spinxeret · 2 years
Not sure how I got here, but I stayed because your MJ is absolutely fantastic and you're an amazing writer and you deserve all the love and attention.
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Tell me why you followed me and what made you stay.
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+ ( <3 <3 thank you my friend. I'm glad to have ya aboard )
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snugglyporos · 5 months
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Pete is pretty sure that this is... bad? Is uncertain. Field needs plowing. Also has too many bones. Also apparently is desert and night time?
Pete thinks should avoid bones, and maybe places with three suns? or moons? perhaps circles are bad.
Also maybe pick up litter?
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“Oh gosh who is that?” Rae looked over across the room to see this beautiful tall blonde woman. Piercing eyes and her laugh, it just went right through her.
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Lucas: Hey, just out of curiosity and for no other reason at all: what’s it like being a parent?
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clamoringvoices · 3 years
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“I’ve been told I have a god complex—not true. What I have is self-awareness. I am a supreme being.”
@darkmasterkattsvault​ for sable ​
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iiingenious · 3 years
Tim Drake has appeared, what do you do? @darkmasterkattsvault​
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“For you-- of course. Is there uh, any particular order in which you want to execute options B through D?”
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Cat hadn’t been back to National City since she started her foray into politics--well, officially; you couldn’t run one of the largest global media concerns in the world without have a finger or two dipped into a few political pies. But when her new career brought her back to her former home--and in need of a new dress--Cat’s first stop was her Tailor’s.
...Where she spotted a very brunette Kara through the front window. Now, Cat’s absence had limited her exposure to the day to day events going on in the life of her favourite protégé, but it hadn’t stopped Cat from keeping tabs on Kara, and nothing that she’d heard had prepared her for this. It wasn’t an entirely unpleasant surprise--God knows Kara could stand to improve her wardrobe, though how she could afford to do it here on her salary was something of a mystery--but it was a surprise all the same. 
And Cat hated being surprised.
And the longer Cat watched Kara through the window, the less she trusted what she has heard. There was more going on here than a questionable choice of hair dyes, more that she didn’t know. And that opened the doorway to even more surprises. 
And that simply wouldn’t do. But if there was one thing Cat hated more than being surprised, it was anyone knowing that she was surprised. 
Striding through the front door, Cat’s eyes never strayed from their mark. 
“Kara,” The wide grin slowly faded as she ran an appraising eye over the younger woman, “You look... different.” Her smile bounced back slightly as her gaze snapped back to Kara’s face. “Contacts?”
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landofmythandmore · 4 years
“At least we can get away from each other these days, unlike when we were imprisoned together.” It was sad, but she was honestly convinced if it ever happened again they’d tear each other apart, less to get away and more to end that kind of suffering, but still. Morgana didn’t know how to react to the way Gwen touched her hand. It was stupid but she swore she still felt electricity every time. “That’s kind of you Gwen, though I fear I mostly have depressing tales to tell and that’s not much to listen to.” She sighed, tilting her head as Gwen said she hadn’t been feeling well. “Then why stay?”
Gwen remembered the vile man’s boastings of having imprisoned Morgana and Aithusa from the time she’d been under the other’s spell. And till now, the very thought of such cruelty towards her felt like a knife to her gut. “Well, we’ll just make sure you can always have your freedom then,” she said solemnly, not really able to keep her thoughts in check. “I figured,” she shrugged, “But that’s why I offered, Morgana. I will always be there and more than happy to listen to you whenever you need to talk it out.” She knew speaking of things that weighed you down could be therapeutic, and Morgana seemed to need that. She sighed, pushing her drink away, and answered honestly “I’d promised my coworker I’d celebrate her birthday with her. I just wanted to stay long enough for courtesy sake.”
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drummingncise · 4 years
@darkmasterkattsvault replied to your post “just a reminder that denying the fact that the doctor gave...”
how- I- what? how do you deny that as being out of character? *is confusion*
cos you right, to clarify cos that sentence feels like it comes off wrong
some people don’t like to admit that the doctor is anything less than perfect ig.
i mean, the first doctor nearly crushed someone’s head with a rock in his first serial and theta sigma did actually kill someone with a rock to save koschei, but sure, the doctor didn’t throw the master to the n*zis. go off ig
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snugglyporos · 1 year
@darkmasterkattsvault Riceball, for instance, is equal parts snuggles and shitpost, how both parts are 100% we don't question that's just how Riceball is
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And to think, he's less of a shitpost than when he began his existence as a poro cult leading jarvin V
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Quinn: Are you going to be home this weekend?
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clamoringvoices · 4 years
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“You’re right, I’d hate to kill you for it,” she said, flirting in mob speak, teasing. She wouldn’t kill her, at least not over a broken heart. And only if she had no choice because wow, what a woman. 
@darkmasterkattsvault​ continued
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It had been a long day at the DEO offices. Not hard or exciting--no imminent threats to track down and stop, no world-ending events prevented by the skin of their teeth at the last moment, no machinations of a madman or would be alien overlord to throw the monkey-wrenches of determination and teamwork into--just long. And full of paperwork. Even with the majority of it being technically paperless, there had been so much paperwork.
Alex rubbed her thumb against her wrist and flex her fingers to work out the stiffness left behind by hours behind a keyboard with only brief stints of holding a pen to break up the tedium. Dropping both hands to her side, she looked around for a free seat.
Her brow remained wrinkled as she caught a glimpse of a familiar yet unexpected face, and remained that way as she approached her target.
The wrinkled deepened as she got closer and confirmed that the brunette hair Alex had first thought was a trick of the lights--or her own tires eyes--remained stubbornly not blonde. Slotting herself in beside her sister, she gave the hair one last curious look before focusing on Kara’s face. “Okay, so two things: What’s up with the hair, and does it have anything to do with why you aren’t at the thing you had with Lena tonight?”
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orchestrahearts · 4 years
“ it’s fine— nothing i haven’t dealt with before. ” Jack to Katherine
injury/hurt prompts bc reasons
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“You sure? Do you need any help with that? I’m actually pretty good with medical things.”
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ktmuses · 5 years
❝Does playing Mario Kart drunk count as drunk driving?❞ (the twins)
Parker glanced over at her twin, rose an eyebrow and slightly sat up before she let out a burp. “You know, Im not entirely sure, because, we’ve never tried that.” She said with a slow nod before she tossed a pillow at Q. “I say, let’s do this.”
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drummingncise · 4 years
@darkmasterkattsvault​ @ 13 just bc (;
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“Don’t let me in with no intention to keep me, Jesus Christ, don’t be kind to me.”
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