#beliefs programs mindset energy
lexilunar · 1 year
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I like this quote but also see life isn’t quite so black and white. What happens when you think you are trusting your instincts but there are subconscious patterns and programs playing out and make it harder for your soul to shine through?
We are also shifting so quickly, that what we once felt was true, no longer is.
We may question and rail and judge ourselves and the reality around us.
I know I have, at times.
It feels as if we are leaving people and places behind that once meant a lot to us. There may be nothing wrong and no reason for the distance (that we can see).
The Universe is carrying us on another path, that is no longer aligned with others.
New experiences open up and we tune more within, realising we have been lost and confused, because we thought what we needed, was coming from outside of us.
There are times when we do need help, support and guidance.
Then it’s time to move on and allow ourselves to shift, with a little more ease, than resistance allows.
Following a path, listening to the music only we can hear, that is part of our journey.
Ever shifting unfolding and changing.
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theawakenedstate · 2 months
5 Common Mistakes in Chakra Healing You Need to Avoid
Chakra healing is a powerful practice that can transform your life from the inside out. Let’s explore five common mistakes that many individuals make when it comes to chakra healing. Here’s How you can begin to enhance your Chakra Healing journey. I’m a big advocate for Consistency. Why? It not only helps me spiritually grow but it gets me results!
One area I’ve been consistent beyond spiritual practice has been my journey with the chakra Healing system. I’ve learned a lot over the years about how to properly understand energy work through Chakra Healing. 
However, just like any new ager out there, there are a lot of mistakes I’ve learned over the years. After 13-14 years on this healing path, I’ve personally refined my chakra strategy so I always get incredible results. 
I wanted to share some common mistakes that many people are making when it comes to energy work and the chakras that they might not be realizing. 
#5 is def my soap box I will admit LOL 
But In general – these are mistakes I’ve personally gone through and eventually realized there are stronger tools out there to help you heal easier. Likewise, in some cases even faster!
2 hour + somatic breathwork?  Not remotely Necessary when you’re dealing with the chakras. 
Here’s my tips and tricks on Chakra Healing to help you avoid these common Mistakes I see continuously in the spiritual community. 
Catch the full Episode on the Youtube or Season 3 of the Podcast: Awaken & Manifest your Best Life
1 – You’re Using Surface-Level Tools to Solve an Internal Problem
Ever caught yourself getting lost in a sea of crystals, essential oils, and sage, hoping they’ll magically fix your energy imbalances? While these tools are fantastic for boosting your vibes, they’re like the sparkly cherry on top. One common mistake in chakra healing is relying solely on surface-level tools like crystals and oils without going deeper into the root cause of energetic imbalances. While these tools can help aid in the process, (I call these amplifiers because they amplify the energy of that chakra) true healing occurs when we address the core issues within each chakra.
2 – Thinking That you ONLY need Yoga Asanas and Color Therapy
If you’ve been hanging your hopes on wearing specific colors, Eating certain foods or striking yoga poses to heal your chakras, hey, you’re not alone! Another misconception is the overemphasis on yoga asanas and color therapy as the primary methods for chakra healing. While these practices can complement healing, they should not overshadow the importance of addressing Your Beliefs behind your Mindset, Your Internal Programming, Emotional Health and internal energetic frequency for lasting transformation. It’s about balance, yo 😉
3 – Confusing Chakra Healing and Reiki as the same thing. Spoiler Alert: It’s not
 Reiki Healing and Chakra healing are completely different methods. It’s like comparing apples and oranges – both juicy and delicious, but with their unique flavors. While Reiki casts a broad energetic net for overall alignment, chakra healing zooms in like a laser beam on your individual energy centers. For Example, Reiki focuses more on healing the energetic field with symbols, chakra healing delves deep into individual energetic centers, providing a more targeted approach to addressing specific issues within the energy system. Chakra Healing also works specifically with your unique programming and Patterns that are looping in your nervous system.
4 – Listening to Sound Frequencies and Meditations to Heal – Yet Avoiding the inner work
Here’s the thing, sound frequencies and meditations can enhance your chakra healing journey, but they should not be the sole focus. It’s important to enhance these practices with adding internal work on Your Energetic Patterns. For Example, working on your Internal State of Consciousness surrounding your emotions, mindset, and habits to facilitate sustainable healing results.
5 – Only Focusing on Releasing and Clearing Work – Nothing Else.
Let’s chat about the shadow-side of healing – a vital but often overemphasized piece of the puzzle. While diving into your shadows is important, The real healing is when you empower your chakras. A key aspect of effective chakra healing is empowering the chakras through repatterning. This is the deep work we do inside The Ultimate Chakra Academy Simply releasing negative energies or even Shadow patterns is not enough; true healing occurs when we replace old patterns with new, empowering beliefs and behaviors.
Why are people not able to properly heal?
When we only do releasing work, we’re not actually shifting and changing the pattern. And what happens instead is it reverts. The entire pattern starts to revert and come back! Have you ever had that happen? This causes the entire script to change. (and maybe you lost money from that, all the same, right?)
Avoiding the Real Internal Work to Truly Heal
The hugest thing I want to emphasize here is you notice, all these mistakes aren’t actually working on your emotions or your patterns. They’re kind of, bypassing those emotions. Naturally, they’re energy tools, they help, but they’re not working with the emotion. If the tool does not work with the negative pattern or the emotion itself, Then it’s just like an amplifier. Instead, When we work with a Chakra, we’re opening up the Energy pattern that makes up your beliefs, emotions, actions, and even working on the habits that keep the pattern going.
We’re not looking at the actual programming itself. We’re not looking at the actual pattern or the framework of the pattern. We’re instead bypassing that and using different tools to try to access it. Chakra healing makes up a pattern. If you want to raise your vibe, heal, or manifest? Change the Energy Pattern, Change the Results.
