Mun’s note:
A heads up for anyone still following this account despite my prolonged absence:
It’s most likely going to stay quiet here for a good deal longer (possibly forever, or until Tumblr deletes it for lack of activity) as I try to recover my rp inspiration. 
For anyone who may be interested in writing with me, your best bet to find me is here. If you’re looking to write with my SG muses specifically, please note while I may move at least some of them over there eventually, none of them are there at present (but don’t let that stop you from asking).
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If you are a ship whore and you know it click reblog.
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reblog to send your mutuals a hug. maybe just the thought is enough to cheer them up 🥺
reblog to send your mutuals a hug. maybe just the thought is enough to cheer them up 🥺
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since the old version of this post was flagged for 'adult content'...
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reblog this post if your account is a trans safe space or owned by a trans person!
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along with that, reblog if your account is a trans non-binary spectrum safe space or owned by someone on the trans enby spectrum!
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Joss nodded a bit as the woman gave her response, immediately continuing the way they’d been going before she called their name. They were tempted to turn on their inhibitors again, to lessen the sounds around them, but at least these were familiar, given how close to home they were. Not to mention they weren’t sure they trusted this woman enough to be around her without their powers, no matter how much they hated using them. So, instead, they hummed to themself.
Astra. Well that was an ironic name for an alien wasn’t it. Not that it rang any bells, not really anyway. They thought it seemed familiar, like the names they sometimes heard in their dreams, but it wasn’t enough to actually do anything for them in terms of memory.
“Well that’s a… bold name, all things considered.” They just shrugged, leading the way to an apartment building and up to the top floor. Having a penthouse apartment was one of those weird things Joss had never imagined they would have, or even chance having, but between their work and Isaac’s, it was easy to afford and allowed them a level of privacy they weren’t capable of in their last place.
“Can I get you something to drink? Coffee, soda, water?”
A part of her--more than she expected and certainly more than she wanted to admit--felt a stab of disappointment when Joss didn’t react to her name. 
She knew it was better this way, at least until Astra knew more about what had happened to them and where they’d been all these years, but that ache lingered all the same. 
“No thank you.” Astra declined, flashing a quick, small grin before she looked around the apartment for a place to seat--and took mental note of any potential exit points. 
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To be continued…
Lutessa’s Reign: Reminiscence - Part 1
Pages 14 to 20
Pages 1 to 6 | Pages 7 to 13
Disclaimer: the Supergirl characters in this fan comic belong to DC Comics and The CW Television Network. No copyright infringement intended.
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Due to the overwhelming number of porn-bots I’ve had to block recently (24+ in the last day alone, and close to ratio for the last several days), I am considering archiving/deleting this account and setting up a new one. 
For anyone still actively following this account, I will provide directions to the new account if/when that happens. 
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Joss took note of Cat’s answers, humming to themself as they moved over to where the reds were located, pulling out a pair of pants and set up for a suit coat. “Burgundy on burgundy lining or perhaps a silver, to stand out against the black of your blouse?” They asked as they moved around the room, grabbing the other things they might need to get started. It was easier to get it all together at the start and then move forward from there. “Also, would you prefer I go off the last measurements taken or retake them?”
Cat revised her still evolving estimate of Joss at the question. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she studied the inexplicably familiar features while she considered her answer. 
“Silver.” She answered, already moving to take off her jacket as she added, “and retake them.” 
Cat’s measurements hadn’t changed in several years, but she wasn’t going to pass up a chance for a closer inspection of this Kara look-a-like. 
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Joss nodded as Cat spoke. A short timeline, yes, but not impossible. Especially not for Joss, who was used to remaking entire costumes in a single day due to their work in theater. And a suit was far easier than that. 
“Right. Are we thinking skirt or pants, do you have a color preference, and would you prefer a solid or patterned jacket?” Joss was no-nonsense, wanting to get through the baseline questions as swiftly as possible so that they could get on with it. The quicker they got through the questions, they quicker they could get started and the more time they’d have to get it right.
There was a small pause before Cat rattled off her answers in the same no-nonsense manner as Joss, and that only because Cat briefly debated the merits of skirt vs pants--she worked for these legs, dammit--but practicality won out over whatever potential advantage having her shapely calves on display might grant her. 
It wasn’t that sort of party.
“Pants, burgundy, solid.” Cat pulled out her phone, and started tapping out a text message. “No vest, and a black blouse, silk, shallow V neck.”
