lillian-v-orchard · 3 days
https://archive.ph/qOweI Simple Writing Tips for the Average Writer take 2
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Ty for your efforts anons, idk if this was a different person, but someone else also dropped a text version of this in my inbox, either way, very much appreciated.
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lillian-v-orchard · 3 days
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Apr 10, 2021
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lillian-v-orchard · 3 days
Oct 14th 2021
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lillian-v-orchard · 4 days
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lillian-v-orchard · 4 days
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Meanwhile, anyone who watched Lily Orchard's stream on September 16th, 2024 saw this instead:
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... so you can understand the confusion
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lillian-v-orchard · 13 days
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GiygasBandicoot drinks the koolaid. She even beileves that Lily is pulling a drake with her download folder! Comon GIRL!
Because now https://mikaila-orchard.tumblr.com/wishes to go the route her eWife took I must post the deets oh woah is I
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This is part 1 stay tuned for part 2
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lillian-v-orchard · 13 days
Hi, me again, here to disprove Lily’s latest lie that she pulled a Drake and planted fake evidence to make her critics look stupid.
Ignoring how insane that admission alone is, let’s look back at the original files.
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I want you to note the 0 spaces with the name, and the number.
When we go to the downloads on the official Itch.io website, this is what we see.
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Now, the number is there, but so are some spaces, and unless you click the download link AND make a money offer (the game is pay what you want) you’re not seeing the actual download file.
Luckily, if you’re willing to go to some less than savory websites and walk the flames of hot singles in your areas type pop up adds, you can find a more free copy of the game!
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And wow. Look at that. An exact match to Lily’s file.
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So…. If Lily just went on Itch.io like she said, how exactly did she know the file name without downloading said file?
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So was it also just a coincidence she named the file exactly as it would have been if she actually downloaded it? Did she just put in the extra work, and possible computer viruses, to fake a file so perfectly that it’d somehow make her claim less likely in the long run?
Or is Lily still lying?
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lillian-v-orchard · 13 days
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Got to this bit and then saw She did copy-write strike it! What is wrong with her? But Twitch is up
Give @saiscribbles more money. It makes Lily and her wife mad.
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lillian-v-orchard · 13 days
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"The screenshot of the She-Ra artbook", you say? This screenshot that you've thrown about before? This screenshot of a highly blurry page with no context or authorial credits?
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That's really funny, because... She-Ra and the Princess of Power never had an official artbook. Certainly none written or compiled by N.D. Stevenson. There were plans to assemble an unofficial artbook at one point - I don't believe this ever went to print, but you can tell that the design style is nothing like the above
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So... where does the "Catradora are sisters" image come from then? I did a touch of digging and found this:
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(Image links to tumblr post that goes into a little more detail) So this was a picture in a New York Times article (link to an archived version, which unfortunately doesn't include said image although you can see where it would go). Rather than an artbook, these are... pieces of paper on a wall? Oh! This is from a media day that predates the airing of the first season. It has nothing to do with an artbook, and we have no idea who in the She-Ra staff would have written these blurbs or assembled these pages. We certainly cannot say that it was written by N.D. Stevenson, She-Ra's creator. You know what we do have, though? Direct from the creator? An interview with N.D. Stevenson about this very subject, featuring special guest star Rebecca Sugar, even!
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(Deadname revised in screenshot) Maybe you should stop calling them sisters, Lily, that's kind of lesbophobic of you. Also, stop lying Lily.
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lillian-v-orchard · 14 days
That picture with Cameron really shows how much darker lily makes her puppet, like her arms and neck are very pinkish pale and you can really tell that her foundation is at best the wrong undertone (its very yellow) and at worst just the wrong shade. And her puppet is several shades darker that even the foundation 💀
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I never noticed till you pointed it out anon.
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lillian-v-orchard · 15 days
Cameron Dopler. Lily Orchard's Brother. This took one google
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Thanks to the help of some anons, I found Lily's brother on tiktok.
Now I blocked him because I ain't looking to be jump scared by a conservative from Canada, but I do want to show people the kind of person Cameron is.
CW: school shooting mention if you don't want to see it scroll down and I'll explain.