In conclusion,
By avoiding these common mistakes and approaching chakra healing with an Empowering mindset, you can unlock the transformative power of this unique practice. Remember, true healing begins from within, and each step you take towards nurturing your chakras brings you closer to manifesting your best life. ✌️
P.S. Ready to enhance your chakra healing journey? Grab your Chakra Starter Kit for a look behind the scenes of Energy Vibrations, how to heal your Chakra Centers and my signature chakra detox Framework! Free access to sign up here:
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5 Common Mistakes in Chakra Healing You Need to Avoid
Chakra healing is a powerful practice that can transform your life from the inside out. Let’s explore five common mistakes that many individuals make when it comes to chakra healing. Here’s How you can begin to enhance your Chakra Healing journey. I’m a big advocate for Consistency. Why? It not only helps me spiritually grow […]
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Over the long 20th century, mainstream Marxism tended to neglect ecology, if not been downright hostile towards it. From Marx and Engels’s belief in the progressive nature of technological development under capitalism to the extractivist zeal of the Soviet Union, the mainstream of the Marxist historical tradition would seem to make for unlikely environmentalists. In a famous passage from his Critique of the Gotha Program (1875), Marx argues that, for example, after the productive forces have also increased with the all-around development of the individual, [it is then that] the narrow horizon of bourgeois right [can] be crossed in its entirety and society inscribe on its banners: From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs! The logic seems clear: if technological development under capitalism is inherently progressive—by his own account, a “historical necessity”—and if humans need to dominate nature in order to bring about “a higher phase of communist society,” then the critique from environmentalists is certainly warranted. Saito pins this “ecomodern” Marxism back to the idea that technological development under capitalism is a necessary and progressive stage in history—a precondition for emancipation as capitalism falls under the weight of its own contradictions. But when Marx wrote those words, it was at least reasonable to suggest that productive capacity was premature for the advent of socialism. It is harder to say that now: in terms of aggregate capacity, we produce enough food to end world hunger, generate enough energy for everyone to use a sufficient amount, and have enough wealth to end poverty. And yet, 150 years after Marx penned Capital: A Critique of Political Economy, we are no closer to global socialism than when our collective productive capacity was a fraction of what it is today. There, too, we are deadlocked. In fact, as Andreas Malm has argued in Fossil Capital: The Rise of Steam Power and the Roots of Global Warming (2016), or Timothy Mitchell in Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil (2013), the transition from hydropower to fossil fuels or coal to oil was a means of concentrating power in the hands of capitalists, concrete evidence that a transition from an “older” technology to a newer one does not, as such, represent definitive historical progress (especially when that technology threatens to undermine earth’s life-supporting systems or functions to intensify power over workers and the rest of nature). Too many Marxists still suffer from the same scarcity mindset, believing we lack the productive capacity and resources to provide everyone a good life within the means of the planet. But while we can’t fault Marx and Engels for not knowing more about climate change—or for not having the kind of ecological consciousness the 21st century has gifted us with—today’s ecomodern Marxists have no such excuse.
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kidestom · 2 years
When you change your beliefs, you change your energy.
You create your identities and personality patterns, your mindset, and your vibration, through the narratives you consciously and unconsciously form and integrate.
You create yourself on multiple levels. How?
You tell stories about yourself, your capacity, your talents, and your skills. You create and sustain a sense of self through this process of story formation that you then habituate as the “facts” of who you are and who you can be.
Stories, internal narratives, are the basis of your energetic vibration.
The empowering part of this innate process is that you can change and transform any outdated belief programs you hold about yourself (mindset and behaviors) by changing the story you’ve been telling up to now.
When you change your habits of thought on any subject, including yourself, you change your memorized emotions and your memorized physiological constrictions. You change your energy and vibration.
You transform yourself energetically, psychologically, emotionally, and physically to start operating from more empowered life-rich forms of energy.
That's the change the brings about a positive change to your circumstances, relationships, and everything else in between.
You can, at any time, catalyze your growth and change your vibration to reflect more empowering narratives through awareness, intention, focus, and practice.
To go deeper into this, find The Kidest OM Podcast on your favorite streaming platform (if you’re not already subscribed) and listen to episodes 013 and 015.
Visit www.infinite-life.com for more tips, teachings, and resources from author and teacher Kidest OM!
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mfenvs3000f23 · 7 months
Small actions, big outcomes! Environment as a frequent classroom topic!
Describe your personal ethic as you develop as a nature interpreter. What beliefs do you bring? What responsibilities do you have? What approaches are most suitable for you as an individual?
This is my final blog post and you likely do not know who I am, but if you are interested, I invite you to delve into Madeline Fantin’s interpretive ethics, values, and ideas for the future.
To start, what beliefs do I bring? I am a wildlife biology and conservation student; therefore, the vast majority of my courses have looked through a scientific lens (western science that is). Perhaps the reason I chose my program is due to possibly my most core belief, that individuals have the power and influence necessary to make a real difference. This is why I became a vegetarian even though my entirely Italian family thinks I’m bonkers, I think one person cutting their carbon emissions is a worthwhile effort. Are billionaires flying their private jets around for unsatisfactory reasons and investing in all kinds of large corporations who dump pollution directly into our environment? Yes of course, and don’t get me wrong, I think part of the fight towards a healthy planet is holding the extremely wealthy accountable. Perhaps they are hoping we will put all the blame on ourselves so that we ignore their insurmountable consumption. However, we are consumers too and where possible, we can choose where to put our money and how to live our lives to a certain extent. I believe that however small, the average citizen’s fight against climate change is valuable and necessary. In conversations I have had with the people in my life, I have learned that many people become unmotivated by the “all or nothing” mindset. For example, I frequently hear people say that they “could never go without meat all the time.” So don’t! Have meatless Mondays! Have meatless weekends! Go pescatarian! Go meatless biweekly! There are unlimited combinations of schedules that could provide a more reasonable expectation. The effort doesn’t need to be “perfect” to be worth something. This can be applied to many environmental actions. In most places in Ontario, it wouldn’t be reasonable to ask people to use public transport or bike as a main form of transportation. Most cities don’t have great public transport, and most people live a long, long bike ride away from their place of work. However just because you cannot bike to work doesn’t mean you can’t ever trade the car for your bike. Maybe there’s a friend you often visit just on the other side of the neighborhood, and maybe you usually drive to them, but when the weather is ideal and if you are able, the bike could work! Many “imperfect” actions are better than no action at all I promise!!!! There is no shame in not being the perfect environmentalist all the time, it is near impossible in the society we have created.
I also believe that there is something to be gained from spending time in nature, for anyone. Whether that is a chance to gather thoughts, get some exercise, some vitamin D, you name it. I don’t think it needs to be picturesque either. Sometimes connecting with nature looks like sitting on the curb outside your east campus townhouse because the sun has reappeared after some days of gloom. Sometimes you will have the energy to head to the arboretum, but when you don’t, taking a sunny break on the curb is better than skipping the outdoors all together. Again, it doesn’t have to be all or nothing.
I believe it is never too late to get started! Everyone, no matter the age or circumstance, should feel like they have a place in the world of nature interpretation and the outdoors. Having not grown up in an outdoor adventure family doesn’t mean you can’t have any outdoor adventures! On that point, outdoor adventures are whatever you make them. They need not be a costly trip to the other side of the continent. Someone with the right mindset could gain more from an hour by the local creek, than someone with the wrong mindset on their trip to Mount Kilimanjaro.
What responsibilities do I have? Well, there are the obvious ones such as to deliver the program I have advertised, inform guests about risk, manage and prevent dangers, present accurate information, check my bias and privilege, to be fun and engaging, and for guests to leave feeling like they have benefitted in some way. Other more specific responsibilities I believe depend on the approach…
So what approaches are the most suitable for me? Well, it is my goal to get into teaching in high school classrooms. This is not the type of environment we have spent the last few months discussing, but nonetheless I think there is a ton of relevant overlap. Nature interpretation could take place in the classroom, or the school yard. There may also be opportunity for class trips where students could be exposed to new ways of learning or new environments.
