myempoweredlife · 3 years
We all start as caterpillars, oblivious to the wings that will form.
The cocoon that once felt so snug will eventually feel too tight and you will need to break free.
Transformation isn’t comfortable. Your new wings will feel odd at first, but just like the newly formed butterfly you will learn to embrace every beautiful part of yourself and be thankful for the freedom.
Don’t be afraid to fly, trust the wind to carry you to exactly where you are meant to be.
Enjoy the ride.
You’ve got this. 
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myempoweredlife · 3 years
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What does empowerment mean to you?
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myempoweredlife · 3 years
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Salute to all women past, present and future! 
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myempoweredlife · 3 years
Know when the next New Moon and Full Moon is taking place
Understand some of the key themes and use them to your advantage
Get song recommendations, affirmations and journal prompts to add to your self-care routine.
Work with the natural energy of the of the Universe for more ease and flow!
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myempoweredlife · 3 years
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Grab a free copy of my quick guide to this Full Moon!
Get info on the themes, useful tips and journal prompts to add to your self-care routine.
Feel more balanced and at peace by working with the cycles of the Universe.
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myempoweredlife · 3 years
The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new
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myempoweredlife · 3 years
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Given that this is the first Full Moon of the year, the next few days are a powerful time to focus on letting go of the things that no longer serve you, this includes any emotional trauma and childhood wounds that may be lurking in the background. Journaling and seeking the support of someone you trust can be especially helpful.
Remember to honour your need to feel safe and nurtured at this time by spending time with loved ones or giving yourself some alone time. Do things that bring you comfort.
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myempoweredlife · 3 years
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Have you started 2022 carrying the heavy weight of 2021 or before?
I felt like this for years!! But I got sick and tired of being sick and tired so I made a promise to myself that I’d do whatever I could to get to a better place.
I spent the last 2 years getting comfortable with being uncomfortable so that I could finally let go of the negative thoughts, emotions and patterns that were keeping me stuck in a place I no longer wanted to be. For the first time in ages, I started a new year genuinely loving myself and my life, and feeling excited about what I’m creating. 
Becoming a qualified life coach was part of my journey as it gave me tools to recognise how I was viewing the world. The likes of journaling, meditation, becoming aware of my personal astrology and working with the cycles of the moon help me stay grounded and centered on a day-to- day basis and I now use what I’ve learnt to help other women love and empower themselves.
I’m hosting a FREE workshop to share some of my techniques and you’re invited!
If you’re ready to drop the heavy baggage, feel more grounded and balanced and make room for more of the things you want, join my private FB group to take part: https://www.facebook.com/groups/empoweredempressclub     
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myempoweredlife · 3 years
When life is knocking at your door, you just gotta let your soul lead the way
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myempoweredlife · 3 years
What you are seeking is seeking you
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myempoweredlife · 3 years
This is for you if you struggle with:
- confidence and self-love
- thinking and feeling positively
- knowing and/or asserting your own needs and wants
And if you want to be part of a free community run by someone who has been there and encourages and inspires you to be happy in a way that feels true and authentic TO YOU.
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myempoweredlife · 3 years
On the way to creating a new life...
On the way to creating a new life you will be tested.
You’ll meet those who won’t get you and face situations that make you question yourself.
But, if you feel it in your heart and it brings you joy, please know that you are on the right path.
Listen to the whisper that tells you to keep going. Don’t allow yourself to ever regret not following your heart.
Rest when you need to. Cry... scream... curse out loud if you must! Then do something to change your energy and remind yourself why you started in the first place. 
The path to personal fulfillment might be a winding one. You might have to walk it alone. It will be a struggle at times, but that’s when you know you are close.
Diamonds are formed under pressure.
NEVER give up on you. 
You’ve got this and I’m rooting for you x
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myempoweredlife · 3 years
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May 2022 be happy YOUR way! x
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myempoweredlife · 3 years
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Pay attention to your self talk because even words said in jest, if said often enough, have the power to become reality! 
A tip for those who don’t vibe with affirmations- try using ‘working on/towards’ e.g. I am working towards being more confident. 
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myempoweredlife · 3 years
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myempoweredlife · 3 years
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myempoweredlife · 3 years
Self-love and self-awareness are the portals to self-empowerment
Melissa Vidal
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