lgckian · 2 years
❰  💥  ❱  𝙵𝚄𝚃𝚄𝚁𝙴 𝙳𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙼𝚂, 𝙴𝚃𝙲. 𝙿𝙻𝙾𝚃 𝙲𝙰𝙻𝙻  ...  !!
alright, peeps !! i’m so excited to see that kian is thriving in future dreams, and he’s really excited to be continuing with the competition !! he’s going to be dealing with a hefty dose of sadness behind-the-scenes, unfortunately. 😓
one of his best friends has been eliminated, his ( likely ex ) boyfriend is no longer in the company, and he’s feeling all-over-the-place, but he’s trying not to let his emotions interfere with his hard work. he’s pumped to be apart of team bye bye bye, and to be performing jikjin at the family concert, and he’s over the moon that he’s finally getting a taste of what being a débuted idol is actually like !! 🥰
that aside, i’m looking for threads, plots, etc. with all muses / muns — those i’ve interacted with, those i’ve not, and honestly just anyone that’s interested in plotting with kian. i’m also accepting tons of plots / threads that are outside of events; that have more depth for kian as a person outside of training. so, if you’d like to discuss something, 𝖕𝖑𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖊 𝖑𝖊𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝖆 ♡ 𝖔𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖘 𝖕𝖔𝖘𝖙 and i’ll reach out to you as soon as possible. i can’t wait to hopefully hear from you !! ✨
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lgckian · 2 years
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lgckian · 2 years
kian doesn’t even spare a millisecond to think. instead, he beams a smile and backs up his response with confidence. “ honestly, i’m really happy that i ended up with ‘ boss ’ because it’s a little more challenging for me, ” he begins; licking over his lips. “ a song like ‘ rock with you ’ would be easier for me given that the concept, the sound, and the styling, are all more fresh and alternative. that, and well, i really love that song, too !! ”  he admits, shrugging his shoulders. “ however, ‘ boss ’ is darker in a lot of ways, and it’s really helped me learn to be adaptable — to show a different side of myself and learn how to perform new concepts that are out of my comfort zone !! ” for a moment, kian pauses and wonders if his answers are a bit too polished; curious if he should maybe loosen up some more. “ if i could’ve, though, i feel like an even bigger challenge for me would be performing ‘ bungee, ’ but i don’t know. do you think i’m cute enough to pull it off ?? ” he jests, a toothy grin tugging at the corners of his mouth large enough to reveal his dimples. to add even more adorability to it, he brings his right index finger up to poke at the indentation on his right cheek, then winks.
it’s clear to him that his answer to this question could easily be misconstrued. that, or edited in a manner that makes it seem more pointed and harsh than it is, but despite him being an impulsive speaker, kian collects his thoughts for a moment — worried that he’ll trip over his words and say the wrong thing. he is known for often putting his foot in his mouth. “ for the time were were given to practice, i think everyone did a great job !! ” he begins, pursing his lips together. “ as a leader, i understand how hard it is to get everything organized, and to keep everyone on track, and to make sure everyone’s feeling heard, and good, and all that, so i admire all the leaders for their hard work. it’s definitely not easy; i’m learning that !! ” it’s all honest, and he continues his candor with the not-so-great critique he’d give. “ if i were to choose a group that needs to improve s’more, i might say the ‘ rock with you ’ boys, but it’s just because i really love that song, and in my opinion, if you’re covering someone else’s work, you need to perform it at the same level as them or better than they do, and i don’t think that that group is there yet, but they’re close !! they’ll get there !! ”
this is another query that he feels could be misshapen to fit the narrative the editors and production team have in mind, but he chooses to remain optimistic. putting bad energy into the air with overly negative thinking doesn’t seem necessary, or useful, or conducive to the already tense, competitive environment. “ my first thought was being worried about my group-mates. as their leader, i wanted to know how they were taking the news, first and foremost... ” kian sighs, then shrugs. “ i loved being able to work with them, and it makes me sad that all of our hard work won’t see a large-scale stage like we once thought it would, but the thought of performing a really cool, super gigantic ensemble number with all of the participants is thrilling, especially knowing it’ll be at such an awesome event !! ” a newfound exuberance races through his limbs like lightning, his eyes wide at the thought of the lgc family concert.
“ it’s exciting enough to make me realize that i need to focus more on learning the new song instead of being so upset about the past, and even though we won’t be in a small and specific unit anymore, i’ll still have jiahn, indy, and cameron by my side for ‘ jikjin, ’ and that’s what matters most to me !! ”
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lgckian · 2 years
“and plus think of it as a learning lesson? first hand experience on what it was like being a leader.” keeho let out a chuckle, it’s not everyday that you get chosen to be a leader of the group - even if the group is not permeant. stretching his arms up he let out a big yawn, hearing all this mix up and stuff must had gotten him exhausted with the thousands of emotions that he just process. energy wasted on useless things in his opinion. “cheer up, buddy.”
keeho laugh as he hears kian attempt to replica his accent “boy, keep trying your accent is getting better.” he joke back. it was good to see his friends happy again. speaking in a mix of korean and english was always keeho favorite so when he had the chance to hang out with kian he would speak both language. just wait until he picked up a third one. “boss baby.” he repeated, how cute he thought to himself. “kian the boss boy. let me just change your contact now.” it wasn’t a joke, keeho slip his hand into his pocket to grab his phone. quickly he went through his contact to change the kian name to ‘boss boy’. “there, you’re now boss boy.”
those words were like music to his ear. keeho wouldn’t admit it openly but he loved making his friends feel better. the last this he would want to see is the emotion of angry, sadness or frustration. those useless emotion that up too much energy. “good!” he said smiling as he pat his friend’s knee. “I know right! the vibe of that song is pretty fun! and the best part at least we get to perform on stage together.” regardless of what happen at least they get the opportunity to say they perform on stage together. “so its sort of a win win situation.” sort of since he would still be competiting with his friend on tv. “snack? I am trying to bulk up right now.” as he said the sentence keeho lifted his arm up as he flex them, showing off the gains from his workout sesson. “but let’s check the fridge you never know what they have hidden in there. if anything we can make some ramen too!”
