liljoonie · 6 years
BTS Kim Namjoon | Mafia AU | My Perfect Love Ch. 9 | Holding Secrets
*A/N: Note if you missed me. I’m back from hiatus and I’ll be updating weekly, and don’t be silent readers, leave questions and suggestions for more chapters to come.*
The car ride home was weird as fuck. I don’t even know if it was the fact that Namjoon still had his own cum inside of his pants, or the fact that I actually enjoyed it. Bottom line is, I’m confused. Have I just not fucked someone for so long that I’ve become this needy?
“Y/N are you okay?” Namjoon’s silky voice quickly snapped me out of my somewhat trance. I quickly realized that we were already parked in Namjoon’s driveway.
“Y-yeah I’m just tired is all.” 
Namjoon stared deeply at me with concern. “Are you sure that’s all? Because you don’t have to come with me to the dinner if you’re too tired, I much rather have you rest.” 
“No, I’m okay” I replied.
“Are you sure, becau-”
“I’m fine.” I said sternly. Wait, why am I even pissed off?
Namjoon looked at me with a pained expression, then smiled. “ I get it baby, thanks for agreeing to come along with me anyways.”
Shit. Here I am acting like an asshole, and Namjoon is still treating me like a princess. He grabs my bag and gets out of the car, as I do the same. We step into the house, only to be greeted by Suga and Jungkook sprawled lazily on the couch.
“Where is everyone else?” I asked.
“Sleeping, Working, Bitching, the usual.” Suga replies. 
“You coming?” Namjoon asks the the two.
“Nope, I’m okay.” Jungkook replies.
Suga scoffs. “I’m not in the mood to see a fucking traitor right now.” 
The room goes silent. What was he even talking about? Then it dawned on me, Jackson Wang. The one and only person that can rustle Suga’s jimmies in record time. He was going to be there.
“Okay well, Y/N and I will get ready and then we’ll be leaving in a bit.” 
Namjoon hands me the bag and flashes a dimply grin at me, to which I return a smile as well. I head up the stairs and get ready. I attempted my hair, which looked like shit so I gave up and just kept it straight. And, my makeup, which was light and subtle but still elegant. I slipped on the champagne colored dress, and some nude heels, and then headed back down stairs. Namjoon was already prepared, and ready to go. 
“You look stunning” He said.
I smirked. “You said that already.” 
“So what? You look stunning either way.” 
“Ehem” A voice interrupts. “You’ll be needing this Y/N”
Suga hands me a small handgun.
“You never know what retarded shit will go down at a gang related event.” 
“Thanks!” I reply, and Suga looks at me confused and grins his gummy smile.
Namjoon sighs. “Okay, enough chit chat, we gotta go Y/N” 
I smiled back at Suga and follow Namjoon out the front door and back into his car. As I’m getting seated Namjoon draws my attention.
“Baby, I don’t know how to address this, but could you not call me Namjoon when we’re there? I have a reputation to uphold, and the name ‘Namjoon’ isn’t the best name for a gang leader.”
I chuckle at his forwardness. “Of course daddy.” Out of nowhere, I just decided to kiss his cheek to reassure him, which made him blush the entire ride there. 
                                 *TIME SKIP TO THE LOCATION*
 After about an hour, we finally arrived at an extravagant hotel. 
“Okay baby, we’re just going to talk, have dinner, and make a few negotiations.” Namjoon explained. 
I nodded. As I got out of the car, and was bombarded by the extreme sophistication of the entire place. Namjoon and I walked into the hotel, and into the dining hall. There stood an assortment of familiar gang leaders, people that I have seen only in pictures at the police station. 
I turned around to see an older man walking towards us. 
“I see you’ve brought your beautiful girlfriend with you.” The man bends down to kiss my hand, then comes back into eye contact with Namjoon. 
“Thank you, Mr. Shil, Y/N is definitely-” Namjoon pauses. “My perfect love.”
Pfft. ‘My perfect love’, you gotta be fucking with me.
The man continues talking to Namjoon about some non-gang related information, which I really didn’t give two shits about. As I began to zone out, something had caught my eye. 
“Jackson” I faintly whisper. The two men stare down at me.
“What was that Y/N?” Namjoon asks.
“Nam- ... RM can I go see what’s over there?” 
Namjoon looks at me, confused. “What’s wrong with here baby? Why do you want to go over there?”
Before I can reply, Mr. Shil replies for me. 
“Just let the pretty woman go, RM” 
I look up at Namjoon and he looks down at me. 
He just sighs. “Okay, just because I love you.” He kisses the top of my nose as Mr. Shil chuckles at my now bright red face. 
In a pissy mood, I turn around and start walking towards Jackson.
“That little virgin, I make him cum once and he thinks he can do whatever now.” As I vent out my frustration to myself there stands Jackson, talking to another man. I approach them, and the other man looks at me.
“Wow! Jackson is she yours? She’s gorgeous.” The man proclaims.
Jackson looks at me with a surprised face and replies. “No she isn’t. She is with RM, and can you excuse us please?” 
The other man nods, as I follow Jackson outside the dining hall. 
“What the hell are you doing here?” I ask him.
He hesitates, then starts talking. “I’m on a mission”
From then on, I knew he was spouting bullshit. Jackson never hesitates, unless he’s lying, because he is a slow ass thinker. 
“What mission? Because as far as I know, you couldn’t come with me because two people cant infiltrate the Mafia at once.”
“Listen, this is just a small, extra thing that they assigned me to, I didn’t know you were going to be here whatsoever.” he replied. 
“Don’t try to bullshit me Jackson.” I say in a cold tone.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that I saw gang files with your full name on them Jackson Wang.”
Jackson grins then chuckles. “Don’t be stupid Y/N. People can have the same name.”
I scoff. “Okay, so how does this sound? Jackson Wang, an arrogant, selfish, dick, who betrayed his own gang, ran away to another gang, and goes undercover as an officer. Does that sound fucking familiar to you?” 
Jackson gulps, he grabs my shoulders and leans into my face. 
“I don’t know what you found out these past couple of days, but I can tell you one thing-” 
“Could you let go of my girlfriend?” 
Startled, Jackson and I turn around to see Namjoon with an aggravated look on his face. 
“Baby, could you go inside to see Mr. Shil, he wants you to meet his wife.” Namjoon says. 
I nod and walk inside, leaving Namjoon and Jackson alone together.
*Namjoon POV*
“Hello old friend.” Jackson says, looking straight at me.
“Listen, I’ll cut to the chase, how do you know Y/N?” I say sternly.
Jackson smirks. “Well let’s just say, Y/N and I are coworkers.” 
“You’re a damn officer? Why the hell are you working as an officer when you’re a gang leader yourself?” I ask.
“That’s none of your damn business, Joon.” 
 Jackson then turns around to leave, as I firmly say.
“Stay away from Y/N or else.” 
He turns to look back at me. “Or else what Namjoon?”
I smirk. “Well you don’t want to Y/N to know that her closest friend has actually been lying to her this whole time, I know more about you than anyone else.”
Jackson chuckles. “You know what’s ironic? Y/N became a police officer, in order to find her damn sister, who was kidnapped by your father. I’m sure that she’ll be happy to hear that information as well.” 
Out of frustration I grab him by his collar. “Don’t you fucking dare.”
“Then don’t test me either.” Jackson sighs, then continues talking.
“I’m your friend too Namjoon, and to tell you the truth, Y/N is using you.”
What the hell is that supposed to mean? How could someone like Y/N use me?
“She loves me Jackson.” I reply.
“We’ll see about that my friend.” 
Jackson leaves, as I stay frozen in my place. Soon after I walk into the dining hall only to be greeted by Y/N. The mere sight of her makes me smile.
“What did you guys talk about?” She asked.
I chuckle. “Why is my baby so nosy?” I asked as I look back down at her, cuddling her slim body with my arms.
Everything about her drives me insane. Her deep brown eyes, the subtle pink hue of her lips, her long straight hair, her gorgeous figure. Everything I’ve ever wanted in a girl is right in front of me. I am completely hers, but is she even mine?
~ “Y/N, do you really love me?” ~
- Kim Namjoon
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liljoonie · 6 years
Reblog or your mom will die in 928 seconds.
I love my mom.
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I am risking nothing
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Will not risk.
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sorry followers :(
5M notes · View notes
liljoonie · 6 years
BTS Kim Namjoon | Mafia AU | My Perfect Love Ch.8 | With her Help
I suddenly awoke from my long-ass slumber, my mind still knocking on last night’s events. After some time of trying to fall back asleep, I decided to get out of bed.
I then started to make my way down the hall to the bathroom. I opened the bathroom door to see my clothes from the night before folded and washed. On the left side of the sink, there was a pure white toothbrush with a note right next to it.
‘Morning beautiful, I washed your clothes for you.’
My insensitive-ass started to chuckle at Namjoon’s little morning message. Though the gesture was incredibly sweet, the note was dumb as shit. I grabbed the toothbrush that Namjoon had laid out for me, lathered it with some toothpaste, and brushed my teeth. When I walked out from the bathroom I was greeted by a sleepy Jungkook, from the other side of the hall.
“Morning Noona”
“Morning Kook”
Jungkook smiled, and began to look me up and down with squinted eyes.
“Noona, are those RM hyung’s boxers that you’re wearing?”
“Yeah, I forgot to bring my stuff.”
Jungkook chuckled. “You’re so silly Noona.” He began to walk down the stairs, leaving me in the hallway.
