lightvoices · 5 years
i picked a really bad time to come back i’m leaving for my family reunion in a couple hours where i’ll have no wifi for three days
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lightvoices · 5 years
drab armor weighs heavy against vadim's back, tired voice murmuring quietly with a smile hiding behind all the metal. ' one of these days someone is going to ask about the stray titan who pays visit in the dead of night. '
☼ - A small smile graces Vadim’s face when he feels that familiar presence.  Eyes search the room quickly - no one else is around.  So he feels safe enough to lean back against the form at his back, closing his eyes contently.
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“I’ll make up some excuse,” he murmurs, opening his eyes and glancing up at Yor’s helmeted features.  “There are so many Guardians.  You could just be someone who wants a quiet conversation, who’s shy.  They cant prove me wrong.”
He’s thought many times about what would happen if that were caught.  He’d be dead, if they were found out.  If the Consensus managed to get him before he could escape.  Zufash might be able to deny any knowledge of what he was doing, or say she was coerced into going with it out of fear.
But it doesn’t matter.  Because they won’t get caught.
He lost Rezyl once.  He’s not going to lose Yor this time.
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lightvoices · 5 years
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     “ slut ??? i’ll have you know im a family man “
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☼ - Zufash snorts. “I’ll believe it when I see it.”
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From the corner, Vadim just whispers, “Please leave.”
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lightvoices · 5 years
@ghhaul replied to your post: ☼ - She makes a disgusted noise.  “Leave my dad...
It’s not what it looks like-
☼ - Zufash brandishes a sword.  “Stay back, slut.”
Vadim, meanwhile, is sitting in the corner with his head in his hands.
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lightvoices · 5 years
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☼ - She makes a disgusted noise.  “Leave my dad ALONE.”
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lightvoices · 5 years
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lightvoices · 5 years
alright, so I’m going to have to do some spring cleaning (i know it’s summer but shhhh) and dust things off, follow new people, ect.  but i’m going to apologize for my extended absence right now, I never meant to be gone this long
I’m just gonna say though, I’m probably going to be dropping all threads and starting fresh, it’s just been way too long.  If you want to keep a thread that’s fine, just message me!
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lightvoices · 5 years
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lightvoices · 5 years
Soft reminder that I’m on a hiatus here until finals are over (which is in two days hhh gotta study), and also that you can find me at @courageunbound bc Link’s muse is a lot more active than Vadim, Zufash, and any of my other Destiny muses rn
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lightvoices · 5 years
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Seeing Titan : Shrouded in a thick atmosphere, Saturn’s largest moon Titan really is hard to see. Small particles suspended in the upper atmosphere cause an almost impenetrable haze, strongly scattering light at visible wavelengths and hiding Titan’s surface features from prying eyes. But Titan’s surface is better imaged at infrared wavelengths where scattering is weaker and atmospheric absorption is reduced. Arrayed around this centered visible light image of Titan are some of the clearest global infrared views of the tantalizing moon so far. In false color, the six panels present a consistent processing of 13 years of infrared image data from the Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) on board the Cassini spacecraft. They offer a stunning comparison with Cassini’s visible light view. via NASA
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lightvoices · 5 years
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               “Link, you are the light…OUR light…that must shine on Hyrule once again!”
                               Indie Link from Legend of Zelda: Breah of the Wild                           Est. 4/28/19 | 10+ Years RP Experience | Written by Eren
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lightvoices · 5 years
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lightvoices · 5 years
alright but what if I just
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alright, so this is a thing that’s happening
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lightvoices · 5 years
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No. 351
A new geometric design every day 
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lightvoices · 5 years
alright but what if I just
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lightvoices · 5 years
i might put myself on a semi-hiatus or hiatus until finals are over.  i apologize for this, i just have so much to do and i’m really stressed.  i haven’t forgotten replies for anyone, they’re all drafted.  i want to write it’s just hard for me to right now.  i hope you all understand
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lightvoices · 5 years
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