leynaeithnea · 11 hours
Happy Mabon :)
May the light in your heart carry you through the upcoming time of dark
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leynaeithnea · 17 hours
The old gods are not dead
I hear Athenas war cry in the shouts of protests,
fighting a war now closer to home,
I see her in the young women with picket signs
clenched tightly in their fists
Hera curses the names of the abusers
The ones who break families and marriages
Her voice heard in the wedding bells of young lovers
Poseidon now resides in a beach home
Going out every night to pick of trash left by the day
Shooting daggers at the drunk men letting their bottles be swept away
Demeter can be heard cursing the politicians refusing to believe in global warming
Names of scientists and studies on the tip of her tongue
She is found teaching young children how to grow their food at the community garden
Ares is found on the front lines of a different war, not fighting but protecting the innocent
Guiding classrooms of children away from gunfire,
His shield protecting the terrified
Apollo can be found at opens mics
Reciting his latest works
Or walking down the street in docs on his feet and a guitar on his back
He knows he’s the coolest
Artemis is seen on the streets
Her bow and arrow have long left her
Carrying nothing more than a knife and mace
She hunts a different kind of monster now
Hephaestus resides in a workshop at all hours of the night
Creating custom pieces for the right price and a warm smile
The hammer making him feel invincible
Aphrodite’s song is heard in the breathy kisses of teenagers
Shes found walking down the street, lips a blood red
Punching the men who dare disrespect her  
Hermes is seen with a smirk as he walks long well-traveled roads
Delivering the messages of those needing to be heard
Traveling, telling stories, and wearing out another pair of shoes
Dionysus’s voice heard only over the pounding bass in the bar
Keeping watch over young girls drinks
Dancing, partying and living as he throws another one back
Hades is seen weeping over the graves of those taken much to soon
Looking to his wife for comfort
He’s long lost his faith in humanity
Persephone found in the gardens beside her mother in the spring
Brushing off girl’s dirty knees and putting flower crowns on their heads
She can be seen holding onto hades as he mourns the loss of life
Hecate will be found running metaphysical shops
Bringing hope to powerful women wanting more
Selling potions, nobody thinks will work
And collecting graveyard dirt for a new spell
Zeus is watching over everyone
Watches Athena cry
Hera curse the men, he being one of them
Poseidon’s glares
Demeter’s harsh words
Ares raising his shield
Apollos singing
Artemis as she tracks a new beast
Watches Hephaestus work
Sees Aphrodite punch
Hears Hermes words
Sees hades weep
And Persephone plant and comfort her partner
And grins as Hecate keeps magic alive
The old gods are not dead
They are alive
And they are watching
- Bones V
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leynaeithnea · 24 hours
Telemachus*holding Odysseus*: I thought you were dead! Odysseus *smiles*: Only on the inside.
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leynaeithnea · 1 day
.... now that makes sense
Just realized that the reason I love making friends on tumblr is because it’s exactly how you make friends on the playground as a six year old. No, I don’t know their name but they love mermaids too and built this awesome sand castle. No, I don’t know their age but their imaginary cheetah is friends with mine. You like this show? You like this character?? You can sing the theme song really loud??? Here is a flower crown. Here is a juice box. You can share my time and I might never see you again but part of you stays in my soul forever. In my mind we’re still on the swing set and the sky is blue and nothing will ever be wrong again.
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leynaeithnea · 2 days
I have an ao3 account now
I almost want to write something for it
I dont know what though
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leynaeithnea · 2 days
Why is planning a book so hard
I didnt sign up for writing just to fail at before the first serving
T-T suffering
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leynaeithnea · 3 days
I love eating spruce sprouts in spring, they're citrus-y with a hint of forest, and if harvested early enough rly soft and they make amazing Anti-oxidant and lemonade if you mix them with honey and....uh was it apple vinegar or smth I think so, I love going in the forest or (far away from cars and stuff) fields/weeds or our gardens and just being able to snack on things. Theres so many fun ones that are easy to identify :)
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What is your opinion on pines
*quick Google search to see if I'm missing something* *apparently I'm not*
Pines are cool! They are tough guys who stay green even during winter!! Very badass of them
Only beef I could have with pines comes from a time when I was little and excited about going to buy candies , so much that I was not looking in front of me while walking and when I turned around I slammed my head on a pine so hard that I still have a little scar on my forehead. But after a lot of time and meditation I understood that it wasn't the tree fault so I have decided to carry no hate in my heart towards him and his brothers.