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Joss raised an eyebrow as the woman spoke, not even needing the woman to lean in to hear what she’d lowered her voice to add what she did. Rao. A name that just barely registered through the haze of their missing years. But it was proof enough for them.
“So, you got a name or? Like I said, I don’t actually know you, memory loss is a bitch.” They shrugged with a sheepish grin, hands slipping into the pockets of their jeans. “And did you want to go back to my place? I don’t live to far from here.” Was it their best idea? Probably not, but they did have access to weapons, of sorts, in their home, just in case things went sideways.
Memory loss. That answered a few questions and raised others to take their place. At least now Astra knew that Joss was aware of the gap in their memory, that could make things easier. 
Or not. Hearing her name might trigger long buried memories, and here was the last place Astra wanted that to happen. On the other hand, not giving Joss a name might cost Astra what little trust she’d earned so far. And giving Joss a false name would definitely cause problems when it came time to reveal the truth. 
“Your place will do.” She flashed Joss a quick grin. She had no way of knowing how secure Joss’ home was, but it was close, which was good. More to the point, it wasn’t her base of operations, and while she doubted Joss was a security risk--unlike their twin--Astra wasn’t ready to expose Joss to that many other Kryptonians yet.
And hopefully Joss’ was close enough that they’d get there before any latent memories got triggered. 
“And I’m Astra.”
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Joss just watched the stranger, not really sure what they were supposed to do. They took a sip of their beer, tilting their head with a raised eyebrow as the other once again returned. Well, her words proved that she knew the blonde lookalike but that didn’t really easy them in any sense.
“Name’s Joss and your guess is as good as mine. Who are you and who is your sister?” Joss figured that her sister was the Kara they’d been mistaken for so many times now, but nothing was certain.
Okay, leading with her connection to Kara might have been a mistake, and one she should have known better than to make, but in her defence, it wasn’t everyday that you walked into a near perfect doppleganger of your adopted alien sister who just so happened to also be one of the most powerful people on the planet. 
Even her life wasn’t that weird. 
Ignoring both of Joss’ questions, Alex fired back one of her own. “How long have you been in National City?”
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Joss sighed as the woman spoke. They didn’t know. There was really only one way to prove this person really was a friend. If she knew their status as an alien. If she knew they weren’t human, then she knew them before they started their life on Earth. They’d remember someone like her in the bar, so it would make sense.
“One question, answer it correctly and I’ll go with you, incorrectly, I leave and you don’t follow.” They swallowed, knowing that whether this person got it right or wrong, their status would be revealed, but they had no other choice. “Am I a human or an alien?” 
Her head remained stationary, but her eyes flicked to one side than the other. You never knew who was watching you on this planet. But you never knew who was watching you on Krypton, either. But at least there, you weren’t outnumbered billions to one. 
Still, there was nothing for it. She had to answer and hope that her answer would both satisfy Joss, and not out either of them to anyone who might overhear them.
“You’re as human as I am,” Astra replied, then leaned in and lowered her voice to add, “And thank Rao for that.”
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Joss eyed the woman as she circled them, eyebrow raising at her question. They really need to figure out who this Kara person was, because it was starting to drive them crazy. “Since I came to National City at twenty. I’ve typically been in the back working when you’ve come in.”
They made their way over to the counter to grab a pad of paper. “Now, can I help you with something today, Miss Grant? The owner will be back tomorrow, if you wanted to wait for him, otherwise I’ll do what I can.”
Cat let out a soft, “hmmm,” as she completed her circuit, Joss’ question left hanging for a beat. If this Joss was telling the truth, and they had been here since they were 20... And going by what she knew of Kara’s history--her twin-less history-- that meant...
“No.” Cat snapped out, waving a hand to dismiss Joss’ offer. “If you’ve been working here this long, I’m sure you know what you’re doing, and I don’t have time to wait. I need something formal, but not dull, and I need it tonight.”
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Joss was used to randoms sitting next to them at the bar. They were even used to them striking up a conversation. They were not, however, used to them asking them questions that made very little sense. They turned to the woman in question, an eyebrow raised.
“I’m sorry, I think you have me confused with someone else. Or my memory is getting worse.” At this point in their life, both were definitely an option. Though, they’d heard rumors that their blonde lookalike came to the bar every now and again, and the comment about their hair led them to believe this woman likely knew her.