I processed Jungkook’s comment, and then playfully scoffed. “You little shit.”
I made my way down the stairs to the kitchen, and was greeted by Namjoon, Hoseok, Taehyung, and of course, Jungkook.
“Good Afternoon Y/N!” Taehyung said smiling.
I glanced at the microwave to see that it was 12:18pm.
Hoseok and Jungkook began to chuckle. “I see that you’re also wearing Joonie’s boxers” Hoseok added.
“Well, if you guys were to call first before picking me up yesterday, than maybe I would’ve packed something.”
The four men smiled at my cheeky humor, as I sat down next to Taehyung.
“You can pick up your stuff since we’ll be going to back to Seoul today.” Namjoon said, handing me a cup of coffee.
“Okay, but why are we going to Seoul?”
“I’ll be bringing you to work with me, and we can also do anything you want as well.”
“So where are the others?”
“Jin is at work, Suga is still asleep, and Jimin is at a meeting.”
“Damn, even after yesterday, Jimin still has the energy to go work.” Hoseok said, in a concerned tone.
I began to eat, as we continued to talk about random shit, such as each other’s plans for the day, and the fact that I’m still in Namjoon’s boxers, which hella made him blush. I finished breakfast and went back upstairs to get ready. I brushed my teeth once again, and slipped on my clothes from the night before. I made my way out of the bathroom and back downstairs.
“Damn, you’re pretty quick girl” Namjoon said.
“Well my hair is already straight, and I don’t wear any make up so, it was hella easy to get ready.” (*Author Note: Ayo did anyone start to think about Y/N’s bra or shit like that? Let’s just say that Namjoon washed it or some shit, bc I low key forgot that she has underwear.*)”
“Wow Hyung, she really is perfect for you.” Taehyung added.
Namjoon smiled and looked me in the eyes. “Yeah, she is”
My heart started to beat faster, as Namjoon’s words escaped his mouth.
“Noona, are you okay? You’re blushing.”
“Aww she is all flustered because of Joonie here.” Hoseok said, chuckling at his own words.
“Shut up” I spat, and headed out the door followed by Namjoon.
“So which car are we taking?” I asked
“This one” Namjoon’s keys clicked and opened the doors of a matte white corvette.
“Holy fuck” I mumbled.
The seats of the car were an opaque red color, and the inside of the car was a deep black. Namjoon then began to drive and the trip to Seoul seemed like an eternity. Namjoon and I didn’t utter a single word to one another, which made it ride even more uncomfortable. When we reached the city of Seoul, I then took the initiative to speak.
“So I’m guessing that work is this far because you don’t want it to be close to the house?”
Namjoon chuckled. “Yeah, that’s exactly it.”
“So since I’m a part of the group now, what exactly do you need me to do at the police station?”
“All you need to do is gather any information needed to stop them from exposing any of us. You can still carry on with your everyday life, but you just need to be even more aware of your surroundings.” Namjoon explained.
I nodded. “Thanks a lot Namjoon”
He glanced at me. “What did I do?”
“You tasted hella good last night.”
The car went silent; I looked over to a bright-red Namjoon, who gave his unwavering attention to the road in front of him.
“U-uh Y/N we’re here”
Namjoon parked the car near a tall-ass building, as I began to unbuckle my seatbelt. I got out of the car and was greeted by the smell of the crowded Seoul city. I followed Namjoon into the building, and was greeted by everyone.
“Hello Mr. Kim and Mrs. Y/L/N”
I latched onto to Namjoon, pressing his right arm against my left breast, which made him blush. We got onto the elevator, and headed up to the eighteenth floor. Namjoon’s face began to get even more heated.
“Y-you can let go now if you want Y/N.”
I smirked. “Why Daddy, don’t you want me next to you?”
“No, that’s not it baby, I just-“
The elevator door opened and I squeezed Namjoon’s arm even tighter, forcing him to avert my gaze out of embarrassment. We then started to walk to his office, which was extremely spacious. I let go of Namjoon’s arm, hearing him let out a breath of relief.
“Nice office you got here” I said.
“Well, I am the head of the company” Namjoon replied.
The office was the exact opposite of my shitty cubicle at the police station. Namjoon’s office was an elegant burgundy color, which was organized very meticulously.
“So why are we here?” I asked.
“I just need to pick up a few documents, and then we can drop by your place.”
As Namjoon started to go through a bookshelf behind his desk, there was a knock at the door. Namjoon groaned.
“I’ll get it Joonie” I said. Namjoon glanced back at me and smiled.
I opened the door to see a slim woman who was a few inches shorter than I am. She wore business attire and a bitch face as well.
She eyed me up and down with disgust, and then entered the room, passing me by. “Mr. Kim you have a meeting at 3p-“
“Cancel it” Namjoon interrupted.
“But Mr. Kim, you are rarely here at the office, and this meeting is very important.”
“I don’t have time today Jae Eun, please, just tell them to reschedule.”
I smirked, walked past her and whispered. “Serves you right bitch”
I stood next to Namjoon, and started to lightly stroke his back. “Daddy, are you almost finished?”
He smiled revealing his dimples. “Almost baby, just give me a second.”
I looked at Jae Eun, who stared at me with envy. Telling from her death glare, she must have a thing for Namjoon.
“Mr. Kim, out of curiosity, what exactly do you have planned for today?” She asked.
“My girlfriend and I need to go somewhere today.” He responded.
“With all due respect Mr. Kim, I do not think that you should miss a meeting in order to please the needs of your newest toy.”
Namjoon stopped shuffling through the documents and looked up at Jae Eun.
“What in the fuck are you talking about?” He asked her.
“I’m very sorry Mr. Kim, but it’s the truth, you can always find other women.”
“Idiot” I interrupted.
“Excuse me?” She asked.
“I see the way that you look at him. You fell in love with your own boss, you slut.”
The room went cold and silent.
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Fucking liar” I spat
Namjoon turned towards me wide eyed. “Y/N you don’t have to-“
I interrupted Namjoon’s words with a passionate kiss. Wrapping my arms around his neck, letting my soft lips guide the movements of his big-ass mouth. Namjoon began to close his eyes, as the kiss began to get hotter and deeper. I looked and stared into Jae Eun’s eyes, while making out with the man that she genuinely loves. (*Author Note: Shit Y/N, that’s harsh as fuck*) I pulled away from Namjoon, a string of saliva visible, as our mouths separated. I seductively stared into Namjoon’s eyes, then back at Jae Eun with a smirk on my face.
“You may call me Mrs. Y/N, and you can take your leave now.”  
Still in shock, she turned away, and headed for the door, the sound of her weeping masking Namjoon’s panting.
“Y/N you didn’t have to do that to her.”
“Please Namjoon; you know that you enjoyed it.”
Namjoon turned red and smiled. “You got me there.” He then began to regather his documents with his blushed face.
“Okay, I think we can go now Y/N.”
I smiled, and latched onto his arm, retracing our steps from earlier, and exiting the building. We made it back to the car and Namjoon began to drive to my house with a smile on his face.
“Why the hell are you smiling?” I asked.
“I just didn’t expect you to be so possessive Y/N.”
“Tch” I responded. If I could only tell this cocky fuck that I was playing with him, I wonder what his reaction would be.
We made it to my house and Namjoon parked the car in my driveway.
“I’ll just wait here Y/N, don’t take too long.”
I got out of the car and unlocked my door. As I stepped into my house, it was as though I had never left. I went upstairs straight to my room, and grabbed a duffel bag. I packed my clothes and some basic necessities. I made my way back downstairs, and took one last look at my home.
“I’ll be back” I told myself, as I stepped outside and locked my door.
I got back into the car and Namjoon immediately noticed, and looked at me with a smile.
“Okay, we have one more place to go to Y/N”
“Where?” I asked.
Namjoon started the car and backed out of my driveway. He continued to drive, and began to explain where we were going.
“Well, I have a dinner tonight, regarding a deal that I have to make with another gang. I want to take you with me, and the dinner is formal, so we’ll be going shopping.”
Namjoon glanced at me and I nodded. This dinner was a perfect way to get even more information regarding the Mafia.
After driving for a while, we finally arrived at some designer boutique. We entered the store and were greeted by three women, in identical attires.
“Hello sir, how may we help you today?”
“Oh, it’s not for me, it’s for my girlfriend.” He answered.
The women looked me up and down, and then smiled.
“Follow me” one of them said.
Namjoon and I trailed behind the woman, to a bright, chandelier lit room. The two other women came back, holding a variety of clothing, shoes, and accessories.
“Strip” another one said.
Namjoon blushed. “I’ll just stay outside Y/N.”
“No, you can stay.” I said.
In all honesty, I am fully confident in my body, and Namjoon’s reactions were hella entertaining, so I didn’t give a shit about him looking at me.
I began to take off my shirt, followed by my jeans, while still looking into Namjoon’s eyes. He was clearly red, but he couldn’t take his eyes off of me.
“Wow miss, you have an exceptional figure.”
“Thanks” I said.
I began to try on a shit ton of clothing and shoes and a bunch of random shit. Namjoon carefully examined each outfit, never looking away from my body. I finally tried on this low-cut, satin, champagne colored dress which had even me in awe.
“I think this one is perfect sir.” The woman said.
Namjoon’s jaw was dropped as he looked up at me.
“What do you think Joonie?” I asked him.
Namjoon continued to stare at me, recollecting his thoughts. “You’re stunning Y/N.”
