lesbiaphobe · 5 years
stop following this blog i only keep it up as an archive of how dumb i used to be
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lesbiaphobe · 7 years
having a discourse blog feels, at this point, like a lost cause because the damage has been done, straight people are here and using the q slur and f slur and d slur and whatever lgbt slur or symbol u can think of, and mass media has gotten on the ship, so it feels hopeless
i know that we will never be able to reverse the damage done to this community
but i also know that we cant just abandon it, or theyve won
i know that if they “win” this community, theyll come for whatever other communities we make. theyll keep bullying us into submission because thats what cishets, no matter the stripe, do.
we cant give up. not yet
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lesbiaphobe · 7 years
hi!! im a trans guy and my dead name is Miranda but my childhood nickname is Mira so i saw your blog and got excited!! i just followed you so you can probably figure out who i am, but please dont reveal my url bc i dont want a lot of people to know my dead name. have a good day~!!
omg hey!! js in advance ive separated myself a lot from ~discourse~ and this blog is only up rn for important stuff but this was a v nice message to get !! ♥
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lesbiaphobe · 7 years
i’ve thought about this a bit and tbh i think the reason so many inclusionists spout the whole, “no one outside of tumblr is an exclusionist!!” is because… why would someone be open about being an exclusionist if they know you and everyone around them are inclusionists? like, i didn’t say jack shit about being an exclusionist or ‘aphobe’ to my trans friend until he finally said he was an exclusionist to and i was like, “thank fuck.”
the thing is, there are exclusionists irl. (of course there are bc every exclusionist on tumblr exists in the real world lmao). but the difference between exclusionist irl and inclusionist irl is that… one is afraid to be open about their stance bc of possible repercussions and the other has no fear because they have a position of power.
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lesbiaphobe · 7 years
jewish wlw aphobes unite!! -displacecourse (on anon bc my discourse blog isn't my main)
omfg i almost forgot this was sent to my discourse blog and i was like FUCK HOW’D THEY KNOW. anyway ur cool i like u
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lesbiaphobe · 7 years
If you think panromantic lesbian is bad I saw someone outside of Tumblr say they were a heteromantic lesbian
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lesbiaphobe · 7 years
did i really just see someone say they're a panromantic lesbian in the year 2017
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lesbiaphobe · 7 years
JOKES ON HER THO bc me & my best friend (who is also an evil exclusionist) are the club presidents next year >:)
fun fact. there’s this cishet ace girl who was in gsa with me up through this year and apparently she told someone that im the reason for her depression.
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lesbiaphobe · 7 years
fun fact. there's this cishet ace girl who was in gsa with me up through this year and apparently she told someone that im the reason for her depression.
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lesbiaphobe · 7 years
*aphobic slur warning* I just scrolled through and entire aphobic blog and hooo dear.... If I ever see/hear someone say the phrase 'the asexies' im gonna bust my hip
I know some aces use it or it’s variant but I personally dislike it a lot for similar reasons 
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lesbiaphobe · 7 years
some stim blog: aphobes don’t interact!!!!! me:
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lesbiaphobe · 7 years
lmfao is this fr the only ask you're answering 🙄
People really overreact on this site far too much. You didn't do anything wrong and that alignment post was clearly only a meme. They all need to calm the fuck down. And I say to block all of those who send you messages or complain because there really isn't anything to complain about besides themselves. Have a good day😊
thanks. i agree. 
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lesbiaphobe · 7 years
hi just wondering what the fuck
queer alignments
lawful good: asexuals neutral good: non binary chaotic good: aromantics
lawful neutral: bi men true neutral: bi women chaotic neutral: trans men
lawful evil: gay men neutral evil: trans women chaotic evil: lesbians
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lesbiaphobe · 7 years
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not to ace discourse but wtf is this post????
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lesbiaphobe · 7 years
i think im gonna make this into less of a "discourse" blog and more of an advice/"how can I figure myself out" blog
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lesbiaphobe · 7 years
I just saw your post about comp het and I think I'm dealing with that :/ like I so though it was bi but I think I don't like guys per se, I just want their attention and I think all of my 'crushes' on guys has always been that way. I always thought I was straight (bc of the whole girl crush term and 'I'm gay' jokes hets use all the time) but then I realized I wasn't. After thinking about it however, being romantic or sexual with a guy is not something I can picture and it doesn't sound -
(2/2) Pleasing to me at all. I always thought I was straight because well everyone felt they were supposed to and now that I've realized I like girls I think it's made me pick up on the fact that I started to not like guys as much and now don't like guys at all. Though I can't accept being a lesbian bc I feel like I'm supposed to like guys and that bc I did like guys at one point I still do and should force myself to be with themyeah bub that sounds a lot like comp het! it can be very difficult to overcome and if you'd like to message me im here to lend a hand ❤️ (sorry this took so long for me to answer, ive been trying to stay out of discourse lately and only recently saw this ask)
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lesbiaphobe · 7 years
Okay but why do like mogai ppl make up all these sexual identities and shit that glorify mental illness and keep them from calling them het like if you're a platonicbisexual or whatever else they have created you aren't LGBT lmao
honestly ur preaching to the choir here buddy
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