lenaaxxo · 2 months
marianny ily
the clip where her hairs in waves and she’s like 😚🤷‍♀️ GETS ME EVERY FUCKING TIME BRO LIKE OMFG PAIGE ACTUALLY WANTS ME SOO BAD.
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lenaaxxo · 2 months
Paige Bueckers
best i ever had
headcanons pt.1
headcanons pt.2
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lenaaxxo · 2 months
headcanons pt.2
Paige and reader becoming parents
Pairing: Paige Bueckers x pregnant fem reader
Warnings: bloodwork, fluff
She wants to do anything and everything with you. She’s the one driving you to every appointment, holding your hand while you get blood drawn, shopping for baby clothes, etc
“Omg look. Our baby would look so cute in this”
“Paige, I’m literally 4 weeks along-“
She gets you anything you’re craving. No matter what hour it is she’ll drive anywhere to get you whatever you want to eat or drink.
“Baby, are you sure you want pickles? I thought you hated pickles.”
You both decided on a midwife because of how much less stress it will be in the end. The idea of experiencing these intimate and wholesome moments within the comfort of your own home rather than a hospital room has always felt like a dream to you.
When you found out you were having twin girls you couldn’t have been happier.
“Baby, we should buy them matching blankets and teddies.”
Every week she makes you a boo basket to show how appreciative she is of you going with the pregnancy so she could still work on basketball.
“Thank you Paige, I love it so much. Are you planning on giving me one every week of the pregnancy?”
“I’ll give you one every week for the rest of our lives.”
If you have an off day she has no problem helping you out. She’s the first to comfort you when things go south mentally and she’s the first you reach out to when you can’t do a simple task anymore
“Paige, can you pick my mascara tube off the floor again?”
She treats you like such a queen during your pregnancy. She knew you were a bit hesitant about the actual birthing process so she decided to try and keep you as relaxed as she could. Even if that meant 30 weeks earlier than your due date.
“Come on mama, I'm gonna wash your hair for you.”
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lenaaxxo · 2 months
she a good girl but for paige madison bueckers?
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lenaaxxo · 3 months
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mommy i’m scared
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lenaaxxo · 3 months
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lenaaxxo · 3 months
if uconn wins tmr i’ll write but if they lose im deleting my account
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lenaaxxo · 3 months
i’d go to war for ashlynn shade. she’s so precious and too pure for this world 😔
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lenaaxxo · 3 months
guess who went to America and met hana mühl?
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lenaaxxo · 4 months
she’s just like me fr. imma get mine 2 months after my 18th 🤞
Me when I remember that Paige didn’t get her license till she was like 18😭😭
I remember in the Hopkins series Amaya wud have to drive her ass around lmao.
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lenaaxxo · 4 months
can we see the signed rainbow?? that is so cute
i got amari to sign too idek how i forgot to include her 😭 but here you go ❤️❤️
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lenaaxxo · 4 months
daily i just think about how i got paige, nika and nesh to sign a rainbow… the way i was apologizing so much 😭
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lenaaxxo · 4 months
i need paige bueckers so bad rn please help me
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lenaaxxo · 4 months
love your headcannons!!!! You are single-handedly fuelling my PB obsessed on
(also which video of amaya were you referring to??)
you are so so so nice. ngl after i finished grade 12 english last semester i completely hated the language and stopped reading/writing for fun but i’m back so dw 🤞
tried digging in the trenches (my reposts) but the post was too deep in there and i had to run to youtube 😬 anyways this is the post i was referring too. peep how she also smacks amaya’s ass here… like Paige you are never gonna beat the woman kisser allegations
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lenaaxxo · 4 months
headcanons pt.1
Paige being the best girlfriend ever
Pairing: Paige Bueckers x fem reader
Warnings: pure fluff
At night she definitely makes you play with her hair so she can fall asleep. She says it’s so that she won’t wake up with a headache the next morning (total bs). At night she walks into your room like a lost puppy and of course you can’t say no.
She's definitely the type to get you mad on purpose because she thinks you're cute when you're mad. Then when you are mad she giggles in your face to make you even more pissed.