I started to blush, my cheeks contrasting with the champagne color of the dress.
“Yeah, I’ll get this one, with the shoes, and the accessories.” He said handing his card to one of the three women.
“Yes sir.” One of the women said, as I began to slip the dress off of my body.
The three women took the items and walked to register, as I began to put my clothes back on. Namjoon kept staring at me in the process, not looking away for even a second. I began to stare back at him, only to notice a growing erection in his pants.
‘Fucking perv’ I thought to myself.
The women came back and handed Namjoon a matte, royal blue bag filled with the items that I had just tried on.
“Have a nice day.” They all said in unison.
Namjoon flashed a smile at them, and then turned towards me, with his boner still in place.
“Let’s head out” He said
He led me out of the store, back into his car. At that point, I couldn’t hold in my laughter.
“Y/N, why are you laughing?”
“Baby, did I turn you on that much?” I replied.
Namjoon looked down to his pants and witnessed a bulge poking through the fabric of his black pants.
“Y-Y/N I-I”
As soon as he said that, I had the perfect idea.
“Here, let me help you out.”
I bent over and began to straddle his lap. Namjoon’s eyes met mine, as I wrapped my arms around his neck I began to kiss him, for the second time today. This time there was no asking for permission, I was the dominant one. I entered Namjoon’s mouth as our tongues collided and mine wrapped gently around his. The kiss became even more passionate, as Namjoon got needier for my touch. His erection began to grow larger and harder. As I started to grind on him, he began to moan and pulled away from the kiss to breathe.
“F-fuck Y/N, so good”
I smirked and started to grind even slower, to tease him. Namjoon’s moans got even louder and his breathing became heavy. I attached my lips to his neck, peppering soft kisses along his neck to his collarbone. His hands then gripped onto my waist, trying to pull my hips down to create even more friction.
“Y/N p-pleaase g-go faster”
I sucked on his neck and pulled away, to see an opaque bruise forming.
“Yes Daddy”
I grinded on him even faster, the car began to quake. Namjoon’s moans and the smell of his sweat were the filling the luxury vehicle.
“Y-Y/N I’m gonna”
“Cum in your pants for me Daddy”
Namjoon let out a loud, sinful moan, as his clothed erection released, filling his pants with his own cum. He wrapped his arms around me, and started to embrace me.
“Y-Y/N I-I love you” He said, still breathing hard.
I reciprocated the hug. “Same here, Joonie”
Although it was wrong, I couldn’t deny the fact that I was turned on by his sexy moans and his hot breath.
“Round two?” I asked.
Namjoon chuckled. “I think I should change my pants first”
We laughed and recollected ourselves. I got off of his lap, sitting back down in the passenger’s seat. Namjoon turned on the car and began to drive back home.
“rr-ring rr-ring”
I pulled out my phone and read the caller ID.
‘Jackson Wang’
“Who is it Y/N?”
I pressed a button, and denied his call.
~ “Don’t worry, it’s no one” ~
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liljoonie · 6 years
BTS Kim Namjoon | Mafia AU | My Perfect Love Ch.7 | Kiss
*Author Note: Hey y’all I’m still alive and I have finished my finals. All I wanna do is throw middle fingers at every fucking teacher I walk by, but my ass will get whooped if I do that. Thank you all for keeping up with ‘My Perfect Love’. Just to let you know there will be a shit ton of smut in the upcoming chapters. So, if you ain’t a weird-ass like myself, go search up some fluffs or something bc this AU isn’t for you. As promised tho I will go back to my regular schedule of posting everyday or every other day at the least. Nonetheless, Thanks for the support!*
The room quickly got cold, and went silent. I could tell from the tension in the atmosphere that Jackson was not a topic that they wanted to discuss.
Suga scoffed “That fuck-nugget betrayed us.”
“How so?” I asked.
“Suga brought him into the group because they were childhood best friends. We trusted him, and one day we come back to our base being ambushed. It turned out that Jackson was leaking our information to other gangs.” Jin explained.
“But why would he do that?”
“Don’t know” Namjoon replied.
I looked over to Suga who was in distress. “Y/N I hope you now know why I was so against you joining us earlier. But, you stuck with the mission and always kept the others in mind, which is enough to show me that you belong here.” Suga said.
“Well it’s not that hard to work with the others though.” I replied.
Jungkook then spoke “Yeah, it’s really not. But Jackson hyung always had an ‘every man for himself’ mindset, if we weren’t able to keep up with him, he would even threaten to leave us.”
I couldn’t bring myself to believe Jungkook’s words. The Jackson that I knew was always trustworthy, and in a worst case scenario, I would be the one to leave him, not the other way around. But, the man that they described seemed like an actual dick that only looked out for himself.
“But you didn’t leave us at all Y/N. You stuck to the plans and got everything done.” Jimin added.
“Thanks everyone. I’m looking forward to work with all of you.” I bowed, and everyone smiled widely, like proud-ass parents.
“Come Y/N, I’ll show you to your room.” Namjoon said.
The two of us made our way up the stairs to the third floor. “All of our rooms are located on this floor, Jin and Suga’s rooms are on the left, followed by Jungkook’s and Taehyung’s. If you go straight Jimin and Hoseok’s rooms are there. My room is to the right and your room will be right next to mine.” Namjoon explained each detail of the floor vividly.
“And, if you don’t mind we will be sharing a bathroom.” Namjoon gestured to the bathroom with his ears turning red.
“Thanks Namjoon, I think I’ll start by taking a bath first.” He smiled at me.
“Okay Y/N, call me if you need anything.”
Namjoon went into his room and closed the door, as I made my way to the bathroom. I opened the door to an enormous, black marble bathroom.
“Holy fuck” I said to myself.
The shower was fucking huge and had the black marble pattern across the back of the glass walls. I opened one of the cabinets and found a shit ton of luxury products and towels. I grabbed one of the towels and hung it near the shower. I then took a few of the products and turned on the shower. I stripped and hopped in through the glass door. The water was hella warm and soothing.
“Shit, I’ll miss this” I said to myself.
As I washed the day’s work off my body I began to let my mind endlessly wander. (*Author note: I ain’t gonna describe this shower scene too much bc I do RM x Reader smuts hehe*) What will happen after I expose these them? In all honesty as much as I despise their line of work, I can’t deny how loyal they are to one another. Why would Jackson want to leave this? What are his true motives? I brought myself back to reality, and turned off the water. I opened the shower door and wrapped myself with the towel that I had hung earlier. I scanned the room looking for something that I had seemed to have forgotten.
“Fuck Y/N, out of all things, you forgot clothes.”
I began to replay the events of my day from the time I woke up, and concluded that I had no fucking shit that I needed to survive, because I had left it in my house. I glanced at my clothes from earlier and thought about how I literally murdered a bitch in those.
“I don’t fucking think so.” I said to myself.
I tried to think of ways to wash my clothes, or at least ways to not have to wear fucking nothing. But since, I couldn’t think of anything, I decided to use the last card I had left. I clenched the towel and tightly wrapped it around my body. I opened the bathroom door and peeked out, trying to check if there was anyone in the halls. To my surprise there wasn’t anyone, so I walked out and stood in front of Namjoon’s bedroom door.
“You can do this Y’N. He’s a micro-penised virgin.” I knocked on Namjoon’s door 
Namjoon opened the door and his eyes shot straight open as soon as he saw me.
“Y-Y/N w-what are you doing dressed like that?” His face and ears were a bright red color as he looked at me, only a towel hiding my naked body.
“Hey Namjoon, I left my clothes at my house, do you think I can borrow some?” Namjoon’s eyes widened even more, not taking his gaze off of my body.
“Y-yeah c-come in” I walked into Namjoon’s bedroom, which was very wide and spacious. He had a king-sized bed and his whole room had black walls. He closed the door and started to dig through one of drawers.
“Y/N I have no clothes for females so is it okay if I just lend you some of mine?” I nodded and smiled at him which made him blush.
“Fucking easy” I whispered to myself.
As he shuffled through his drawers I had the bright idea to get my revenge from earlier. “Here Y/N” he handed me the clothes and gazed at my body once again. I smirked.
“Why Daddy, do you want to see?” Namjoon shifted his eyes to my face; he looked as though I had just caught him jerking off.  
“Sorry Y/N it’s not that, you’re just really fucking gorgeous.” I turned red, as Namjoon looked away from me.
“Fucking smooth” I thought to myself.
“You don’t have to look away, I’m yours remember.” I said to him. He blushed and smiled, as I put his hand on my waist where it was the most slender.
“Thanks Y/N. But we can take it slow if you’re not ready.” I smiled at Namjoon’s concern.
“Don’t worry Daddy; I am very certain that I have much more experience than you do.”
Namjoon chuckled at his own humiliation. “You got me there Y/N.”
“Here, let me show you how experienced I am.”
I wrapped my hands around Namjoon’s neck, which made him blush. I leaned closer to his face reducing the distance between his big-ass lips and mine. I softly pecked his lip, giving him the sensation of warmth. I smirked.
“That’s not it Daddy.”
I leaned back into his lips and pressed against him once again, slowly moving my lips and taking control over his. I pressed my body against his, only a towel covering my body. The kiss got deeper and deeper; I bit his lip, asking for permission to let my tongue slide into his mouth. He opened his mouth, and my tongue slid in, wrapping around his, and guiding the movements of his tongue together with mine. Namjoon’s hot breath and saliva collided with mine, as we cherished the feeling of our lips pressed against one another. I pulled out from the kiss in order to catch my breath, and Namjoon did as well.
