"Separation is a dream that has hypnotized the people of earth for a very long time but increasingly more are ready to accept and live from a higher level of awareness. ​It is impossible for any form of life to be separate from God. How could anything exist outside of that which is omnipresent? Do you believe in an omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent God, or do you not? It is important to ask yourself this question."
Marilyn Raffaele/Arcturian group 10.2.2022
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“Life isn’t as serious as the mind makes it out to be.”
— Eckhart Tolle (via mysimplereminders)
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“We have a tendency to think in terms of doing and not in terms of being. We think that when we are not doing anything, we are wasting our time. But that is not true. Our time is first of all for us to be. To be what? To be alive, to be peaceful, to be joyful, to be loving. And that is what the world needs most.”
— Thich Nhat Hanh (via purplebuddhaquotes)
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Science and spirit are one and the same, cosmic consciousness.
Matthew’s Messages https://www.matthewbooks.com/february-3-2022/
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"How can people advance consciously and spiritually if they don’t know the truth about everything?" That is indeed a logical question. Let us answer by asking you to imagine how you would feel if you heard all of the following in one fell swoop: You are a divine immortal soul and alternate between hundreds or thousands of physical and spiritual lifetimes. You are not a person who has a soul, you are a soul made of pure love-light energy living in a body designed specifically for the kinds of personal experiences you chose in a contract prior to birth. Your contract is part of an agreement with other souls sharing your lifetime, but all of that is forgotten when you and the others incarnate. The origin of everything in existence in the cosmos is the love-light essence of Creator, Source, I AM, Oneness of All, the Totality. Creator chose the gods and goddesses who would manifest their respective universes and rule over them. There are seven universes and in this one, there is no heaven or hell. The universal law of physics automatically takes individuals’ etheric bodies and psyches to the area of a spirit world where energy is the same as the individual’s lifetime energy. Akashic records, which are inviolable, contain every moment of each lifetime of the soul. Everything that exists is energy fluctuating at one frequency or another, nothing is solid. Like everything else in existence, thoughts, feelings and words emit vibrations. Science and spirit are one and the same, cosmic consciousness. Earth is one organism that comprises humankind, animals, plants and the Devic kingdom, and all are inseparably interconnected souls as parts of the Supreme Being of this universe. Rocks, soil, fire, water, air, wind, and even manufactured items have varying levels of consciousness. What happens anywhere in this universe affects everything else everywhere else. What you think of as time actually is differing energy planes. The reality is the timeless continuum where everything is a series of events happening simultaneously. The universal law of attraction brings back to you from the collective consciousness whatever is the focus of your thoughts and feelings. That is how all individuals co-create their lives and collectively co-create the world. Co-creation is using Creator’s energy to put your ideas into form or action. Countless civilizations are far, far advanced spiritually, consciously and technologically from people on Earth. Some live on motherships that have highly evolved consciousness and are miles in diameter. Earth is surrounded by small spacecraft and some extraterrestrials are living on the planet. Many times in the planet’s history people from other civilizations have resided there. Some years ago a powerful light grid built by evolved civilizations forced the dark forces out of the Milky Way. The dark forces is a massive energy force field that meanders throughout the universe and is attracted to individuals and civilizations with tendencies toward greed, cruelty and power. Those individuals and populations become the forces’ puppets. The puppets on Earth have controlled governments, global economy, banking, religions, western medicine, education, commerce, transportation, communication, corporations, entertainment industry, legal and judicial systems, agriculture, energy sources, military forces—everything that impacts life in your world. They start wars, commit atrocities, cause disease, poverty and famine, create divisiveness and bigotry, and put falsehoods in religions’ holy books. Two kinds of ascension, planetary and personal, are underway and so is world transformation. The battle between light and darkness that is happening in linear time already has been won by the light, and in the continuum, Earth’s civilization is joyously flourishing. That jumble of information is not in order of importance or well expressed, and no doubt we have forgotten numerous areas wherein factual information must replace blatant deception and mass ignorance by intention of the darkness. But surely that would be enough to overwhelm even the strongest mind if all of it were presented in one seminar.
