letshangup · 1 year
My mind is a chamber of sentences unspoken,
withheld from the world like sacred secrets.
My mouth is full of an incoherent river,
Speaking, yet saying nothing at all.
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letshangup · 1 year
I am unable to do anything but watch,
As life spins around me.
I am a spectator,
A passenger in my own car.
I am a puppet,
Yet I am the master.
An unmovable object has met an unstoppable force.
My heart wages war on my brain,
Tearing me apart.
I am unable to do anything but watch,
As I fall into the ruins of who I used to be.
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letshangup · 1 year
My love is vast,
As beautiful as the sun.
Tame my heat,
With rose tinted glasses.
Love me more,
And your heart will sing.
To the sky you gaze,
Longing for me,
Yet not as much as I long for you.
I hold you close, my love yet untold.
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letshangup · 2 years
God gives his hardest battle to his strongest soldiers.  God watches with amusement as I fight with myself, struggling to break myself down into shards of vulnerability that I will give away to the faceless beings of the court and watch cruelly as I pray to him- the same God who damned me- that I have exposed myself enough. I pray that I have broken myself enough, struggled against myself enough, and given away enough pieces of myself that the Judge, who watches me with a painfully critical gaze, decides that I have given enough.  I pray that the Judge and the Jury feast on my vulnerability, and are satisfied with my extravagant display of self inflicted agony,  and I wonder if I will be able to piece myself together again, and be God’s strongest soldier.  
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letshangup · 2 years
Seeing those tiktoks of people saying if they participated in the hunger games they'd jump off that platform during the countdown and die, but me personally i'd stay bc why so many of yall jumping off?? This is an easy win strat
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letshangup · 2 years
savour me so you won’t forget the lingering taste of regret filling you and tainting your soul with the mold of mine.
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letshangup · 2 years
Sometimes i start thinking then i don't
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letshangup · 2 years
i am filled with elegance, grace and abnormal amounts of distaste
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letshangup · 2 years
Would you still love me if my heart was occupied by burning rage?
Untouchable, yet hypnotic like the sun?
Would you still hold me
despite the agony
despite the burns?
Or would you be the snow that suffocates me,
And turn your back on my dying embers?
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letshangup · 2 years
My heart grows cold
as I embrace
the dying embers of anger
that were once an untamed fire.
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letshangup · 2 years
I just want to see the stars.
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letshangup · 2 years
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“Love is a sacrament that should be taken kneeling”
—Oscar Wilde
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letshangup · 2 years
To love what cannot be loved is but a death sentence.  To allow oneself to succumb to overwhelming affection,  To one who is unforgivable,  unloyal,  unaffectionate,  is mere torture.
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letshangup · 2 years
When I die,  There will be no flowers at my funeral. No hanging heads with glass tears,  Nor will there be cries of grief and anguish.  At my funeral, the ears will be deaf,  and the all seeing prideful eyes will be swallowed by guilt.  When I die,
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letshangup · 2 years
Bestow upon me the lies of victory this city was built upon.
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letshangup · 3 years
Bask in the humiliation of those who have wronged you.
They will not make the same mistake twice. 
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letshangup · 3 years
The fall of the sun.
Feeling the sun caress your cold body. Watching the water glitter charismatically. Breath taking. Admire from afar, no matter how tempting. The air can suddenly be felt,  pushing. You feel alive. Freedom. The sun’s comfort is intoxicating, thrilling. You want more.  You cannot get enough.  Closer, more. So close, yet so far. The warmth slipping away, grazing your fingertips in goodbye. Falling.  Throat right and raw.  The sun was nothing but a false sense of security.  Nothing but sweltering heat and final breaths.  Nothing but a boy plummeting to the cold embrace waiting below. Nobody can touch the sun, it is alone. 
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