They are definitely not my favorites tho, that role is reserved to the weeping willow for sure. It's so dramatic??? It has such a pretty name that flows so smoothly?? It looks like it belongs in a fairytale?? It's a tree and yet it cries?? 10/10 , the emoest,littlest and wettest meow meow out of all the trees I know
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leynaeithnea · 5 days
What if Zeus just wanted to know how much the situation meant to Athena, if Athena was willing to stand up to him for Ody, if she got over pride and selfishness, if it was worth pissing of Poseidon for
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leynaeithnea · 5 days
Me, stupidly, insistently, denying: "I do, in fact, not experience any form of hyper-fixations or anything of that kind that would not be very NT of me" Also me: "Oh I like this song, oh its a musical? Its a musical about the odyssey intersting! Oh these animatics are good I can cry about them, oops its been a year, the fandom is pretty neat, theres more sagas released, time to consume every reaction content I can get my hand on for two months straight until the next saga and when that starts overwhelming me I will go on to obsess about the original text itself and go on a research spree trying to find historical context for the text to find evidence to disproof a different historic text even tho Im no scholar of classics, buy 3 different versions of the books with different translations, try to look for movie adaptions, start learning ancient greek and convince over 10 people to listen to the musical to make them join the fandom and bring them together as well as breaking my self imposed rule of not reading fanfictions anymore, feeling like my life is on hold until the next part releases" Me, stupidly, insistently, denying: "I am very normal about this, everyone would do this"
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leynaeithnea · 6 days
News flash, we got ourselves a new character (he literally appeared out of nowhere in a scene)
His name is Alkaios
He is Taíns best friend
Hes a poet/court performer
He will be a victim of the narrative (he will probably survive
Reference/Inspiration Picture from Pinterest for now:
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leynaeithnea · 6 days
There are actually some free-source versions of both the iliad and odyssey with imo pretty decent translations, sites like Poetry in Translation should have them:] in case you want to get one that's not under copyright for now
😊 i def recommend them, I've read a bunch of excerpts from the odyssey so far and they're a lot of fun
Ooooh epic girlies (mostly on TikTok) I am BEGGING you to learn the mythology because no. No no no Circe and Calypso are not girlboss. No you do not want to ship them with Odysseus.
Girl I am begging you. Do not call original Odysseus a cheater I am still saying it. Don’t go down this path girl. Hold my hand and we will read the myths together so you understand
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leynaeithnea · 6 days
My inbox keeps showing 1, but when i click on it nothing shows and when i refresh it its empty ._. That happend like 3x today
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leynaeithnea · 6 days
Just finished your beautiful beautiful very yummy and very angsty analysis of love in paradise ( maybe I shed a little tear here and there, maybe I didn't, you can't know that ) so I thought this would be right moment to leave you an ask for a gods game analysis maybe?? *stares at you with big brown eyes*
Last one of this saga!!!! Yayyy
Praying ill remember all the musical parts ive heard about but im sure theres so much hidden i forgot/didnt hear about yet
30. God Games
We open with a choir of course, because...gods! Athena decides to do something (finially)
“Father, God King” (athena asks daddy for help SIJGSEIG)
“Rarely do I ask for favors” being the good favorite daughter
“Now, I’m knocking on your door, with hopes to save a friendship with one who’s a prisoner far from home....Odysseus” I LOVE the melody of this part somehow??? especially how the drop before “odysseus”, ALSO SHE CALLS IT A FRIENDSHIP INFRONT OF ZEUS TOO
“Divine intervention, is that what you seek?” ........yes, bruh. Zeus dont fuck this up, u are decent enough in Homers Odyssey
“To untie apprehensions that were placed on that Greek?” okay i had to google “apprehentions, and apperently it both means “arrest” and “concern/fear”...........to untie the arrest on Ody, and at the same time the concerns of Odysseus THATS GENIUS, Ive heard Homer does a lot of these double meanings of words in his Epics and IM SO HERE FOR IT, also “that Greek”, come on, dont use it as a slur >:)