a content sigh falls from his mouth as he continues to use keeho’s shoulder as a pillow, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he listens intently to all his friend has to say. he knows that keeho enjoys undivided attention, so whenever the two of them hangout, kian tries to his best to concentrate on him and only him. “ it’s going to be kinda sad if the group that comes from this is really good and, like, really cool, but it can’t actually go on as a permanent group !! ” he playfully whines, then decides to find yet another silver lining. “ then again, i guess that’s what would make them more special, right ?? it’d be limited edition... ” this experience, no matter what happens, has been incredible. kian will always remember this as his first season of future dreams, and it’s only made all the better because he’s participating in the company of friends. he hopes to succeed, but even if he doesn’t, he’ll be happy.
though, it’s his greatest wish to début with people like keeho and jiahn by his side, so he’s putting a lot of hope and faith into the three of them especially. however, breaking him out of his thoughts is the fact that keeho is updating kian’s contact information in his phone to read ‘ boss boy, ’ and once it’s done, he laughs heartily; his entire face lighting up in a beam of happiness. this is definitely what he can count on keeho for — endless chuckles and smiles. “ you’re right. if anything i’m glad that all of us are together at least once, you know ?? there’s a lot of us, but that’s what makes the choreography so fun !! the formations are extreme !! ” just thinking about it makes him feel extra bouncy, and shortly after, he lifts his head from his senior’s shoulder; watching as he flexes. he near about rolls his eyes then and there, but he lets keeho have his moment. it’s true that he’s been looking good lately, but the thought of admitting that aloud makes kian blush; annoyed at his attraction to guys.
“ what are you ?? the incredible hulk ?? ” he teases, then nudges the other’s side; standing from the bed. “ ramen sounds good !! we just gotta find our slippers and get outta here... my stomach’s only gonna start getting louder. ” he exclaims, searching around their dorm for his slip-ons. “ here are yours... but where are mine ?? ” reaching over, he picks up keeho’s slippers and sets them closer to him. “ you know, if i can’t find my slippers, you’ll have to give me a piggyback ride... think you can handle that, mr. hulk ?? do you think you’re strong enough ?? ”
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lgckian · 2 years
when it was decided that he, jiahn, indy, and cameron were going to be performing “ boss ” by lgc boys for their first task, kian was positively thrilled. for one thing, he knows all of the guys in his group and is aware of how talented they are. that, and he’s really close friends with at least one of them, so their dynamic and chemistry already started off fairly strong. what’s more is that he’s the leader of them all, and despite being the youngest of everyone, he’s trying really hard to put his best foot forward and not only keep everyone on task, but to keep the morale as high as humanly possible. teamwork is what’s most important in his eyes, and all of them need to be on the same level if they’re going to pull-off a masterpiece of a showcase, so though he needs to approach their piece with a critical eye, he realizes that he needs to be mindful and uplifting. well, that’s what his older brother has advised him to do anyway, and despite how annoying doan can be, he often has good points.
they’re in the middle of running through the choreography for the umpteenth time today, and now that all of them are familiar with the formations and the specific movements, in general, kian’s focusing less on performing at his top ability so he can watch how the others are doing in the mirror before them. he marks his moves simply, keeps an eye on everyone else, and when they’re done with the first section of the song, he rushes over to stop the sound system; hoping it’s not overly abrupt for the others. “ sorry, i need a second !! ” he announces, then seeks out a comrade that’s near and dear to his heart — one he considers more of a brother than a friend in many ways. “ jiahn !! ” he hollers playfully, ambling over to him so he can awkwardly try and drape an arm around his shoulders. kian’s shorter than him, so it’s not totally smooth, but it’s good enough. “ can i talk your ear off for a second ?? ”
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lgckian · 2 years
kian’s feeling was fair, and everything he said was true. they all have been working day and night to make this perform as perfect as it can be. so upon hearing the news, the happy go luck kid that keeho was disappeared. keeho would never say his thoughts out loud as they were a bunch of english curse words that would only get him trouble. “dude, what can we do about it?” not the best choice of words for support but he was still lost and confused. it just felt like everything leading up to today was a waste. “but I get what you’re saying. your feelings are valid. we all work really hard.” this suck. this really, really suck, but maybe these are the type of curveballs that life throws at them and they just need to learn how to handle change.
keeho sat at the edge of kian’s bed, hunch over letting his head drop to the ground. there wasn’t much that he could say. for once, he was lost for words. taking in a deep breathe he it let out slowly. however, it wasn’t long before his head shot up and he turn to look at kian “boss boys?” he chuckle “that’s clever I like the sound of that.” it was the humor that he was looking for. “if it makes you feel better, I can still call you boss boy.” he joke hoping to bring in some light heart laugh in a tough situation. kian’s question brought him to think a little more maybe being leader has change him but he was starting to feel a little better. “honestly, I think im okay with it now.” now because at first he was ready to flip a table. “there’s nothing that we can do about it, we can sit here and whine about it but it’s not going to change.” keeho wasn’t a fan of being sad. he prefer to use his energy on more fun things. “I think it’s best for you to just let out your frustration and i’ll listen.”
a deep, exasperated sigh falls from between his lips; his head falling backwards to rest against the wall behind him as he hears he’s longtime pal out. keeho’s older than he is, so kian hopes that he has some kind of words of wisdom to offer. though, having known his senior for awhile now, he’s unsure if “ wise ” is an adjective that he would use to describe him. to his credit, han keeho is an individual that overflows with potent confidence and a powerful bravado, which are things that kian admires about him, but advice and guidance aren’t things that he’s sought out from him yet. either way, he’s just glad that he’s able to have a heart-to-heart with someone that’s literally in the same position as he is. “ trust me, i know. it’s kind of disheartening to feel like our time’s been wasted, but at the same time, i’m glad that i was able to spend more time with cameron, indy, and jiahn. we worked really well together. ” he shrugs; carefully selecting his words out of fear that he’ll portray himself as different from who he is, or that his statements will be misconstrued after the final edit.
