legionnairelass · 2 years
LoSH as An Open World RPG
You're gonna play mainly as Superboy. Later on there will be quests/flashbacks where you play as different Legionnaires (think Ciri in the Witcher)
Brainy always has a side quest for you. Find such and such for my experiments, that sort of thing.
When you get told the story of the Legion's founding, you play as Cos and experience the whole thing.
There's a Stardew Valley esque way of leveling up your relationships with the Legionnaires. You can give them gifts, but only so many in a certain span of time. They all have things they love, like, and hate.
Training in the Legion's training room helps you level up on your teamwork abilities, while training in the Superman museum improves your individual fighting.
Shvaughn Erin also always has a side quest. Normally helping the interpol save people.
I'm not actually sure what any of the main quests would be- But that's not the point. The side stuff is much more fun
Sometimes you do monitor duty, but only when it is important, sometimes you get ground control duty, and you have to help guide teams (especially the Espionage Squad) through difficult missions.
When you are good enough friends with a Legionnaire, you can train to unlock different combo attacks.
Some tragic Legionnaire backstories (tm) are unlocked through the main quests, some through side quests, and some through your friendship levels
And depending on how you respond to situations/treat Legionnaires could affect game play later on (ex. the Dirk Morgan Fiasco)
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legionnairelass · 3 years
RIP Bendisboot Lyle we only knew you for one panel
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yes I’m seven months late but in my defense I refused to look at the millennium trade until a few weeks ago
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legionnairelass · 3 years
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The Legion of Super-Heroes is a 30th/31st/32nd century inter-galactic team of super-powered young adults. They first debuted in a 1958 issue of Adventure Comics and there have been five distinct Legion versions since then. All versions are almost entirely independent from each other and can therefore be read without any previous knowledge of the others.
Which version you chose is a matter of taste since they all have their pros and cons. This guide will list a couple of different places to start for each of them.
Keep reading
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legionnairelass · 3 years
Thoughts on the 2019 Legion of Superheroes
so far
Jon Kent may be the first super I really enjoy having with the Legion
I know that’s like not the bestest thing from a Legion fan, but I’ve never been much of a Super person
but Jon is just so. bright and kind
he fits the legion so well
I really like the art.
The art is fun
Did I mention I like the art
It’s bright and colorful and not overly cluttered or sexualized or anything
I know that’s more of the style these days, but we’ve never really gotten to see the Legion rendered so modernly and I’m really happy about it
Also I really enjoy the character designs for the most part
Everyone looks more alien and I’m really loving it
And Jan doesn’t have the stupid goatee which really takes everything up a level in my book
Reading the Legion’s founding made me smile so hard.
also Chameleon being enby is super cool and probably a long time coming
Let’s hope for more LGBT+ Legionnaires on the way
They deserve it
As for the plot ehhhh
I dislike the whole trident arc
I’m not a huge fan of the Legion intersecting with too much 21st century bull
I think it’s kind of an overused ploy to get readers of other comics involved
HOWEVER I’m not any sort of marketing person, and I refuse to be a purist
Let’s be honest I’ve never read LoSH for the plot
I miss Lyle, and Shvaughn, and Dirk, and Monstress, and Andromeda, and XS, and Snekkie, and so many more, you wouldn’t even believe
I know this Legion isn’t perfect, but for now I’m just basking in the feeling of having a Legion again
How ‘bout y’all?
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legionnairelass · 3 years
The Reason Saturn Girl Sent Robin Back To The Past: Timeline shit
The REAL Reason Saturn Girl Sent Robin Back to The Past: Querl hasn’t managed to figure out Batman’s identity and it’s a sore spot and now they have like, a skeleton key to that age old mystery and if anyone figures it out before him he’s gonna throw a kriffing fit and no one on the Legion has time for a sulking Brainiac. Everything goes to shit when Brainy sulks and he’s absolutely no help at all 
and also timeline shit
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legionnairelass · 3 years
While Rokk being considered an adult is definitely a bit messed up and sad, and certainly makes for some great angstyness; alternatively think of how many interactions probably went like
Legionnaires: *doing something stupid*
Rokk: where is their adult
Rokk: oh wait sprock I am their adult holy oH NO
The fact that Braalians are considered legal adults by 14 can imply much darker things today. Cosmic Boy was literally a grown-up leading a team of children at the Legion’s foundation and God knows the kind of stuff that might have gone down between him and some seedy people behind the scene….
I wonder if they’ll keep that part in for the new series that’s being developed. I feel like most people have forgotten this little detail of Rokk’s home planet.
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legionnairelass · 3 years
SO I hadn’t thought about LoSH in ages and then one day, while I languished in the freezing cold running errands with my dear mother, I found myself in a comics shop.
And they were selling variant cover grab bags.
Through the filmy translucent overing they stared at me. My heroes. The Legion. There they were, with Jon Kent smiling at me from the center.