“Y-you feel so fucking good Y/N.” He said, still panting.
“Thanks, but it’s getting late now, and I need to rest.” I took the clothes and started to walk towards the door. Namjoon smiled at me.
“See you tomorrow!” he said.
I blushed; and opened the door and quickly closed it behind me.
I was shaking, but I didn’t exactly know why. I’ve had quite a few boyfriends, and I have kissed a shit ton of guys in my lifetime, but it felt different with him.
“Fuck Y/N” I said to myself, as I walked to my room and opened the door.
The room was hella breathtaking. There laid a queen sized bed, with big-ass windows behind it. The room was mostly black, fairly similar to Namjoon’s room, but the windows had a clear view of the scenery and the night sky. I took a look at the clothes that Namjoon had given me. It was a thin black shirt and some boxers.
“Beggars can’t be fuckin choosers Y/N.”
I slipped on the clothes, and plopped my fat-ass down on the bed, as I began to reminisce on my heated make out with Namjoon. My lips were still tingling, as I could still feel the taste of his mouth. I could feel my body starting to heat up. “Hell no am I turned on right now.” I told myself.
No response, no clue. I started to slowly drift off to sleep, as I reminded myself once again.
~ “You better not fall in love with him” ~
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liljoonie · 6 years
Why I haven’t been Posting.
Okay y’all just so you know I’m fucking alive in case you were wondering. I know you’re probably also wondering why the frick I haven’t been posting everyday recently. The reason is just one word. Finals. That shit is the reason why I haven’t been posting recently. This past week I’ve had three tests, and I have finals this coming week. So to all of you waiting for Chapter 7 of “My Perfect Love” I’m so sorry that I’ve been having to keep you waiting this long. But I promise all of you that as soon as the school year is over, I’m going to type, edit, and post the chapter. I get off on the 15th so expect the next chapter to come out then, or on the 16th. Again, I’m terribly sorry that I need to keep you guys waiting like this. I get how y’all feel because my ass reads AUs and Fanfics too, and it gets me triggered when the authors don’t post regularly. But please try to understand my point of view too. As much as I want to finish the chapter, these fuck-nugget finals are in my way. So till then try to stay patient and read some one shots, or even study for your finals. But if y’all want a preview of the chapter just tell me because I got a paragraph of it done last week, but that’s literally all I’ve had time for. But thank you to all of you who are still following with ‘My Perfect Love.’ 
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liljoonie · 6 years
Would you ever do an AU with Namjoon?
Yes, I’m doing one right now actually. So in other words, I am doing an AU with Namjoon, hope you check it out! I also try to post everyday, but these dang finals are killing me. 😂
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liljoonie · 6 years
BTS Kim Namjoon | Mafia AU | My Perfect Love Ch.6 | Jackson Wang
Shit. Fuck. Damn it. Every fucking curse word wanted to escape my mouth, as I turned and slammed the door. I bet that I’m red as fuck right now.
Y/N blushed and slammed the door out of embarrassment, which eased a bit of my anxiety.
“Joonie you’re smiling like a psychopath back there.” Jin said.
“It’s probably about Y/N. What do you see in that chick anyway?” Suga asked.
“Hyung, in case you haven’t noticed, Y/N is a complete package. She is pretty, sexy, and badass. Anyone could fall for her!” Hoseok explained.
“It’s not just that Suga hyung, she is also very trustworthy and she loves me too.” I added.
“Don’t tell me that you believe everything she tells you.” Suga reacted.
“I can kind of agree with Suga hyung here. But, isn’t that why Y/N is on the job right now, trying to prove her loyalty to everyone?”
I nodded and agreed with Taehyung’s words. I know that I can’t believe everything that she says, and that’s why she is on a mission to prove herself.
“You know that we’re not trying to hurt you here Joonie, we just don’t want the same thing to happen all over again.” Jin clarified.
“Whatever happened to Jackson anyway?” Taehyung asked.
The room went cold.
“Don’t you dare to speak of that fucker.” Suga snapped.
Everyone went silent as we all reminisced on our own experience with Jackson. I then took out my phone and checked the time; it was 10:19pm.
“She’ll be okay hyung” Taehyung tried to ease my nervousness, which was already peeking through my blank expression.
“I hope so.”
I got into the black van from earlier, as Jimin began to drive with me in the passenger’s seat and Jungkook in the back seat. “Do you know what you have to do Y/N?” Jimin asked.
I tried to look away from him, in order to hide my bright red face. “To be honest, all I know is what she looks like, and how I need to retrieve the information and kill her.”
Jimin chuckled at my cluelessness. “Since it’s your first assignment with our group, I just need you to follow whatever I say. Plus, you’ve already earned my trust anyway.” Jimin replied.
“What the hell! Why the fuck am I doing this then?”
“It’s because we need to work as a team Noona, it won’t work even if only one or two people don’t trust you.” Jungkook explained.
“Thanks smartass” I said to myself.
The van went silent until Jungkook yelled “Got it!” out of nowhere. I turned to see him staring at a computer screen as he looked back up at me and blushed. “S-sorry Noona, I was excited because I just found the location of the documents in the building.”
I turned around and looked to Jimin who was calmly steering the wheel.
“So I am guessing that we are breaking into a building of some sort?” Jimin smiled “I guess so princess.”
“Do you even know how many people are there?” I asked and turned to Jimin then Jungkook.
 “Nope, I’m still working on it” Jungkook answered, blankly staring at the computer screen.
“It doesn’t matter as long as you stick to a solid plan.” Jimin assured.
“Jungkook will stay in here and talk to you through your earpiece. Since the documents are in a civil office building, there are security cameras. Kookie here was able to hack into the cameras so he will guide you to the documents. You will try to find them, and I’ll cover you. In case anything goes wrong just run back here and leave.”
“What about you Jimin?” I asked.
“Don’t worry about me; I’ll be in even more danger if you don’t get back to Namjoon.” Jimin smiled at me, then turned the wheel and parked in a corner filled with shadows and a few buildings filled with offices. He turned off the van and slipped on his own earpiece.
“We’re here Y/N. Just remember what you need to do and you’ll be fine.” Jimin said.
I smiled and glanced over to Jungkook as he flashed me a bunny smile. “Good luck Noona!”
I smiled back at Jungkook and got out of the van. I followed Jimin as we walked away from the van, into an abundance of shadows.
“Noona, Hyung, can you hear me okay?” I heard Jungkook’s sweet voice through the earpiece.
“Yeah, tell us what we need to do.” Jimin answered.
“Okay, the documents are in either the room on the first floor, or with Chaeyoung. They are all labeled so you will need to scan a few of them for our documents. There are three men from the gang on the first floor, and the girl that you need to kill is on the second floor but it’s pretty crowded.”
“Is there anyone that I need to be aware of in the building?” I asked.
“The others are just regular people” Jungkook replied.
Jimin and I approached the large building and walked through the automatic doors.
“So why would they choose a civil office to go undercover?”
“This office is filled with a shit ton of information on way too many people Y/N.” Jimin replied.
“Hyung, Noona, on the first floor, Song Minho, Kim Jin-woo, and Lee Seunghoon are all undercover right now.”
“Okay thanks Jungkook, Y/N you go search for the documents in the back, I’ll check upstairs.” I nodded and parted from Jimin, as we went different directions.
“Can you see me Jungkook?” I asked.
“Yes Noona, turn left and head straight from there”
I followed Jungkook’s directions as his voice guided me to a door with the words “STAFF ONLY” on it. As I was about to open up the door, a man quickly grabbed my wrist.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” the man asked.
“Noona, that’s Song Minho, he is from the gang.” Jungkook explained through the earpiece.
I gulped trying to think of a good excuse. But, since I’m a dumbass I went straight to violence instead. I kicked Minho in his shrimp dick, which caused him to hold his balls as he bent over.
“You bitch!” he screamed.
He attempted to punch my face, but I caught his hand and kicked him in the gut. “Noona hold on, I’ll try to contact hyung.” Jungkook said agitatedly.
“F-fuckk!” Minho exclaimed.
“Try again asshat.” I spat.
Minho leaned against the wall and groaned in pain. I then took the time to quickly fidget with the door’s handle, only to see that it was locked.
“Fucking shocker” I said to myself.
I then felt some arms clench forcefully around my waist. “You’re pretty fucking good, you whore.” The voice said.
“Suck my ass” I still kept my pride while squirming to break free from his arms.
“I should just fucking kill you right no-“
The arms around my waist loosened, as Minho collapsed on the ground bleeding from the gunshots to his waist. Then, the fire alarm went on.
“Jimin, Thank y-“
“Thank me later sweetie, let’s switch. You get rid of Chaeyoung; I’ll take care of the documents and the other guys. You better hurry before the firemen arrive.”
I nodded as I ran up the stairs looking for the woman. “Where the fuck is she?”
“Noona, to the right” Jungkook responded through the earpiece. I used Jungkook’s directions and opened a door to an office, with Chaeyoung cycling through a shit ton of papers getting ready to evacuate the building. We made eye contact as the sounds of the alarm rang endlessly. We both took out our guns at the same exact time and aimed them towards each other.
“Who are you?” She spat.
“Where the fuck are my documents?” I shot back.
“You must be one of RM’s people.”
“Just give me my fucking documents.” She glared at me and smirked back.
“Oh these?” she signaled my focus to the pile of documents that she was about to leave with.