When relevant to the content, I would aim to stimulate interest and conversation about the environment and environmental issues happening around the world, as they relate to us in Canada and otherwise. I probably plan on living in Canada, and therefore will need to create programs suitable for all 4 seasons. This could mean the same topic modified with each passing season, different topics in each season, or a combination. I am excited to take advantage of the variance each season brings. I think many topics in the high school curriculum could benefit from an environmental lense, and I would look to make connections throughout where possible.
 I would look to encourage active learning and participation through mediums the students may be interested in, just like we talked about all the different mediums of nature interpretation. If I’m teaching grade 9 or 10 science, then this class is still required of them, and many may only be there by necessity. They might not want to be there or have particular interest in the content, which is ok, and I would need to navigate how to still make sure they get what they are meant to, even if they never develop excitement about it.
To revisit responsibilities, as a teacher I must provide a classroom environment conducive to learning, where everyone feels comfortable, valued, and that students look forward to attending each day.
For my final blog post outro (☹), I will say that climate doomism is very contagious and easy to get wrapped up in. I think one of the most important things we can do as nature interpreters is spark hope for change. You never know who is looking to you when they are feeling discouraged about the state of the world, and how you can provide them motivation to keep fighting the good fight!
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The anxiety that has been in me my whole life has begone to really take hold of me. I have developed heart problems, I am stuck in a terrible relationship, I am so scared of any and every confrontation with anyone to where I cannot speak my mind ever. I just ask for your perspective please, however feels right to you
I'm so so sorry, you are so not bothering me either. So my love, everyday find a place alone to breathe. Force yourself to smile and breathe everyday no matter how negative the thoughts get. The energies coming to Earth now are affecting everyone right now causing anxiety, nausea, body aches, headaches, sleep disruption, etc. So know that you are not alone but it is extra intense for you because of how sensitive you are. I have been where you've been many times.
Find a place to breathe deeply, let the anger come out, make whatever noise or scream that needs to come out, let it roar. Anger is a positive emotion and a good sign you are getting closer to peace. Keep breathing, even if it's difficult. Be alone with your thoughts. Don't distract yourself this time. You are so loved and so watched over by the entire Universe. You sent this challenge to yourself from a higher level, so let's shift your mindset everyday into, " this is somehow serving me no matter how negative my ego defines it as, to become more resilient and more powerful and to own my power. I'm not a victim I'm a victor. I'm not lost, I'm finding my way finally through the dark maze." Your toxic partner is reflecting back your own beliefs about yourself, your reality and them back onto you from old beliefs and toxic programming from society.
They are also triggered by your inner hidden light. So you're the villain to them. Shining your light more, and being yourself more, unapologetically will actually help them to see their own wrongdoings towards you. So be love. You will also prove to yourself that you are a loving being no matter what is being thrown at you. You cannot get peace by hating war. You can only get peace by loving peace and choosing peace and love over hate every time. Remember you're being confident about not being confident, see the paradox? You're confident about being unsure, you are being confident about not being able to speak your truth. No money? But you're confident about that. No self assurance? But you're confident about that. Just switch your beliefs any chance you're aware of them my love don't beat yourself up. But that's okay because now you know and now you're aware. Stop beating yourself up because of someone else's false projections of who you are my love. You are so loved and so worthy.
You are not unworthy and you never were. Keep breathing, everyday. Now that you've let out your repressed emotions and let out the anger, keep breathing then imagine you're at peace. Step into the reality where you have peace. All of your negative thoughts are lying to you . Just keep breathing . The key is to feel gratitude and appreciation no matter what is happening outside of you because that is going to be your magic carpet ride out of there. Once you finally get to this peace within you're going to ask God/The Universe for help in bringing you your desires. One of which is to get out of there right, and more abundance. Say God, I'm so grateful for all the lessons I learned here, I'm giving you all my burdens now. I'm giving up. This is too much for me. I'm letting it all go now and giving it to you because I know you'll do it for me. I trust you one hundred percent. I'm releasing all limiting beliefs that I'm unworthy now.
Bring me my people that are for me now in abundance, bring me my desires in abundance. Help heal my heart and thank you for doing it for me." Now imagine a color, maybe green is healing for your heart chakra, imagine this color is pouring into your heart several times a day. My color is blue right now, surrounding me and bathing me in it's healing frequencies. Your imagination is real. Now In speaking to your partner, swallow your illusionary fear, but do it scared. " I need to talk to you. I'm done playing this blame game, I'm done pointing fingers. I love you and I always will but I'm setting a boundary now with you and making myself clear. I love you enough to accept you and let you be who you are, but if you're not for me, you're against me. I need to focus on healing my heart now and if you're not supportive of that, I need to be alone to heal myself. I love you I want to make that clear because my boundary is no one takes me out of my loving energy, ever, for any reason so if you come at with negativity and treating me badly then I will just ignore it and love you from afar.
I'm not reacting anymore and I'm going to be positive over here, you can stay there but I won't engage with your treatment. I will always hold you accountable with love. It's up to you how you react to my boundaries and that has nothing to do with me." Then leave. Close the door and stand on business. But, if they are physically abusive, don't even say anything. Just move in silence because you would rather be safe than sorry in that type of situation. Go back to your breathing in isolation, and start packing your things. If you have any family that you can stay with, even if you don't like them, call them up and tell them your situation. God will have your back.
The whole universe is applauding you already for having the desire to want better for yourself and will have your back in supporting your decision. Leaving is one of the most important things you need to do to heal yourself and I know it's incredibly terrifying, but it's not as scary when you have God on your side. Call upon Yeshua as well. Remember to keep breathing to get to that inner peace because that's going to be the number one thing that shifts your entire world so that you can leave peacefully with abundance at every turn no matter how empty your wallet gets. Remember the universe is neutral and meaningless. So just vibrate higher and it has no choice but to reflect back your new vibration. God will refill it because you chose peace and you chose yourself over bullshit and negativity. I hope this helps ❤️🙏 I'm manifesting for you right now that you heal and find a safe new place to heal and receive all your desires in divine timing.
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a-flock-of-geese · 26 days
The Power of Manifestation: Transforming Thoughts into Reality
Manifestation, the art of bringing thoughts into reality, has intrigued many for centuries. This practice, rooted in the belief that our thoughts shape our lives, involves more than just wishful thinking; it requires a deep understanding of one's mind learn more and emotions. By harnessing the power of positive thinking, affirmations, and visualization, individuals can potentially influence their life outcomes, transforming desires into tangible experiences.
Understanding Manifestation
Manifestation is based on the principle that all thoughts turn into things eventually. If you focus on negative doom and gloom, you will remain under that cloud. Conversely, positive thoughts can bring about positive change. This concept isn't just mystical; aspects of it are supported by psychological theories such as cognitive-behavioral therapy which suggests that changing thought patterns can alter behavior and outcomes.