I actually follow the mom he stitched @mommacusses
If you didn't watch it. He's basically telling the mom that she needs to calm down and that the backpack (its bulletproof) isn't gonna help her child stay alive and that the kid is more likely to be stuck by lightning then go through a shooting.
He also brings up how open/counsel carry states have less shooting and (and this is where it gets bonkers). Most of the time, the shooter got the gun off the dark net, and the left meda is lying to her.
This is the guy Lily is trying to tell you is a "good person"
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lillian-v-orchard · 18 days
If I may ask
Why does Lily say things like when she loves she wants to show it and shower them in love and then
A). Almost brags about her mundane way in which she shows her love to her partner?
B). Her ex's have their respective horror* stories about her?
C). Her ex's she has left on good terms with aren't like in her orbit. Growing apart and just not talking to her is one thing if it were one and adults do that, but all still it has to come off as suspicious right?
If you know where to look the timeline of Lily's relationships go this way. Lizzy (Dumped her and she never got over it.)
Mikaila (Married)
Carousel (No one really counts her it was only a few months Lily claims its all her fault, she was being irrational) NEVERMIND SHE DELETED THIS POST. GUESS SHES NEVER WRONG.
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Ginger (Left her) Lolo (Current prospective GF)
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lillian-v-orchard · 20 days
I shall now offer you the sequel to 'Hey now, you're an Orchard' with the next one, titled:
"I think Lily is on a Downward Spiral mentally, and now has lost it completely," also known as LilyOrchard's Downward Spiral, the Musical
Let's go! (God save us all...again)
I was on top of this site, doin' numbers!
Fans right in my palm,
I made all the reviews that everyone was talking about.
When from out of nowhere, like an RKO, I got thousand odd stalkers.
Now all of a sudden, I'm on a downward spiral mentally.......
I had friends, lots of internet friends...
Now all of those friends have betrayed me ...
And I try to keep telling myself that I'm not a groomer...
I had clout, and your attention too!
But I've lost it all!
You can never get back up when all they can do is fall!
I've been on a DOWNWARD SPIRAL mentally....
On a DOWNWARD SPIRAL mentally...
On a DOWNWARD SPIRAL mentally...
And now I've lost it completely.
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lillian-v-orchard · 20 days
I didn't know you ship Ruby x Yang from RWBY
She does
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lillian-v-orchard · 23 days
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Lily Orchard Lies About Having Cancer: Evidence Masterpost
Lily Orchard (shortly after Courtney came forward with her r🍇 allegations) lied about having cancer, including (but not limited to) the kind of cancer it was (skin cancer), the claim she wasn't specific about the nature of it, the stage it was in (first stage), and the funds revolving around it being minimal.
Lily Orchard first notable mentions of cancer were first revealed during her comic Poke-Madhouse.
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Lily claims that she didn't mention the nature of the cancer, only to reveal in another post that it was, in fact, skin cancer.
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Lily mentions later on that the expenses were minimal.
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The thing about stage 1 skin cancer is that the most common way to resolve it is through surgery, not chemotherapy.
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To make matters infinitely worse, cancer treatment isn't cheap.
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Everything mentioned after this usually ties back to Lily accusing people of having her medical history when that is not the case. In actuality, people have been critical of the things Lily herself has chosen to share on social media and things not adding up.
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lillian-v-orchard · 24 days
I my sibling assaulted me for a year I probably wouldn’t be able to laugh at them like they were a clingy ex. Also God forbid someone argues with their sibling one day and is worried the next when they disappear.
She just keeps yapping and they keep believing her. She's on stream now and the same people are there.
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lillian-v-orchard · 24 days
Even if that story of Lily running away for 2 hours was true, I don't get how the story is meant to make Courtney look bad. Wouldn't you want your sibling and family to be worried if you suddenly disappeared after a huge fight? Isn't that just.. a normal reaction?
Lily has made it into a thing it isn't and these...sorry i gotta say idiots beileve everything she says. It's a game to them. Normalizing this incest shit is weird and sick. Lexyr, Koko, Nooblord, Puff should all be ashamed of themselves.
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