liliadarlin · 2 years
CSM Spoilers (?)
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They've ruined my life 😭
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liliadarlin · 2 years
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liliadarlin · 2 years
Yandere Vil x Snow White! Reader? 💞
A/N: ofc! This was fun, so ty!
TWs: yandere content, perfection pushing, overbearing behavior, mentions of my king neige, pushy vil
♡ Omg he's so weird as a yandere because his darling genuinely can't tell if he hates them or not :(
♡ He doesn't, of course, Vil just wants his darling to be the best version of themselves! He's stern by nature, I think, and while there's a pretty obvious soft spot he has for them, Vil wants his darling to be as devoted to themselves as he is.
♡ It's a tall order, sure, be he's sure they can meet his expectations.
♡ Since his darling is a lot like Neige personality-wise, Vil is convinced that he's coming after his darling lol 💀
♡ I really like the idea of Neige and Vil's darling being besties, it'd definitely drive him up the wall. Vil can't stand the thought of them being close, it makes him infuriated!
♡ Also, Vil's aware that his darling loves animals, but he personally doesn't approve of them. A cat or a rabbit is all he's gonna go for. Animals are so messy! Also, what if they give his darling a disease? He's sort of a worried hen sometimes.
♡ I think he'd enjoy how kind his darling is, but only to a certain extent. He finds their naivety concerning. Vil is by no means a saint, and he's never claimed to be, so he's very aware of how shady some people can be. It makes him worry for them!
♡ Overall, I don't think Vil would be a very manageable yandere to have. He's a perfectionist in every aspect of his life, even when it comes to love.
♡ The only thing to note is how he thinks his darling is the prettiest thing he's ever seen... other than himself, of course!
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Send me Neige requests 👹
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liliadarlin · 2 years
yandere epel + noncon please ^^
A/N: I'm so nervous posting this LOL, I hope I did good 😭
Warnings: yandere, noncon/coercion, I kept this pretty gn, in the drabble words like 'soft' are used, but I don't think those are particularly feminine, somnophilia, thigh-fucking, epel calls them darlin', love him <3
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♡ I feel like it'd be more of a coercion kind if thing? Epel has issues with his own identity as a man because everyone treats him as a fragile boy, but he'd have issues with just outright nonconing his darling.
♡ He loves them, dearly. Epel is extremely attracted to his darling, and this leads to a certain type of frustration to start building up over time. He's the type that takes a while before falling in love with someone.
♡ That being said, once he starts loving his darling, he loves them hard.
♡ He's so pretty, too! It's something his darling knows not to say to him, but it's definitely true. Epel has this certain delicately put charm that most likely makes his darling swoon, even if he isn't aware of it. Epel thinks they're cute, too, just less so innocently.
♡ Not to sound vulgar or anything, but Epel desperately wants to fuck his darling. He's extremely attracted to them (I personally like the idea of him w/ a chubby s/o, but that's something for another post) and he's a young man in his prime!
♡ Epel tries to make himself feel less guilty about the way he strokes himself to the thought of them with this in mind. It's normal for boys like him to feel like this, it's normal for Epel to jerk himself off, it's normal to want to be smothered by their thighs until he ran out of oxygen-
♡ He's so desperate for them that he pushes away any type of morals his granny had instilled into him. Epel still feels rather guilt-ridden, though.
♡ Somnophilia is definitely something that occurs at some point.
Epel can hardly contain himself once he slips his dripping cock in between their plush thighs. The flesh is soft and wetted by his previous administrations, just remembering how he trailed his tongue along their cute thighs has the boy shivering.
They're cute.
So cute.
The short cant of Epel's hips earns him a scorching sear of euphoric pleasure. He bit at his lips, trying to quiet his moans and grunts of pleasure, knowing that the Vice Housewarden would still be prowling around, even at this late hour. There was no way Epel would be able to function is he of all people walked in on this moment of singular pleasure.
The potion he'd given them would make sure that they'd stay asleep.
Knowing this, Epel bites down onto the space just above their collarbone, a whine ripping through even as his teeth were edged into their skin.
