lilixxmoon · 1 day
How do we choose between what we remember and what we forget?
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lilixxmoon · 9 days
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lilixxmoon · 9 days
I'll go where dreams have no end.
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lilixxmoon · 9 days
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lilixxmoon · 9 days
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lilixxmoon · 9 days
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Girl groups.
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lilixxmoon · 9 days
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Beautiful, theatrical, tragic, and artistic.
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lilixxmoon · 16 days
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Some unhinged astrology opinions:
I have delved deep into learning astrology in the last two years, and after looking at a variety of charts and comparing them to my real life experiences, here is a brief list of my favorite vs unfavorite placements in general. Note: This relates to my chart specifically but if you have similar placements as me you'll probably feel the same way. *I have a lot of Cancer/Leo energy*
Least Favorites:
Libra Moons 🔮 A controversial pick but I have to say my piece. Having your moon sign in Libra is considered a pleasant placement and indictive of a peace seeking person. However, the insatiable need to be such a people pleaser makes me really ticked with this placement. Initially it's pretty hard to dislike any Libra placements, as their gifted chameleons that are known for being harmonious, attractive, and diplomatic. All good things. But in the moon sign I have found these people to be especially needy of everyone's approval that it's to their detriment. Their lack of individuality and independence is a sore point that doesn't get talked about enough. If you have heavy Aquarius placements l think this is a tough placement to relate to even if they are trine air signs. Beware of Libra moons in relationships, they tend to change themselves to fit the perfect person they think their partner wants. While in some cases that sounds great, in a toxic person this placement can play out extremely manipulative. They will go to great lengths to bend and twist who they are in an effort to get the approval of the ones they seek. I once heard it referred to as the gold digger moon sign. Even in men they may charm you but watch out for those lingering eyes, they can be a flirt and more easily transform around all the women they pursue. It's a gift for them but a warning for everyone else. If you have this placement you know it's true lol don't lie. Fire placements in birth chart will help confidence and hopefully subdue some of this toxicity.
Pisces Mercury - I have heard a lot of people say how much they dislike Pisces Mars people but in my experience its Pisces in Mercury I have been the most annoyed with. Pisces is actually one of my favorite signs of the zodiac for it's ethereal, and complex qualities. However, in Mercury, Pisces is pretty all over the place when it comes to their communication style. They're the kind that can be very passive aggressive, they'll ignore you, ghost you, and gaslight you if you ever try to confront them more directly. They do like to gossip even about their closest friends and spill secrets. However, their secrets are usually sealed pretty tight in contrast. For someone with a Leo Mercury that enjoys being a bit more of an open book, I have found that I just don't jive at all with this placement even if their are other favorable synastry placements. Wild I know. This sign is capable of a sharp, snarky remark here and there so don't underestimate them too much. I honestly feel bad a little bit for this placement, they just seem to overthink what they wanna say sometimes resulting in them not saying anything at all to the person they actually need to talk to, but will instead talk to all the wrong people. If you have this placement please just say what you need to and move on. It seems these placements do a lot better if they don't have to talk in person, face to face, almost like they're better at texting or writing out what they want to say instead or even zoom lol. So if you have this placement and you feel like you can't say what's really on your mind I highly recommend journaling so you can think things through effectively and avoid annoying a lot of people.
Gemini Sun - Not too much to say here. This probably has to do with my Cancer Sun. Gemini's dual nature is so wild to me in general but especially in the sun placement, they can be fickle and petty. If you bruise the ego of a Gemini sun, I have seen things get nasty. Talk about they sure can dish it but they sure can't take it. On one hand, I hate admitting how much I dislike this placement since it's one of the most popular placements among some of the most talented entertainers! But in real life, some of that allusion and spark wears off that you see on screen. Gemini sun's dual nature is tough for a lot of the other zodiac signs especially if you have heavy Taurus placements. If you have a Gemini sun, hopefully you have some more earth placements to ground this fidgety energy a bit better. Just remember to check that ego and you'll be more loved for that entertaining curious soul rather than despised.
Top Favs 🌼🌷💟
🎀Pisces Venus - Where do I even start with how beautiful this placement is. I am jealous I don't have it. I've heard this placement be criticized for it's boundless nature, the love of this placement can lack conventional boundaries in relationships. In my opinion though everyone will probably feel a bit better if they have at least one Pisces Venus in their lives. They just give such an abundance of love, empathy, kindness, and joy to the one's they care about. True empath and healer placement. This placement is so romantic and dreamy. They're just so pure of heart. Hopefully this placement doesn't have anything weighing it down in an overall birth chart. I think this is a lovely placement and if you hurt a Pisces Venus your probably the problem not them.
Cancer Rising - This is my favorite rising sign especially for girls. I just love the witchy, mermaid like aesthetic of this placement. The big eyes!!! Oh it's just so pretty. Is it any wonder that this is the placement Margot Robbie has? I also love Taurus Risings, but first place for me has to be cancer. I mean I am a Tumblr girly and Tumble aesthetic in it's prime was definitely giving Cancer Rising vibes. I know it's not for everyone but idk for me it's that cuteness this placement has too. Cancer risings look like fairytale princesses to me with their glowy skin, and round babydoll faces. It breaks my heart that so many Cancer risings may not see how beautiful they are right now since it's so trendy to have buccal fat removal from your cheeks. Their youthful ingenue appearance is precious to me even if it's not on a trend. More love to round faces.
Gemini Moon - Wait what?? Yes. I love Gemini in the moon placement. Hear me out. Unlike Gemini Suns, moons hide their quirky selves a bit more so it's less so tied to their ego and appearances. And yes they are still incredibly entertaining but you just have to get to know them a bit better to see this side. They still have that dual nature and so it can be very unpredictable especially if your trying to be in a relationship with a Gemini moon. However, as a friend this is an exciting placement. Great conversationalists. Witty. And just wildly unpredictable in a good way, adventurous and spontaneous. Great intellect and creative thinkers. Here I think Gemini shines. Even if this is generally not considered the strongest placement for your emotions, Gemini moons I have found to be great friends that are capable of having a great heart and an awareness of when they want to show their more vulnerable side. Gemini moons can still fall susceptible to all the things people tend to complain about Geminis, but some how in the moon placement I think these people are much more endearing and misunderstood.
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lilixxmoon · 2 months
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#sandiego #sunsets #pinkskies #cottoncandyclouds #palmtrees
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lilixxmoon · 2 months
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#1960skids #originalphoto #mom #aunties
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lilixxmoon · 2 months
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lilixxmoon · 2 months
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#friends #pb #sandiego #memories #girlsjustwannahavefun #amigas #cheetahs
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lilixxmoon · 9 months
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My pup.
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lilixxmoon · 9 months
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Friends :")
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lilixxmoon · 9 months
Life is strange.
Some moments you can get stuck in.
While others you can completely forget.
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lilixxmoon · 3 years
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lilixxmoon · 5 years
Just want to do things that will make me feel alive with a soul
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