leswrscny · 3 years
Language matters. Communication where everyone is on the same page matters.
That being said...
Actions have consequences and there are countless examples of people who said dumb shit on social media when they were young and are now paying for it because they forgot the first and most important rule of the Internet:
It never forgets and nothing is ever truly deleted.
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leswrscny · 3 years
General playlist for a couple of tv shows that I like to watch and read fanfics about...I'm always adding to it, so suggestions are welcome.
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leswrscny · 3 years
as a general rule. if what we’re calling ‘cultural appropriation’ sounds like nazi ideology (i.e. ‘white people should only do white people things and black people should only do black people things’) with progressive language, we are performing a very very poor application of what ‘cultural appropriation’ means. this is troublingly popular in the blogosphere right now and i think we all need to be more critical of what it is we may be saying or implying, even unintentionally.
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leswrscny · 3 years
Just wishing any queer Muslims who follow this blog Ramadan Mubarak (translated: A blessed Ramadan in Arabic).
For those that do not know. From 12th April to 12th May this year is when Muslims around the world fast from sunrise to sunset as it is a special holy month.
Stay safe.
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leswrscny · 3 years
I'm sure that I'm not the only one who would love to see a crossover with the MCU and The Old Guard...
Especially in The Falcon and The Winter. 😳
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leswrscny · 3 years
the fact that they're dealing with racism so well in tfaws. the scene where bucky had to tell the cops that sam was an avenger so they wouldn't arrest him for thinking he was bothering bucky felt like a slap in the face. sam wilson, a.k.a the falcon, an avenger who fought thanos on behalf of the universe, was about to get arrested because he was arguing with a white guy in the street. imagine what would happen if that white guy wasn't bucky and some random guy who didn't know sam. the police would've used brute force, arrested him for no reason, or even shot him right away. nothing we haven't seen before, right?
it doesn't matter that you were in the army for years. it doesn't matter that you served your country. hell, it doesn't even fucking matter that you helped saving the world. because when a white guy who's wearing a uniform and has the authority to use a gun notices you don't have the same skin colour, you're doomed.
you're a suspect.
your actions don't matter but your skin colour does.
the fact that even marvel, a company that was blamed for making "shiny cgi movies with costumed, overrated actors for children" can't stay silent about it anymore.
let that sink in.
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leswrscny · 3 years
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Ngô Thanh Vân for Harper’s Bazaar Vietnam (April 2019 Issue)
photographed by Karsten Dang
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leswrscny · 3 years
indigenous religions need to be acknowledged and treated with respect and so do indigenous sacred lands.
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leswrscny · 3 years
Still thinking about Buck/Oliver Stark on a crotch rocket
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leswrscny · 3 years
Kinda want to see the cast of 911 and 911 Lone Star do an interview on Hot Ones with Sean Evans. I think that would be amusing to watch.
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leswrscny · 3 years
Pretty sure the first gif is going to be 911 and the second is going to be 911 Lonestar....
We made it to Monday fam. Good luck tonight!
It’s either gonna be a lot of this...
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Or a shit ton of...
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I’m hoping for the latter!!
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leswrscny · 3 years
Can we agree that Kenneth Choi is making us thirsty in this episode and Future Tense?
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leswrscny · 4 years
Thanks for the cry...haven't cried that hard in almost a year...
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leswrscny · 4 years
i speak french in public to my grandparents and to my boyfriend. people are surprised that im bilingual and say its cool and ask me to teach them some time
but when one of my classmates speaks arabic in public to her family, she gets strange and disgusted looks. no one asks to be taught arabic. no one says its cool that shes bilingual
its racism plain and simple
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leswrscny · 4 years
Just remember. There is no such thing as a fake geek girl. There are only fake geek boys. Science fiction was invented by a woman.
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leswrscny · 4 years
Tito Tsai danse avec un sabre lors de l'événement Taipei Bboy City 2020 à Taipei, en Taïwan. Une jolie performance.
Tito Tsai dances with a saber during Taipei Bboy City 2020 event in Taipei, Taiwan. A nice performance.
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leswrscny · 4 years
Definitely need to try this
meatless chicken nuggets!!!
listen i’m not a recipe blog and this is not going to include any measurements but I have to share this bizarre discovery with the world. I made this today basically improvising with leftovers, and they had a very similar texture/taste combo to fast food nugs.
(caveat: these are NOT HEALTHY, NOT VEGAN, and have ZERO servings of vegetables. at all. do not come at me.)
leftover couscous (the tiny tiny grain kind, not the big pearl kind) about 2 cups
2 eggs
a lot (like a cup?) of tiny grated parmesan (i would advise against using the mummified green top plastic bottle kind. the real stuff tastes better and will actually melt.)
spices!!! granulated garlic is essential, and i used coriander and white pepper and a mediterranean spice blend, but you can literally go nuts.
mix all that together until you have a crumbly mess. it should juuuust stay together when you form it into a small nug shape in your palm. (this feels gross, but is fun.)
fry little nugget ovals in a few tablespoons of olive oil over medium high heat until they are the dark golden brown of your favorite chicken nugget (think wendy’s rather than mcdonalds), flipping once to achieve golden brown nugget perfection on both sides.
eat with ketchup like the toddler you are!
(I did not take a picture because we inhaled them. this is why i don’t have a mom blog)
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