“I can’t give them to you though” I started to carefully walk closer to her.
“Noona, the documents are in that pile. Jimin hyung is taking care of the other men downstairs.” Jungkook assured.
I carefully scanned the room looking for a way to catch her off guard. I was running out of time so I decided to pull the only card I had left. I quickly prepared my mind and walked directly a foot away from her.
“Not another step” she snapped.
“Fuck you” I aimed at her shoulder and pulled the trigger.
The gun’s noise rang throughout the building. She hissed and tried to shoot back at me, I punched her stomach as she screamed in pain. “You fucking slu-“
I shot her in the head, blood started too leaked out of her skull, as she collapsed to the floor. “That only makes one of us you insignificant cunt.”
Jimin appeared from behind me as he stared at the scene through the doorway. “Nice Y/N, just grab the documents and let’s get the fuck out.”
I quickly cycled through the stack of papers and folders trying to find some sort of label. “Shit Jimin there is nothing.”
Jimin then walked over to the documents and started to cycle through them as well. “This one, hold onto it, we’re leaving this hell hole.”
Jimin handed me a file under the name of Jackson Wang. The sound of sirens started to get closer and closer, but I was too lost in my thoughts.
“What the fuck? Jackson?”
“Y/N let’s go!” Jimin demanded.
I clutched onto the file as Jimin and I ran down the stairs. When we reached the first floor I was greeted by the lifeless bodies of the men from the other gang. Jimin then reached into his pocket and pulled out some matches. I gave him a confused look and he smiled.
“Without a trace remember?” he lit the match and threw it to the ground.
“Quick let’s go through the back.”
Jimin led me to the back entrance as the fire began to grow. The sound of sirens became even clearer as Jimin and I ran back to the black van. As soon as we reached the van we were greeted by Jungkook.
“Noona, Hyung, are you both okay?” Jungkook asked in a worried tone.
“Yeah, and we completed the mission.” I flashed him a smile and showed him the documents.
“Nice one.” He replied.
“Kookie did you make sure to erase all of the footage caught by the cameras?” Jimin asked.
“Yes hyung, there is no trace of it.”
Jimin started the engine and began to drive back to the base. From the rearview mirror I watch the fire grow rapidly, as firetrucks began to pull up to the building making the sirens become even louder.
“You did great Y/N” I smiled.
“Thanks Jimin, I hope it’s enough for the others too.”
I glanced at Jimin’s dashboard and saw that it was already 12:43am. I looked back at the folder that I was holding, as I began to reread the name Jackson Wang. What the fuck do you have to do with these people Jackson?
“By the way Y/N, don’t be so hung up about the fact that you killed that woman.”
“I’m not, that bitch deserved it.”
Jimin chuckled “You fit right in Y/N. But just so you know, that woman is the source of the deaths of three of our men. That was why Namjoon was so against you going on this assignment.”
I was silent the whole ride, contemplating the past events. It wasn’t the fact that I felt guilty, because this wasn’t the first time that I had to pull the trigger on someone. It was the fact that Jackson may have had something to do with the Mafia in the past.
“Y/N…Noona...” I opened my eyes to the driveway of the base.
“We’re back Y/N” Jimin said.
“You’re really cute when you sleep Noona.” Jungkook giggled.
I glared at him, gathered the folder, and got out of the van. Jimin unlocked the door to see all of the members except for Namjoon, still sitting on the couch.
“Morning everyone” Jimin exclaimed proudly.
“Hyungs, guess what Y/N Noona got?”
I tossed the folder to Suga. He grabbed the folder and scanned the documents and smiled for the first time.
“Nice one Y/N, you got my trust.” I smiled back at him, relieved that I was getting even closer to exposing these fuckers. Namjoon then came down the stairs and we stared face to face.
“Y/N!” he cuddled me with his big arms and revealed his prominent dimples.
Shit. I was blushing again. “Just play along Y/N” I said in my mind.
I hugged him back and smiled widely. “I completed the mission Joonie.”
He pulled back from me and grinned from ear to ear. “I’m so proud of you babe, but next time you’ll be coming with me.” He continued to hug me once again “I was so worried about you.”
“Ehem” Hoseok interrupted. “Nice work Y/N, welcome to the team” Hoseok congratulated.
“Welcome Y/N!” Taehyung exclaimed.
Jin smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up.
“Y/N you must be tired, you should go take a bath and get some rest.” I smiled at Namjoon.
But I was still looking for a specific answer. “I’m still curious about something though...” everyone stared at me, signaling me to go on.
~ “Who is Jackson Wang?” ~
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liljoonie · 6 years
BTS Kim Namjoon | Mafia AU | My Perfect Love Ch.5 | Trust to be Earned
*Do y’all remember how f**king short the chapters were before. I’ve improved and I hit about a thousand something words. Thanks for y’all’s support and taking time to read this AU!!*
“Y-Y/N” Namjoon stuttered out of an immense amount of embarrassment, his face bright red.
“Hmm?” I looked up at him gazing deep into his dark brown eyes, which looked as though they could see right through me.
RM stared back at me, then nervously wrapped his arms around my waist and reciprocated my feelings by hugging me back, my head resting against his shoulder.
“Do you really mean it?” He asked with hesitation.
I paused for a moment, sincerely regretting taking advantage of this man’s genuine feelings. However, I needed to remember that this is the same man that has killed and mutilated others without any second thoughts.
With that in mind I responded “Do you think that I call every stranger daddy? I fell in love with you when I first met you, and your kindness simply confirmed my feelings for you”
Namjoon blushed “You’ll be my first then.”
I widened my eyes at his sudden statement. “Don’t tell me that you’ve never had a girlfriend before.” I smirked.
Namjoon stopped hugging me and turned away in humiliation “Pathetic, right?”  
“No actually, it kind of turns me on, because I’ll also be the one to take your virginity.” I replied.
His face turned bright red as he quickly averted my gaze that shot towards him.
“I’m kidding, that can wait for a bit.” Namjoon smiled at my cheekiness and blunt language.
“But don’t make me wait too long.” I added.
Namjoon’s face turned bright red once again, as I walked out of his office, he followed. We both walked down the stairs together awkwardly stealing glances at one another’s features. RM has a very slim face with dark brown hair, with a long and proportionate figure. As for his facial features he has a pretty cute nose, and some big-ass lips that look like they could swallow mine; however the man still is quite handsome. When we made it downstairs we found everyone sitting on a large black couch in the vast living room.
“So what did you two talk about?” Jimin asked curiously.
“Y/N here is now aware of our circumstances, she will be joining our group and provide us with intel regarding the police station.”
“How do you know that we can trust her?” Suga asked skeptically.
“Don’t you know me? My intuition has never been false.” Namjoon stated, looking straight into Suga’s eyes.
“I agree with RM hyung here, Suga hyung. I think Y/N noona is kind and trustworthy.” Jungkook added.
“Yeah I agree. Y/N here would be helpful to our organization; she is smart and is a badass as well.” Hoseok said in agreement.
“We haven’t even known her twenty-four-hours, how can you simply trust her?” Suga argued.
Everyone else did seem to agree with Suga’s logical statement.
“But Suga hyung, you heard him, when has he been wrong?” Taehyung asked.
“Just because he has never been wrong about things like this, doesn’t mean that he’ll never be wrong.” Suga replied.
The whole room turned silent as everyone mentally chose a side and thought of their own explanations on why I should and shouldn’t join them. Jin then spoke.
“I think that we all need to take into consideration that we have been betrayed before, maybe not by Joonie’s intuition but ours instead. We are all afraid of being betrayed and I am sure you could understand that Y/N.”
I nodded silently thinking up an opposing argument inside my mind.
“I know if I’m wrong, and I see that she is loyal.” Namjoon shot back at Jin.
“I think that we can all agree that Y/N has shown that she would be a great addition to the team. However, we have all just met a little long ago, so you can’t expect us all not to be doubtful of Y/N’s loyalty.” Jin replied.
Each member started to find their own personal opinion on whether or not I should be here, which only made my anxiety build up even more.
 Then out of nowhere Jimin spoke. “Why don’t we give her a chance to prove that she is part of the group, by giving her an assignment?”
“Are you fucking insane Jimin?!” Namjoon exclaimed angrily.
I was beginning to see the more ‘Gang Boss’ side of him.
“I can agree with that” Hoseok added.
“It can justify Y/N’s loyalty once and for all.” Jin agreed.
“Then it’s settled, Y/N will have her first assignment.” Suga declared.
“You don’t fucking decide shit here hyu-“ I cut Namjoon off.
“Its fine, if that’s what I need to prove my loyalty then fine, I’ll do it.”
“Y/N what the hell?!” Namjoon shouted.
“Why do you even want to be here anyway?” Suga asked suspiciously.
I blushed in embarrassment at Suga’s question. I wasn’t planning on telling everyone about my supposed ‘feelings’ for Namjoon, but I have no other option. I gulped and answered.
“B-because I l-love him, and I plan to stay by his side no matter what it takes.”
The room was filled with wide eyes and sinful smirks.
“Well this will test how strong your love for the boss is.” Jimin responded with a smile on his face.
Jungkook then stood up from the couch, then walked up the stairs and came back after a few minutes. “Here Noona” Jungkook handed me a file. I opened it to see a picture of a woman.