“You are playing with thunder for a man full of shame”..................NOW WHO PUT THIS SHAME ON HIM YOU MF, YOU WHAT KIND OF SICK GAME IS THIS-
“But if he’s worth the risk of going under, why not make it a game?” Lukes vocal performance in this part is something else, like dude??? hello? youre a tenor SIEJGSEIGJ, its good, also WDYM GOING UNDER??? HUH??? ....yeah of course you make it a game, because everything is a game to you, because really, theres nothing and noone who poses a thread to you
“Convince each of them that he ought to be released, and I’ll release him” the slight echo effect in that voice.......fascinatinggg, wish i knew if the melody in this part had any meaning, gotta look it up
“Who’s them?” Athena god of wisdom asking about details before agreeing to deals *cough* Odysseus, learn from your friend
“Apollo” APPOLO MY GUY ehehehehee
“Hephaestus” okay, fair
“Ares”, yea yea imposing yada yada
“Hera” cant exclude his wife
“Or me” OR me, so its ALL of them, or him? bruh
“What do you say?” WHAT IS SHE SUPPOSED TO SAY
“Great” ehehehehe apollo <3
“Very well” just doing it because
“Eh” shes so excited
“Alright” he IS excited
“Groovy”....ok? um...imma move on
“Bring it” of course she would choose all of them over Zeus, its Zeus, he just WANTS you to loose, bc hes the god king
“Apollo!” parrot
“You all know I’m a fan of catchy songs” god of music yada yada HIS VOICE
“so with so many sirens gone, I think Ody’s in the wrong”.........there are so many reasons to dislike Odysseus and you pick the SIRENS? .......did you just join for the fun and had no real reasons or did u get dragged there or-....but its ok, your voice is amazing, also IIRC it should be the melody of suffering??? of different beast??? i forgorrrr norrrr also Lyreeee in the background! ehehehe
“They were trying to do him worse, All he did was reimburse them Now they’ll tread with caution first To live another day and sing another verse” maybe the melody was in this part. also, yeah tell him athena, what kind of argument is that, they tried to kill him he just did what he had to--------admittely he was VERY cruel about it, but athena doesnt have to mention that, and well Ody probably protected even more sailors in the future through his actions
ALSO DONT COME AT ME WITH “but all the sirens are dead” THERE ARE MORE, theyre obviously not talking about the sirens Ody killed, its about all other Sirens out at see that woudlve seen the others dying after being brutally cut down by a human, they WILL be more cautious in the future
“If that’s true, release him”, yeah u really had nothing to argue against, he just shrugs it off LMAO
“Hephaestus!” Hefefuf ehehehe ALSO JORGES DAD YAY adorable, tho when first listened i rly thought it was Jorge with voice changer again THEY SOUND SO SIMILIAR
“Trust is not given, it’s forged”...true, valid argument, Also Scylla melody??? I THink?
“Why should I give him my support? He sacrificed his own cohort”......well....um.....he didnt rly have much of a CHOICE ....but its a more valid concern, the sounds that sound like a hammers in a forge sound cool btw
“Did you forget they failed to listen?”.........yeah literally
“He was betrayed and then imprisoned” IMPRISONED AH ODY, but yeah EXACTLY, the WIND BAG, THE MUTINY AH
“But if you make the right decision He can still build a future with those who miss him” AND BUILD TRUST WITH THEM AGAIN AHHHHHHH yes. Hefefuf choose right.
“Fine, release him” good.
the music making it sound like steps in a game as you level up....fine, it sounds nice
“Aphrodite” seductive, i like it
“Your little high and mighty Odysseus” SHeS pissed, and does not like Ody you can hear the “high and mighty” in her voice :”) ouch
“Claims to love his mother But let her die of a broken heart” LIKE HE HAD A CHOICE IN THE MATTER HE TRIED TO GET HOME SHE DIDNT HAVE TO JUMP
“He was busy fighting”, yeaaah
“More like busy spiting the cyclops”.........yeah okay we can get behin that this was stupid decision but it wasnt a rational decision either he just lost his best friend, THATS LOVE TOO; GIVE HIM SOME SLACK
“Let him feel the pain that his mother felt and rot” WHY U BE SO COLD HEARTED , i love the melody/music in this tho
“Wait, please reconsider this”, athena using quick thought on a goddess, intriguing! also shes begging her :tear: aw man
