lesbianforlesboy · 3 months
I LOVE ENDO SYSTEMS !! i love endo systems who chose their plurality i love endo systems who didn't i love nondisordered endo systems i love disordered endo systems i love transgender endo systems i love cisgender endo systems i love endo systems i love you
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lesbianforlesboy · 3 months
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supernatural, exodus [13.22]
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lesbianforlesboy · 4 months
Current mood: Shirtless Sam and sheets
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(Sam - Shirt) + Bedsheet = Hotness spike!
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lesbianforlesboy · 4 months
Mspec Lesbian Infographic - repost from my friend thelesbianbakugou
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Since his account got terminated a few years ago, me and thelesbianbakugou decided to replatform this lil info sheet! There's one on lesboys too! I also recommend checking out my other friend thegendertheives' black lesbian flags: butch femme and futch
Sadly we don't have access to the original image credits, if you know who made some of the images, please let us know and we'll credit them here!
tagging some of the first rebloggers of the last one and some bi lesbian accounts for reach woo! @kissingwomenat3pm @lavendermeowzers @the-playrooms @the-astropaws @mogai-germ @germtimes @in-a-mello-mood @genderstarbucks @biblically-accurate-chaos @mspeclesbianpositivity678 @bilesbianblog @bilesbianpositivity @mspeclesbianpolls @bilesbian @bilesbianwriter
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lesbianforlesboy · 4 months
Covert/Closteted Abro Lesbian!!
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[Image ID: A set of 3 identical flags with different symbols on them. The left has a drawing of a white jasmine with pink and yellow accents and a white double venus symbol in front of it. The middle only has the double venus, and the right only has the jasmine. The stripes are soft serated. Colors, in descending order, are: light pink; very pale pink; white; very light lime; very light green. End ID.]
Thank you again @loveletterliom for starting this concept
You may also call this Jasmine Abro or Jasmine Sapphic
Below the cut will be the flag itself and the jasmine
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[Image ID: The flag as described above, with no symbols, on the left. The drawing of the jasmine on the right. End ID.]
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lesbianforlesboy · 4 months
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(PT: dandere dollic)
A gender under the genderdollic system related to being a dandere and a doll !!
@radiomogai @mogai-toybox
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lesbianforlesboy · 4 months
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(PT: kuudere dollic)
A gender under the genderdollic system related to being a kuudere and a doll !!
@radiomogai @mogai-toybox
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lesbianforlesboy · 4 months
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lesbianforlesboy · 4 months
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hello. im man that madly in love with alastor :DD (run by @sinfulrq)
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u can call me adx. i use it/they/he/mirror prns, any/mirror neo and any terms!
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byi: i am in love with alastor and am his main fan. my personality is completely based on him and belongs to him (n i also love adam). also im a radqueer, pro-everything and pro-c :)
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dni: love alastor more than me (even though no one can love alastor more than me, i still put this here just in case), alastor haters, anti-radqueers, anti-transid, anti-endos, anti-para, anti-shippers, rapÂĄsts, xenosatanÂĄsts, homophobe and pluralphobe
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my ids: transharmful, transage, 2age, transalastor'svoice, transspecies n more
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thats seems to be all. bye, my deĂŠrs! đŸ“»
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lesbianforlesboy · 4 months
It feels so tiring being a lesbian aroace.
Despite people saying that I'm valid and welcome, I never feel lesbian enough to interact in wlw/lesbian/sapphic spaces, but it is too important in my identity for me to just drop it.
I hate it so much, it feels like I can never be entirely myself.
i totally understand how you feel anon! i'm an aroace sapphic myself and it can be really isolating when a lot of wlw/nlw have shared experiences that you don't have. i don't have much in the way of advice but know you're always loved and welcomed here! i also run the blog @aspec-sapphic-culture-is for aspec sapphics like myself, so if you're interested you can also follow that blog and see the experiences of others, you're not alone!
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lesbianforlesboy · 4 months
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may also be called freesexual if you so please.
A general orientation term where you are choosing to not prioritize labels in your identity. Maybe because you've come to understand that your identity is too personal to be put in a few words, having to explain the specifics/meaning of your identity repeatedly is stressful, your identity is fluid in multiple ways and trying to put a name on every part as it moves away from you is exhausting, a mix of these things, or any other reason. This is a term for those who are frustrated, stressed, or tired with their identity itself or how people treat it.
You do not have to stop using labels completely to be free-oriented, this simply means you're dropping labels as something that keeps you up and defines you. It's a recognition that we are all unique and even the boxes you create for yourself you'll eventually outgrow because we are constantly evolving beings and it's impossible to know everything about ourselves.
Stripe versions:
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lesbianforlesboy · 4 months
I've been reading a lot of sapphic romance books as always and a lot of the time they feature a relationship between a bi woman and a lesbian woman and I'm just so confused on why the word lesbian is never used 😭
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lesbianforlesboy · 4 months
some queer people will never end up with a perfect label that describes them 100% and that's okay. sometimes you just go "i dunno i'm just queer" or "i'm a dyke who's a fag who's a drag queen" or "i'm just some guy" and that's okay. you don't always need a label or easy way to describe it if you can't. you can blaze your own trail
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lesbianforlesboy · 4 months
plurality is not defined by switching.
plurality is not defined by headcount.
plurality is not defined by an inner world.
plurality is not defined by distinct headmates.
plurality is not defined by communication.
plurality is not defined by getting along internally.
plurality is not defined by an origin.
plurality is defined by multiple consciousnesses/identities in one body. if you say you’re plural, we and many, many others will always believe you. no two plurals are the same, and no one can tell you what you are or aren’t 💞
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lesbianforlesboy · 4 months
As awareness of plurality continues to spread online, that also means more and more people will realize they are plural. And unfortunately, there will be a response from certain gatekeepy exclusionist types, who will push back against these newfound systems and insist on invalidating them. They’ll insist they’re just hopping on a trend, or just fooling themselves, or whatever other justification they can make up to maintain the idea that being plural is extremely rare and being plural means suffering for it.
Don’t fall for it. Being plural presents challenges and difficulties without question, but being plural also can bring joys and clarity that weren’t possible otherwise. Being plural can be hard, and it can be beautiful.
No two systems present and function exactly the same ways. No two systems are plural for the exact same reasons. So we can’t expect there to be an absolute common trait present in every system. So any attempt to weed out the “fakers” is pointless and malicious.
If someone believes themself to be plural, they have good reason to. No further “proof” needed. If someone comes to us believing themself to be plural, we will help them along without critique or question. And above all we will be happy for them. Even if someday they realize they aren’t plural, that process of being allowed to question and experiment is so important, and they should be allowed to do so regardless of where they end up.
Plurality is a spectrum that encompasses a vast swathe of experiences and outlooks. It can be difficult to reckon with, which is why community is so vital. And as that community online grows and becomes more and more visible, we should all do our part, systems and singlets, to make sure these newfound systems feel safe, seen, and welcome.
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lesbianforlesboy · 4 months
Nonhuman expressions of affection are great. Purring. Exposing weak points as a show of trust. Head bonks. Preening and chewing. Nuzzling. Biting. Intertwining tails. Feeding each other. Little chuffs, chatters, beeps and squeaks. Fluffing up of feathers, fur or other things. Dancing to impress. Cleaning their fur, scales, feathers or skin. Sharing body heat. Ears pointing toward those you care about to show your full attention is on them. Slow blinking.
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lesbianforlesboy · 4 months
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me when I see shipping content implied to be romantic but the aroace gremlin inside me ruins the mood by headcanoning it queerplatonic or platonic 💔💔💔
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