“ yes, boss boys... ” the younger of them repeats in english, jokingly mocking keeho’s accent, too. the two of them have communicated like this since they first met — a mishmash of english and korean. kian knows his way around english and can understand it at an advanced level, but speaking it still trips him up most of the time. “ i was boss baby, too. ” he lightens the mood a bit along with his friend, chuckling at his incredibly botched pronunciation. languidly, he lifts himself up from his leaning stance and scoots over towards keeho, whose at the foot of his bed, and when he’s sat beside him, he nudges him with his shoulder. “ boss boy sounds cool, too. i’ll accept that, i guess. ” if there’s one thing his senior is great at, it’s putting a smile on his face. kian knows he can always count on keeho to lift his tired spirits.
knowing that the viewers at home would die for some sweet skin-ship and softness, kian leans his head atop his comrade’s shoulder — finding immediate comfort. “ honestly ?? you’ve, like, really helped me feel better about things, too. that, and jikjin is a great song. i think it’ll be fun to learn, and it’ll be a blast to have all of us gathered together on-stage, too !! ” he adds, hoping that keeho plays along with the physical affection to further butter people up when they watch the show. “ hey — this is totally random, but do you have any snacks hidden away somewhere ?? i know we ate dinner awhile ago, but i’m still pretty hungry... ” almost as if on cue, his belly roars with the aching need for nourishment. “ see ?? i told you !! ”
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lgckian · 2 years
“ i’m kinda sad, man... ” kian sighs, sitting comfortably in his bed; sights set on 𝙺𝙴𝙴𝙷𝙾. while there’s still so much excitement in his spirit regarding the current season of future dreams, a small part of it died whenever he and the others were told that the songs they’d been preparing weren’t going to be the ones they’d actually be performing. kian remembers how awesome it was to discover that the members in his group were all good pals of his, and while he started out a little nervous about being made the leader of them, he learned that he was actually pretty good at it; that his long training time had given him perspective to use and inspire others, and that if at all necessary, he can take the wheel and steer a group of people to success in the future. despite his age, he’s capable of that. the pieces had fallen together so beautifully, and he’d stressed out a lot teaching choreography and ensuring everything continued to fall in line, only for it to be told that it was essentially for nothing. “ like, me and the others worked so hard... we were doing so well, too. ”
kian leans against the pillows behind him, becoming more languid in posture for once. he realizes that, although they’re comfy in their dorms, they’re likely still being recorded, so he doesn’t want to say anything too extreme. above all, he’s gotta be mindful of his image. “ i’m excited for jikjin and stuff, but i was really proud of me and the ‘ boss ’ boys !! i don’t know... is your head spinnin’ around as much as mine is because of everything ?? i know you were the leader of your group, too. ” he asks, running a hand through his still-damp hair to fix its messiness post-shower.
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lgckian · 2 years
kian’s on cloud nine — over the moon, pumped up, and his limbs are physical proof of what’s currently going on in his head and heart. they feel as though electricity has sent a shock through his system; arms and legs tingling with the need to move, with a restlessness he’s become all too familiar with. he realizes that he’s in a new dorm, and that he’s likely going to be filmed if he gets up and stumbles into a practice room, but he can’t be the only person that’s unable to keep his eyes shut due to the excitement that he’s been experiencing, right ?? at least that’s what he tells himself to rationalize the need to follow the advice that his seniors gave him right this instant. he knew that it was a bold call to aim to impress the members of haru given that he covered ( or well, according to them, “ imitated ” ) a song by the ever-talented kang jaehyuk — one of kian’s largest influences, and the youngest member of the group he was showcasing his skills to — but that’s largely why he made that choice. he doesn’t want to be viewed as weak, or meek, or shy, or anything he’s not just because ultra-hd cameras are zooming around now, and being that he’s the junior out of all the male contestants, it’s his goal to prove that, despite his age, he’s ready for the next step, and above all else, he wants to be taken seriously like his seniors are.
so, with that in mind, he follows temptation and finds a vacant rehearsal space; air-pods secure in his ears so that his music isn’t loud over the sound system. he’d hate to disrupt the slumber of those who are able to sleep, especially since he knows how difficult that can be right now. it’s definitely a high stakes, high stress environment.
standing in the center of the floor, he replays the words he was told in his head — smiling at the memory of bae minwoo telling him that, skill-wise, he has “ everything needed to début as an idol. ” kian teared up slightly in that moment, but kept his act together; not wanting to let anything go to his head to make it larger than it needs to be. confidence is key, but arrogance and cockiness are destroyers of any hard work done. at least that’s what his dad’s always told him. luckily though, he was given advice on how to continue improving, and desperate to heed it, he puts some thought into what could make his performance of “ criminal ” more of a cover than an imitation. it’s complicated for him to decipher, especially since jaehyuk is someone he studies on stage, but what his senior is telling him is that he needs to find his own style; to be inspired by jaehyuk, but not to copy him move-for-move, note-for-note.
before starting the music, he marks the choreography slowly, silently — trying to relearn it with a fresh set of eyes instead of the ones that only have kang jaehyuk in their sightline. this makes him wonder what his personal flavor is. what can he add to this that feels like kian, and not like jaehyuk ?? as he moves — mostly out of muscle memory — he tries to separate himself from the original artist; allowing his body to move in a manner that feels most natural to him. kian’s noticed before that jaehyuk’s style focuses a lot on fluidity and clarity; controlled movements that are displayed with the perfect amount of energy every time. it’s something he’s always admired, but picking up on that technique hasn’t been easy on him. instead, he likes bouncy, energetic, and strong motions; packing a punch like fire instead of flowing like water.
pausing, he glances at himself in the mirror before him and he marvels at the color of his hair and how vibrant it is. people have told him that it’s a good color for him because it matches his personality. it’s fiery, it’s bold, it’s striking... and when he ponders about it even more, his family has always told him that he’s a life-sized energy bar or a never-ending battery; charged up and ready for anything. little-by-little, it’s clicking in his brain, and after shaking his body out to loosen himself up some, kian resets himself in the center of the floor; taking his stance on his knees, then presses play — the addictive melody streaming in through his air-pods and sinking deep into his soul. while he’s still not perfect yet, he springs to life.
this first run-through feels different to him — better, almost. instead of overthinking things and trying to recall the hours of video footage he watched of jaehyuk, he’s focused solely on doing whatever he wants with the moves he memorized; choosing moments to add flare and power, adding more locks for flavor, and being lighter on his feet for added bounce in some of the sections; creating a vibe that captures the sexiness jaehyuk delivers, but in kian’s own style. there are moments where he absentmindedly reverts back to how he’d rehearsed it originally, but the seed to improve has been planted within him, and he’s nurturing it in order for it to grow. what’s important is that he’s onto something, and the cameras in the room capture him “ honing his skills, ” which is another thing bae minwoo asked him to do.
knowing it may not be the smartest idea to miss out on rest, he continues going into the night, and he hopes that his efforts pay off somehow. there’s a lot of heavy pressure present on his shoulders, and he wants to prove that he can still presenting glowing results while carrying the added weight. right now, there is nothing is more important to him than that, and he’ll do whatever it takes to make it happen.
