"Auntie Kara could I-" The young cambion hesitated in asking his question momentarily, biting at his lower lip the way his mother tended to do. "Could I give you a hug?"
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The demon paused, titling her head to the side slightly as she considered it, not quite sure why the kid would ask her for something like that, after all it is not as if it was something useful, or something she would be good at. After a moment though she smiles, kneeling down and opening her arms a little. “I suppose so little one, come here.”
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“I am not sure that is the case, especially not given how I was raised. My mother was not exactly the nurturing sort.” Kara takes a deep breath before speaking again, trying to figure out what would be the best option. She did want to check and see how her sister was doing now that the child has been born, so perhaps… “I could perhaps pick something up and come deliver it when she is sleeping.”
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“You are too hard on yourself, sister. There is no trauma you can bring to her.” - Elin understood her worry, but her belief in that Kara was above that was far greater than her sister’s fear. “Of course you may send something. Or better yet, give it to her yourself, in person.”
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Yes, I do enjoy walking at night. The world’s more to my liking then, not so loud, not so fast, not so crowded, and a good deal more mysterious.
Cornelia Funke (via quotemadness)
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‘Till death do us part’, we swore, never thinking for one second that death would part us.
Anonymous (via
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You can do anything to me. You can burn me, you can break me, you can take my money, my home, my life. Just please, for the love of God, don’t touch them.
Anonymous (via
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“Food mommy?” The second that the bubble pops Kara makes a beeline for the stranger’s leg, overly large claws digging into fabric with surprising delicacy, those weapons that could pierce metal simply hooking onto clothing and not damaging skin as she makes her way upwards, wings fluttering to make climbing easier. ”Stay forever?” The creature asks hopefully, her fear seeming to vanish almost completely as the other continues to speak to her properly. The only fear that remained was that of being alone again, and of being hungry...and the other’s insistence that she was not her mother did not seem to matter to the little creature, because in her mind there was no other thing this person could be.
Baby monster
Rachel’s eyes widened when she got a response, a very strange response. Did the…purple fuzzball think she was her mother or was it calling to its mother, hidden somewhere Rachel couldn’t see? She glanced around her looking for something menacing in the shadows. Slowly she lowered the tiny creature to the floor and let the energy bubble pop around her. “I’m not your mommy…but I’m not going to hurt you, just need a place to stay until the rain stops.”
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For the rest of the day my muse is under a Truth Serum and cannot lie in any way, shape, or form. Use this to your advantage.
Now let the possible embarrassment begin. 
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The hunter slips into the diner casually, noting that there seemed to be at least one sane person here. Well somewhat sane, she did not seem to be running from anything, and the people driven mad by whatever was going on did not seem to be calm enough to be spending their time drinking milkshakes and watching strangers without seeming like they were ready to either fight or run at any moment.
Kara’s stance was casual and she tried her best to seem non-threatening, although with the dark magic she wielded that stuck to her skin that was hard to do. Long sleeves covered the wrist sheathes that contained a pair of knives, two of the many such weapons that she could get out at a moment’s notice, and that her hands were itching to hold as she looks at the other woman in the diner. “Any idea what his problem was?”
Chaos found
Her feet were upon the diner counter, there was a chocolate milkshake in her hand and Ate was having the time of her life. It had been so long since she had settled down in one place for more than a week and longer since she’d caused such trouble to so many at once. She had needed to get some practice in with hallucinations and what better way to do it than mess with entire town. Most of them were half crazy within a couple of days; first she made them think there were alien abductions, then were some talking animals and now she was trying ghosts.
Her newest victim was just running out the door after seeing Abraham Lincoln when Ate saw the woman walking away from her car. Newcomers weren’t usual in this sleepy town and Ate was curious, perhaps another unsuspecting person had walked into her path for her to mess with. Picking up her milkshake she moved to the door and peered out for a closer look.
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“I’m not the one who decided to get a matching tattoo, or to proclaim it loudly a few minutes ago, and for the record I am not being the hostile and threatening one. I am just stating facts” Kara’s knife did not waver or show her nerves, not even when she sees the damage done to Azrael’s vessel out of the corner of her eye and her calculations of their survival odds drop dramatically. Even though the Archangel probably didn’t feel much of anything the human did know it would slow her friend down, and that was not a good thing in a situation like this. After all when it came to strength she was only a child with a branch compared to the powerful demon in front of her, and Zamara, despite the amount of damage her fists could do, was also not exactly armed well enough to take down something like the demon in front of them.