Matthew’s Messages https://www.matthewbooks.com/february-3-2022/
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By healing yourself on the inner level, you contribute most to the birth of the new world. Some of you doubt yourself and you think you have not yet accomplished much in your life. But this life you are now living is not so much about worldly accomplishment. It is much more about becoming a master of your own energy; about really recognizing that you are a soul, a divine being: that spark of light which was at the beginning of Creation, and about recognizing that light as your own.”
via Pamela Kribbe jeshua.net
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I love the ideas in this Christmas story…
People of any and all belief systems can celebrate Christmas if they understand its true meaning. Christmas is not just about the birth of a highly evolved child 2000 years ago, but is representative of the birth of the Christ within every individual. We have spoken of this in previous Christmas messages, but choose to repeat it for those yet unaware of the real meaning of Christmas.
The word Christ does not refer to the master Jesus except as his attained title, nor does it only have to do with the religion called Christianity. The word Christ is not a man, or a name, or a religion, but means Light or full illumination–enlightenment. Christhood is the birthright of every soul, each being the perfect expression of God/Source no matter how un-aware of this they may be. There is only ONE Reality and you are IT.
Everything you see, hear, taste, touch, and smell in the human scene is a mind formed interpretation of a spiritual reality–you cannot make something out of nothing. The Christmas story and all that surrounds it represents a much deeper reality, one that effects each and every soul.
The Christmas story is the story of every soul’s evolution into Christ Consciousness. Creation is already complete and you are already whole, but being on earth in a physical body that is governed by time and space brings with it a veil of unknowing, one that leaves the majority unaware of who and what they are, thus making evolution into a process.
Mary and Joseph represent the perfect balance of the Divine feminine and masculine energies necessary in order for the new and higher state of consciousness to be formed.
As the infant state of awareness begins to grow, there arise third dimensional concepts and beliefs to be examined and cleared. This gestation period can and usually does take lifetimes and usually leaves the individual often feeling depleted and lost as their known foundation crumbles, seeming to leave them with nothing. This is the stable.
The Christ cannot and never will be born into a consciousness that is already filled with three dimensional concepts and beliefs. The humble stable represents an attained state of consciousness devoid of everything false and unreal–necessary for birthing the Christ consciousness.
Those with eyes to see and ears to hear, easily recognize and are drawn to the energy of this state of consciousness, (the wise men) and think nothing of any inconveniences that may be involved in order to be in its presence.
At the same time, those living from a sense of their own power and importance within the energies of duality and separation are only able to comprehend the strength of others or love as a threat. They understand power only as power over something or someone, rather than power being the birthright of every soul by virtue of their oneness with Source. Thus we have the soldiers of Herod seeking to destroy the new born child.
The Christ consciousness will always be hunted and persecuted by those who believe that their very existence (ego) is threatened by the power of another. The newly born Christ consciousness must be hidden silently and secretly, and nurtured within until it is strong enough to withstand the slings and arrows of the outer scene.
The Christmas story is your story dear ones, and is the story of every person regardless of where they are in their evolutionary journey because everyone is the expression of Divine Consciousness and therefore already holds the fullness of the living Christ within.
No one attains this state of consciousness from outside of self, from some “right” teacher, or teaching for there is no such thing. Rather, the whole journey of evolution is about opening up to the “imprisoned splendor” already present within.
Enjoy the season and freely give not only material gifts, but gifts of love, abundance, joy, peace, wholeness, harmony, etc., fully aware that you can never be depleted of these gifts for they are never yours personally, but rather flow infinitely from that endless Source within.
Let Christmas be yours every day of the year. Let Christmas become who and what you are in every moment, situation, and experience and you will observe it flow easily into each New Year (life).
Wishing all your own true Christmas.