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lgckian · 2 years
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❰  💥  ❱  𝙶𝚁𝙴𝙴𝚃𝙸𝙽𝙶𝚂, 𝙴𝙰𝚁𝚃𝙷𝙻𝙸𝙽𝙶𝚂 !!  it’s been awhile since i’ve spoken and written with a lot of you, and for that, i deeply apologize !! the truth is, with how beautiful and big this group is, i started to feel a bit overwhelmed after tacking on a second muse, so i took some time to get a bunch of writing done in order to get a clearer grasp on both my muses. now, i feel like i’ve found my footing and it’s my goal to write with more typists, so i hope you’ll have me !! with that said, i’m here to reintroduce you to my first muse here, my beloved  ❰  𝙹𝙴𝙾𝙽𝙶 𝙺𝙸𝙰𝙽  ❱  !! he’s an idol hopeful with a unique vocal color, energetic dance skills, and a knack for performance. at present, he is taking part in the fifth season of future dreams, so please root for him !! his slightly updated about page is 𝙷𝙴𝚁𝙴, so please take a gander if you’re interested. below are general plot ideas, as well as some ideas for future dreams, so please let me know if any of them interest you !! you can reach me on here and on 𝙳𝙸𝚂𝙲𝙾𝚁𝙳, which is available upon request. thank you !! 🥰
𝙰 𝙱𝙴𝙻𝙾𝚅𝙴𝙳 𝙳𝙰𝙽𝙲𝙴 𝙼𝙴𝙽𝚃𝙾𝚁  ❰  𝟶 / 𝟷  ❱  kian started at legacy entertainment as a vocalist. he had just been the frontman and lead singer of a band with his friends, and he was mostly confident in his vocal ability. over time, though, he started to shift focus as he fell head over heels in love with dancing. sprouting a deep interest in it, he watched your muse practicing solo after training hours and was enamored by their style / movements. being kian, he likely barged into the rehearsal space and begged your muse to teach him a thing or two. over time, he comes to you whenever he’s feeling inspired to create choreography or when he needs help breaking down moves. 𝙽𝙾𝚃𝙴 / this plot is open to anyone !! can be a débuted idol, another trainee, even an actor or model with a strong dance background. if you see this fitting for your muse at all, let me know.
𝙰𝙽 𝚄𝙽𝙵𝙾𝚁𝚃𝚄𝙽𝙰𝚃𝙴 𝚅𝙸𝙲𝚃𝙸𝙼  ❰  𝟶 / 𝟷  ❱  it’s been a goal of mine to have kian become more of a prankster around the company, and for this plot, i think i want him to have to know what it’s like to deal with small consequences for his actions. wanting to prank your muse wholly innocently, whatever he ended up doing ended with your muse being hurt. they can be really upset with him, they can take it in stride, they could’ve been slightly injured, etc. point is — kian now feels almost indebted to your muse because they didn’t make it a big deal to the company staff, and he didn’t get reprimanded. depending on what you think works out best, he can be an errand boy of sorts, he can help your muse with singing, he can offer discounts at his parents’ music shop for life, he could’ve become a good pal of your muse, etc. everything is up for discussion. 𝙽𝙾𝚃𝙴 / this plot is open to anyone !! a débuted idol, trainee, actor, etc.
𝙰 𝙵𝙰𝙽 𝙾𝙵 𝙾𝙽𝙴 𝙾𝙵 𝙷𝙸𝚂 𝚂𝙸𝙱𝙻𝙸𝙽𝙶𝚂  ❰  𝟶 / 𝟸  ❱  while i plan on dropping a headcanon soon in relation to the jeong family tree, here’s a brief sneak peek of what’s to come !! so, kian has two older sisters, and one older brother. his eldest sister, suan, works as a lyricist / producer and indie soloist. i like to say she’s similar to eyedi with some baek yerin sprinkled in. she’s mostly known as a producer nowadays, but her solo career has had modest success. now, his older brother, doan, is the main vocal and face of a popular idol boy group from a mid-sized company called knockout ( or k.o. ) entertainment !! the group is called TKO ( short for total knockout ) and while i can’t make any group claims, i consider their success akin to seventeen’s — self-producing, rather popular idols. i’m happy to provide more information if requested, but i think it’d be funny for kian to have a friendship with someone who is a fan of one, or both, of his siblings, regardless of their motives for their friendship with him. 𝙽𝙾𝚃𝙴 / this plot is open to anyone !! a link to the headcanon will be posted here when it’s done.
𝙰𝙽 𝚄𝙽𝙴𝚇𝙿𝙴𝙲𝚃𝙴𝙳 𝙲𝙾𝙽𝙵𝙸𝙳𝙰𝙽𝚃𝙴  ❰  𝟶 / 𝟷  ❱  kian talks a lot, that goes without saying, and sometimes, when he gets started, it’s very hard for him to stop. while i adore him, he’s the type of person that, if a thought enters his head, he needs to spit it out as soon as possible or else it’ll get forever lost, and that prompts him to interrupt people a lot. he doesn’t mean to be rude, it’s just impulsive speaking due to undiagnosed adhd. anyway, for some reason, he met your muse once and they’ve sort of become his human diary. there’s just something about your muse that makes him want to open up, and this is rare for him because he’s the type that remains really in his head about his feelings. this could be something your muse really enjoys, or it can be something that really irritates them, or anything in between. i just think it’d be cute, to be honest. 𝙽𝙾𝚃𝙴 / this plot is open to anyone !! a débuted idol, trainee, actor, etc.