Instead of backing down she smirked at the demon, acting as if nothing scared her and that she was sure she would win, a well worn mask that she always used to cover up her knowledge of how outclassed she actually was. “Only one hunter here, my translator just got caught up in this, come on keep your facts straight kid.” The hunter was focusing on building her power just in case, that small human ability hopefully enough to buy some time if the demon attacked. “So this payment, is it help with your math homework, or are you going to make me buy you some cake?”
Mistakes were made
“Tsk…only because you’re the only other human here who can really fight.” Zamara remarks with a small roll of her eyes, shaking her head at Kara’s confidence. Or what she assumed to be confidence. The little room was getting far too heated at this point, with the hunger for blood slowly filling the air. Azrael and Kara were pretty much ready to fight, on the tip of the blade that could so easily fall one way or the other. All while she remained far too lax and calm for her own good. Without her sword she was useless in this fight, and could only observe for the time being.
The sudden rupture of this tension was one of the cracking and crushing of the room to only have Azrael flung off from the two. What had brisket away the Archangel of Death was a small child, one that oozed of the demonic presence that followed all beings of the depths. She was hardly fooled by her small figure, instantly aware of what they were dealing with. And at the opposed question, Zamara had been ready to answer, already coming up with something witty to revoke it’s presence. Only to have Kara open her mouth and doom them all.
“…Did you really just tell it that I was Azrael’s mate?” Zamara asked nearly dumbfounded, her mouth hanging almost agape at the revelation. Shocked turned to anger though as she clenched her fists, the pistol now precariously looking close to being fired. “You fucking idiot, you just made me target number one. If it kills me, it gets to Azrael, and now you went off and told it who I was!!! You know what…if that thing doesn’t fucking kill you, I will Kara.” Zamara hisses out with a venomous growl.
The small demon laughed at the argument going on between the two humans, as Azrael went about recovering herself from the pile of rubble. As it turned out, her vessel had been impaled by a piece of steel rebar from the reinforced concrete, ripping a nasty hole in her abdomen and sternum. Not again, Azrael thought to herself. She began carefully lifting the weight of her body off the rebar, while glaring daggers at the demon who’d put her there. 
“Maybe you should stop fighting each other, and sort out your priorities.” Azrael groaned in a shaky voice. 
“I don’t like it when hunters come onto my turf and threaten my workers.” The demon announced, joining her hands at her waist. “So, you are going to have to pay for it, I’m afraid.” 
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“Don’t be, we both read each other a little more than most people. I can smell the pheromone changes that happen whenever you’re stressed or afraid...I don’t try to, but it happens.”Kara chuckles at that before nodding, the bandage on the other’s arm finally secured as she backs up, body seeming to grow as bones snap to reform into those of her wolf self. It had used to hurt, but by now she was used to it, and it was only a few seconds before she was pressing her furred head up against Rachel’s undamaged arm, once again checking to make sure she was okay.
“Yeah, sorry,” Rachel made a face, “Nope, being a shifter it better, fangs are too much like needles.” She shivered thinking about it. “My head hurts, can I at least get puppy cuddles?” 
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“I do not exactly spend much time around my own kind, and most of those I know are in my line of work. We are not all deal makers, especially not those of my age. I came into being when Lucifer was first cast down, and I have not cared to learn the ways of the younger demons.”
The shadows around her seem to deepen as he continues to plead, her anger rising quickly as he continued to argue. A chill seemed to fill the air as the heat from the room is drawn into her body, and her voice drops even further in pitch. “If I dropped you off in any of the places I have heard about at this time you would be just as dead as you would be if I had fed from you the way I prefer to. Likely you would be torn to pieces and every fragment of your soul ripped apart. If you want to survive you do not go to deal in a place where there are multiple demons, we are rather possessive, and most would rather kill you and get as much of your essence from your blood as they can then let you trade with someone else.” Kara forces herself to calm down before she breaks something, tired of arguing with someone she could kill so easily. “I will return you to your home if you wish to leave, nowhere else.”