“Park Chaeyoung, the woman is known as the ‘ace’ of one of many opposing gangs because she is able to easily dig up dirt on just about anyone. Recently, because of Jimin’s carelessness she was able to acquire information on our profits in the United States. All you need to do is retrieve that information and kill that bitch without a trace.” Suga explained.
“She doesn’t need to fix Jimin’s fucking shit hyung, that’s his mess to clean up!” Namjoon shouted.
“If she wants to have a place in this group she has to do this. You can’t always protect her, even if you have feelings for one another.” Suga replied.
As the two were bickering I took my time to examine the photo and information. The woman was fairly plain looking, and looked very slim. She had dark brown hair and thin lips.
“Can I get it over with tonight?” I asked.
Namjoon glared at me, pissed off about my lack of concern.
“Whatever you think is best, Kookie and I will be there to help you since it’s my fucking mess.” Jimin answered.
“It’s settled then. Y/N will be executing the assignment tonight.” Jin declared.
“Y/N, are you sure that you are capable of murdering someone? I mean you are a police officer and all.” Taehyung asked nervously.
I smiled “Well if I have to kill someone it must be for a good reason right? I fully trust your judgement as it is.” The room went silent, and then Namjoon spoke.
“Yes of course. We kill so that others won’t be burdened or harmed.”
Bullshit. You fuckers make me sick. Every single one of them is able to justify murder by saying that it’s for the good of others.
“Okay so Y/N you go get ready, we’ll be leaving at 10pm.” Jimin said. I nodded and the others scattered from the living room as they all got ready to leave.
I glanced at Namjoon, who still seemed angry.
“Follow me” he said.
I trailed behind Namjoon as he led me to into a discreet armory located near the kitchen. “He picked up a standard handgun and started to load it.
“I still don’t understand why you agreed with this.” he said.
I blushed “I want to prove myself to them, so that they’ll approve of me and my relationship with you.”
Namjoon put down the handgun and spoke “You don’t need to prove anything to those bastards. If you’re with me they’re going to have to accept you no matter what.”
I chuckled and stared into his eyes. “I also want to prove to you that I am just as loyal as everyone else.”
I then placed my hand on his face and began to admire each of his features. Namjoon smiled, revealing his adorable dimples on both sides of his face. He took my hand and placed it on his chest, making me feel his racing heartbeat.
“You don’t have to prove anything to me.”
He then placed his large hands on my face and pecked my lips. I blushed and stared back at him, causing his face to turn bright red as he averted my gaze. Shit. I won’t allow myself to have feelings for this fucker.
“I love you too” I replied, as I picked up the handgun.
“Come on; let’s get back to the living room, Daddy.”
Namjoon’s eyes widened and he looked down, embarrassed at my kinky language. I walked out of the armory and Namjoon followed once again.
“Are you guys okay? You’re both blushing.” Jungkook asked.
I looked at Namjoon and saw his blushing face as I began to imagine how fucking red I was right now.
“You guys will have time for that later; we need to get going Y/N.” Jimin said smirking.
As we were about to leave, Taehyung then handed me an earpiece.
“Here, in case you run out of luck.”
“Thanks Oppa!” I said smiling. Taehyung blushed at my cute words.
“Well let’s go then.”
Jungkook and I followed Jimin to the door as I glanced back at Namjoon. He looked worried as hell, which made me feel guilty. As I was about to exit the house, I stared straight into Namjoon’s eyes as he mouthed
~ “love you” ~
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liljoonie · 6 years
Why I Changed my Username
My Dad: Why the heck are you crying?
Me: *Looks up, low key looking like Uganda Knuckles* Daddd!! Real people other than my bestfriend are reading my AU!!
To my supporters: Lol gotta change my username to something that is not stupid. But my dumbass can't think of anything but... Lil Joonie!!! (It literally got even stupider but I'm a dumbass so I have an excuse.So that's how it's gonna be from now on. But don't worry because I am still the strange lil turd that you all know and love. So even though I changed my username, I will still continue with "My Perfect Love" and with other fanfics and AUs in the future that are still as kinky (bc I need help)!! I love you all!!
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liljoonie · 6 years
BTS Kim Namjoon | Mafia AU | My Perfect Love Ch.4 | His Feelings
*Disclaimer: This shit gonna be long*
The men ran in order to catch up to me, the seven of us walking down my neighborhood sidewalk. “So what was with the mood swing earlier?” Jin asked. 
“Oh sorry about that, my “tears” were actually my way of getting you all to lower your guns, I mean I don’t really have a chance when it’s five on one.” I replied.
 “Haha good one, you got all six of us” Hoseok added. 
“So where did you learn all those moves?” Suga asked. 
“Well I work as a police officer, so I know quite a bit.”
The six of them were silent, looking at one another with concerned eyes.
Taehyung suddenly broke the silence and said ”Yeah you got me pretty good!”
”Sorry about that” I replied.
The others turned to each other chuckling at the previous events. 
“Oh you would have done the same” Hoseok added. 
“Anyway guys, we are here.” Jimin said, breaking the sounds of chuckling.
After our two-minute walk we arrived to see a black 2017 Kia Sedona. We all got inside with Suga driving and Hoseok in the passenger’s seat, Jimin and Taehyung in the second row, with Jin, me, and Jungkook sitting in the back. Suga started driving and I started to examine each member’s appearance and personality. All the members had very prominent features and were all fairly good looking. From where I was sitting Suga looked to be very masculine and serious, whereas Hoseok seemed to be more care-free and sweet. Jimin has some plump-ass cheeks, whilst Taehyung has an almost perfect face. As for my seatmates, Jin looked very soft and compassionate, and Jungkook seems very obedient and loyal to the others. However, I noticed that Jungkook’s gaze would always avert mine whenever we made eye contact. So since I am a great adult, I decided to tease the kid. 
“So Y/N what’s your relationship with the boss?” Jimin asked while continuing to play with Taehyung
. I rested my hand on Jungkook’s thigh then answered. 
“Not much, he held a gun up to my head and asked me to marry him.”
Suga and Jimin smirked.
“Wow! It must have been love at first sight.” Hoseok exclaimed.
Meanwhile Jungkook was turning as red as a tomato, occasionally glancing at my hand wondering if he should say anything. 
“But do you love him back?” Jin asked worriedly as he turned to see my hand on Jungkook’s thigh.
I smirked “Two for one” I said in my mind.
I gripped onto Jungkook’s thigh and he moaned softly, coughing right after to hide it. I then let go of his thigh and answered 
“Yes, yes I do, but I did not agree to marry him.” 
“Why not?” Jungkook shot back, I bet the kid thought I was a fucking unfaithful slut.
 “Well Jungkook, as a police officer I am trained to always be logical. If you were to just meet someone would you marry them? Don’t tell me that you believe every word and action of a stranger, because after all they could just be messing with you.”
Taehyung turned around to look at me. “I can agree with you Y/-” Taehyung stopped to laugh at Jungkook’s blushed and embarrassed face. 
“Yah! Y/N were you teasing him? He is all red now!”
The members broke into laughter at my little tease.
 “Wow you really are something Y/N.” Hoseok said still giggling at Jungkook’s expression.
 “Is that why I heard a moan Jungkook?!” Jimin teased.
The car broke into laughter and chuckles as we continued on our way to their base. Long story short, we all continued teasing one another and they told me some valuable information on RM. They told me his name which I already knew, but they didn’t know that, the fact that he is a virgin, called it, and that he works as a businessman, which is actual bullshit to cover up the fact that they are a fucking gang.
“We’re here guys” Suga said, opening the gate and parking the van into the driveway. We drove for about two hours so everyone was hella groggy. 
“Hey Y/N I’m sorry about earlier, I was just really nervous because we just met and
” I cut him off “It’s fine Jungkook I get it, and you can’t call me Y/N, call me Noona.”
Jungkook blushed at my forwardness.
 “Okay N-noona.”
We all got out of the van and I brushed my fingers through my hair which caused Jungkook and Taehyung to blush. 
“Aww cute” I said to myself, as Jin went up to the entrance to unlock the doors.
The doors opened up to a wide three story house with a grand staircase. The house itself was huge and massive, which is to be expected since the Mafia itself is filthy rich. 
“Namjoon guess who we have here!” Jimin exclaimed. 
“Namjoon? That’s definitely a virgin name.”
Hoseok heard me and chuckled. “That’s why he goes by RM.” Hoseok explained.
Then a man dressed in black business attire comes down the stairs with an irritated look. “Dammit Jimin, I told you not to call me tha-” He cut off as soon as we made eye contact.
The room was filled with smirks as they all watched me and Namjoon stare at one another.
 “You know what, never mind w-we have a guest here, just don’t call me that again.” He turned around leading us toward the kitchen. 
“Noona did you see that? He turned red as soon as you both met eyes.” Jungkook whispered.
I smirked. “Isn’t he always like this?” I asked. 
“Actually no, he is always very serious and arrogant around others” Suga added.
The others were listening in on us and giggling at our conversation. RM turned around and broadly stated “You all whisper like I’m deaf as fuck.”
Everyone went silent at RM’s words as we approached the kitchen filled with a delectable aroma. On the table was a shit ton of Korean dishes, from bibimbap to jajangmyeon. 
“Oh it’s already 1:44 we haven’t eaten in hours!” Jin exclaimed. 
“Let’s eat shall we?” Hoseok said. 
We all sat at the table, each person choosing their seats with a plan for me and RM to sit next to each other. Fortunately for them, their planned worked well and me and RM were seated next to each other. We all grabbed the food and put it on our plate scooping each course one by one. It was awkwardly silent so I decided to break it. 