The Role of the Subconscious
From birth to around the age of six, our subconscious minds are akin to sponges, absorbing information that shapes our beliefs and self-image. This early programming can significantly influence our thoughts and by extension, our life experiences. According to Dr. Bruce Lipton, a developmental biologist, up to 95% of our consciousness is actually subconscious. This vast, underexplored area of our mind plays a crucial role in manifestation.
Thoughts and Reality
Our thoughts are powerful enough to shape our reality. A study by the National Science Foundation claims that the average person has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day, of which 80% are negative and 95% are repetitive. This highlights the challenge of manifestation: to consciously direct a significant portion of these thoughts towards positive outcomes.
Techniques for Effective Manifestation
Manifestation isn't just about thinking positively; it's a multifaceted process that involves clarity, emotion, and action.
Clarity in Desires
Being specific about what you want is crucial. Ambiguity can lead to mixed results. For instance, instead of merely wishing for financial abundance, define what abundance means to you, be it freedom from debt, a specific amount of savings, or financial security.
The Power of Affirmations
Affirmations are positive statements that can help to overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts. When these affirmations are repeated often, and believed in, they can help to change your mindset and manifest different outcomes. For example, affirming "I am capable and deserving of success" can help reinforce self-worth and confidence.
Visualization Techniques
Visualization is another powerful tool used in manifestation. It involves clearly imagining what you wish to achieve. By creating a vivid mental image of your desired outcome, complete with sensory details, you engage the subconscious mind which does not differentiate between real and imaginary stimuli. This process can enhance motivation and prepare you for opportunities aligned with your desires.
Emotional Alignment
Your emotions play a pivotal role in manifestation. Positive emotions like joy and gratitude can accelerate the manifestation process, while negative emotions like fear and doubt can impede it. Emotional alignment involves feeling the emotions that would accompany your desired outcomes, thereby aligning your energy with them.
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81possession · 2 years
/affirmations/music that shifts u in the right mindset/create playlists/push back limiting beliefs as they do not serve you/sex magic to manifest/use an alter ego/(alcohol)/visualize it/feel it/feel gratitude/bad bitch energy/don’t listen to other ppls limiting beliefs/”i am god”/”i am the creator of my reality”/manifest while drinking water/10 second visualization before bedtime/recognize when ur low frequenzy-shift it intentionally/visualize desired reality with 100% trust
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gooindy99 · 1 year
Unleash Your Potential: Dr. Andrew Huberman's Guide to Never Lacking Motivation or Focus Again
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Motivation and focus are two key ingredients for success in any endeavor. However, many of us struggle with maintaining consistent motivation and unwavering focus. Enter Dr. Andrew Huberman, a leading neuroscientist and renowned expert in human performance. In his transformative program, "You Will Never Lack Motivation or Focus Again," Dr. Huberman shares groundbreaking insights and practical techniques to help individuals tap into their inner drive and achieve exceptional results. In this article, we explore the key concepts and strategies shared by Dr. Huberman that can revolutionize your life.
Understanding the Science: Dr. Huberman starts by unraveling the science behind motivation and focus. He delves into the intricate workings of the brain, explaining the neural pathways and mechanisms responsible for these states of mind. By understanding the underlying science, you can gain valuable insights into how to effectively enhance your motivation and focus.
Rewiring Your Brain: One of the core principles emphasized by Dr. Huberman is the concept of neuroplasticity—the brain's ability to reorganize and form new connections. Through targeted exercises and practices, he shows how you can rewire your brain to strengthen motivation and focus pathways, enabling you to tap into your full potential.
Goal Setting and Vision: Dr. Huberman emphasizes the importance of setting clear goals and creating a compelling vision. He guides participants through practical strategies for defining meaningful goals that align with their passions and values. By establishing a clear vision, individuals can ignite their motivation and stay focused on their objectives.
Overcoming Obstacles: Motivation and focus can be hindered by internal and external obstacles. Dr. Huberman provides valuable insights into identifying and overcoming these obstacles, whether they are self-doubt, fear of failure, or external distractions. By employing specific techniques and mindset shifts, individuals can navigate through challenges and maintain their drive and focus.
Cultivating a Growth Mindset: A growth mindset is essential for sustaining motivation and focus. Dr. Huberman teaches participants how to cultivate a mindset that embraces challenges, learns from setbacks, and sees failures as stepping stones to success. This mindset shift allows individuals to approach their goals with resilience, perseverance, and an unwavering belief in their ability to grow and achieve.
Optimizing Energy and Well-being: Dr. Huberman recognizes the importance of holistic well-being in maintaining motivation and focus. He provides strategies for optimizing energy levels, managing stress, and prioritizing self-care. By taking care of physical and mental health, individuals can ensure they have the necessary resources to sustain their motivation and focus.
Mindfulness and Mental Clarity: Mindfulness practices play a vital role in enhancing focus and concentration. Dr. Huberman introduces various mindfulness techniques, such as meditation and breathwork, that help individuals cultivate present-moment awareness and sharpen their mental clarity. These practices enable individuals to anchor their focus and stay engaged in the task at hand.
Dr. Andrew Huberman's program, "You Will Never Lack Motivation or Focus Again," offers a transformative journey towards unlocking your inner drive and achieving unparalleled success. By understanding the science behind motivation and focus, rewiring your brain, setting clear goals, and cultivating a growth mindset, you can tap into your full potential. With Dr. Huberman's guidance, you can overcome obstacles, optimize your well-being, and embrace mindfulness practices to enhance your motivation and focus. Invest in yourself and embark on this life-changing program to unleash your potential and never lack motivation or focus again.
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naveen199 · 1 year
Unlocking the Secrets to Becoming a Money Magnet: How to Manifest Wealth Now
How super wealthy Attract Money
As a helpful assistant, I am excited to share with you the secrets to becoming a money magnet and manifesting wealth now. If you are looking to unlock your financial freedom and attract money using the law of attraction, this article is for you. In this article, I will explain the concept of manifesting wealth, how the law of attraction works in manifesting wealth, tips to unlock your financial freedom, steps to attract money using the law of attraction, the power of positive thinking, the 30-day wealth manifestation program, personal finance tips to help you achieve financial freedom, money magnet courses, and manifestation services. By the end of this article, you will be equipped with the necessary tools to become a money magnet and manifest wealth now.
Introduction: Understanding the Concept of Manifesting Wealth
Manifesting wealth is the process of attracting abundance into your life through the power of your thoughts, beliefs, and actions. It is based on the law of attraction, which states that like attracts like. In other words, whatever you focus your thoughts and energy on, you will attract more of into your life. If you focus on lack and scarcity, you will attract more of that into your life. If you focus on abundance and prosperity, you will attract more of that into your life.
The first step in manifesting wealth is to understand your current relationship with money. Do you have a scarcity mindset or an abundance mindset? Are you constantly worried about money or do you believe that there is always enough to go around? Once you have identified your current mindset, you can begin to work on changing it to one that is more aligned with abundance and prosperity.