“Really Athena? These old tricks?” annoyed older brother breaking into quick thought to the rescuse of his lover, makes him likeable somehow, i love the delivery of this line
“Ares!” yeah shes pissed
“What kind of sick coward Holds back his power While his friends get devoured? He didn’t even fight Scylla Didn’t even try to kill her Hides inside a wooden horse to get the job done Never handles things upfront” sorry that he didnt want to DIE dude??? i get your concern with straight forward, open combat but???? is dying on the battle field rly that much worse than wanting to come home COME ON, he wins, he is EFFECTIVE, are you jealous of his stragedies? HE GOT MENTORED BY ATHENA; OFC HE WILL CHOOSE THE SMART WAY OUT NOT THE QUICKEST-WAY-TO-DIE WAY OUT smh
“Pathetic and weak like his son” thats a low blow what is your issue with telemachus bro, the drums for ares makes sense
“Hold your tongue now His son’s my friend” awwww shes calling him a frienddddddd
“And tell your lover that a broken heart can mend” AHAHAH “tell your lover”, true true
“You want more bloodshed? Then set him free To get back to his homestead, he’ll make everybody bleed” SEUHGSOUEGESH “if you let him back he’ll kill everyone” Ares: :D thats what i like to hear, Athenas piano playing again, as she fights Ares is fun too
“Ugh, release him”, what made them change their mind? Esp Aphrodite? was it Athenas concern for Telemachus? and for Ares athenas promise of bloodshed? maybe who knows
“Hey baby”.....okay, flirty? from Hera? alright, lets interpret it as motherly flirting
“Hera” how to hit those high notes
“So many heroes So many tales Give me one good reason why yours should prevail” NOW THAT is intersting, everyone else so far gave a reason NOT to release him, but now Hera asks her to give her one reason WHY he deserves to be released “dont tell me of all the sins he didnt commit, tell me of the virtue he holds” typa thing
“He’s got the mind of a genius”, fair, but there would be others
“Try harder”, encouraging, she doesnt rly want her to loose does she? she support it, she just wants to see if Athena is worth it, i do like this characterization (as long as i ignore the disco animatic, i know its Jorges creative freedom but my brain tries to refuse ANYTHING that would be a reference to modernity, let me live in the bliss of ignorance to pretend its a movie set in ancient greece x)
“He’s pretty skilled with words”, hes a lair, i love him for it
“You can do better than that”, ...yeah
“He’s kind of funny?” running out of reasons athena, also YOU THINK HES FUNNY? LMAO ur right, the odyssey is quite the commedy for anyone but odysseus (and a few others but yk)
“Eh” doesnt sound convinced heh
“Never once has he cheated on his wife” HA HA HAHAHAHAHA HA right thing to say to Hera
[also the whole debate about “did odysseus cheat or not” no. idc what anyone says. if anyone argues he INITALLY consented to Calypso: fine, its blurry in the narrative, anyone can choose how to interpret that as they wish, but Circe was bestowed upon him by Hermes (in the myth at least, in Epic there ofc very clearly refuses her, and she accepts him (hear that calypso? HEAR THAT CALYPSO)) and Calypso, at the very least later on turned VERY unconsensual. FOR SEVEN YEARS., but the “he liked her no more” could also mean she didnt like her as a person anymore after she saved him. its not 100% clear how the relationship started out, we just know how it ends rly, but given the historic context too, it might very well be that it wouldntve been considered as cheating, even if it was consensual, would hera consider it cheating bc she does so with Zeus? maybe, idk, i think the idea of Ody being (one of) the only greek hero(es) that doesnt cheat is one i like, he gets praised enough by homer for all his skills he might as well have the skill of being true to his wife, in EPIC we know that Ody refuses her from the beginning so whatever did or did not remain unnamed in Epic, would NOT be cheating,.........and anyone who mentions Odys proof for cheating being the telegony or any other later versions where suddenly children show up, and he offs penelope for cheating and telemachus marries circe, can kindly, do some more reading into the history of the text and how later authors added their own twists, we dont know if the odyssey from homer was the most well known version, i think, but its the one we consider canon now, and i rly refuse to believe that Ody coming home only to get a new wife]
“Release him” the side glace Zeus mustve gotten LMAO
...ok angry zeus choir again, rly?
