limitededgewrites · 6 months
hot artists don't gatekeep
I've been resource gathering for YEARS so now I am going to share my dragons hoard
Floorplanner. Design and furnish a house for you to use for having a consistent background in your comic or anything! Free, you need an account, easy to use, and you can save multiple houses.
Comparing Heights. Input the heights of characters to see what the different is between them. Great for keeping consistency. Free.
Magma. Draw online with friends in real time. Great for practice or hanging out. Free, paid plan available, account preferred.
Smithsonian Open Access. Loads of free images. Free.
SketchDaily. Lots of pose references, massive library, is set on a timer so you can practice quick figure drawing. Free.
SculptGL. A sculpting tool which I am yet to master, but you should be able to make whatever 3d object you like with it. free.
Pexels. Free stock images. And the search engine is actually pretty good at pulling up what you want.
Figurosity. Great pose references, diverse body types, lots of "how to draw" videos directly on the site, the models are 3d and you can rotate the angle, but you can't make custom poses or edit body proportions. Free, account option, paid plans available.
Line of Action. More drawing references, this one also has a focus on expressions, hands/feet, animals, landscapes. Free.
Animal Photo. You pose a 3d skull model and select an animal species, and they give you a bunch of photo references for that animal at that angle. Super handy. Free.
Height Weight Chart. You ever see an OC listed as having a certain weight but then they look Wildly different than the number suggests? Well here's a site to avoid that! It shows real people at different weights and heights to give you a better idea of what these abstract numbers all look like. Free to use.
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limitededgewrites · 2 years
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limitededgewrites · 2 years
I somehow did not see this before?? Hot damn. These are fantastic, and made me cackle😂 thank you for making all for one into a meme!
Internet Friends
What can I say I love making memes from fanfiction @limitededgewrites​ enjoy and thank you for your wonderful series thus far. I can only imagine what the future holds.  I hope to make more in the future but I will provide you this offering for now. 
Internet Friends
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limitededgewrites · 2 years
Brought to you with the power of necromancy- the 5th chapter of Internet Friends.
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limitededgewrites · 3 years
Internet Friends, Chapter 4 Extras
Cut Scene From ‘What are the 5 Most Dangerous Quirks in History?” Section. It’s SmallMight41′s original description of ‘Amortentia’, which felt a bit too gruesome for the general light-heartedness of the rest of the section. 
Side Bit 1: Amortentia
SmallMight41: Amortentia is a brainwashing quirk that can make a victim obsessively in love with another individual of the wielder’s choosing by maintaining physical contact between the victim and the target for a full minute. The quirk was used in the United States 28 years ago to brainwash an estimated 800-3000 people, among them regular civilians, members of parliament, and even Heroes, notably the numbers 5 and 2 heroes of the States at the time. While the quirk was mainly used to incite obsessive devotion towards Carl Snyder, eventual CEO of multiple businesses in the States, it was also, regrettably, used in sex trafficking. Rumors of the quirk’s use were investigated by the numbers 8, 5, and 2 heroes of the States.
SmallMight41: The investigation resulted in a public scandal and the numbers 5 and 2 heroes also being brainwashed. But the number 8 hero of the time, along with a rookie named ALL MIGHT (!!!!) who was interning with his agency, managed to track down the original source of the quirk. This individual was none other than Snyder’s 13 year old daughter, Julia Snyder. How the confrontation played out is not completely clear, but the conflict ended thusly: Julia, due to a heartfelt confrontation with the heroes, triggered a secondary part of her quirk previously unknown to her- she turned all previous brainwash victims’ ‘devoted love’ into burning hatred. The strain of flipping the obsession of hundreds of people was too much for Julia to handle, and she died shortly afterwards. The fallout resulted in many deaths, and the victims remaining brainwashed to hate those they had been forced to love; this in and of itself proves the power of Julia’s brainwashing quirk, which continued even after her death.
SmallMight41: To this day, Julia Snyder’s quirk is listed as the strongest brainwashing quirk in history. This is sadly poignant, as it likely that up until her confrontation with the heroes, that she herself had been a victim of grooming and control by her father :(
BestJeanistInTown: Ahhh hearing about this story always makes me sad. Pretty gory, but a consolation is that Carl Snyder was literally ripped apart by people he had once forced to love him.
CrimsonGal12: Came here for fun analysis and a debate show and got knives. Thxs for the pain SmallMight
Next extra was a potential analysis thread that I did not like the flow of, and scrapped to restart another.
Side Bit 2: Another Analysis Thread
“Mutant vs Quirkless – where do we draw the line? AKA, what the heck are these secondary traits SmallMight41 and Darkseid89 are always talking about???”
 BestJeanistInTown: Y’all can thank me for starting this thread. We’re like a month into the quirk war and while I am a genius when it comes to quirk politics, I’ve got to say that all of SmallMight and Darkseid’s ‘I’m Basically A Scientist’ wording and theories are making my head spin. Let’s figure this out- and if we can’t, @CrimsonGal12 can do her cult summoning magic on Hellspawn and The Monster We Accidently Unleashed
ThatsWhatSmallMightSaid: I would get angry at you calling SmallMight41 any form of monster, but after seeing their last ‘debate’ about the ‘theoretical’ ways to take down Yoroimusha, I’m going to refrain. That shit was scary.
ThatsWhatSmallMightSaid: On another note: tally is currently at 25:18 in SmallMight’s favour!