Tips to Unlock Your Financial Freedom
To unlock your financial freedom, you need to take control of your finances and develop good money habits. Here are some tips to help you get started:
Create a budget: A budget is a plan for how you will spend your money. It helps you to prioritize your spending and avoid overspending.
Save money: Saving money is important for building wealth. Set aside a portion of your income each month for savings.
Invest wisely: Investing is a great way to grow your wealth over time. Do your research and invest in assets that align with your financial goals.
Pay off debt: Debt can be a major obstacle to financial freedom. Make a plan to pay off your debt as quickly as possible.
Live below your means: Living below your means is key to building wealth. Avoid lifestyle inflation and prioritize saving and investing.
How to Become a Money Magnet: Steps to Attract Money Using the Law of Attraction
To become a money magnet, you need to follow these steps:
Get clear on what you want: Define your financial goals and visualize yourself already having the money that you desire.
Believe it is possible: Believe that you can achieve your financial goals. Let go of any limiting beliefs or negative thoughts that are holding you back.
Take inspired action: Take action towards your financial goals. This could be anything from starting a side hustle to investing in assets that align with your goals.
Practice gratitude: Express gratitude for the abundance and prosperity that is already present in your life. This will help you to attract more of it.
Trust the process: Trust that the universe will bring you what you desire. Let go of the need to control the outcome and have faith that everything is working out for your highest good.
The Power of Positive Thinking: How to Develop a Money Mindset
Positive thinking is a powerful tool for manifesting wealth. It helps to shift your mindset from one of lack and scarcity to one of abundance and prosperity. Here are some tips for developing a money mindset:
Focus on abundance: Focus on all of the abundance and prosperity that is already present in your life. This will help to shift your mindset from one of lack to one of abundance.
Visualize your financial goals: Visualize yourself already having the money that you desire. This will help to align your thoughts and energy with your financial goals.
Surround yourself with positivity: Surround yourself with people and things that inspire positivity and abundance.
Practice gratitude: Express gratitude for all of the abundance and prosperity that is already present in your life. This will help to attract more of it.
Let go of limiting beliefs: Let go of any limiting beliefs or negative thoughts that are holding you back from manifesting wealth. Replace them with positive affirmations and beliefs that support your desire for financial abundance.
How to Supercharge Your Manifestation: The 30-Day Wealth Manifestation Program
The 30-day wealth manifestation program is a powerful tool for supercharging your manifestation efforts. It is a program that helps you to align your thoughts, beliefs, and actions with your financial goals. Here are some steps to follow:
Define your financial goals: Define your financial goals and be specific about what you want to achieve.
Create a vision board: Create a vision board that represents your financial goals. Include images and affirmations that align with your desires.
Practice daily affirmations: Practice daily affirmations that align with your financial goals. Repeat them several times a day to reinforce your beliefs.
Take inspired action: Take action towards your financial goals. This could be anything from starting a side hustle to investing in assets that align with your goals.
Practice gratitude: Express gratitude for the abundance and prosperity that is already present in your life. This will help to attract more of it.
Personal Finance Tips to Help You Achieve Financial Freedom
Achieving financial freedom requires good money habits and a solid financial plan. Here are some personal finance tips to help you get started:
Create a budget: A budget is a plan for how you will spend your money. It helps you to prioritize your spending and avoid overspending.
Save money: Saving money is important for building wealth. Set aside a portion of your income each month for savings.
Invest wisely: Investing is a great way to grow your wealth over time. Do your research and invest in assets that align with your financial goals.
Pay off debt: Debt can be a major obstacle to financial freedom. Make a plan to pay off your debt as quickly as possible.
Live below your means: Living below your means is key to building wealth. Avoid lifestyle inflation and prioritize saving and investing.
Money Magnet Courses: Resources for Manifesting Wealth
Money magnet courses are resources that can help you to manifest wealth and achieve financial freedom. Here are some courses to consider:
The Wealthy Mindset Blueprint: This course helps you to develop a money mindset and attract abundance into your life.
Manifesting Money Masterclass: This course teaches you how to use the law of attraction to manifest wealth and financial freedom.
Financial Freedom University: This course provides a comprehensive financial education and helps you to create a plan for achieving financial freedom.
Money Mastery Academy: This course teaches you how to manage your money, invest wisely, and build wealth over time.
Millionaire Mindset Intensive: This course helps you to develop a millionaire mindset and create a plan for achieving financial abundance.
Manifestation Services: How to Get Professional Help in Achieving Your Financial Goals
If you need professional help in achieving your financial goals, there are manifestation services that can help. These services provide personalized coaching and guidance to help you manifest wealth and achieve financial freedom. Here are some services to consider:
The Manifestation Babe Academy: This service provides coaching and guidance on manifesting wealth and abundance.
The Abundance Mindset Course: This course teaches you how to develop an abundance mindset and attract more wealth and prosperity into your life.
The Money Manifestation Mastermind: This service provides group coaching and guidance on manifesting wealth and financial freedom.
The Wealthy Mindset Program: This program helps you to develop a money mindset and align your thoughts, beliefs, and actions with your financial goals.
The Money Mentoring Program: This program provides personalized coaching and guidance on managing your money, investing wisely, and achieving financial freedom.
Conclusion: Summary of Key Takeaways and Next Steps to Manifesting Wealth
In conclusion, manifesting wealth is a powerful tool for achieving financial freedom and abundance. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can become a money magnet and attract wealth and prosperity into your life. Remember to focus on abundance, believe in your ability to manifest wealth, take inspired action, practice gratitude, and let go of limiting beliefs. Also, consider enrolling in money magnet courses and manifestation services for additional support and guidance. With these tools and resources, you can manifest wealth and achieve financial freedom now.
CTA: Start manifesting wealth now by taking action towards your financial goals. Define your financial goals, create a plan, and take inspired action. Remember to focus on abundance, believe in your ability to manifest wealth, practice gratitude, and let go of limiting beliefs. If you need additional support, consider enrolling in money magnet courses or manifestation services. With these tools and resources, you can become a money magnet and achieve financial freedom.
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windvexer · 2 years
Hello chicken! There seems to be tons of post on dowsing (e.g. cleansing, charging, programming), but I'm not exactly sure how to use the pendulum for dowsing. Am I supposed to make it move a little and see where it goes from there, or is it supposed to be still and it'll move according to the question? Nonetheless, how exactly do you make it move so that you can read it? How to know that the pendulum actually works now (as in it'll respond to the questions asked) & how to make it work (if there's still no movements)? Thank you! If you've already posted about this (/this seems like a pretty dumb question), apologies
When we say dowsing, do we mean having the pendulum lead you to a hidden resource (traditionally water)?
But based on you referencing asking a question, I think you might be using dowsing as an umbrella term for all divination with a pendulum.
Since I don't know a thing about dowsing, but I do know one or two things about using a pendulum to answer questions, I'll pretend that's what you mean and answer that instead.
