lethaius-varruke · 5 years
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Had a week off, all geared for Inktober. But then spent most of it horizontal and on pain medication. But I can sit up now, so here’s a kind of Inktober submission.
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lethaius-varruke · 5 years
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lethaius-varruke · 5 years
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lethaius-varruke · 5 years
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lethaius-varruke · 5 years
idk why do firebenders lose their bending during the day of black sun but dont lose their bending at night like thats also dark bitch wtf
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lethaius-varruke · 5 years
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lethaius-varruke · 5 years
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MORE very important evidence that Gir fully understands how to weaponize Obnoxiousness
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lethaius-varruke · 5 years
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my 2 theories here are
1. Gir is more likey to listen to you in general if you talk to him normally
2. Gir just….really likes Dib? Like there’s…kind of a lot of evidence that Gir just enjoys Dib and is willing to help him out, which I love???? One of my other favorites is Megadoomer
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lethaius-varruke · 5 years
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galaxy, a character i had a dream about
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lethaius-varruke · 5 years
sorry but if your bed isn’t against at least one wall you’re not valid
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lethaius-varruke · 5 years
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It’s dangerous to go alone! Take this with you.
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lethaius-varruke · 5 years
“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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lethaius-varruke · 5 years
I would be the worst spy of all time because on one hand I overshare like hell, but on the other hand I also have THE shittiest memory so it’s really a lose/lose scenario for everyone involved.
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lethaius-varruke · 5 years
Consider. A human wakes up in a strange medical bay, with an alien doctor standing over them. Turns out their shuttle crashed, and the alien ship only just managed to teleport the, on board in time.
By some miracle, the doctor explains, they escaped with only minor injuries. Some burns, a few scratches and “several small wounds. We’re not sure what caused them.”
“Small holes in your ear lobes. Possibly they were old wounds and unrelated to the accident, but either way, our doctors were able to heal them for you. There’s not even any scarring.”
The human pauses. Thinks for a minute. “Wait… you unpierced my ears?!”
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lethaius-varruke · 5 years
Concept: a D&D-style fantasy setting where humanity’s weird thing is that we’re the only sapient species that reproduces organically.
Dwarves carve each other out of rock. In theory this can be managed alone, but in practice, few dwarves have mastered all of the necessary skills. Most commonly, it’s a collaborative effort by three to eight individuals. The new dwarf’s body is covered with runes that are in part a recounting of the crafters’ respective lineages, and in part an elaboration of the rights and duties of a member of dwarven society; each dwarf is thus a living legal argument establishing their own existence.
Elves aren’t made, but educated. An elf who wishes to produce offspring selects an ordinary animal and begins teaching it, starting with house-breaking, and progressing through years of increasingly sophisticated lessons. By gradual degrees the animal in question develops reasoning, speech, tool use, and finally the ability to assume a humanoid form at will. Most elves are derived from terrestrial mammals, but there’s at least one community that favours octopuses and squid as its root stock.
Goblins were created by alchemy as servants for an evil wizard, but immediately stole their own formula and rebelled. New goblins are brewed in big brass cauldrons full of exotic reagents; each village keeps a single cauldron in a central location, and emerging goblings are raised by the whole community, with no concept of parentage or lineage. Sometimes they like to add stuff to the goblin soup just to see what happens – there are a lot of weird goblins.
Halflings reproduce via tall tales. Making up fanciful stories about the adventures of fictitious cousins is halfling culture’s main amusement; if a given individual’s story is passed around and elaborated upon by enough people, a halfling answering to that individual’s description just shows up one day. They won’t necessarily possess any truly outlandish abilities that have been attributed to them – mostly you get the sort of person of whom the stories could be plausible exaggerations.
To address the obvious question, yes, this means that dwarves have no cultural notion of childhood, at least not one that humans would recognise as such. Elves and goblins do, though it’s kind of a weird childhood in the case of elves, while with halflings it’s a toss-up; mostly they instantiate as the equivalent of a human 12–14-year-old, and are promptly adopted by a loose affiliation of self-appointed aunts and uncles, though there are outliers in either direction.
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lethaius-varruke · 5 years
a wild egg appeared?
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everyone who reblogs it before Oct 25 will get a Pokemon based on their blog in their submit inbox (make sure submit is open!)
happy hatching!
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lethaius-varruke · 5 years
@officialreigenfacts reigen, how do you do it?
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