The formerly distant sound of wet skin and precum was getting louder in Epel's ears, and he wasn't sure if it was actually that loud or if his mind was playing tricks on him. He didn't care at this point, too consumed in the feeling of his sensitive cock sliding in between his lovers wet thighs.
He released his teeth from their skin, knowing that they'd no doubt be sore in the morning. Instead, he starts to moan softly into their ear, his pace getting faster. More desperate.
"Dar- mhm, Darlin',"
This truly was the most devious thing he'd ever done, but Epel hardly had it in him to care too much. He was too caught up in his oncoming orgasm.
He moves his mouth from their ear to their lips, kissing them as his hips stutter frantically. His moans couldn't be controlled and he didn't care if anyone walked in anymore. It didn't particularly matter that they couldn't kiss him back, either.
Epel's hips stutter a few more times, and he reaches down between their legs. With nimble fingers, Epel thimbles over his still throbbing tip, feeling the hot cum as he smears it all over the soft thighs he still had his cock cushioned between.
"Mmn, feels... good."
He really needed to get ahold of himself.
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the prettiest boy <3
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liliadarlin · 2 years
Scarabia HCs
A/N: Kalim is so cute I just wanna give him a hug 🫂
TWs: yandere content, doting yanderes, excessive gift-giving, obsessive tendencies, mean jamil (?), just a bit tho, mention of food, is that a tw, idk
♡ He's baby 👶
♡ No, but on a serious note, Kalim really is a sweetie. He adores his darling, anf genuinely believes that if they didn't exist, he would just shrivel up like a flower without sunlight. He'd definitely say some mushy stuff like that, too.
♡ Kalim's love language is gift giving. He gives things to his darling a lot, and ninety percent of the time they don't have to ask for it. Kalim just wants them to be content in life, so he gifts them things he thinks will make them happy!
♡ Of course, this is all well and good, but it's obvious to those around Kalim how obsessive he's getting over time. Anyone close to him, Jamil especially, knows that he goes overboard from time to time. Whether of not his darling catches on depends on their personality.
♡ And it's not like Kalim's darling can reject or try to return his gifts either.
♡ He gets so sad when they try to! It feels like a full on rejection when they tell him they don't want something he got them, and I think he'd get kind of emotional about it.
♡ OH.
♡ Kalim loves spending time with his darling! If he could spend every second of every day by their side, he definitely would. Because of this, Kalim can sometimes be compared to a clingy puppy.
♡ His adoration knows no bounds.
♡ Jamil hates it, btw 💀
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♡ I feel bad for anyone who gains Jamil's attention, but only because he can get so God damn paranoid about where their relationship stands.
♡ Jamil is convinced that his darling likes Kalim more than him (and honestly, who could blame them), and he fully takes this out on his darling whenever he's feeling especially upset about his circumstances.
♡ He, of course, realizes that perhaps he's wrong and even if his darling proclaims their love for him he'll never fully believe them. It sucks, and Jamil knows that. However, he can't really help the way he feels.
♡ On the other hand, Jamil likes taking care of his darling. When he's able to push away his paranoia and borderline aggressiveness he dotes on his darling quite a bit.
♡ This includes cooking for them, among other things.
♡ Jamil, unlike others, doesn't feel the need to know every single thing about his darling. He understands that they need their space, but he absolutely obsessed over their eating habits for awhile.
♡ Jamil cooks meals that he knows they'll like. While he can't be as affectionate or open as other yanderes - an example being Rook or Kalim - he can still show that he cares in some way or another.
♡ Probably would freak out if his darling tried to do the same kind of favors for himself, he's agitating like that lol.
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liliadarlin · 2 years
Octavinelle HCs
A/N: azul kinnies wya
Warnings: yandere content, book spoilers, mention of Azul's insecurities, jealousy, Def some azul favoritism lmao, Floyd, biting, nonsexual mention of thighs, humiliation (?), idk it depends on how u feel abt it ig, violence (not towards the darling), Jade scares me lol, sadism, masochism, emotional/mental torture
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♡ omg he's so insecure 🥺
♡ once Azul is faced with the fact that he's fallen in love - deeply in love - with his darling, he sort of panics. His panic lasts a really long time, too. Almost... three to four months, I'd say? It's hard to tell with him.