“I’ve played your game and won”, she did, fair and square
“Release him” you better
“You dare to defy me?”, what happend to your voice zeus? also....are you pissed that she called you out on cheating? bro, ur just pissed that she choose everyone else over you, grow up zeus
“To make me feel shame?” shame about loosing the game or shame for the humiliation about cheating, mhh
“No one beats me, no one wins my game!”, sounds like my 3rd brother, but hes at least cute when hes throwing a fit about a game having rules
“Thunder, bring her through the wringer Show her I’m the judgement call The one who makes her kingdom fall! ”.your voice is getting worse btw, but...are we talking about pride still? Athenas pride? or is “her” just Athena now? mhhhh, Odysseus DID call her “selfish, prideful and vain”, so maybe it does refer to her pride, she DID Have a character arc tho >:) unlike zeus, hes just an ass, also he gets a choir background for this? intersting,
NOW HE THROWS LIGHTING AT HER??? thats intense, i was gasping when i saw, night sound design
“Is she dead?”, he does sound concerned, is it bc big brother energy or bc athena was zeus favorite child? or do they know how Zeus fucked up just now? hah..ha
the flashes you can hear in the music....aaaah
IS SO BEAUTIFUL ITS SO GOOD THE WAY “WARRIOR OF THE MIND” AND TELEMACHUS LULLABY AND LEGENDARY BLEND TOGETHER AND BECOME “ATHENAS FINIAL STAND” (as its supposedly called) ITS SO GOOD i ah i like this part the most of the song, together with apollos voice aseghsegij Aphrodite is fine too :) and "rly athena; these old tricks"
AlSO her having a flashback to Ody giving her Telemachus to hold after his birth, PLS??? Thats so vulnerableeeeee aaaaaaaaah yeah, yea that was good
“Let him go, please, Let him go”, she reaches out to Zeus, as her light dims and she begs him to let Ody go, nothing left of the selfish and prideful goddess, she was selfless- sacrifcing herself and ler go of her pride to beg to Zeus to let him go, who stops as he grabs to throw another lighting, in shocked realization of what he has done.
The song fades out. And we are left to wonder if Athena is ded or not
now initially i rly thought Jorge killed a goddess
by now im more hopeful that she isnt dead (im hoping for that, mostly for the fun of sticking to the source material of Athenas help in the last chapter(s) of the story)
im still doubting a bit. the chance is there that she is, infact, dead, but i dont know how that would impact the narrative-,...i suppose we’ll see, either in the vengence saga, or at the lastest in the ithica saga x)
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leynaeithnea · 7 days
Honestly, Ive grown to love sushi lately after refusing to eat sea food for over 10 years (for no reason, until 2 years ago where i got over my brain being stubborn) because its the one food thats almost garanteed to not mess with my tummy, theres a lot of others that I love, but im finding comfort in Sushi when eating out
Im not a terribly picky eater, but i dont like chick peas, and generally legumes like lentils and nuts or some beans, ill eat those if i must but i avoid them if i can, lentils and chick peas i will pick them out of the food
Also lactose sensitive so RIP to pure cold milk and cold heavy or cream (i can handle cream when heated in sauces or smth, yogurt and most cheese so thats good)
(I say im not picky but if its too fatty, too sweet, too spicy, too dry, has too many addititves or other chemicals smth smth food industry smth, too much milk and probably even more i cant think of rn my tummy will be upset so i do end up quite picky) BUT
POATOES IN ANY SHAPE OR FORM i love potatoes so much
also mushrooms, champingons my love
my fav meal list from home is
- lasanga (gotta pray my tummy likes it tho)
- poatoes, spinash and fried eggs
- asparagus, sauce hollondaise & potatoes
- casserole
- ....not dumplings, german dumplings idk what theyre rly called in english, its "Klöße" in german, basically, potatoes grated super super small mixed with potato starch and rolled into lil balls? basically this meal:
with chicken and mushroom cream sauce BEST
(Picture of the meal under the spoiler)
love me food 🥺
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Whats your favorite meal? 👉👈
I have no idea if you mean a dish or breakfast/lunch/dinner so I'll tell you everything and more
Food in general is a frickin struggle for me because I am the biggest picky eater so I willingly eat like , four things
Luckily potatoes, my saviors, my beloveds, are among those things, more specifically my favourite dish is called timballo ( but I recently discovered that everyone else in Italy calls it "gatteau" which is pronounced "gattò" which sounds super silly to me bc gatto means cat so I'm sticking with timballo) which is made by spreading some mashed potatoes in a baking tin , putting some ham and cheese over them and then more mashed potatoes and then you stick it in to the oven (the actual recipe probably has more ingredients but this is how my mom does it)
If we're talking breakfast/lunch/dinner I think dinner is my favorite bc my mom often gets distracted so she either makes something quick and easy or I get to make myself whatever I want
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leynaeithnea · 7 days
Btw this is me when you exist
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Dunno if I was clear enough
🥹🥹🥹🥺🥹🥰 love u two jfjsdkskdkdkdndjdjd
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leynaeithnea · 7 days
When does a cabbage become a meteor
When does a cabbage become a blaze
When does a cabbage become a monsteeeer?
Maybe it's when you take BANANA PEEEELL away from it
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leynaeithnea · 7 days
You’re the number one fan of epic the musical??
That title belongs to Jorge Rivera-Herrans!!!
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