𝙰 𝙿𝙰𝚁𝚃𝙽𝙴𝚁-𝙸𝙽-𝙲𝚁𝙸𝙼𝙴  ❰  𝟶 / 𝟷  ❱  every once in awhile ( probably more often than he’d like to admit, to be honest ), kian gets restless, especially on his days off, and he somehow ropes your muse into going with him on adventures. whether it’s exploring parts of the city he doesn’t know that well on sundays, or going on hikes near on trails near seoul, or going skateboarding at parks, or even going to bathhouses / hot springs to bond, it’s always a good time when the two of you are together. sometimes he and your muse end up in sticky situations, but as kian would say, two heads are better than one, and you two tend to figure out how to get out of them somewhat easily. 𝙽𝙾𝚃𝙴 / this plot is open to anyone !!
𝙸'𝙼 𝚂𝙾 𝙴𝚇𝙲𝙸𝚃𝙴𝙳 !! this event is the perfect opportunity for me to write with more new people, and with that said, i’d adore any thread / plot-line in relation to future dreams right now !! roommate shenanigans, preparation threads with kian’s group-mates, anything else !! kian’s feeling really pumped and extra confident after he was told he has everything to début as an idol, but he still needs to work on finding his own style. he’s excited to experiment with new concepts and music types, and he’s ready to prove that he’s a strong enough performer to show off his own charms !! 🤗 anyway, after i reach out and plot with those who are interested, i’ll post an official tracker so i’m better organized about replies this time around !! i can be quite scatterbrained and i apologize for that, but it’s my goal to be better about that going forward !! thanks to everyone who took the time to read this !! i’m looking forward to plotting with you !! 🥰
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lgckian · 2 years
ever since kian was young enough to form proper memories, he’s been in love with being the center of attention. there’s nothing more pleasant to him than the warmth of a spotlight, or the undivided attention given to him by another person. as a kid, he was put front and center in the band he made with his siblings, and in middle school, when a couple of guys invited him to join their music group, they also made him their frontman; his warm, inviting, and often infectious aura making him a joy to watch on stage. not only that, but he dons a convivial smile on his face wherever he goes, and it’s rather easy for him to make friends. life’s a party whenever kian’s around, and that’s a quality people adore about him.
he can make the simplest outings feel fun and exciting, and his natural exuberance is a huge cause of this. however, despite being a lover of positive attention and being a genuinely open-minded person, kian sometimes has a strong reaction to negative criticism; often using it as a means to be hard on himself. it’s incredibly easy for him to feel the pressure to be perfect, and whenever he feels like he’s not, it tanks his spirits. additionally, he tends to be a rather conflict averse person, especially if the conflict itself centers around him specifically. he’s a master of using his charm and wit to talk people out of being mad at him, but that doesn’t always work well in the long-run. another issue he faces is that he’s easily bored, and this causes him to be incredibly impulsive.
he’s someone that doesn’t think before he acts, and it’s hard for him to remain focused on things, but he tries his best to be better about these specific flaws as they seem to only cause problems for him and the people around him, as well. overall, he encompasses basically of the facets of being an esfp.
pathfinders tend to have a fear of missing out, as well as a deep desire to keep the good vibes going, and these are both accurate for kian. above all, the only thing that truly matters to him is that he’s fulfilled and content. if he’s doing what he loves and he’s nourishing his passions, then nothing can bring him down. he loves being apart of a group, he remains optimistic in all situations, and he’s fantastic at cheering people up if they’re sad. with that being said, however, he struggles with a lot of toxic positivity sometimes. he convinces himself that he’s happy even when he’s unhappy, and he rationalizes negative feelings away instead of dealing with them properly, which is not a great approach to confronting issues and moving on from his problems. he would much rather remain in a blissful state of ignorance as long as possible before coming face-to-face with a pressing obstacle. this is something that’s bothered his parents about him in the past, but he often doesn’t listen to their worries, much to their chagrin.
other issues he faces that align with an enneagram type 7w6 is that he is easily influenced by the opinions of other people, and that makes him easily hurt by harsh criticism; he has a tendency to become hellishly bored and distractible with tedious tasks; self-doubt is often a killer of his spirits that he tries to conquer but often to no avail; and he’s disorganized in a manner that impedes on his daily life. all these combined make a rather strict training regiment at legacy entertainment difficult for him to maintain sometimes, but because he’s able to work hard at making improvements on the things he loves, he shrugs off most of the issues that arise for him. it’s sometimes not the most responsible thing to do, but it keeps his head on his shoulders in this dog-eat-dog industry, and at times, that’s all he needs. he’s simpleminded, and whether that’s good or bad is debatable.
kian’s daemon is a caprine that takes the form of a caucasian tur. while my knowledge on daemons is quite limited, from what i could gleam from kian’s results, it’s fitting to him in that a caprine tends to not think things through. this aligns with him beautifully. they’re also described as “sure-footed” and “gregarious,” both of which are great descriptors for certain aspects of his disposition. despite acting impulsively and occasionally landing in trouble, they’re fiercely loyal to their friends. kian tends to do this nowadays, even if he ditched his old bandmates to be a trainee at legacy entertainment. he’s learned to value friendship a lot, and is happy to go all out to prove his friends that they can rely on him even if he can be all-over-the-place most of the time.
another caprine trait is that they’re often introspective. kian mirrors this behavior by remaining in his head a lot of the time. he has many friends, sure, but a majority are kept at an arm’s length because he often feels that his thoughts are weird, or that if people actually knew what was on his mind, they’d think he was dumb. he gets lost in thought a lot; often about nonsensical things that he feels no one else will understand.
overall, after learning about daemons and those who are caprine, it’s been enlightening to learn that kian can develop into someone with natural leadership skills, a more humble attitude, and the ability to problem solve with his impulsive thinking. if he manages it well, this often negative trait of his can be transformed into a good thing. unfortunately, he’s not at this point in his life right now, but it’s exciting to think that he may end up relating to these great qualities in the future.