♡ Azul adores his darling, though, and he's so obvious about it, too!
♡ I really like how the Oct-trio have all known each other since they were kids, so I like the idea of the tweels being very aware of Azul's feelings. Jade and Floyd think it's so cute <3
♡ the tweels would definitely try their best to get Azul and his darling together. Jade takes the more traditional approach while Floyd definitely threatens Azul's darling into being with him LMAO
♡ Azul isn't a tryhard, but he definitely likes to know that his darling is impressed by his achievements. This kinda ties back into his insecurities. Azul worked extremely hard to get to where he is now, so getting any kind of praise or acknowledgment from his darling makes him very flustered.
♡ He gets so jealous 😭
♡ Azul doesn't like the feeling of being inferior to anyone for any reason, so if he feels someone else is trying to get with his darling he gets so defensive.
♡ Overall, though, I feel like Azul would take his time developing an actual relationship with his darling. This has less to do with them and more to do with him needing time to prepare himself lol he's definitely the type to be touch-starved but afraid of any real physical affection.
♡ Azul would be the type to beg if his darling tried to leave him, though. Tears and all.
♡ His emotions are genuinely running rapid, he's not trying to be manipulative.
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♡ I'll say this now, Floyd is terrifying as a yandere. He's overly intense as a lover in general, but adding his obsessive and possessive tendencies just makes things about five times worse.
♡ Don't be too scared, though!
♡ Floyd loves to be at his darlings side... constantly. He isn't one to cause his darling any physical harm purposefully, it's just that he's so big and reckless.
♡ Another thing to note is his tendency to bite.
♡ It's his love language, truly it is! He doesn't mean to make his darling angry with him, he just can't help the craving to bite down on his darling. It doesn't even matter where! Their neck, wrist, arm, earlobe, even their thighs (that's his favorite, but shush)!
♡ Floyd likes the taste, mostly, but he also likes the cute little reactions he gets out of them when he chomps down on them out of nowhere. Really, you'd think he'd get tired of it after a while, but nope!
♡ He does it publicly, too 💀
♡ The amount of times Floyd has been scolded by Azul, Jade, his darling, and plenty of others is remarkable.
♡ He, of course, has a much darker side, too.
♡ Floyd is very much known for nearly squeezing the life out of anyone who messes with his darling in a way he doesn't approve of. Floyd can be surprisingly violent when his mood swings kick in.
♡ He's still very affectionate, though <333
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♡ I would highly recommend not getting near this man. Ever. Gaining Jade's attention is about ten times worse than getting Floyd as a yandere.
♡ He seems like the calmer brother, right? No. He's worse. Like, for example, in a situation where the tweels were sharing a darling, Floyd would be their knight I'm shining armor.
♡ Behind that sweet-looking smile is a whole Lotta sadism. Emotionally, at least. Jade has no interest in torturing his darling physically. He thinks there's no point in such things. Most of his torture comes in the mental form.
♡ He'd be the type to convince his darling that no one but him would want them, or alternatively make them believe that everyone hates their guts. Either way it's detrimental to the mental health of his darling.
♡ It may not seem like it, but Jade is truly devoted to his darling.
♡ Like, he may mentally torture them but he'd never be disloyal to them <3
♡ Jade is an obsessive, through and through. He has to know everything there is to know about his darling. Their hobbies, secrets, what they want for their future, stuff like that.
♡ Still terrifying, though.
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Gosh, can u tell octopus man is my fave 🧍‍♀️
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liliadarlin · 2 years
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Greta's better than me, I would have stayed
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liliadarlin · 2 years
Some Chiaki HCs
A/N: I'm putting together a chiaki cosplay, so this seemed right
Warnings: yandere content, stalking, literally that's it lol
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She's such a sweetie 😭
Chiaki just enjoys spending time with her darling, so she isn't the type you actively have to worry about. All this girl asks is that her darling spends some of their precious time together, game a little (a lot) and cuddle while napping together.