CrimsonGal12: Why do I always have to be the one to call them XD
quirkalicious: I’ve kept track, weirdly enough Darkseid responds to your @’s faster than to anyone other than SmallMight’s. Maybe he likes you :D
CrimsonGal12: Someone give me some brain bleach x_x
ReallyTiredOfYourShip: I see all of you aren’t bothering to do actual analysis, and are just gossiping- did the combination of SmallMight and Darkseid reduce you from analysts to lazy show watchers?
ENDeVORE: The shame of posting an analysis then immediately being proved wrong is crippling us rip
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limitededgewrites · 3 years
Internet Friends, Chapter 3 Extras
Some Possible Scenes from ‘Internet Friends’ by Limited_Edge (ao3), Chapter 3 that were cut. 
These scenes were all based around the point where Hisashi is preparing to call Inko, after realizing that, no, he doesn’t really want to kill SmallMight41, but he does need to calm down while he processes this non-murderous ephinany. They’re both rather abrupt and just snippets that didn’t feel right with the flow of the fic, but IDK, maybe someone will find them interesting. 
Side Bit 1: Inko picks up, but immediatley has no time for Hisashi
The call connected, and Hisashi awaited the response.
“Inko! I was wondering if you-”
“-Sorry Hisashi I don’t have time for you right now-”
The phone clicked.
Inko had hung up.
Hisashi stared blankly forward. It felt like there was static buzzing in his head, as though he was a really shitty old TV that blue screened whenever it was paused. Distantly, he felt as though the little part of him that he had pushed away was calling him out and giving him the finger.
He was broken out of the moment by the phone, which he still had in his hand, ringing. The play button was pressed. Motion resumed. A check on the screen revealed Inko calling again, six minutes later than when he had called.
Hisashi slammed the ear up against his ear. “Inko?!”
“Hisashi, dear, I’m so sorry- I panicked- I was on a call with the school, there was an incident at lunch, Izuku punch someone in the face-”
Oddly enough, Inko’s anxiety was normal enough that it calmed Hisashi down.
“It’s alright dear, deep breaths. In, two, three, four, out, two, three, four…”
Within a few breaths, Inko sounded less shaky and only on the verge of tears, as opposed to sobbing into the phone. “I’m heading to the school now, to talk with the principal. I don’t know how this could have happened- Izuku never gets into fights!”
Hisashi was aware. The kid, from his general impression, was not very heroic for all he dreamed of being a hero. His guess was that he accidently slapped someone while getting hit himself.
He didn’t say that to Inko, of course.
“I’m sure it will work out okay, Inko. As you said, Izuku isn’t the type to get in fights. It is likely a misunderstanding. And if not, he has no record prior to this. He’ll be okay.”
A sniffle came from the other end of the line. “Oh, I know- I appreciate you staying so calm. I never can, when it comes to Izuku…”
Ah. This would just be a call entirely about Izuku, wouldn’t it?
Side Bit 2: If Inko had hung up on Hisashi, and he assumed the worst
The call connected, and Hisashi awaited the response.
“Inko! I was wondering if you-”
“-Sorry Hisashi I don’t have time for you right now-”
The phone clicked.
Inko had hung up.
Hisashi stared at the phone. The phone screen went dark from lack of activity, plunging Hisashi into darkness. He remained motionless, but his thoughts were awhirl. Imposter? No. Hisashi would recognize Inko’s voice anywhere. Was she in danger? Maybe Inko had been abrupt to give him a sign! She knew he would find it suspicious, and that he would catch on! Hisashi quickly turned the phone back on, and checked the tracking app he had linked to Inko’s phone. She was just exiting the apartment building. Based on the speed of the icon’s movement, Inko was either running as fast as she could (from someone??), or she was being kidnapped.
But then the icon paused. Hisashi analyzed the map. Inko had stopped at the bus stop. Most kidnapper’s, in Hisashi’s expert opinion, did not pull a get away via public transportation.
…Unless they had thrown out Inko’s phone while shoving her into a different vehicle!
An incoming call interrupted Hisashi before he could contact Kurogiri or destroy his office space in a fit of panicked rage.
Hisashi accepted the call and slammed the phone back up beside his ear.
“If you’re looking for ransom, I can tell you I have money… But more importantly, I have a very particular set of skills. Skills that I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my wife go now, that will be the end of it. But if you don’t-”
A sigh came from the other end. It was long and exasperated enough that Hisashi had time to switch to speaker and check the tracker map. The icon was moving at what he quickly judged to be a bus’s speed.
“What is up with the dramatics of my boys today? I assume it was a boring day in the office for you, if you were bored enough to quote that old movie you enjoyed.”
“…Yes. I was bored, and just being dramatic.” Hisashi’s racing heartrate was not convinced. Inko give a small laugh, but it was not as light and cheerful as it should be. “Dear, are you okay? You were rather abrupt…”
“Sorry, Hisashi- I just- I panicked, and was in a rush to catch the bus, and I would have had to wait another half hour if I missed this one.”
Hisashi hummed. “I see. You are okay though, right?”
“Right as rain set fire to,” Inko drawled. There was a clatter on the other end, and Inko saying something- possibly making room for someone else to sit as the bus stopped. “I’m on my way to the school. I got a call; Izuku, he…”
That little brat. What he did he do to distress his mother now? “He?...”
Inko choked back a sob. “He punched a classmate in the face- they think he broke Katsuki’s nose!”
Ah. A school yard brawl. How plebian.
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limitededgewrites · 3 years
If you are interested in a semi-crack fic about Izuku accidently and sometimes-on-purpose trashing AFO on an analysis server, dad for one and its resulting situational irony, and slow-burn friendship disguised as online hatred, then this story is for you.
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