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lgckian · 2 years
it’s been a wild couple of weeks, but i’m thrivin’, survivin’, and workin’ my tail off !! i didn’t think that signing up to be apart of future dreams for the first time would be this draining, but despite all that, i’m having a really fun time preparing for things to start !! i’ve been doing a whole lot of dancing, and i’m working on my singing, too, but to be honest, i feel like i could put some more attention into my vocals and brushing up on those techniques, too. it’s weird... i started at the company as a guitar-wielding vocalist, but since getting signed, i’ve found an even bigger and more incredible passion for dancing !! i started off as a beginner with it all those years ago, but now ?? i think i’ve actually gotten really good !! i don’t know if i’m at the level of a main dancer yet, but i’m getting there, and that’s what’s important, right ?? gosh, if i ended up getting that as a position in the future i’d be thrilled, but at this point, i don’t really even care to think about the role i’d play in a group. i honestly just wanna be given a shot to show everyone how much i’ve improved. i know i’m not perfect yet — and that i never will be — but i feel like i’m a better and way more diverse entertainer nowadays !! some of my friends have called me a ‘ jack of all trades, ’ and i think that’s fitting. that’s definitely the approach i want to take as a performer, too: someone who’s good at everything and can do whatever’s asked of them !!
i look up to artists who are like that, too. there’s just something exciting about a person who is multi-talented. i mean, don’t get me wrong, i think that people who are out-of-this-world good at one thing are really impressive, too, because like, the discipline it must take to master one thing is something i’ll never understand because i get really distracted, and that makes it all the cooler to me. the people who are like, virtuosos in specific areas are the ones i learn the most from. like, listening to main vocals is always fun for me to pick up new tricks and techniques of doing things, and watching main dancers on stage also has a similar effect on me where i learn from their skills !! i feel like i’m getting distracted right now, but the point is: even though it’s been hard work to prepare for the real filming to start, the excitement i feel for the chance of promoting a song is, like, so extreme — like the most extreme i’ve ever felt in my whole life, if i’m being real here. i feel all of this energy buzzing around in side of me; it feels like electricity. kind of like i have lightning zooming around in my veins !!
all i can hope now is that this electricity works in my favor and electrifies the viewers, and the judges, and the other trainees, too !! i also hope that all of them are feeling the same electricity, too, because that’ll make everything way more fun !! seriously, like, even though i’m nervous, i feel way more stoked to just be a participant this go around. like, i finally feel ready, and like, i’ll at least get my foot in the door even if i don’t end up winning a spot. that’s important, too !! any kind of exposure is good, from what i know, and it’s an honor to be included. ah, i can’t wait to see what challenges we’re going to do, and like, what performances i’ll be apart of, and who my teammates are going to be, and like, i can’t wait to get closer to the people that i don’t know all that well, and to see all the friends i’ve already made !! just thinking about all of this is making me wanna get up and move, so i’m probably going to go squeeze in some extra dancing time, but please know that i’m pumped !! that’s all. that’s it. that’s the journal entry — i’m so pumped !!!!!!
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lgckian · 2 years
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lgckian · 2 years
nicky has to admit it: he’s a bit worried. sometimes it still doesn’t feel real; the confession from kian, his own feelings dragged out into the open, the kiss and fledgling relationship to follow. kian made him so happy as just a friend, he was comfortable just liking him on his own for the longest time. now… don’t get him wrong, he’s still happy, but he’s also so scared of messing this up. kian means a lot to him and nicky is fully aware that he’s not the easiest person to get along with. he tries not to get spooked, to not let kian know about the anxiety he has about this, but there’s always that cruel little voice in the back of his head: you’re going to hurt him. you’re messed up, you know that? you’re unloveable.
he knows it’s not true. are the clean house, the fresh groceries, and kian obviously putting on his sunday best not clear signs of love? nicky reminds himself to appreciate it, that it’s okay to let himself smile when his boyfriend (he’s still getting used to that word) kisses his cheek cutely. he lets himself return the favor in his own, measured way, fondly patting down the back of kian’s hair to smooth out any stray strands, but also to anchor him in place when nicky returns with a quick peck of his own, only so daring as to graze the corner of kian’s lips. “thanks for having me over,” he doesn’t try to keep the soft smile off of his face, though manners always come first. “what are you wearing though?”
it’s not supposed to be rude; don’t get him wrong, kian looks great, but it’s just… unusual to see him dressed up… and in a bowtie. nicky can’t explain it, he always thought he preferred a more put together look on his romantic interests, but he likes when kian just looks like himself. “sorry, that probably sounded mean. you look good, just… different.” great, idiot, you’re going to make him upset. he obviously put in a lot of effort for you, why did you have to say anything? nicky’s smile fades as he mentally berates himself for his assumed mistake. it would have been better not to say anything at all. and then he worries again that kian will be upset by his subtle shift in mood. how does he tell him that it’s okay? that it’s not kian’s fault and it’s just nicky battling a lifetime of never being enough? “sorry,” he mumbles again, sighing deeply to try to release some of his tension. it doesn’t work.
kian’s heart flutters like the melodic wings of a butterfly when the back of his head is patted; a sense of ease wrapping him up as if it were a warm blanket draping itself over his soul. then, a kiss is pressed to his cheek in return, and he can’t help but melt at the reciprocated affection — cooing in response, limbs becoming giddy at the physicality. it’s not been that long since they made things official, but he really enjoys being in a relationship so far. sure, catching feelings for another person wasn’t ever apart of his plan when he began his journey as an idol trainee, but he’s so glad that it happened. it fulfills him in a way that he’s wholly unfamiliar with, but now that he’s experienced it, he never wants it to go away. nicky makes him feel so safe and secure, and even though they don’t get a lot of time to see one another in person, kian’s still happy to know that he has someone rooting for him, and someone that he can root for, too, in a manner that’s far more intimate than friendship. it’s opened him up to a new level of existence; one where he feels more mature and stable, and it’s all thanks to nicky relying on him, and putting trust in him, and caring for him so deeply. 
he just hopes that he can prove to nicky that he cares about him, too, and that nicky can rely on him, and tell him all of his worries, and kian will always try his hardest to help. with all of this in mind, he’s about to tell him that it’s his biggest pleasure to have him over, but right before he’s able to, his outfit is questioned. the inquiry makes him blink; heat rising to the apples of his cheeks to color them a muted scarlet. “ what do you mean ?? ” he asks, looking down at his clothes. is the design of his shirt stupid ?? are his pants too long for his legs ?? is the bowtie too much ?? there’s a small wave of embarrassment that crashes over him, but when nicky explains himself, he feels relieved; sighing. “ n — no, i get what you’re saying now !! i don’t know. i guess i wanted to look nice tonight because it’s special !! we’re cooking something together, and you’re sleeping over, and we’re gonna have a really great time, and i guess i just got kinda excited... ” he shrugs, then licks over his lips; one of his arms timidly motioning to rest along nicky’s shoulders, pulling him in closer.