The following is by no means universal and just what I do/would do:
Am I supposed to make it move a little and see where it goes from there, or is it supposed to be still and it'll move according to the question?
Something has to make the pendulum move. I believe that you, as a physical being, all imbued up with your physical energy, are 9 out of 10 times going to be the energetic force that makes the pendulum move.
Don't get me wrong, spirits and other beings can come in and influence and guide your energy to provide answers. But my current theory on the matter is that your personal metaphysical energy needs to be traveling through the pendulum for it to move.
I found that as I grew in my magical development, I could just get the pendulum to move much more easily. But when I started practicing, it took tons of focus for me to get even tiny movements.
So to answer your question: you should do whatever helps you get your energy flowing through the pendulum. This might mean manually moving it first, to get some kinetic energy flowing, then attempting to influence the movement with your questions or personal energy.
I use pendulum boards where I move the pendulum between options and wait for a reaction. So, my pendulum is usually moving in one direction (say, up and down) before it responds by moving in another direct (say, back and forth).
Nonetheless, how exactly do you make it move so that you can read it?
So my belief is that our personal energy is responsible for the movements. Our energy has to be flowing through the pendulum. So, what happens when we put a ton of focus on don't move, don't influence, perfectly still?
Well, we cut off our energetic flow to the pendulum 🤷‍♂️
So of course it's not going to move.
Test out my UPG yourself by using energy ball exercises and moving energy in and out of your hands. Especially focus on how it feels for your energy to be moving through your hands, and how it feels for your energy to stop at (or just within/behind) your skin.
You may notice that a very effective way to stop your energy from influencing anything is to put intense focus on not influencing it! Fancy that!
Instead, try putting more of a focus on, this moves, I influence, active motion.
Of course your muscles will twitch more. Energy is flowing through 'em. Plus, it's my opinion that those muscle twitches can confuse things, but readings can be verifiable regardless.
Then, focus on your question with a mindset that it's perfectly fine and lovely if you influence the pendulum (since you must for it to move!). Give it 3-4 seconds of focus on your question - clear, direct focus. See what happens.
Verify pendulum work with an exercise like this: have a friend cleanse an object (clear quartz works great) and charge it with an elemental energy.
Have your friend send you a picture of the object (if long distance). Focus on the object and ask the pendulum whether or not it's charged. Any degree of motion in any direction will indicate charge.
Then, either by using a pendulum board (a sheet of paper with fire/earth/wind/water written on it) or by asking about each element one at a time, see if your pendulum pings on any element. Have your friend verify.
Unfortunately, this doesn't work if your friend is less than sure of their abilities to charge - sometimes, a "no answer" isn't your fault, but because the practice partner isn't adept at the technique they're using to charge.
How to know that the pendulum actually works now (as in it'll respond to the questions asked) & how to make it work (if there's still no movements)?
Anything can work. I use random stuff as a pendulum all the time, like keys on a lanyard. This is where that cleansing/charging/programming stuff can come in handy.
Perform magical actions that align an object to your energy, and your energy more easily flows through it.
If you are experimenting with pendulums and none of them seem to work, that's not the pendulum's issue, basically.
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alchemyofmaya · 2 years
One of my classmates from my clinical hypnotherapy program was talking to me about a session she had done on her.
She wanted to figure out what was the underlying reason behind why she couldn’t find the motivation or energy to get up and work out. She talked about how it was such a passion for her, how she loved staying in shape, moving her energy through moving her body. She even bought weights and exercise equipment so she wouldn’t have to stress about having to go out of her way to go to the gym. Regardless of that, for the past three months she just couldn’t get herself to do any of it.
Hypnotherapy uses Regression and Parts Therapy to help find underlying root causes. They decided to speak to the part of her that didn’t want to work out, to discover the why and if it could be changed and reintegrated.
That part of her subconscious mind told her that she created a block on herself, because she had a friend who was very passive aggressive towards her about how healthy she was getting and how well she took care of herself. This friend was constantly comparing herself to her, and complaining about how she could never get healthy and could never be self-disciplined to put in real effort.
My friend constantly tried to motivate her but all this friend did was complain and make no real change. So to stay friends with her, to show this friend solidarity, and appease her ego, she unconsciously blocked herself from striving for her highest. She literally kept herself down even though she had evolved into a better place and had a healthier mindset.
They cleared the limiting belief and the cords that she attached to this friend, and all the imprints she had taken on from her. After her session, she told me she literally burped out a gaseous cloud, to release the energy of what she had unconsciously filled herself with 🫢
The moral of the story is — stop trying to fit in with people and fit into places you have outgrown. We limit our own selves, and shrink down to stay small with them, to keep them comfortable. We can not live like that anymore when we know we are destined for greatness.
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theawakenedstate · 1 year
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What I wanted to talk about today is How you can begin increasing your Conscious Awareness. 
Ever since I read the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle in college – I’ve been a little addicted to how much I can increase my Awareness and Present Focus. 
When it comes to your Spiritual Journey, I believe Conscious Awareness plays a HUGE role in our Healing journey.  Awareness, I deeply believe is the starting seed to all success whether we’re talking spiritual, physical, emotional, or even manifesting.  Here’s the thing, If you aren’t aware, you simply can’t change things. think about a bad habit like eating too much junk or pop – unless you’re conscious of it, you can’t change it! Once you’re conscious of it – you now have a CHOICE. Do I change it or Do I stay the same & continue the habit?  But Until you’re aware – you will keep enabling the habit.  Your healing journey is very similar.  Conscious Awareness can also play a huge role in Healing, when we’re more aware of our Energy, Emotions, Mindset, Beliefs, and Looking at Emotionally what we need – We can increase:  + Our self-care + Our self-love + Encouraging ourselves + What we need to actually work on vs ‘not knowing what is wrong’  + What chakra needs nurturing  + What belief is holding you back
and so forth. 
How I’ve increased my conscious awareness?
Tracking. Recording, Journaling and Planning!
I’m BIG into Journaling as a writer, it’s part of my own spiritual practice. But another way I stay consciously aware is with Tracking and Planning. 
I find tracking to be revolutionary with How to EASILY create more Change. 
For example, 
If i see myself slipping on my journaling – I pick it right back up because I physically see when i fall off. 
Same goes for Working out, self-education time, Etc.  Also Due to  Energy & Emotion Tracking with the Moon, I find myself way more Aware of my Own Energy Levels and How my body Works with Human Design. Before I knew I was a manifestor in HD, I used to beat myself up for not being consistent &  always needing deep rest times to recalibrate my energy. Especially when my partner is a generator who can keep going and going forever – While i can’t LOL  Now I don’t do that anymore because I easily see when I’m super high energy, When I need breaks/rest/self-care and when I peak in explosive energizer bunny bursts. Due to Tracking, I’ve found easier ways to schedule my Life and work balance. That’s a HUGE difference. Vs. being Unaware of my own body’s energetic dynamics.  Knowing how your Body’s energy works is a MASSIVE SIGH of relief – because you can give yourself more grace – “oh this is literally how my body operates, interesting.”  Anyway –  Today i want to share with you 5 Ways I’ve personally increased my Awareness by Tracking my Spiritual Growth.  this is especially for you if you,  have a hard time following through with your spiritual practice Or Staying Committed to showing up for your Healing journey with personal development Maybe you’re the person that buys 10 personal development books, reads a chapter, flutters to the next one, and forgets to pick it up and apply it by next month….