Her hand is always on your ass whenever it can be and when she can get a clean shot, she will smack your ass no matter who’s around. I know y'all saw the way she looked at Amaya after the Minnesota game…
Anyways, she tries planning one date per week for you two but with practice, games and studying those dates usually happen once every other week. If y’all can't actually go out she would definitely make up for it with a long night…
Her love languages are definitely physical touch, acts of service and words of affirmation. I can see her doing little things throughout her day to make yours easier like filling up your gas tank or cleaning up while you're in the shower.
I feel like she's the type to completely avoid any social interactions while doing her school work and tends to forget to check her phone (she’s probably a dnd warrior). So when you spam her phone and she still doesn't answer you get one of her roomates to make her answer the phone.
Her eye contact goes crazy. She looks you in the eyes everytime you speak and when you nervously look away she moves her head with you as an attempt to keep herself in your line of sight.
You guys try not getting into fights by talking things out but if things actually get heated you'd both go for a walk and then talk about it later. If it's still bad then you'd both mutually forget about the topic.
The whole campus knows y’all are together way before the media does because she simply cannot stop touching you. Holding hands, her hand on your knee, her arm around your shoulder or your waist. She simply must always be touching you.
While at UConn, she recommended you to become one of the team managers so that you could be with her for every home and away game. You of course agreed and during some games you wear her jersey underneath your own uniform.
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lenaaxxo · 4 months
Are you there?
i’ve been very busy with school but i do have a few half written drafts i just have to finish. i’ll upload something by the end of the week tho 🤞
Sadly I won’t be doing a part two for best i ever had but that’s bc idk how to continue the story :/
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lenaaxxo · 6 months
best i ever had
Anon request:
Paige seeing her ex at a party and getting jellllyyyyyyyyyy.
Pairing: Paige Bueckers x fem reader
Warnings: drinking, cussing, partying, angst
Authors Note: The reader is bisexual, Paige is unlabeled, and this is my first fic so please bear with me.
Word count: 1.4k
It was a Friday night in Storrs, Connecticut. My friend, Madi wanted me to go out with her to our local bar, Ted’s. I didn't feel like partying since my ex-girlfriend broke up with me a week ago. She said she couldn't balance school, work, basketball, and our relationship. I thought that was absolute crap because there are so many pro athletes doing exactly that, but there was nothing I could do about it anymore. 
“Come on y/n, don't be a loser and cry over her for the rest of the night,” Madi begged while attempting to drag me out of bed. 
“Okay rude, plus I wouldn't be a loser for crying over her. I mean we were together for almost 2 years,” 
“Okay, I'm sorry. How about we just go to the bar and drink? We won't even have to dance, plus I'll let you borrow something of mine in case someone wants to flirt with you tonight.”
When she first came into my room I was half convinced to go out but once she mentioned drinking and partying I was all in. The whole school knew of my and Paige's relationship so I knew someone there would tell her they saw me at the bar. And the idea of flirting with someone else seemed like good practice for later. 
As we walked up the doors of the bar Madi and I could hear the music blaring from the inside outside. I almost reached for my phone to text Paige that they were playing her favorite song, Best I Ever Had by Drake, but remembered our current situation and resisted. Inside the bar, it was super busy. Exams had just finished so everyone was drinking and dancing with their friends before Christmas break.
Madi and I walk up to some empty seats at the bar and I order a dirty Shirley, she gets a Mojito and we order 2 shots each. The first few moments of being in a bar are the absolute worst. You're so sober you don't want to be there with all the loud music and the sticky tables, but after about 2 or 3 drinks everything’s perfect and you never want to leave. That's how I'm currently feeling now. The revealing shirt I'm wearing paired with my tight skirt makes me feel like prey to everyone's eyes. 
“Okay, I'm gonna go dance. Don't miss me too much” Madi said after taking her shots. She usually sees a guy she finds attractive and goes up to them asking to dance. I loved how confident she was, she was always the one who went up to guys and by the end of the night, they were all over her. 