“So what’s with all the food? Is there any special occasion?” I asked.
 “Well I guess you can say that.” Jimin replied. 
“You are actually the first girl to step into this house.”  
“Actually you are the only girl that RM has ever let into this house.” Hoseok revealed with a smirk on his face.
Namjoon blushed, then coughed, trying to hide his embarrassment. 
“So I take it that your name is Y/N?” RM asked.
I nodded innocently as though I was a fucking teenager. 
“So how old are you?” he asked. 
“I’m twenty-three.” I responded. 
“So that means that you’re only older than Jungkook. That’s just your type Joonie.” Jin said mockingly. RM glared at Jin then looked back at me. 
“Is the food okay, is there anything that else that you want?”  
“No, this is fine, thanks though.” I genuinely smiled at RM’s kindness.
He blushed hella hard and smiled back at me. “I-i’m sorry for last time” he added. The whole table was surprised by RM’s sudden apology. 
“It’s nothing you didn’t hurt me anyway.” I replied.
Suga smirked to himself and muttered “Not yet.” I glared at him as he continued to eat innocently. 
“So how did you learn how to protect yourself?” RM asked. 
“Hyung, Noona here is a police officer.” Jungkook replied. 
“That is quite remarkable Y/N”  
“Thanks, so what do you all do for a living?” The table went silent for a while until Jin spoke up. “Well I’m a doctor, Suga here is a lawyer, and Jungkook works with computers and things like that. Hoseok, RM, Jimin, and Taehyung are all businessmen.”
“That’s great, you’re all stable professionals” I stated.
As our “lunch” went on I noticed RM occasionally staring at me hesitantly, as though there is something that he would want to say. We finished eating and Jin was beginning to clean up the table and do the dishes. 
“Let me help you” I insisted.
 “No, it’s fine, I think Joonie may need something from you.” Jin winked. 
I turned my head to see RM behind me. “May I speak with you privately?’ He asked. 
“Of course” I replied.
RM smiled and lead me up their grand staircase to the second floor, into what I think is his office. We walked in and he shut the door which made me a bit eerie.
He apparently noticed and asked me “Are you okay? Are you uncomfortable?” 
“I’m just curious as to why you had to close the door” I replied.
RM sighed “ Well I don’t want anyone to hear about this yet and that is why I closed it.”
I looked back at him innocently as though I was a lost dog.
 “I-i can open it if you want?”
“No it’s fine”
He smiled “The thing is Y/N is that we aren’t just any regular professionals. We are actually the lead branch of Korea’s Mafia.”
He stopped and stared at me and I nodded, signaling him to proceed. 
“What I am saying is that I-i want you to join us.”
I acted surprised even though this is what I’ve been waiting for my whole life. A lead, a step closer to exposing these hoes once and for all. 
“And why would you chose me, I’m a police officer, remember?”
RM chuckled showing his prominent dimples “I want you to help us out here Y/N, provide us with intel on whatever is happening at the station in order to stop them from exposing us.”
I smirked “The irony” I said in my mind.
“Well why should I trust you? I don’t want to betray my fellow comrades that I have known for so long.” That was an actual lie because I don’t give a shit for any comrade but Jackson. 
“Well what do you want Y/N? Because we need more people on the inside considering the fact that the cops are getting heavy leads on us.”
I looked up at him and made direct eye contact. “Why would you trust me? We literally just met last night.”
For the first time I started to feel guilty about betraying RM’s trust and kindness.
“To be honest Y/N the first time I met you, I already had the feeling that I could trust you, and that rarely ever happens. That’s why I promised to come back for you.” He replied.  
“So why did you ask me to marry you?”
RM blushed and replied quietly “Be-because I l-like you, and it was a spur of the moment type of thing”
He confessed. Shit, I’m blushing at a twenty-five-year-old man’s confession. I’ve been confessed to before, and I’ve had a few boyfriends, but the way he looked when he said it, it was different, it was genuine. To be honest, I clearly don’t love the guy, but I have no actual problem playing boyfriend and girlfriend in order to keep my cover.
With that in mind I replied to Namjoon, and said “I accept the partnership.” I then walked closer to him and hugged him, which I can tell took him by surprise. 
~ “By the way, I love you too, all I want in exchange is you” ~
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liljoonie · 6 years
BTS Kim Namjoon | Mafia AU | My Perfect Love Ch. 3 | Tracking Down the Officer
*Disclaimer: Hella Kinky*
As she walked out of the store, I could still feel the soft warmth of her slender hands around my neck. The prominent curve of her waist still lingers through my fingers, as my heart beats faster at the thought of her. I wonder what her name is.
Who is she? I have so many questions and desires for her. I want to feel her touch once again. I grabbed a cup noodles and walked out of the store, not bothering to leave cash by the register.
“Rrrring rrring”  
“yeah” I asked in irritation. 
“Hyung how was it? Did you finish the job? Are you okay?” 
“I’m fine Jimin, but I need you and the others to do something for me” 
“I’m all ears” Jimin replied. 
“I need you to track down a woman here in Seoul” 
“Why hyung do you need something from her?” Jimin asked hesitantly. 
“I don’t intend to harm her Jimin.” I replied. 
“Ah okay, by the way do you have her name?” Jimin asked. 
“N-no but she is around 168 cm and she is very p-pretty, I can tell she is a native here by the way she talks, she was probably born here in Seoul.”
“Well that makes my job way harder, but I’m on it hyung” 
“M-make sure you tell her that you are taking her to D-daddy” Jimin went silent from my kinky language. 
“Oh I see hyung, but you shouldn’t give your first time to a girl you just me-” I cut him off by hanging up and continued to walk down the streets of Seoul, waiting for Jin to come and get me.
After about an hour I see Jin at a restaurant a couple miles from the convenience store. This was our usual meet up here in Seoul to avoid attention. I got in the car and Jin’s big-ass eyes noticed how I was still blushing. 
“Are you okay your face is really red?”
“Hyung, just drive, we have a lot to do tomorrow.” Jin sighed and turned on the engine. 
“So what is it that we need to do?” Jin asked. 
“I already told Jimin, but I’ll tell you and the others as soon as we get to the base.” 
I drove home smirking ear to ear, replaying the events that had just occurred. Now that I think about it, the full on South Korean police force has been trying to track down a mafia with a boss that who is easily flustered by me.
Their so-called “boss” literally looked as though he climaxed to the sound of me calling him “Daddy”. It looks as though this whole assignment can be done in a short-ass span of time. All I need to do is wait for him to come get me.
Judging from previous mafia occurrences, they are very quick at finding their next target. So it’s pretty safe to expect that I’ll be getting kidnapped tomorrow. Their whole fucking plan is hella easy to read.
When I got home I showered and changed into a big-ass over-sized t-shirt. I warmed my cup noodles and gulped that shit down because I hadn’t eaten for hours. Then I lay in bed, still pondering at the thought of the past events and the thought of marriage.
Then it hit me, what if the guy is actually in love with me? I smirked at the thought, thinking of ways to easily earn his trust, in order to deceive him in the end. Soon after, I found myself asleep, waking up at 11am since I don’t need to report to the station when I am currently undercover.
I lazily got out of bed and made my morning coffee, waiting to be picked up by RM any second. After I drank my coffee, I got ready for my day and I picked out a slim-fitted black turtle neck, tucked into black skinny jeans, with some black vans. I grabbed my purse and walked out my door to see a man trying to stealthily hide behind my car in order to eventually stalk, and then kidnap me. 
 “Fucking amateur” I said to myself. I slowly walked to my car door and got inside, only to see him appear out of hiding in my rear view mirror.
I chuckled “At least try to keep your cover dumbass”.
I got out of my car to see the man holding a gun to my face. From the corners of my eyes I can see other men hiding, waiting for an opportunity to take me away. 
“Bastards” I scoffed.
 “What did you sa-”
I interrupted the man’s words as I grabbed onto his wrist and kicked him in his micro-penis. He groaned in pain and loosened his grip on the pistol which gave me the chance to take it. Soon, five other men emerged from their hiding loaded with guns all pointed towards me. 
“Taehyung hang in there!” one of them shouted.
Taehyung was still lying on the floor due to the pain that I caused him. 
“One more funny move and I’ll shoot babe” another one exclaimed. 
“Suga we can’t do that, he wants her ali-”
I quickly took Taehyung’s gun and pulled him up holding the gun up to his forehead, like what RM had done to me. 
“Try me!” I exclaimed, as Taehyung squirmed in my arms.
 The men looked up at me in astonishment. 
“Wow she really is like how he described” one added.
With that said it was confirmed that the men in front of me were indeed members of Korea’s biggest mafia. It was five armed and solid men against one skinny-ass bitch. I thought of just having a badass shootout, but that wouldn’t end well. So, I used my next option which was my emotions. I dropped the gun and started to cry some fake-ass tears, the men all lowered their guns in guilt as they saw me supposedly crying. 
“It’s okay baby we won’t hurt you, you just need to come with us”
“How can I trust you?” I asked the man, still fake crying.
”Well I am Jimin, the guy you attacked is Taehyung, and the others are Jin, Suga, Hoseok, and Jungkook.”
I looked up and they smiled at me, and I smiled back. How in the hell are they so soft? 
“Where are you going to take me?” I asked innocently.
Jimin coughed in order to hide his blushing face. “We’re going to take you to your daddy.”
