lemmeknowimreal · 1 year
i've moved!! >>
this account's drafts are like, permanently effed up i think, which leaves me unable to track my threads in the only way i have patience for. so i moved blogs!
i'll follow everyone there and try and draft what i remember owing. otherwise, please consider threads dropped, and we can definitely plot new ones. <3
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lemmeknowimreal · 1 year
i've moved!! >>
this account's drafts are like, permanently effed up i think, which leaves me unable to track my threads in the only way i have patience for. so i moved blogs!
i'll follow everyone there and try and draft what i remember owing. otherwise, please consider threads dropped, and we can definitely plot new ones. <3
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lemmeknowimreal · 1 year
i've moved!! >>
this account's drafts are like, permanently effed up i think, which leaves me unable to track my threads in the only way i have patience for. so i moved blogs!
i'll follow everyone there and try and draft what i remember owing. otherwise, please consider threads dropped, and we can definitely plot new ones. <3
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lemmeknowimreal · 1 year
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$850 dollars. These are a collector’s. There’s a woman in Paris that makes them by hand, so…
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lemmeknowimreal · 1 year
my drafts are still fucked and tumblr support is hopeless. i might just jump ship, yall.
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lemmeknowimreal · 1 year
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La La Land (2016) dir. Damien Chazelle
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lemmeknowimreal · 1 year
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Life can get overwhelming. With Alice, you’ll worry less about that to-do list and more about spending time with your family or doing the things you love most. Alice will be there for you.
˙ ˖ ✶ DREAMSOFCONSCIOUSNESS an independent sci-fi artificial intelligence original character. semi-selective. low activity.
by ana, she/her, 25+, CST. >> about, guidelines, full navigation
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lemmeknowimreal · 1 year
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Daniel Kaluuya for The Hollywood Breakouts 2017@GQ - December 2017/January 2018
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lemmeknowimreal · 1 year
we've been emailing back and forth but still no luck on getting my drafts back in working order. lkdajfladkfa i really don't know what's going on. i even uninstalled xkit rewritten. if i have to move blogs again i will prolly cry and apologize profusely to all of you.
every time i try to click on my drafts i get a tumblr error message :///
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lemmeknowimreal · 1 year
"Looks like your boyfriend's back." Addy's voice pulled Nancy out of her concentration as she read through her newest book from the library, The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom. She stood up with a soft sigh, tucking her book away in one of the open shelves in the infirmary.
"He's not my boyfriend," she told the nurse-in-training matter-of-factly, though she kept her expression light. It was just like the younger girl to tease Nancy about Sawyer. Well, Addy wouldn't have created that habit anyway if the hockey player wasn't so keen on visiting the sick bay so much. If Nancy didn't know any better, she'd think that Sawyer was doing all of this, breaking his own nose and cutting up his eyebrow and whatnot, just to get her attention.
She'd tell him there were much less dangerous ways to do so. Yet, deep down, she wondered if he liked the thrill.
As Sawyer approached, Addy saw herself out. "Time for my lunch break," the blonde sang, leaving the two of them alone.
Nancy gave Sawyer a soft smile, quickly getting to work pulling out her kit. At this rate, she predicted some of the players' most common injuries and thought to curate a set of tools she could grab to address issues right away. She chuckled, gesturing for him to sit down so she could start tending to his brow, beginning with a soft cotton pad with a dab of alcohol to clean off the wound. "I'll be gentle, but this might sting," she told him. As she patted his brow gently, she asked, "And how's the other guy looking like?"
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CLOSED STARTER: @lemmeknowimreal
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another game, another night where sawyer got torn to shreds. he carried the nickname the demon for no other reason aside from the fact that he was a little shit on the ice. chirping at the other players, provoking them any chance he could get. he had almost perfected the skill of doing it when a ref wasn't looking. skating by the other player with a shit eating grin as he metaphorically knocked them off their skates. he was a good player. a really good player and he used that to advantage along with his skilled comebacks. however, this particular game he had actually gotten into a real fight for the first time in a few games. the other player's glove had clipped sawyer's helmet just right and gave him a nice cut along his eyebrow that gushed blood. and because he hadn't been able to stop the bleeding he was kicked off the ice to get treated by the team doctors before he could even think about joining back on the ice for the rest of the third period. they were up by three anyways, sawyer was confident his boys would be fine for the time being.
making his way into the medical area of the locker room, he flashed the nurse inside a cheeky grin. she had seen him way too many times this season and he was just keeping a mental tally for fun at this point. seeing just how many times he could swing by and see the beautiful girl before this season was out. make it a game for himself. "i know, i know. you're so shocked to see my ass back in here, but this one had it coming, alright? plus, if he knew how to fight this wouldn't have happened."
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lemmeknowimreal · 1 year
@carp3diems // jody x soleil x valentina x lilith
"Soleil, as much as I'd love to let you do that, there's just no way having dessert before dinner is a good idea."
Jody's firm voice cut through as Soleil's eyes flitted up from the menu. How did he know she'd been looking at the dessert section, and only the dessert section? She glanced over at him, batting her lashes. "What if I told you I'd let you have a bite?"
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He let out a laugh, shaking his head as he leaned back against his chair, unable to quit that habit he'd had since childhood of rocking it. One day he was gonna bust open the back of his head, his mother always warned him. But that day hadn't come yet. "Nice try, but not gonna happen." He reached over, flipping Soleil's menu to the set of entrees, then gave her a knowing look.
The quartet was celebrating out on the town tonight as Jody wrapped a ribbon around yet another season playing football for the Tulsa Tigers. While he didn't come away from it with a big ring and shiny trophy, he wasn't as beat-up about it as he normally would've. His best friends, his girls, were always good at celebrating him for his accomplishments rather than focusing on his shortcomings.
