leylaxb Ā· 3 years
Vernon watched blankly as an argument ensued between two of the islanders. Though he followed their movements with his gaze, he wasnā€™t here. Not truly. He felt like an echo of himself, like his consciousness had fragmented out his body when the plane crashed. The man had never felt fear like that in his lifeā€”heā€™d screamed into it, desperately pulling back on his control wheel to stop what was happening, but the plane just kept going down. He couldnā€™t stop it. And as theyā€™d descended, heā€™d snapped his eyes shut, tensed up against his own existence, and waited to die.
Until he didnā€™t. It all happened faster than his mind could compute it. Trembling violently, heā€™d scrambled out of the pilotā€™s cabin. His knees had felt like jelly when heā€™d stumbled into the sight of what happened to the rest of his plane. Gone. All of it was gone. But people were alive. Crying, shaking just as hard as he was, bleedingā€¦ but alive.Ā 
So considering the terror heā€™d held when he first opened the passengerā€™s door, and how numb heā€™d become now, watching these two people argue over helping him and everyone else heā€™d managed to destroy the livesā€™ of, Vernon spoke up. His words came out coarsely, throat dried.Ā ā€œIā€™m fine,ā€ he reassured, though he said it mostly to convince himself.Ā ā€œI thinkā€¦ I think weā€™re all fine.ā€ It was but a small salve on the overwhelming guilt that was dawning on him.
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the sound of the new survivor speaking was enough to pull leylaā€™s attention from the argument she was having and turn it to the man who looked like he needed help. waving a dismissive hand behind her, she moved over to the man who seemed to be wearing a pilotā€™s uniform. putting a hand on his shoulder, she offered him a reassuring smile.Ā ā€œiā€™m leyla, can you tell me your name?ā€ she asked, her medical training kicking in without prompting. sheā€™d dealt with plenty of accident victims before, but never like this. never at the sight of the accident.Ā 
spotting a place to sit nearby, she motioned for the man to sit so that she could check him out properly. her heart ached for these people, for what they were going through, but she could tell that this man was feeling more than just pain from the crash. there was guilt written all over his features, and all she wanted to do was reassure him that this wasnā€™t his fault.Ā ā€œyou didnā€™t do this, okay? you didnā€™t do this.ā€
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leylaxb Ā· 3 years
The morningā€™s heat was unforgiving on his skin as he worked, sweat dripping down from where itā€™d dewed at the base of his curls, into the suitcase he was tearing apart. Items that could be salvaged were being tossed in one pile, and the ones that couldnā€™t in another. He was so hyper-focused on prioritizing that he didnā€™t even hear the woman at first. A hardened glance was thrown over his shoulder at her and Lukas immediately wrote her off in his head. Salvage first, then worry about peopleā€™s injuries and mental state. So far he hadnā€™t noticed anyone unable to walk, and that meant everyone could wait in his book.
ā€œGet the hell out of my face,ā€ Lukas grunted, hauling another suitcase over. Then he dipped down and grabbed an apple heā€™d discovered in the previous carry-on and brought it to his lips. ā€œNobodyā€™s dying. Theyā€™re just in shock. Theyā€™ll get over it.ā€ He insisted, though he did feel a twinge of empathy for the group of dazed people wandering around like they were in stupor.Ā ā€œIf you think they need help so bad, go help them. No oneā€™s stopping you, Leyla.ā€
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sheā€™d a handful ofĀ ā€˜run-insā€™ with lukas during her short time on the island, and it hadnā€™t taken leyla long to get used to the way he spoke to people. his reaction didnā€™t surprise her in the slightest. rolling her eyes, she shook her head, watching as he continued going through the scattered belongings that littered the surrounding area. she understood that her priorities were different to that of the older man, but she found it hard to wrap her head around how anyone could be more concerned with anything but the wellbeing of others.
ā€œsome internal injuries donā€™t show on the surface.ā€ she stated, her eyes scanning over everything again before landing back on lukas.Ā ā€œhow would you feel if you were in their shoes? something tells me youā€™d be more interested in a helping hand than being ignored for an apple.ā€
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leylaxb Ā· 3 years
tagged: open! location: the wreckage of flight 927
while leyla hadnā€™t been stranded for long, she had managed to get to a point where she let her head take charge over her heart. when the newest crash happened, she had quickly made her way to the crash site to go and check on survivors, wanting to offer any help that she could. it was moments such as this that she was reminded of why she had chosen to go to medical school instead of following in her parents footsteps and become a teacher. her skills were far more valuable with being able to help the new arrivals.
as she stood just downwind from the wreckage, her eyes scanned over the crowd of new people. it felt like only yesterday that she was on the other side of this, staggering around, taking in her new surroundings. she felt for these people, she could still remember the confusion, the fear, and she wanted to do whatever she could to make sure that they were okay.
approaching quickly, leyla surveyed the damage, trying to pick out a starting point. noticing someone near by, she turned to them.Ā ā€œcould you stop looting for a moment and maybe focus on helping these people?ā€
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leylaxb Ā· 3 years
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stranded in the Bermuda Triangle, LAYLA BARIS, a CIS FEMALE, canā€™t believe they took 27 years for granted. back in ANTALYA, TURKEY, life will continue on without HER, as they are now a SURVIVOR fighting for their life in EXCELSIOR'S TRIBE. around the island, theyā€™re known as THE HOPEFUL SOUL they have lived in the Bermuda Triangle for ONE MONTH after disappearing on a PLANE and currently function as a HEALER. a missing personā€™s report will show that they look undeniably like HANDE ERƇEL, but they might never return to their old life.
leyla baris was born in antalya, turkey, but moved to the united states when she was just a year old after her parents secured jobs teaching at an ivy league university.
her childhood was a happy one, and she was taught to always try and see the positive side to things.
after finishing high school, leyla moved back to turkey to attend hacettepe university to study medicine and be closer to her family who all still lived there (besides her parents).
upon completing her studies, she began her internship and residency at a hospital close to where her family lived.
whenever she could, she would visit with her parents, either they would come to her or she would go to them. despite the distance, they always remained close.
she was on a flight to meet up with her parents for a vacation when the plane got turned around and then lost within the bermuda triangle.
leyla is a sweetheart, she cares deeply for those sheā€™s close with.
sheā€™ll do anything she can to help people.
she loves connecting with people.
sheā€™s pretty optimistic, or tries to be.
sheā€™s hopeful that sheā€™ll get back to her family and thatā€™s what keeps her going.
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