I see you 😉 I get it –  Let me introduce you to how you can bring more conscious awareness into your life with this week’s episode: 
Let me know how this video lands for you and share your biggest soul takeaways in the comments! As Mentioned in the Video: Receive your own Spiritual Awakened Life Planner Here: Midnight Edition
P.S. The BIRTHDAY EXTRAVAGANZA IS ON! 48 Hour Special on All Things Energy Work.
Pick what you want – Half Off or Grab the entire Bundle of The Energy Worker Toolkit 
48 Hour sale – 
An Energetic Deep Dive into Pure Energy Work.  The Energy Worker Toolkit:
 Receive SIX of my Energy Work Programs for the Price of ONE. (Over $800 in value) This Weekend only: 
I wanted to call this the Energy worker survival kit but I think Toolkit – sounds a little  more fancy 😉 
This Toolkit Bundle is Made to Support anyone who needs help with Energy work and wants a deep crash course on Energetic Healing. 
Maybe you’re not ready to commit to a big course like The Ultimate chakra academy or maybe you’re just needing the beginners manual on Energy Work. 
That’s EXACTLY what The Energy Worker Toolkit is about. 
Enroll today & Receive all of it with immediate access below as a self-home-study bundle for your New Beginning BIRTHDAY EXTRAVAGANZA FLASH SALE:
5 Ways to Track Your Spiritual Growth
What I wanted to talk about today is How you can begin increasing your Conscious Awareness.  Ever since I read the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle in college – I’ve been a little addicted to how much I can increase my Awareness and Present Focus.  When it comes to your Spiritual Journey, I believe Conscious Awareness plays a […]
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jpenvs3000w23 · 1 year
The Role Interpreters Play in Combating Climate Change
For this week’s blog, I would like to write about climate change, people’s beliefs about climate change, and how interpreters can help improve small-scale action against climate change. First, I would like to present some statistics about current thoughts about climate change in North America. The first prompt is, “people believe the world is getting warmer,” the national average in the United States is 72% agree, and in Canada, 83% agree (Marlon et al., 2022, Mildenberger et al., 2019). The next prompt is “people believe that climate change is caused by human activity,” in the United States the national average is 57% agree, and in Canada, 60% agree. (Marlon et al., 2022, Mildenberger et al., 2019). Are you surprised by these statistics? I can say that I’m a little surprised, I thought the United States “the world is getting warmer” statistic would be lower and the “caused by human activity” statistic for Canada would be higher. Even though people don’t believe it, it has been proven by scientists that climate change and the rapid rate of change is being caused by human activity (Trenberth, 2018).
Although people believe in climate change they do not believe that it is caused by humans, it is good that people are acknowledging there is a problem but because people don’t think it is being caused by humans they believe they don’t have a responsibility to “fix it.” This mindset can be changed by interpreters when interacting with their audiences. Interpreters will not be able to create big changes but can create small-scale changes in their communities and within families by talking about conservation and small lifestyle changes that people can make. When doing nature tours, for example, as guides are moving through the landscape they can pose questions about what people like in the environment and use these as jumping-off points to talk about conservation. Let's go over a simple example of how this would play out, for example, one person mentions how much they love the native flowers of the area. The guide can affirm these beliefs that native flowers are beautiful, then talk about the important role they play in the native ecosystem, and how they help pollinators and are a food source for other animals. But because of changing temperatures their reproductive cycles could be negatively affected or they could be out-competed by nonnative species that have been introduced. Hearing about the uncertain future native flowers will face guides can talk about ways people can help like helping with non-native species removals and walking and riding their bikes more to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This is a very simple example of the impact interpreters can have on their audiences, because of the hands-on experiences they provide they can make the effects of climate change hit closer to home giving people the opportunity to understand the negative effects climate change will have on their lives. Even if changes will not be as significant in certain parts of North America as in others or other countries, people will still see changes and need to understand how to decrease the impact climate change will have on the local, regional, national, and global environments. 
Trenberth, K. E. (2018). Climate change caused by human activities is happening and it already has major consequences. Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law, 36(4), 463-481. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/02646811.2018.1450895
Marlon, J., Neyens, L., Jefferson, M., Howe, P., Mildenberger, M., & Leiserowitz, A. (2022, February 23). Yale climate opinion maps 2021. Yale Program on Climate Change Communication. https://climatecommunication.yale.edu/visualizations-data/ycom-us/  
Mildenberger, M., Howe, P., Lachapelle, E., Marlon, J., Leiserowitz, A., Stokes, L., & Wang, X. (2019, November 21). Canadian Climate Opinion Maps 2018. Yale Program on Climate Change Communication. Retrieved from https://climatecommunication.yale.edu/visualizations-data/ccom/
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aeronlazar · 2 years
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You can have thousands of programs running simultaneously, they feed you perception like your favourite song, food, location, your preferences.
How you see yourself, the world around you, your beliefs, others, even your mindset is linked to it. They affect every aspect of your life including relationships with yourself and others, your finances, your career, your friendships, your experiences and so on. Sometimes we have distortions in our field, corrupted and distorted programming as a result of some event or experience we’ve been through.
When a program becomes corrupted, it creates a distorted perception, which in turn calls in a distorted version of reality.
Working with the field of frequency and energy and being able to ‘see’ into a person's field, I’m able to spot and find these distortions and release them. I co create this aspect with each client as I cannot insert a new program. Think of it like a transplant operation, your own body (subconscious) has to accept the new programming, so it must come from you.
The subconscious mind is smart and it would spot inserted programming which came from outside of you, so therefore you have to insert it.
This is why we do this together. When transplanted, I see the subconscious mind hovering over the new program for a moment, it then takes the new program and within seconds I can see the shift in energetic signature that the client is emitting.