Needless to say I bought the grab bag immediately, begged a very startled employee to see if there were any more (there weren't), and spent the drive home staring in awe at what I had found.
I may have also. Cried. a little
Finding the Legion of Superheroes again after a thankless few years; Covid, graduation High School, leaving college, being diagnosed with autoimmune conditions, losing and gaining pets; was like being hugged again, being wrapped once more within the smiles and sunshine of my rose tinted childhood.
Perhaps it isn’t normal to feel so for beings of such a fictitious nature, but for now, I think, I will bask in this feeling, and fall once more in love with stories of this group of optimistic, exceptional people, and the only thing left to say is
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legionnairelass · 3 years
RE: The Newest Brainiac 5
I haven't caught up, and honestly I’m unclear how to feel about the new Legion of Superheroes Comics but lemme tell you
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is a very cute brainy
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legionnairelass · 5 years
Okay So.... I wrote three chapters of this at the end of last year.... they’re all really rough drafts tho, and I haven’t had the time or energy to give them even a simple read through, which, when coupled with my theory of ‘Writer’s Block? Just Write Shitty Stuff Until It Goes Away Then Edit Later’ makes this a wild ride.
Enjoy I suppose.
If y’all like, I may edit and write more chapters.
Also, if anyone has a title idea, I wouldn’t be opposed to suggestions.
Gonna tag people who may like this
@spandexinspace @leavealexaloneplease @one-rogue-army @protytwo @hazilnut @l-e-g-i-o-n-losh @
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legionnairelass · 5 years
(Sorry this is late but)
The Ship That Is Most Misunderstood: Reboot Sneckie and Ferro Lad. He makes her pretty things and she gives him validation. Why??? Can’t???? Y’all????? See?????? The????????? Perfection??????????????????
Ship That You Used To Have as an OTP: It’s not necessarily ‘used to have’ but I’ve always felt a little intrigued by the idea of Lyle and Rokk. Cos would make the perfect Bond girl to Lyle’s whole angsty spy boy shtick.
Ship That You Find Cute But Don’t Ship: Reboot Monstress and E-Lad. Adorable smol beans.
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legionnairelass · 5 years
In my head, Dirk Morgna’s just that guy, y’know? He’s not mean, or super cool, or real bitchy or anything like they write him. He’s just, a human disaster full of bad self-care and good intentions. Like, this dude would be totally down for round table chivalry until someone explained why it was bad, and then he’d feel bad. He’s got a reputation as a playboy cause Rokk and co makes him doll up for the camera and also cause he’s one of those people who’s kink is making you happy in bed. If his partner is into it, so is he cause he likes to make people feel good. Most of the time he walks around in boxers and ankle socks. Also, he cares about his friends so so so much and always has a caprison on hand if they’re having a bad day. 
He’s just a well-intentioned loser.
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legionnairelass · 5 years
Ship that you feel is underappreciated for the ask thing.
Reep and Ayla, most definitely. As much as I love badass battle lesbians Salu and Ayla, reboot Cham and Spark are 10/10 adorable an extremely underappreciated.
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legionnairelass · 5 years
uhhhhh the only Losh ship that has ever pissed me off is Imra and Jo. That one time they maybe did a thing in the closet in the threeboot was just blehhhhhhhhh
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legionnairelass · 5 years
Controversial Shipping Asks:
Ship that you have as an OTP: 🌹
Ship that you’re indifferent to: 😑
Ship that makes you sad: 💔
Ship that you find disgusting: 💩
Ship that you find cute but don’t ship: ✌
Ship that you secretly like: 💚
Ship that you used to have as an OTP: 💙
Ship that you find most sexy: 👅
Ship that you can never see happening: 👎
Ship that is canon but you don’t ship: 💤
Ship that is unpopular but you still like: 💘
Ship that is taboo: 💦
Ship that pisses you off: 💣
Ship you’re curious about: 👀
Ship that needs more love: 💖
Ship that is most misunderstood: 💢
Ship that you didn’t expect to ship but now do: 💓
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legionnairelass · 5 years
Dirk is a thot.
(and a bottom you can fight me)
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Dirk is a thot.
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legionnairelass · 5 years
Brin: Boys and girls of every age, wouldn't you like to see something strange? Reep: Come with us and you will see. This, our town of Halloween! Tinya: This is Halloween! This is Halloween! Brin: Pumpkins scream in the dead of night! Tinya: This is Halloween! This is Halloween! Reep: Trick or treat till the neighbors gonna die of fright! Brin: It's our town, everybody scream... Brin, Reep, and Tinya: In this town of Halloween! Jo: Guys, it's still sprOCKING SEPTEMBER!!
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legionnairelass · 5 years
Imra: Are you alright? You look like you didn't get enough sleep last night. Rokk: It's fine, I got eight minutes. Rokk: Not consecutively but still. It's fine. Imra: . . . Rokk: You're not even that blurry!
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