We are the Arcturian Group 12/17/17
©2017 onenessofall.com | [email protected]
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Christmas is not one man's story but is every person's story as interpreted through human thinking as Christmas. The Birth of the Christ (Light Consciousness) is the story of every soul's spiritual awakening which usually manifests in times of duress or loss of material good (stable) because the the birth of individual Christ consciousness cannot take place in a consciousness already filled with ego and false beliefs (no room at the Inn). The birth of Christ consciousness is easily recognized by those of higher spiritual consciousness who at this point step in to assist the fragile new awakened state of consciousness with gifts of support, strength, understanding, and knowledge--(the three kings). Those of a lower resonance (Herod) always fear and feel threatened in the presence of Christ Light and seek to kill or eliminate it any way they can (law, propaganda, societal pressure) and so the newly born and not yet fully developed state of consciousness must for a period of time be kept secret and hidden in order for it be safe as it grows into a strong and highly evolved state of consciousness--the Christ.
via Marilyn Raffaele onenessofall.com excerpt from  12/12/21
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The process of spiritual evolution as done through third dimensional energy is one in which the experiences of many lifetimes serve to eventually open and push a person's state of consciousness to where they are able to translate human thought and experiences into their higher truth until at a certain point the truths that they have been practicing, pondering, and living become an attained state of consciousness and begin to manifest on all levels as the person. Examples of translating appearances--"I feel pain, but I know that God knows nothing about pain and never formed ITself as pain. I am broke but I know that the reality of my being is self sustaining and self maintaining Divine Consciousness which is infinitely compete and whole. I have no friends, partner, lover, etc. but I realize that since God is ONE, I can never be separate from the companionship of the ONE expressing Itself as the many. I have no home, but I know that I can never be separate from my perfect home which is Divine Consciousness. These are only a few examples of how to translate the outer scene into the truth as you go about your daily life. It takes practice because even though in reality time does not exist, in the third dimension everything works in time.
via Marilyn Raffaele onenessofall.com excerpt from  12/12/21
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Choose Love
“In life, we have a choice between a thought of love or a thought of fear.
Fear is the energy which contracts, closes down, draws in, runs, hides, hoards, harms.
Love is the energy which expands, opens up, sends out, stays, reveals, shares,, heals.
Fear wraps our bodies in clothing,  Love allows us to stand naked.
Fear clings to and clutches all that we have, Love gives all that we have away. 
Fear holds close, Love holds dear. Fear grasps, Love lets go. Fear rankles, Love soothes. Fear attacks, Love amends.
Every human thought, word, or deed is based in one emotion or the other. You have no choice about this because there is nothing else from which to choose. But you have free choice about which of these to select.”
--Conversations With God by Neale Donald Walsch Another source would say that the actual opposite of love is what appears to be “no love”. I’m thinking that when there appears to be no love then we react in fear... Another might say that there is only Love and that the experience of no love/fear is a lack of understanding of Love...not it’s equal opposite.
Then there’s always that scary situation that we need to get away from so it might be wise to run...run in fear or run in love but still just... RUN!!!
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The acknowledgement of Light within every person is love and is how you love yourself as well as others. Love does not mean accepting without question everything another says or does nor does it mean you need to somehow develop an emotional attraction to the person. In its highest sense, love is simply knowing and accepting that all are Divine Beings in spite of any outer appearances and then taking what ever human actions you may be guided to take. Love is the interconnecting energy between all within the ONE.