Alex’s gaze flicked to brown hair for a moment, then returned to ‘not Kara’s’ eyes. “I’m really not in the mood, so whatever weird games you’re playing, leave me out of it.” With a sigh, she turned and headed for the bar, gently rubbing her temple with one hand. 
As she reached the bar, her phone buzzed. She pulled it out to see a txt from Kara; a picture of two tops laid out on Kara’s bed accompanied by the message:
Kara: 911! Running Late! Which Should I Wear?!?
Alex looked up from her phone, locked eyes on the brunette, then looked back at her phone. 
Kara was fast, but she wasn’t that fast.
“What can I-” Alex waved off the bartender, already heading back across the bar. She slide into the seat opposite her sister’s doppelgänger, eyes narrowed, phone still in hand.
“Who are you, and why do you look like my sister?”
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Joss waited patiently for an answer, concern and dread building within them. Even as the answer came it wasn’t clear, not really. A friend? From when? They fell to the Earth as a child, no more than thirteen, this woman was old enough to be their mother, if looks were anything to go by. Even still, if she was telling the truth, wasn’t some weird stalker, she really might have answers about where they’re from. Why they have powers. Why Supergirl looks like a blonde version of themself.
“Fine, say I believe you, what makes you think I’d go anywhere with you?” They crossed their arms across their chest. “What proof do I have that you won’t try to hurt me?”
Astra had no answer for that. Or at least no answer that was guaranteed to ease Joss’ fears. Even if she could prove the shared blood coursing through their veins, it could prove more hindrance than help thanks to how Joss’ parents treated them. Assuming Joss even remembered any of that, and all evidence so far pointed to the contrary, which made any appeal to a shared past worthless. And in either case, their connection was the very thing she wanted privacy for before she revealed it.
With nothing to offer, Astra had only one choice left. “What proof do you need?” She asked. “Tell me what you need, and I’ll make sure you have it.” 
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Joss knew Cat Grant in passing. In the sense that she’d gotten suits and the like tailored at the shop long before Joss started working there at 20. They’d also never actually met her, always being in the back of the shop when she’d come in, though their boss typically went to see the woman. So, it was quite a surprise when she walked in on a day when their boss had left them to man the shop. They were good with customers and did excellent work, but a client like Cat Grant was special.
What they were even more surprised about was the other woman starting the conversation by addressing them as Kara, someone she obviously knew. It was a sort of reoccurring theme, getting mistaken for someone named Kara. Though, typically by less important people. One specific waitress at Noonan’s, a guy in a coffee shop, all sorts of different people. But Cat Grant thinking they were this Kara person was about as terrifying as the idea that they were the only one in the shop with her.
“I’m sorry, Miss Grant, but my name is Joss, not Kara, and I’ve never needed prescription eye wear.” They left out the part where they’d been living and working in National City for years now, as they had a feeling it might not end well.
Cat’s eyes narrowed almost imperceptibly. it was possible that Kara was undercover for some reason--though what the reason for infiltrating her Tailor’s might be was beyond Cat, and nothing was beyond Cat--but her gut told her that this Kara look-a-like was telling the truth. 
But if that was the case...
“My mistake.” Cat grant said, her tone carrying no hint of apology as she started to slowly circle around Joss under the guise of surveying the interior of the shop. “Have you worked here long?”
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That definitely didn’t make Joss feel better. That this woman was obviously part of the past they couldn’t remember. She could answer questions they had, but they weren’t sure they wanted to know. If they wanted to solidify the ideas they had about that part of themself.
“Right. And who might you be?” They were on edge and they found themself running a finger under the hem of their shirt to turn off the inlaid power inhibitors. It was something they did when they weren’t sure if they’d need to defend themself. To most, it just looked like a nervous habit, and they supposed that, in some ways, it was, but it was truly a possible life saving move.
A half dozen answers danced on the tip of her tongue, but Astra held each of them back. There was so much at stake, so much planning and preparation that had already been thrown into flux after Kara had revealed herself; the wrong answer now could undo it all.
And as overjoyed as she was that Joss had survived the death of Krypton, As much as she wanted to pull Joss into her arms, the fact that Joss seemed to have no memory of her made the risk even greater. It wasn’t just her plans at stake here, it was reconnecting with family she’d all but lost hope of ever seeing again.
“I’m-” Astra’s lips twitched as she sought for the right words. After several seconds she settled on, “-a friend.” Her smile grew a little stronger and she had to hold back from reaching out to Joss. She glanced around them, then leaned in slightly and dropped her voice. “I can tell you more, but not here.” 
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