lesvoyeurs-blog · 11 years
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Lately I've been immensely inspired by witchcraft, occult science and dark stuff. I'm totally inspired by ouijas, tarot, black cats, pentagramms and every symbol that is rare and enigmatic. 
I got this neon yellow maxi-shirt and costumized it with some black highlights on the front and back, so it could be a great ouija tablet with bizarre symbols everywhere. 
If I also consider that I'm totally amused by Grimes, Yo-Landi Vi$$er and Crystal Castles' music, then I can determine that Satan and his fellas are pretty rad & kawaii.
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lesvoyeurs-blog · 12 years
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In 1627, a woman was accused of witchcraft by another woman, this due to romance problems and jealousy. Diana was not a sorceress, she was just able to move things with her mind; yes, like that time when she and the disputed man announced their marriage while, in anger, she overthrew a candelabrum via telekinesis... In front of a representative from Catholic Inquisition. Not time or space could separate the two lovers, not even the Devil.
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lesvoyeurs-blog · 12 years
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I wonder what would've been of hers if they would have raped her for real. Anyways, I still love this story, its cheesiness and yet, of course, the fact that she's the only "Quinceañera" that really looks pretty as one.
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lesvoyeurs-blog · 12 years
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lesvoyeurs-blog · 13 years
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lesvoyeurs-blog · 13 years
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There's a little secret that no one knows about me... One of the things that I love the most is white animals... Don't know why. I'm no racist, I swear! LOL! But any albino animal is just BEAUTIFUL to me.
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lesvoyeurs-blog · 13 years
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Lately my biggest obsession has been this anime called: "Neon Genesis Evangelion". I find it enormously interesting;the way the plot developes, the analysis of the characters, the reminiscence to Christ and his story, the wide range of genres it uses... I must confess I'm 21 and I'm watching it 'til now 'cause when it came out in the 90s and I was a kid, I used to be scared of it, haha... I was stupid! Now I don't even want it to end! I've been delaying the final episode for almost a month! Hope it's GREAT!
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lesvoyeurs-blog · 13 years
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I still remember being a 5 or 6 years-old boy, and crying 'till death for Anthony's own death. And it still remains as one of the saddest and most moving moments of my entire life.
"Si te sientes solo, recurre a mí... Sabes que una amiga tendrás. Búscame, sígueme, ríe como Candy..."
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lesvoyeurs-blog · 13 years
Honey monsters...
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Some monsters are weak, misunderstood, and even innocent. But there's a big monster, well, a spirit, that keeps us under control, we listen to it and do exactly what it dictates, no matter what the high price it might cost. But, for every monster called "government", there's another spirit known as "hope".
Filme que utiliza simbolismos deliciosos para denunciar a la España de la post guerra civil, con excelsa fotografía y temática creativa. Sin duda, una de las más grandes creaciones del celuloide ibérico.
If you feel like watchin' it... http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xg8pe1_el-espiritu-de-la-colmena-1973-primera-parte_shortfilms
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lesvoyeurs-blog · 13 years
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Jorge Pous Ribe. The latin american hottie has always been part of the international hearts (and libido) of women (and men). This stud changed the way mexican men were seen around the world; he was totally different to Pedro Infante or Jorge Negrete. No mustache or "charro" costumes, instead, he was muscled, tanned and quite chic. 
He became the dream of hundreds of americans and europeans, taking male sex-symbols to another level, a level that has been empty since he's no loger the international "papi chulo". No matter what, he has left the most gorgeous images of himself (in the most ridiculous films) as a true legacy to the world.
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lesvoyeurs-blog · 13 years
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Classic cinéma is one of the things that keep me alive. 
With this creation, I wanted to recall the sweetness of Chaplin's "City Lights", the craziness of Jodorowsky's "Fando Y Lis", and the royalty/glamour/rawness of Italian Neorealism with little slights of Mexican divas like Maria Félix.
‎"Fotografiar es llevar lo tangible en un viaje por el tiempo... Y por la eternidad."
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lesvoyeurs-blog · 13 years
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Lesley Hornby. The 60s were the decade of rebellion; the sexual revolution (and the Vietnam War, among others) caused changes in society, and fashion world was not an exception.
A youth that didn't wanna grow up, a childhood afraid of becoming into what their parents were; that's the reason why a skinny, almost famished imaged, look-alike kid, emerged from the neighborhoods and became the dream of tons of girls around Occident, appearing on covers of "Vogue" all over the stands.
Only a few years took her to immortality, just a couple of years to become the eternal encarnation of 60s beauty. That's the story of some huge eyelashes that changed the world under the minimal slogan: "TWIGGY".
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lesvoyeurs-blog · 13 years
Drummer boy = Glasses riot.
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A tale for adults, that's exactly what this film is. Winner of the Palm d'Or, this rambunctious story told as a black humoristic moment during the Nazi period, is a masterpiece full of symbolism, double entendres and gutsy resources.
We see the encarnation of a pasive Poland who said and did nothing when invaded by the Germans, and the culmination of the destructive and selfish attitude of those auto-named "Übermensch", all of this disguised as an annoying child discovering life but refusing to grow... Just keep an eye open 'cause, when "you're back at the potatoe plantation", it all may start all over again.
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lesvoyeurs-blog · 13 years
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"Piss Christ" is a piece of art created by the controversial Andres Serrano. A beautiful picture that questions the viewer how he behaves to himself, and how he treats others. It also suggests that we're the opposite of those ideas Jesus Christ once preached (love and respect among "brothers").
...And what is it so outrageous about this photo? Well, it is a crucifix submerged in a glass filled up with the artist's urine.
Serrano también es famoso por sus fotos de gente mutilada, o retratos de miembros del Klu Klux Klan, imágenes de fluidos corporales (incluyendo sangre menstrual, semen y excremento),etcétera.
Voulez vous regarder un peu plus? ... http://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&hl=fr&source=hp&biw=1356&bih=660&q=andres+serrano&gbv=2&aq=0&aqi=g10&aql=&oq=andres+se
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lesvoyeurs-blog · 13 years
"DREAM MACHINE".- Mark Farina.
"dream machine did you get everything you asked for dream machine rattlesnake a charm on the dance floor"
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lesvoyeurs-blog · 13 years
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"That Italian artist who makes clothes", that was the description given by the legendary Coco Chanel when asked about Elsa Schiaparelli. Born in 1890, she designed surreal and outstanding clothing and accesories such as the "SHOE HAT", the "EYE-LASHES LENS", and also created necklaces with colored insects on them. And... YES! She created a dress with textures simulating bones. "Bad Romance", anyone?
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lesvoyeurs-blog · 13 years
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Last month I discovered a TV show called "Work of Art: The Next Great Artist". And I've been watching it ever since. It turns to be a show with a similar concept to that one called: "America's Next Top Model" (but in terms of art). 
It's not like they will be the next Picasso, or the next Rubens but, I found it quite interesting and VOYEUR for a person who LOVES art (just like me).
If you feel like watching it... http://www.megavideo.com/?v=2UN3PMMX 
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