Craigslist au
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There was a tiny flicker as Kara’s eyes were drawn towards the nearby bodies, both those of the people that the woman in front of her had just killed, and those of the people who had lived in the same village as her. She quickly returned her gaze to the woman in front of her though, having more pressing things to be afraid of about than a few dead. There was no one for her to look for and who’s survival she wanted so their deaths affected her equally, her mother having never let her out to meet the neighbors, and so there was no one here for her to mourn more than the others. Her mother’s death was one that she almost rejoiced, the fact that the greatest monster in her life was gone making her feel like no matter what she she would be able to survive...especially if she followed the stranger’s instructions.
When the threat leaves the woman’s mouth Kara does not even flinch, this was a simple ultimatum, and it was not as if she could see any other options. The settlement was destroyed, and there was little left for her to survive off of. The instincts she carried thanks to her connection to the Force as well as the stranger’s words told her that this woman, despite having ulterior motives, also was not going to kill her if she obeyed, and she was very interested in surviving. Even though she never knew where her feelings came from she still trusted them, as they had never steered her wrong before. So she ignores the instincts that were warning her that the other was dangerous, instead nodding to show that she understood and would obey.
The question on the other hand, well that made her pause. She could hide if she needed to, but that would prevent her from coming with the stranger, so it had to mean something else...perhaps something like the way she had seemed to slip past people unseen on her way out from her home, guided by feelings and not really having to look around to know where people were.
She decided to focus on that, the fear and the urge to hide that was running through her, not knowing what else to do, and her form seems to waver, becoming difficult to see as she seemed to blend into the flickering shadows cast by the fires that were engulfing several of the buildings. Kara then looks up at the assassin, hoping she had done something right, before following her instructions and heading toward the ship.
A Rule of Two
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me: *feels lonely*
me: i know what to do
me: *isolates self*
me: perfect
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                                    He had this look in his eyes                                              that made you wonder                                           just how m a n y people he’s killed. 
                                    ( And this… )                                             grin                                          that made you realize
                                         he’s probably lost count.
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Kara stopped struggling almost instantly when the words are projected into her mind. The thing that captured her was speaking to her properly, not with just the hard to understand words that the food-creatures insisted on using.
The other might have looked like a food-creature, but she spoke, and that seemed like a much more important trait for the small monster as she reaches her own mind out to touch that of the stranger, carrying a single word. “Mommy?” Kara asked, eyes filled with hope as she does so. Perhaps she would have food now, and not have to be hungry anymore.
Baby monster
Kara would have panicked when she was caught in the ball of energy, but it was not possible for her to be any more terrified than she already had become. There was a reason that she was not usually up high, not because she didn’t want to be, but because her wings weren’t strong enough for her to feel safe.
As she was brought closer to Rachel she stopped trying to claw the bubble to pieces, especially as the light dimmed to something far less painful. Instead she presses herself as far back against the far side of the bubble as she could, wings wrapping around herself like a shield as she tries her best to force out yet another hiss, her fear quite obvious in the thoughts that ran through her mind and that she forced outwards as if they were a weapon, a seemingly endless panicked repetition of “NO go away.”
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Kara would have panicked when she was caught in the ball of energy, but it was not possible for her to be any more terrified than she already had become. There was a reason that she was not usually up high, not because she didn’t want to be, but because her wings weren’t strong enough for her to feel safe.
As she was brought closer to Rachel she stopped trying to claw the bubble to pieces, especially as the light dimmed to something far less painful. Instead she presses herself as far back against the far side of the bubble as she could, wings wrapping around herself like a shield as she tries her best to force out yet another hiss, her fear quite obvious in the thoughts that ran through her mind and that she forced outwards as if they were a weapon, a seemingly endless panicked repetition of “NO go away.”
Baby monster
There was a moment just before it happened that Rachel realized that the little creature was going to jump. A moment when tiny wings flapped holding her in the air for a few seconds before gravity took over and the creature started plummeting the six or so feet to the ground. Rachel didn’t know if the creature would survive that kind of fall, not onto cement. 
She moved into action before the creature fell more them two feet, blue energy leaving her hands and surrounding the creature. Rachel gently guided the creature in her own personal protective bubble, like Glenda the Good Witch, closer to her. Rachel transferred the light to another energy ball that vibrated and glowed with the intensity of a single candle, trying to both not harm the creature that obviously was meant to be in the dark, but also trying and get a good look at the strange beast she’d just caught.     
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Mun posts
Like this if our muses have interacted a few times and you would like me to write a thing for the relationship page in the reboot when I make it.
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