While sipping on my drink, I look around the bar. I noticed a few people from my classes and some athletes from the men's swim and basketball teams. And to my happiness, I saw most of the girls from the women's basketball team including Paige. She was wearing a blue cropped tank top paired with some black cargo pants. The sight of her abs between the cut-off of her top and the waistline of her pants got me to chug the rest of my drink and order another. It was about 3 minutes of sipping my second Shirley before someone sat beside me. 
“Hey,” I heard him say. “You wanna dance?” As I turned, I saw the most gorgeous guy this campus had to offer. He was tall with dirty blond hair and blue eyes. 
“Yeah, I'm down.” As we walked to the dance floor, I could feel eyes on me. I knew I'd get looks with this outfit on so it didn't bother me that much. Especially after 2 drinks and 2 shots. 
“So, what's your name?” It was loud in the middle of the dance floor. Around the bar was much quieter, so he was almost yelling out his question to me.
“Y/n. What's yours?”
“Zach,” He had a cute name, I thought. I mean at least it wasn't something like Reginald or whatever. 
As we danced, the feeling of being watched never left. It honestly felt like someone's eyes were burning into the back of my head so I looked around. The only eyes I made contact with were Paige’s and her gaze was murderous. I could tell she was jealous just by the way her eyebrows were pulled down, so I decided to mess with her. 
I turned so that my ass was on Zach's lap and I began grinding on him while maintaining eye contact with Paige. As his hands made way to my hips I held onto them as he guided me to the song playing through the speakers. That was enough to get Paige and I knew it. I wasn't much on physical touch so me holding onto hands pissed her off more than anything. As she started to walk over to us I turned around and wrapped my send around his neck before I felt her firm grip on my upper arm. I quickly said bye to Zach as Paige brought me outside the bar.
“What the fuck was that? You're out here dancing with guys that basically look like me?” She yelled as she cornered me against the wall. She was so hot when she was mad. Her jaw clenched, and she held intense eye contact.
“Wow, your ego’s so big you think he looks like you, Paige?”��
“Don't make this into an ego thing y/n, he and I are literally the same height and we both have blond hair and blue eyes.” As she spoke, her arms moved with her, she pointed to the door of the bar while speaking about Zach.
“Fine then! Maybe he did remind me of you. But you don't get to badmouth me or be angry at all because you’re the one who broke it off after almost 2 years! Two fucking years of ups and downs P. I was there with you through your whole ACL recovery and each time you cried, I held you close to me, not anyone else,” at this point, I was crying and screaming at her. I was so hurt and drunk that the words just kept spilling out. 
“You said you couldn't handle us and you left. You fucking left me. So I'm trying to move on. I’m trying so fucking hard but I honestly don't think I can ever fully get over you. I don't want to get over you. I don’t want to be with anyone else but you. You're the only one I can truly be myself around. Not even Madi makes me feel as safe and understood as you do,” She stood there in silence for a while. I could see the tears brimming in her eyes before she spoke.
“Let's get you home” I was so exhausted that I agreed to let her take me home. I could tell by her body language that she hadn't drunk tonight and her car in the parking lot of the bar confirmed it. She never lets anyone drive her car unless she absolutely has to, so it being back there meant she was one of the designated drivers for the night. 
“Can you text Madi and tell her that I’m leaving?”
“I will once I get you home.”
Entering my apartment wasn't much of a struggle. I walked straight into my bathroom to take my makeup off as Paige went into my room. 
“Here I got you something to change into” Her voice was soft. I could tell she didn't want to hurt me anymore than she already had that night. 
“Thank you,” I couldn't find it in me to say anything else to her.
“I have to go back for the girls”
“I realized that, but could you stay till I fall asleep?”
“Yeah, of course,”
Getting into bed with Paige again felt euphoric. This past week I never thought It would ever happen again. Just knowing that you were falling asleep in the arms of someone you trusted with your life was something I thought I had lost forever. The longer I held onto her and breathed in her perfume, the more tired I got. 
“I'm so sorry, my love. You were the best I ever had, but everything's just too much right now,” I heard her say, right before I fell asleep.
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