“ are you okay, though ?? you seem a little stressed... ” kian’s trying his hardest to be more in tune with nicky and his feelings, and he hopes that asking his own query is okay. “ no matter what, though, we’re gonna make a delicious dinner !! i’ve watched my mom make it a few times so i can help out some, too. ” he doesn’t have the best track record in the kitchen, but he would hate to just stand around while his boyfriend did all of the work. “ do you want me to start cutting the pork shoulder into cubes, or mincing the garlic ?? oh !! do you want somethin’ to drink ?? i keep forgetting to offer things to you, i’m sorry !! i don’t mean to be rude — i can make you some iced plum tea, or get you a glass of water, or i think we even have banana milk, too. my mom always gets that when i come over because it’s my favorite !! ” 
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lgckian · 2 years
a 【  𝙲𝙻𝙾𝚂𝙴𝙳 𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚁𝚃𝙴𝚁  】 written for 【  𝚁𝚈𝚄 𝙽𝙸𝙲𝙺𝚈  】 that is not related to any ongoing event. this thread takes place at 【  𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙹𝙴𝙾𝙽𝙶 𝚁𝙴𝚂𝙸𝙳𝙴𝙽𝙲𝙴  】  !
this is a rare opportunity, one that only happens once in a blue moon, he knows that, and the instant it became a possibility, kian knew he needed to act on it — that he needed to reach out his hand and clutch onto it with a vice grip in hopes that it wouldn’t slip through his fingers. his parents kickstarted this master plan of his by asking him to keep an eye on the house while they took a weekend trip to celebrate their anniversary, and since he was the only one of his siblings available to do so, that meant he’d be all alone at home. well, at least for saturday night and the entirety of sunday. nevertheless, kian knew that he needed to take advantage of this rare event and invite nicky over for some alone time. he’s just about to enter the competitive atmosphere of the next season of future dreams, and his boyfriend has plans of his own to embark on a new path, and they’ve yet to celebrate all of this excitement due to how busy they’ve been. both of them realize that they’re in the company to work hard and make their aspirations blossom into reality, and they often prioritize those endeavors over their fledgling romance, but this weekend, the younger of them wants to flip the script and change things up, and when his senior agreed to it — much to his surprise, if he’s being totally truthful — he put out all the stops to make it special.
he used some of his allowance money to splurge on the more expensive foodstuffs they needed for their dinner, he deep-cleaned the house so it felt more comfortable, he washed the linens on his bed so it would be extra cozy in case they want to take a nap, and he even went shopping for a new outfit; one selected for him by a trusted comrade of his who has a more polished eye for clothing. being that nicky’s his first boyfriend and this is the first extended period of time they get to be with each other, there’s nothing he wants to do more than impress him, so as the two of them stand in his kitchen, he’s nervously fiddling around with the bowtie around his neck. he finds it uncomfortable, but can admit that it looks good, and well, maybe it’s superficial of him, but he really does want to look good for his lover. he’d hate to present himself looking messy and unkempt, especially since nicky always looks so immaculate.
“ i think i got everything for us to make some really awesome mapadubu !! ” he chirps, smiling towards his beloved. “ you look really handsome, by-the-way... but then again, you always look handsome, so. ” kian adds, leaning in to swiftly ( and sneakily ) stamp a big kiss onto nicky’s cheek. “ sorry, i couldn’t help myself... ”
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lgckian · 2 years
despite finding a home within legacy entertainment and being friends with many of the trainees he’s met, kian hasn’t once forgotten that he’s in a fiercely competitive environment. sure, he’s able to keep his head up when things go awry, and he values sportsmanship above all, but he understands that all of them are after the same dream; they all have their eyes on the same prize for one reason or another, and that, in and of itself, informs him that the people he leans on for support are also the ones who’ll likely leave him in the dust if it comes down to it. he wouldn’t blame them for that either, as he realizes that everyone’s been in the waiting room for so long now that having their names called is a huge honor. it’s happened in the past with a couple of his peers, and he knows it’s likely to occur again, so when he’s asked how he would rank himself out of the trainees taking part in the show, he knows that he needs to answer with confidence, neutrality, and practicality. while it may be more polite to dodge queries of this nature, he doesn’t want to be seen as weak. he wants to be taken seriously, especially since he’s the youngest male trainee competing.
“ while i think i have a lot of improving to do still, given the amount of time i’ve been training and the work i’ve put in over the years, it’s my personal belief that i could reasonably be in the top ten out of all the trainees here, ” kian begins; a bright smile beaming towards the camera. “ i try my best to be multi-faceted and above average in all areas, and some might argue that i’m striving to be a jack-of-all-trades and a master of none, and while that might be true, it’s really important to me that i’m able to offer a wide variety of skills !! ” he shrugs slightly, cheeky grin still tugging at the corners of his lips. “ the one area i need to work harder on is rapping, but i think i make for a strong dancer, singer, and performer, and i can’t wait to show everyone my progress and how hard i’ve been working !! that, and... ” he pauses, looking directly into the lens playfully — his features donning an impish quality now, “ i personally think i’m the cutest boy in the competition, but i’m pretty biased... ”
a flurry of laughter follows suit as he gently rolls his eyes at himself, bringing a finger up to poke at one of the dimples on his cheeks afterwards. however, now’s the time where he’s expected to let the production team know who he’d want to compete against, one-on-one, in a test of skills. pausing to think for a spell, he hums audibly as he recalls the many performances he watched. kian thinks of a few people right off the bat, and instead of becoming distracted by overthinking the question, he answers truthfully and honestly, albeit quite impulsively, as well. “ i’m someone who would want to compete against the best of the best. that way, if i win, i know my hard work is paying off, and if i lose, i’m losing to someone i respect immensely, and it’ll tell me that i still have more work to do. ” he keeps the preamble short, then dives in.