via Marilyn Raffaele onenessofall.com
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Arcturian Group Message
via Marilyn Raffaele -  February 14, 2021 onenessofall.com ​ Welcome dear readers. Know that we are here to guide and assist, but never to force for only you yourselves can acknowledge and reclaim the innate power that throughout the course of many lifetimes you ignorantly allowed others to take from you. ​ The time is now to be what you always have been but have not known you were. It is time to stand in your identity as a spiritual being formed of Divine Consciousness no longer subject to the third dimensional nonsense and false claims that feed a sense of inadequacy and prevent you from trusting in your ability to make wise choices and decisions. ​ You have traveled through many lifetimes and have experienced all skin colors, both genders, and most three dimensional experiences. Because of it, you have reached a place of wisdom and spiritually evolved awareness that in turn has left you at a fork in the road of your evolutionary journey. You have done the work required to bring you to this fork and now you must decide. ​ Path 1- "Should I continue believing that others (family, friends, experts, newscasters, government, religious doctrine) know what is best for me even when or if it does not resonate with me? Do I believe that I am unable to make wise decisions for myself? Do I believe that I am powerless or that victim-hood serves me by providing comfort and attention?" ​ Path 2. "I Choose to trust my intuition because I know it is the voice of my real SELF. I choose to stop giving power for good or bad to everything outside of myself. I choose to begin living life from my highest attained awareness of truth in spite of what others may believe". ​ Today is a time of indecision and confusion because on one hand you are continually being told what is true and right while at the same time you are feeling that much of what you are being told is not true. We do not speak so much of politics, but rather about the unrecognized duality present within the small and seemingly ordinary aspects of daily living. ​ Most are accustomed to simply allowing commonly accepted beliefs and habit to guide their decisions and actions. Every day when driving, shopping, simply being at home, answering the phone, at work, or taking care of basic family needs, you are faced with ordinary situations in which you can be loving or not loving. ​ These daily events offer you opportunities to practice your highest awareness of love which in certain situations may not even seem like love to the three dimensional mind. There may be times when being loving means taking no action at all, allowing another to suffer from their choices in order to learn. Love must be a part of the small everyday activites rather than being reserved for grand gestures that result in praise and adoration. ​ Small and ordinary expressions of love and kindness that flow from a realization of oneness eventually become an attained and permanent state of consciousness. Because you are consciousness and not just a physical body, love then automatically expresses itself through you without thought or effort because consciousness is who and what you are. ​ Example: You no longer need to practice or make an effort to be honest because honesty is your attained state of consciousness and is who you are. It is the same for unconditional love. As a realization of oneness becomes the state of consciousness of the majority, it will then become the collective consciousness and you will begin see world peace. ​ Love is the connecting energy that flows between all individual expressions of the ONE. Everything, all life, is connected by virtue of there being only One omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient Divine Consciousness, the only substance--that which is called GOD. ​ This interconnecting energy between all life is interpreted by every individual according to their attained level of awareness. If this interconnection is interpreted by a mind (the translator of consciousness) that is fully enmeshed in separation and duality, it will interpret it in forms of self service, even rape, abuse, or violence. ​
In spite of how completely oneness may be misunderstood and falsely interpreted by minds conditioned with beliefs of duality and separation, the Divine interconnecting energy between all within the ONE never changes and the realization of this is the door leading out of the hypnotism of human-hood that has plagued mankind throughout time. ​ Your job as a spiritually evolved person is to help mankind ascend out of three dimensional energy and into frequencies that are higher and real. In order to do this you must learn to see through the manifestations of duality and separation that have and still are presenting themselves so realistically. The third dimension can be likened to the lower rung of a very high ladder. ​ This does not mean approval or simply looking the other way. In order to be effective, words or actions must be expressed in a way that the person's level of awareness allows them to understand. At the same time a Light worker never loses sight of the fact that the individual needing reprimand or guidance is at their core, a Divine Being. This allows the energy of the necessary words or actions to flow on a stream of higher dimensional energy. ​ Stand back and allow the debris to settle, dear ones. Don't judge the state of things by staring at cloudy water swirling with hundreds of different substances because it is being shaken. Allow