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mamamanifestor · 1 day
the luckiest
**Subliminals Always Work for Me**
- Experience the full transformative power of subliminal messages without any resistance or doubts
- Witness your desired changes manifest rapidly and effortlessly through the potency of subliminal programming
- Develop unwavering faith in the effectiveness of subliminals to reprogram your subconscious mind
**I Fully Believe in the Law of Attraction**
- Cultivate an unshakable trust in the universal principle of drawing in what you focus on
- Harness the creative power of your mind to magnetize your deepest desires and dreams
- Consistently align your thoughts, feelings, and actions with the law of attraction for maximum results
**The Universe is Always Working in My Favour**
- Rest assured that the benevolent forces of the cosmos are orchestrating events for your highest good
- Surrender to the divine flow, knowing that everything is unfolding perfectly according to your true purpose
- Maintain a positive, grateful mindset as you witness synchronicities and serendipitous occurrences
**All of the Following Affirmations are Sinking into My Subconscious Mind**
- Effortlessly imprint these empowering affirmations into the deepest levels of your subconscious
- Allow your subconscious mind to fully absorb and integrate the transformative beliefs and energies
- Observe how these affirming thoughts automatically guide your behaviors, choices, and manifestations
**Everything Always Works Out for Me**
- Develop an unwavering trust that all situations, challenges, and obstacles will be resolved harmoniously
- Maintain a positive, solutions-focused mindset, knowing that the universe has your back
- Experience a profound sense of calm and confidence, even in the face of uncertainty
**I Have Extreme Luck**
- Activate an unshakable conviction that you possess an extraordinary, almost supernatural degree of good fortune
- Magnetize incredibly lucky breaks, synchronicities, and serendipitous opportunities
- Cultivate a mindset of abundant possibilities, where you expect the best possible outcomes
**I Am Such a Lucky and Prosperous Individual**
- Embody a profound self-perception of being blessed, fortunate, and flourishing in all areas of life
- Radiate an aura of abundance, success, and prosperity that attracts even more of the same
- Feel deeply fulfilled, satisfied, and appreciative of the wealth and abundance in your life
**I Am the Luckiest Person Ever**
- Firmly establish yourself as the single most fortunate individual, surpassing even the luckiest of people
- Exude an infectious, magnetic energy that magnetizes astonishing strokes of good luck your way
- Delight in the extraordinary, almost supernatural degree of fortune that consistently manifests for you
**Being Lucky is Part of Who I Am**
- Integrate the core belief that being exceedingly lucky is an integral, defining aspect of your identity
- Allow this empowering self-perception to inform and guide all of your thoughts, choices, and actions
- Emanate an unshakable confidence in your inherent lucky nature that others naturally resonate with
**Everything Always Works in My Favour**
- Trust that the universe is orchestrating events, circumstances, and outcomes to align with your highest good
- Maintain a positive, expectant mindset, knowing that even apparent setbacks will ultimately benefit you
- Witness how seemingly challenging situations transform into magnificent blessings and opportunities
**The Universe Loves Me So Much**
- Feel the profound, unconditional love and support of the divine source that permeates your entire being
- Deeply internalize the unwavering truth that you are cherished, favoured, and blessed by the cosmos
- Allow this sense of divine love to infuse every area of your life with abundance, grace, and miracles
**I Am So Blessed**
- Cultivate a profound, heartfelt gratitude for the myriad blessings, gifts, and manifestations in your life
- Radiate an energy of appreciation that magnetizes even greater blessings, abundance, and good fortune
- Embrace the understanding that you are truly and deeply blessed, beyond measure
**I Am So Favorited by the Universe**
- Embody the unshakable belief that you hold a special, favored status in the eyes of the divine
- Expect miraculous synchronicities, serendipitous opportunities, and profound manifestations
- Exude an aura of divine favour that captivates and inspires all who encounter you
**I Am So Prosperous**
- Cultivate a tangible, visceral experience of abundance, wealth, and prosperity in all areas of your life
- Embody the energetic vibration of being flourishing, thriving, and successful beyond your wildest dreams
- Effortlessly attract and magnetize incredible financial opportunities, windfalls, and prosperity
**I Always Get Everything I Desire, Unless It Isn't Good for Me in the Long Run**
- Trust that you will attain your deepest wishes and goals, unless they are not truly aligned with your highest good
- Develop the wisdom to discern between your authentic desires and those that may not serve your long-term wellbeing
- Witness how the universe conspires to provide you with the perfect outcomes, even if they differ from your initial wishes
**I Only Attract the People Who Will Improve My Life and Happiness**
- Magnetize genuine, supportive relationships and connections that elevate, inspire, and contribute to your growth
- Effortlessly release any draining, toxic, or disharmonious individuals from your life experience
- Surround yourself with a vibrant community of like-minded, uplifting people who enhance your joy and fulfillment
**I Only Attract Good Things**
- Trust that the universe will only ever bring you experiences, circumstances, and manifestations that are truly for your benefit
- Maintain an unwavering expectation of positivity, abundance, and blessings in every area of your life
- Witness how you naturally and easily magnetize the highest good, with no room for negativity or unwanted experiences
**I Am the Luckiest Person in Any Room**
- Embody an unshakable conviction that you are the single most fortunate individual, no matter who else is present
- Radiate an aura of extraordinary luck, prosperity, and good fortune that captivates and inspires those around you
- Consistently experience being the recipient of the most remarkable strokes of serendipity and divine favour
**I Will Always Win Prizes, No Matter How Many People or How Many Times in a Row**
- Cultivate an absolute certainty that you will emerge victorious in any competition, contest, or random drawing
- Magnetize an endless stream of prizes, winnings, and lucky breaks that defy all odds and expectations
- Relish in the thrill of consistently defying the laws of probability and chance in your favour
**I Am Always Attracting Abundant Things**
- Establish a steady, unwavering flow of abundance, prosperity, and wealth in all aspects of your life
- Witness how you effortlessly and consistently magnetize an endless supply of resources, opportunities, and blessings
- Feel a profound sense of abundance, sufficiency, and overflow permeating your entire experience
**Every Aspect of My Life is Always Improving, No Matter What**
- Trust that all areas of your life, without exception, are continually evolving and upgrading for the better
- Maintain a positive, solution-focused mindset, even in the face of challenges or temporary setbacks
- Delight in the consistent, tangible improvements you observe unfolding across your health, relationships, finances, and more
**I Am Left with the Best Possible Outcome in Every Situation**
- Develop an absolute faith that the universe will provide you with the most harmonious, beneficial conclusion to any situation
- Relinquish the need to control or force specific outcomes, and instead surrender to the divine plan unfolding
- Experience a profound sense of peace and trust, knowing that you will always be left in the most optimal circumstances
**Me and All of My Loved Ones are Incredibly Lucky and Abundant**
- Magnetize unparalleled luck, prosperity, and abundance not just for yourself, but for your entire circle of loved ones
- Witness your family, friends, and community all flourishing in synchronicity with your own good fortune
- Revel in the beautiful, interconnected web of blessings, miracles, and divine favour that permeates your entire world
**The Universe is Obsessed with Bringing Me Abundance**
- Feel the unwavering, unconditional love and support of the cosmos as it consistently pours forth abundance in your direction
- Trust that the universe is utterly captivated by you and your highest good, causing it to relentlessly manifest your desires
- Bask in the knowledge that you are the universe's primary focus, and it will stop at nothing to shower you with blessings
**I Naturally Attract Wealth, Prosperity, and Good Opportunities**
- Embody the innate ability to effortlessly magnetize
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