“ with that said, when it comes to dancing, i’d love to go toe-to-toe with my pal, jung wookjin !! i know how amazing he is and i think it’d be fun to try and best him. when it comes to rap, i’m obviously nowhere near as awesome as he is, but i think i could learn a thing or two from kang max !! even if i totally fall flat on my face during this battle, it’d be cool to pick up some pointers from him in hopes that i can improve, too. ” when singing is involved, though, he pauses for a moment, mulling over his options, then proceeds. “ as for singing ?? that’s really hard because everyone is great and has their own style, but if it were up to me, i think competing against my good friend han keeho would be really fun !! i know how talented he is, and we’ve gotten really close over the years, so in my mind, we’d put on a great show together, even if we’re trying to see who’s best out of the two of us !! ” nodding his head, he feels content with his responses; his signature dopey smirk ever-present on his countenance.
kian hopes that the people he mentioned take his words as compliments. that’s how he intends for them to be received, and he’d absolutely hate himself if the individuals in question took them as personal attacks, especially since he doesn’t plan on taking anything he said back. it’s out in the open now. he has to live with the consequences.
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lgckian · 2 years
𝙷𝙴𝚈, 𝙴𝚅𝙴𝚁𝚈𝙾𝙽𝙴 !!! just me, jace, poppin’ in to say that you’re all welcome to mention kian in your solos for the current future dreams s5, part 0 scenario !!! your muses can drag him, praise him, or really say whatever they want about him — it’s all fine by me. all in all, it’ll make for great development going forward and i can’t wait to read what everyone writes in the near future. also, if you’d like to plot anything in regards to the solos or otherwise, my dm’s on here are always open for you. that, or if 𝙳𝙸𝚂𝙲𝙾𝚁𝙳 is your preference, i can provide you my handle !!
i would also like to take this moment to say that i can’t wait to write more threads with everyone. it’s a goal of mine to reach out to more people, especially now that i’ve been in the group for a few months and have a really solid grasp on both my muses, their voices, and their personalities !! so, if you’d like to plot with kian [ or yuan ] please let me know !! you can like this post, or send me a message, or we can chat on discord; whatever’s best for you !! i can’t wait to hear from you. 🥰
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lgckian · 2 years
all of this is happening so fast, and he has no idea if he somehow dozed off before it was his turn to get up on stage or what, but he’s standing in the center of it now; gobsmacked. his heart is pounding against it’s chest as if it’s trying to escape its confines, his stomach turns with slight discomfort, and chills glissade through his limbs. swallowing nervously, kian looks out to the crowd before him and can’t help but feel daunted by the fact that he’s not only showcasing his growth in front of his peers, but also in front of company seniors who he looks up to very much. their surprise unveiling and performances excited him initially, but that excitement has slowly settled into a potent dose of anxiety that now courses through his veins. however, instead of buckling under the pressure to be successful, he takes a deep breath and strives to use these jitters and this nervous energy to his benefit, so when he feels the stage lights swathe him, he bends forward in a full ninety-degree bow, and when erects his posture again, he beams with one of his signature toothy grins.
“ hello !! ” he exclaims, raising his hands up to wave sweetly — albeit a little awkwardly, too, as his wrists are tied together with a piece of black ribbon. he laughs when his waving doesn’t work out, then places his palms back down. “ my name is jeong kian, and today, i’ve prepared a cover of the song ‘ criminal ’ by my senior, kang jaehyuk. i hope with this performance i can show a new side of myself and impress all of you, but especially the members of haru !! please take care of me well !! ” with that, he bows his head one last time, then takes his first position in center stage; gently coming down to rest on his knees. he’s adorned in a fully onyx colored ensemble — a fitted button down shirt, skinny-fit distressed jeans, chelsea boots, and a few accessories for added flair. he hopes this goes over well, and after one last breath, he hears his cue and proceeds with what he’s prepared. all thoughts leaving his head now that he’s hyper-focused in the moment at hand; entranced.
【  𝚁𝙴𝙵𝙴𝚁𝙴𝙽𝙲𝙴  】  0:20 — 1:27  /  dance.
this song is complicated for him because the choreography is very intricate and detailed. there’s a beautiful mix of slow sensuality and gracefully quick movements, and he tries his darnedest to convey the vibe of the song through his pacing, his facial expressions, and his vocals. it’s hard to sing an overly breathy song live, but he tries to color his tone in the same manner; his softly raspy, slightly nasal tenor crooning over the moody production of the track — remaining on key as he creates imaginary flora with his hands and fingers. though, when it’s time for him to stand, he stays the course; the nerves lingering from earlier making his voice a little shaky, but not too much to where it’s hard to understand him. as everyone is likely listening and watching closely though, they might be able to tell that he’s still pretty nervous.
“ 네 말에 꼬이고 춤추는 두 발이 왠지 싫지는 않지 태초에 정해진 너라는 진리에 저항할 마음 없으니— ”
when he finishes these lines, he brings the knot that binds his wrists to his mouth, and like jaehyuk does in his performances, kian removes it with his teeth, freeing them. he then looks towards the audience to woo them with a devilish smirk followed by a wink. though, he’s unable to let this part linger for too long as it immediately dives into the chorus, and when the rhythm of the song shifts, he gives it his all; committing what he considers to be one-hundred-and-ten percent.
“ 우아해 날 해치는 criminal it's okay 날 달래곤 괴롭혀 ooh 너란 목줄을 채운 난 숨을 쉴 수 없게 아프면서 황홀하잖아 우아해 날 망치는 criminal not okay 고갤 저어 보지만 ooh 점점 더 깊이 끌려가 네게 빠진 순간 더는 결백하지 않은 나 !! ”
if he’s being honest with himself, kian would say that he focused more on the dance than he did on his singing. finding that balance has always been difficult for him, but he’s working on it and hopes that he can only continue to improve going forward. despite being slightly out of breath towards the end of his set, and despite his stomach being in knots due to the adrenaline, when he’s done, he returns back to his mark and offers yet another ninety-degree bow; non-verbally thanking everyone for their attention before exiting the stage where he was asked to.
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