Everyone’s eyes widened at Jimin’s words as their wide eyes became an ocean of perverted smirks.
I smiled “too predictable” I said to myself.
I started walking out of my driveway, I turned to them. “Well are you guys going to take me there?” I asked turning back to my normal smart-ass self.
The men looked at me, surprised by my sudden mood change. 
“Wow this girl is perfect for RM” Hoseok whispered. The others nodded in agreement as they walked towards me. 
“Wait what is your name?” Jimin asked. I smirked
~ “Just call me Y/N” ~
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liljoonie · 6 years
BTS Kim Namjoon | Mafia AU | My Perfect Love Ch.2 | Flustered Mafia Boss
The chief smiled for the first time since I started working here.
“Thanks Y/N you’re not only doing service to us, but to your sister as well”
I rolled my eyes as he handed me documentations of all of our leads and past encounters with the mafia.
“You can choose to meet them in person whenever, but you have to update me on their plans every two weeks.” he said.
I walked out of the chief's office while lightly scanning the documents, my mind still pondering at the chief’s words. 
“Service my ass” I thought to myself.
I shifted through the small stack of papers and I quickly found the photo of their supposed gang leader once again. The man had quite remarkable looks and some big ass lips. The photograph depicted him with some glasses and a beanie draped over his head, although the rest is hard to uncover because of the low quality of the photo.
 “Hey Y/N!” I looked up to see Jackson smiling brightly at me for the second time today. 
“So what trouble is your ass in this time?” he said mockingly. 
“Actually I was assigned to go undercover to expose the mafia, without you.” Jackson paused with a questioning look on his face. 
“Wait-wha why?” he looked like a kid. 
“They don’t want two people infiltrating their territory at the same time, because they don’t want to risk being caught.” 
“O-okay” he said pouting. His pout then turned into a smile then a concerned look. 
“But just promise me this”  
“Come on Jackson, we are not fucking toddlers.” 
“Just listen Y/N, you have to be careful, we have been trying to catch them for years, and I don’t want anything to happen to you.” I smiled at Jackson’s concern for me, wondering how the guy was still single. 
“I promise” I replied. 
“Good” he responded.
 “Well I need to get going Y/N since we aren’t going to be involved with the same case, I’m very sure that I got a crap load of papers to go over.” 
“Okay see you later.”
Me and Jackson parted ways as I made my way back to my cubicle. I spent the entire day investigating and reviewing our past leads and RM’s origin. Apparently, he was just raised in order to be a gang boss, considering the fact that his father was a gang boss as well. He values loyalty and trust the most, and has been able to stealthily kill hundreds of people that were all tortured before their deaths. Other than that, he isn’t any different from what I have ever seen before.
I carefully examine photographs of crime scenes of mutilated, bodies of men and women. I then turn to the photo of RM and examine it once again. 
“Hmph, must be a virgin.” I laugh at my own joke like the dumbass I am, then looked at the time and it was already 9pm, so I decided to head out.
I opened my car and turned on my car to hear the sound of my stomach grumble. “Shit I forgot to eat” I said to myself. I decided to buy food, so I drove to the nearest convenience store from the police station. I changed my shirt before walking into the store to hide my police uniform to avoid any unwanted attention.
I then walked into the store and quickly eyed the varieties of nitrite-filled food. As I was inspecting different types of cup noodles I suddenly felt an arm wrap around my waist. 
“Nice figure” I rolled my eyes only to meet eye contact with a pistol to the side of my head.
The whole store stared at me with wide eyes as customers quickly began to try to exit. 
“Don’t provoke me” the male figure fired at the exit, leaving customers afraid to move from their places. 
“All I need is cash and you can all leave and I won’t shoot her!” The whole store stood still in shock afraid to even move. 
“Tch I’m not fucking pla-”
I then twisted the man’s armed hand to his back as he groaned in pain. The whole store stared in awe, trying to plan out their escape from the convenience store, unsure if I was safe or not.
“Good one” he smirked like a little perv.
As I reached for my spare handcuffs I was interrupted by an unexpected question. “Will you marry me?” 
I stopped for a second as this was the first time I was ever asked about marriage itself. 
“You know I would have said yes if you didn’t almost fucking shoot me” I gripped his wrists tighter as I began to fill with anger.
At this point all the store’s customers had escaped, whilst the store clerks were possibly hiding in the back. I reached for my spare handcuffs and I attached one cuff to his wrist and as I was about to attach the other, he then used his broad back to shoulder me in the face. 
“Fucking-Shit!” I screamed.
The man turned back to me and was wearing a hoodie and black sunglasses over his face. He then stepped closer to me and traced my hips as he leaned into my ear. 
“I like you. You belong to me now babygirl” he said.
I rolled my eyes in disgust as I began to examine his face in order to eventually report him if needed.  As I continued to examine his face it became quite clear to me. I knew those big ass lips from a mile away. The man in front of me is Korea’s most powerful gang leader, RM. I decided to play along in order to see what his type was, and what I needed to act like around him when I am undercover.
I put my arms around his neck and whispered “I can’t wait daddy”
He then backed away from me, to reveal his red, opaque face, I guess I had found his kink. 
“Too easy” I said in my mind. 
“So what are you waiting for?” I asked.
He smiled showing his prominent two dimples “I promise, I-I’ll come back for you.”
With that I blushed at his naive innocence, unaware that gang bosses could be so soft. He was clearly shy and flustered which definitely turned me on. I then grabbed my wallet and gave him my spare change.
 “I’ll be waiting”
I then left cash at the register and grabbed my cup noodles. As I walked out of the store I could feel his eyes stare at my perfect figure. I smirked and said to myself
~ “You’re just too fuckin easy, Mr. Gang Boss” ~
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liljoonie · 6 years
| BTS Kim Namjoon | Mafia AU |  My Perfect Love Ch.1 His Identity
“beep beep beep” my alarm went off
“Shit” I groaned.
 “Another day working with some stubborn assholes”
I never really understood why I chose to become a police officer. My grades in school were average, and I am always told that I have great looks so I guess I could have been a teacher or a model, or any other occupation. Oh wait, I remember now, I chose to become a stupid police officer in order to catch the Mafia that kidnapped my sister.
I know, it sounds hella cliché, but it’s the truth. But after eleven years of searching for her without having any lead or sign of success, I started to lose hope. Sometimes I wish I could turn back time in order to tell myself that I would never see her again, and that I shouldn’t chose my career off of a personal case that I thought I could solve. 
“Uhh fuck it”
I got out of bed and got dressed for another day at the police station. I grabbed my keys and drove my red mini cooper down the street and was greeted by a familiar face. 
“Morning!” Jackson Wang my partner in crime (literally), greeted me with a warm smile. 
“Why the hell are you always so energetic?” 
“Because I am youthful and positive” he replied.
Jackson is older than me by two years, but he always seems to have the mentality of a six-year-old. We both walked into the station and were surprised to see our chief shouting in my cubicle.
 “Where the hell is Y/N!” he exclaimed. 
“I’m right here asshole” I muttered, but he apparently heard me. 
“My office now!” I left Jackson and followed the chief to his office. 
“Where the hell have you been?” 
“Here” I replied like the smartass I am. 
“I’m not trying to start with you Y/N, we have tracked down the leader of Korea’s biggest mafia.” 
“Wha-How??” I interrupted. 
“It doesn’t matter how we found him, it matters that we get a hold of him and expose the Mafia once and for all!” 
“And how the hell are we going to do that?”
“You will go undercover and infiltrate the Mafia by providing us with all the evidence that we need in order to expose them.”
I froze for a second, trying to fight my emotions. This is what I have been waiting for, for the past eleven years, a sign that I can give justice to my sister. But is it worth it? Do I really want this?
“Y/N can you do it?” the chief asked. 
“Well, when would Jackson and I start?” He paused for a moment.
“Jackson will take no part in this assignment. We can’t afford to have the both of you within the Mafia because then they would get suspicious.” 
“What the hell! I need Jackson! This is a suicide mission!” I exclaimed.
“No you won’t, you are skilled enough to do this on your own” he assured. 
“Who in the hell is their leader anyway?” I asked. 
He then gave me file with a photo of a man with the biggest lips I had ever seen. The man was fairly good looking and looked around my age, as I scanned the files I concluded that he went by the name of RM.
 “You need to gain his trust and possibly seduce him, this is a dangerous assignment, are you ready Y/N?” he asked. I gulped hard and finally spoke.
~ “I’ve been ready” ~
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liljoonie · 6 years
| BTS Kim Namjoon | Mafia AU | My Perfect Love Prologue
How should I start? My name is Y/N and I am the fiancé of Korea’s most cunning and dangerous gang boss. Unlike other female protagonists I am not very skilled in anything whatsoever. I have been told that I have great looks and a killer body, which fits the part of me being the fiancé of an intimidating gang boss.
However, my life wasn’t always like this. I met Kim Namjoon in a convenience store right after he had committed a crime of some sort (tbh I don’t really remember what he did but it was probably gang related).
He was broke and starving. So instead of asking me for change, he held a gun up to my head threatening the whole store that he would shoot me if he wasn’t given cash. Of course everyone was terrified except for me.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I’m also a police officer.
With that said, I twisted his hands to his back which made him drop the gun. I remember the all the store’s customers in awe as I was able to subdue the criminal.
While gripping his wrists, I reached for my spare handcuffs, but I was interrupted by an unexpected question. 
~ “Will you marry me?” ~
-Kim Namjoon
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