everything to be what it is, not judging by appearances. Hold to the knowledge that floating debris never becomes the water and will at some point settle to the bottom. ​ Be patient with yourselves and others while continuing to hold your highest awareness of truth in spite any outer circumstances you may find yourself in. . Know that there is light at the end of the tunnel and the energy is quickly moving toward it. You will soon begin to see positive changes. ​ You came to shine Light on the world's collective shadows and thus assist in dissolving them. Shadows are simply places without light and as such are never real because they have no substance regardless of how menacing they may appear. ​ Shadow energies are beginning to manifest everywhere because high dimensional light is exposing them. Rather than being shocked or going into fear in the presence of shadow energy, look at it and laugh for appearances that arise from the nothingness of false beliefs are illusion, having nothing to support, maintain, or sustain them other than belief in them. ​ We do not say this to diminish the struggles that many are experiencing at this time, but rather to help you to see and detach from continuing to feed them with the energy of belief in them as being reality. This is why you are seeing so much chaos at this time. The shadows are being exposed in order to be recognized and dissolved through mankind's awakening into a higher state of awareness. ​ You have attained a consciousness of truth and are able to view the world with awakened and evolved eyesight which is why you are on earth at this particular time. You may think you are doing nothing if you judge by traditional concepts about what light work is, but light work is not and never has been limited to healers, channelers, shamans, and metaphysical teachers. ​Light work is the automatic flow of higher dimensional energy in every ordinary aspect of life from those who have attained a high resonating state of consciousness. ​Everyone who has attained this high level of spiritual awareness is a Light worker. You are here to silently and secretly be the Light as you live what may appear to others to be an ordinary existence. Your evolved consciousness automatically assists others to awaken to their own light which will eventually lift the balance of truth versus false in the collective. ​ Divine Consciousness is omnipresent and therefore every bit of Light you attain and carry in your consciousness has the power to effect anyone able to align with it. Someone ready and receptive to truth may shift to a new level of awareness simply by being in the presence of a truth filled consciousness. The receptive person may be far away across the world but because there is only ONE, they can be lifted by your awareness. ​ ONE is the key word--one Divine Consciousness. The truth you hold in your consciousness allows it to be available to anyone able to align with it. This is how Jesus healed, those seeking help aligned with and became one with his consciousness that held no belief in disease as a reality. ​ This is the vital work you are doing as Light workers and it is more powerful than protesting, proselytizing, or seeking three dimensional solutions. However, not all are spiritually qualified to work at this level and wise world leaders are needed at this time in all levels of life. Some of you may be guided to work in the "trenches" and if you are, don't resist, for all work is spiritual work when done from a place of love. ​Regardless of what your life may presently look like, never lose sight of who you are. Cease seeking, and be. You are ready. ​ ​We are the Arcturian Group 2/14/21
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Love is the connecting energy that flows between all individual expressions of the ONE. Everything, all life, is connected by virtue of there being only One omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient Divine Consciousness, the only substance--that which is called GOD.
Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele
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Stop trying to heal yourself, fix yourself, even awaken yourself. Let go of letting go. Stop trying to fast-forward the movie of your life. It gets so exhausting, doesn’t it, always trying to get there, chasing futures that never seem to arrive, living on second-hand promises. Instead, bow deeply to yourself as you actually are. Be here. Honour this present scene in the movie. Your pain, your sorrow, your doubts, your deepest longings, your fearful thoughts, are not mistakes, and they aren’t asking to be healed. They are asking to be held. Here, now, lightly, in the loving arms of present awareness…
Jeff Foster
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Always getting what you want only seems so vitally important when forgetting that knowing who you are is all you’ve ever desired on the deepest level.
All too often, it's the not getting what you want that interrupts unconscious patterning and melts away each distraction, creating the proper amount of space in your consciousness to welcome in life’s deepest truth.
In essence, if you always got 'your way', you may not recognize that you are 'the way' — exactly the way you are.
--Matt Kahn
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“All you need is already within you, only you must approach your self with reverence and love. Self-condemnation and self-distrust are grievous errors.”
— Nisargadatta Maharaj (via the-red-lotus-blog)
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