That isn't too much to ask for.
At least, Chiaki doesn't think so.
It's not like she's annoyingly clingy either (like a certain someone coughmikancough), Chiaki just enjoys being near her darling.
As harmless as that may sound, it ends with her becoming a voyeur.
This development isn't purposely made, not on Chiaki's part. She doesn't want to do anything to make her darling potentially upset with her, so stalking them wasn't exactly the plan she made.
However, it inevitably happens.
She just can't get enough of them, and she knows that they need their own space, so Chiaki was sort of at a loss at first.
She figures watching them can't be that bad because it isn't directly bothering them because they don't know.
Chiaki isn't delusional, but she tells herself this to spare the guilt :(
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liliadarlin · 2 years
Brahms HCs
A/N: 2016 me came out today ig
Warnings: yandere content, murder (lol), slasher/reader, soft brahms (?), reader has to baby him :/, death of a toxic ex, physical affection
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It's hard to acclimate to Brahms, mainly because he's undeniably childish. In the worst situations he's asking for sweets and cuddles.
Oh? He just killed your toxic ex?
Time for PB&J!
If he was any other person, and if his darling wasn't aware that Brahms was a fleshed out serial killer, it might have been cute. However, that isn't the case at all.
Brahms likes being babied, too.
He likes it when his darling puts in the time to give the affection he craves so much. It makes him feel wanted.
He's a soft guy, most of the time, but there's definitely some cons to having Brahms as a yandere.
Aside from him being a serial killer, Brahms is extremely protective. Even if this doesn't seem so bad initially, it gets bad when you realize he doesn't always interpret social interactions correctly.
Some things could lead him to believe that his darling is being attacked, and he almost immediately goes on the offensive.
Brahms is somewhat like an overly vicious guard dog, that's the most accurate way to describe him.
It's better to keep distance from other people, Brahms isn't too diligent when it comes to cleaning up after himself, so his darling is often left with dealing with the mess.
An extra thing to mention is how touch-starved Brahms is. He adores any kind of affection he can get from his darling. Even if he's asking for it right after basking in the skull of someone he saw as a threat, Brahms is sure to get what he wants.
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liliadarlin · 2 years
Do u like silver
I like his dad
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liliadarlin · 2 years
If I have to suffer so do u girly
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Bro 💀
NO 👎
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liliadarlin · 2 years
maki's arms
I agree
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liliadarlin · 2 years
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liliadarlin · 2 years
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liliadarlin · 2 years
ur savanaclaw takes r immaculate
Thank you <3
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liliadarlin · 2 years
Yandere's w/ a Chubby Darling
A/N: this was just a bunch of my faves categorized lol, also @bxrbxtos , ty for supplying the chubby community bby
Warnings: yandere content, chubby darling, affection, teasing, ig some of this could sound suggestive (?) But it isn't meant that way, squeezing *lol*
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They're so obvious about it, swooning physically whenever they see their darling. They're meant to be charming and collected, but it just doesn't work when they're this worked up.
Especially when they spot their darling in a particularly confident mood. It just makes them euphoric.
-> Jade, Azul, Akito, Diluc, Ei, EPEL, Historia, and Momo
They're such a tease! Never truly going over into insensitive territory, but just poking at their darling as though they're the cutest being in the world.
They live squishing the plush flesh of their darlings cheek between their fingers, it truly does bring them joy! They just think their darling is so lovely, and they can't help but want to squeeze~
-> LILIA, Kaeya, Floyd, Lisa, Tendo, Yae Miko, and MIRKO
These are the quiet ones.
They are absolutely obsessed with their darlings chub, but figure it's better to keep it to themselves. They're shy, in some cases, and in others it's just in their best interest to shut their mouths.
They're the type to swoon from afar, but everyone has their breaking point.
-> Eren, ARMIN, Mikasa, Jamil, Leona, Goshiki, Jiro, Todoroki Shotō, Dabi, and Sal
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liliadarlin · 2 years
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U guys remember when I posted about me getting chased by some guy?
It happened again bro 💀
Idk and it was the same guy pls I think I need help 😭
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