He nodded his head towards Valentina and Lilith. "How about you two? Don't tell me I have to wrangle you, too, and make sure you're ordering actual food." A smirk adorned his lips. "And by the way," though it went without saying,
"dinner's on me tonight, so get as much as you want."
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lemmeknowimreal · 1 year
Important Announcement:
April Fools Day (April 1) is one week away. To that end, I just want it known now, well before the day, that this blog will NOT be posting any jump scares, fake announcements, freak-out posts, fake hackings, fake emergencies, fake news, and “gotcha!” stuff on April Fools Day. We’re staying safe and chill around here.
I’m honestly not into April Fools Day, really, unless the jokes are obvious and silly–like Rickrolls and Dad Jokes. Rickrolls and Dad Jokes are just traditional. 
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lemmeknowimreal · 1 year
He was satiated by the other's gentle touch, though only for a moment, for he knew there was something underneath their words. Was proposing that the two of them head out on vacation what Astrid really wanted, or was it just a softening of their words, a warm blanket over what they really meant to say?
Jamie kept his eyes on them, taking a deep breath and contemplating for a moment. It was really difficult to be unable to read the other's mind. He wished that he just had one clear answer, one right path to take so that there were no risks. It hadn't occurred to him until he was close to losing the thing, the person he loved most how safe he'd lived life lately. How complacent he got with the way that things were, seeing nothing wrong in the routine.
But of course, everyone was different. Astrid was young, in that part of their life where they lusted for adventure. Jamie liked to think he was the same way, but only when the time was right. The problem, he supposed, was... when would the time ever be right?
"You mean like, on a vacation?" he echoed the other's words, offering a soft nod afterward. "We can do a vacation, yeah. Where do you wanna go?" Jamie was the sort to rack up his vacation days for the future, for something big. Leaving work wasn't going to be an administrative problem as much as it was going to be a problem in that he needed to face his workaholic ways.
Guilt him in that he'd been saving up his vacation time all these years for not much; the occasional days off to attend sports games, research and work on his novel, and to see Avery, his daughter. But for actually exploring the world... he'd done none of that.
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astrid wants something normal, something they can actually experience by being secluded somewhere, doing something practical. don't get them wrong, they love their life. they love what they do -- it's what they've dreamt about, in fact. everything about discovering the old world was absolutely fascinating to them, it's why they did it. because they wanted to know more about it, because they wanted to bring light to it. however, some days, they found it all to be . . empty at times. it's not his fault, it never was. this was all on them, on what they wanted, how they truly felt stuck in their lives & they couldn't have put it on him.
this was something they wanted to keep from him, though, they couldn't. not anymore. for some . . untitled reason, astrid wanted to be free of responsibilities, of belonging to some thing that drained them -- of someone that didn't make them feel like they were able to actually express concerns. not that they were able to do it on their own, it was easier for them to keep it all in a distance than to tell jamie everything. how they've actually felt. it was hard, considering that he was someone that they saw their entire life with.
it wasn't that he was insufferable, it's that astrid wanted more. to feel like their life had meaning, aside from their job. perhaps, wanting something real, something actually normal was too much for them. astrid contemplated when he didn't want it, want to be someone that wasn't aching everyday, over a desk. someone that was at home, doing the most simplest of things.
they're taking a glance at him, hoping to find the lost parts of themselves in his eyes -- they can't. maybe this is something they need to do, on their own. find out who they are, who they really want to be.
" . . you wouldn't want a break from all of this? " they're asking, aching to reach out, to touch his side for a moment, for a brief section of familiarity. " i don't mean a break from us --, just, what if we went somewhere? just us two . . we could . . pretend that we don't have so much going on in our lives. "
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lemmeknowimreal · 1 year
things i didn't need to do today: make another blog
things i did today anyway: made another blog
if anyone's interested in interacting with my wackadoodle android!alice muse in a science-fiction-but-near-future setting, follow @dreamsofconsciousness // which is a whole separate blog so i can follow back!!
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lemmeknowimreal · 1 year
i'm floored. ash, you're amazing!!!!!
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lemmeknowimreal · 1 year
✨ ❤️ 😊 💫 (Can I send more than one because ALL OF THESE)
ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE ME CRYYYYY. i love you so much bean!!!!
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lemmeknowimreal · 1 year
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A look of disgust splayed across her features at his jokes about her toothless, but she didn't think much of it. It was just the way the two messed around each other. "In your dreams, Ice Princess," she told him, bookending the sentence with the mocking nickname just to get a rise out of him as she walked out of the apartment.
"Jesus Christ, how do you not slice open your hands while pulling these shits on?"
Mekhi grunted as she tugged her ice skates over her feet. Once she got them on, she stood, reaching immediately for Ben's shoulder for leverage as she gained her balance. Regardless, she felt like Bambi taking his first steps as she tried moving forward. "How do I know this isn't just some ploy for you to actually break all my teeth off? If you wanted a BJ, all you had to do was ask, y'know?" Except, she was completely unserious. Why was it so on brand for them to make such vulgar jokes?
Ben snorted at her reaction. He figured that would work or at least push Mekhi into changing her mind. He knew there was nothing she liked more than a challenge, he knew the feeling of someone doubting you. He grinned stupidly big as he wrapped his pinky around hers. "I'll just act as a walker, I won't let you fall. Hello I've had a few years of experience."
"If you had no teeth? Think of the fun we could have." Ben sighed dreamily. He pushed himself up to follow her, grabbing his hoodie off the back of the couch. "You'd be super fun at parties and in bed." Ben shot her an obnoxious thumbs up before he snorted. He wished he'd had his gear but it was at his place. "I guess we can rent shitty skates from the rink. Get athlete's foot but at least we'll be on the same playing field." Obviously not quite but it was close.
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