of that ideal person (who doesn’t…
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legendinprocess · 3 years
Many a times we try to find inspiration in different specific things like messages or quotes or magazines or blogs or even people for that matter. Even for that matter, I do the same. But then later becomes disappointed if we don’t find in one. But we tend to forget or we turn a blind eye to the fact that there is inspiration in every little thing. For example Pen inspires us to write more, a…
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legendinprocess · 3 years
What will society say? What will they think about us? Are they discussing about my life? What do you mean by society? Who are these people? Why do you care so much about society’s opinion? Have you ever questioned yourself this? No right or maybe some do and never found the correct or appropriate answer. “SOCIETY” as we rightly say are people part of our community. But this word plays an…
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legendinprocess · 3 years
Are you Smiling or Crying ???
Purposely or not we all are expects in hiding our problems or issues or crises. We put on a bright smile or a mask to fool ourselves and others mostly. We think if we disguise our emotion under some mask of fake emotion, people won’t recognize and things will be fine. But during this process, we don’t realize that we are actually causing more harm than good to ourselves. We are scared of venting…
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legendinprocess · 3 years
So many things and memories clutter my mind, when I say or think about the word ‘Rain’. I remember playing in the water [which my parents used to never allow and still don’t], making paper boats in my childhood and now we enjoy differently by making hot hot bhajiyas {Indian snack}, Chai [tea] or coffee. The feeling of enjoying the first rain becomes totally different and specially when we speak…
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legendinprocess · 3 years
You’ll might think of the song from Aladdin after reading the topic. Yeah, you are correct this time. This song, was sung by Naomi Scott, it is from the movie Aladdin (released 2019). If you have not heard the song, do go and listen. I have attached the link of the song below. Speaking the truth I got inspired from the song as it’s has more to give, atleast for me. It as so much of meaning, when…
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legendinprocess · 3 years
Teacher's day...
Teacher’s day…
We recently celebrated teacher’s day and the birthday of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru on 5th September. But, Some think, why is it so important to celebrate this day ? Will the teachers not teaches us if we don’t celebrate ? Isn’t it their job and they get paid for it ?? Teachers are the people after our parents and family, who voluntarily come forward to help a child grow and glow to its fullest. At…
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legendinprocess · 3 years
It’s nothing new when we speaking about the “Ongoing Pandemic” or “Pandemic which started in 2019”. This 8 letter word “PANDEMIC” has not only impacted my life but in some other ways as affected everyone’s routine. As per me, everything has its positive and negative consequences. Speaking about the pandemic, It has destroyed people’s life like anything; many people had got and are still getting…
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legendinprocess · 3 years
When we remember this term, we tend to think about our mother or father or maid. We think it’s the easiest job anyone could take up. As the person, has to only stay at home and do the work at their own pace and their work is very easy. The ones who go outdoors for work, do all the hard work, get tired and think only they have the authority to rest or not do anything once home. Photo by Darina…
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