lexilunar · 1 year
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The gifts of our challenges.
When ill health strikes, we can feel so many things.
Physically, dizzy, tired, nauseas, aches and pains.
When things are working “how they are supposed to” and we feel out of control, sad, angry and hopeless.
We feel vulnerable, out of place.
Life doesn’t feel right, not how we are used to.
These health challenges, shakes us up and out of the automation of every day life.
We are forced to slow down, look after ourselves, listen to our bodies and what messages are being shared with us.
We are asked to face our fears and worries that are coming to the surface. 
To be seen, acknowledged and released.
We choose what we hold onto.
And with awareness, we can choose so much more than we thought possible.
The gift is how we are perceiving what we are living through and what we do with it.
We can choose to wallow and be a victim, to life, circumstance, whatever you feel.
Or you can pull your big girl undies up (or jocks haha) and face what’s coming to the surface.
You will have some wonderful days still to come and yes, some shitty ones too.
I hope you have better ones and feel more joy than sorrow.
Much love
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lexilunar · 1 year
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I like this quote but also see life isn’t quite so black and white. What happens when you think you are trusting your instincts but there are subconscious patterns and programs playing out and make it harder for your soul to shine through?
We are also shifting so quickly, that what we once felt was true, no longer is.
We may question and rail and judge ourselves and the reality around us.
I know I have, at times.
It feels as if we are leaving people and places behind that once meant a lot to us. There may be nothing wrong and no reason for the distance (that we can see).
The Universe is carrying us on another path, that is no longer aligned with others.
New experiences open up and we tune more within, realising we have been lost and confused, because we thought what we needed, was coming from outside of us.
There are times when we do need help, support and guidance.
Then it’s time to move on and allow ourselves to shift, with a little more ease, than resistance allows.
Following a path, listening to the music only we can hear, that is part of our journey.
Ever shifting unfolding and changing.
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lexilunar · 4 years
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lexilunar · 4 years
Feel like I'm waiting
For life to blow up
Everything seems settled
Yet feel the dark
Things are moving
Currently unseen
When will I remember
My divinity
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lexilunar · 4 years
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lexilunar · 4 years
Through the darker times, the remembrance of light lends it's strength, so we may rise again, facing a new day, recovering our faith in life
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lexilunar · 4 years
Madness grows with every step I take
Breathing, dreaming, it all seems the same
Chaos flows and bubbles around me
Inside, confusion, sadness & grief war with the pain of being
The darkness shrouds me, keeping me safe from unkind eyes
Love envelops me, to the deepest parts of my soul
Coming from the Divine
It flows
Earthly matters seem to fade
Knowing I am loved
Supported from above
Yet, being in the trenches
This feeling of love is not always easy to remember
It slips from my grasp
I feel more alone, for having felt that love, even fleetingly
The light shines and as it grows
I feel more uncomfortable
More exposed, vulnerable
There is peace in the shadows but I can not always live there
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