linpeijyun · 5 years
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養成針對自己能力所及的事,持續腳踏實地付出努力的習慣,這種「習慣」有機會超越「才華」。 --你所煩惱的事,有九成都不會發生;枡野俊明著 Build the habit to consistently do your best to all the things you do. This kind of habit is possible to exceed the talent to make you shine. --by Masuno Shunmyō #masunoshunmyo ,#reading,#你所煩惱的事有九成都不會發生 ,#枡野俊明 #閱讀 (at Tamsui District, New Taipei City, Taiwan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3ZQw_vgA2j/?igshid=1sva9ja9sodhk
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linpeijyun · 5 years
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#好好吃飯 ,#好好吃午餐 ,#一個人的午餐 ,#自己煮 ,#素食 ,#蔬食 ,#eatwell ,#lunchwell ,#lunchalone ,#lunchathome ,#vegan ,#vegetarian (at Tanshui, T'Ai-Wan, Taiwan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3ZQiwZgvfJ/?igshid=yttny0gfuwlu
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linpeijyun · 5 years
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只靠靈魂生存的人會感到挫折。活在人世並不是一件容易的事。 --活著就是創造自己的故事,作者:小川洋子、河合隼雄 Those who live purely on their soul would feel frustrated. It's not easy to live in the earthy world. -- by Ogawa Yōko & Kawai Hayao #活著就是創造自己的故事 ,#小川洋子 ,#河合隼雄 ,#閱讀 ,#ogawayoko ,#kawaihayao (at Tanshui, T'Ai-Wan, Taiwan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3W4k6wAltt/?igshid=1jt0tujq0aau0
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linpeijyun · 5 years
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#好好吃飯 ,#好好吃早餐 ,#自己煮 ,#在家吃早餐 ,#素食,#eatwell ,#breakfastwell ,#breakfastathome ,#vegetarian (at Tanshui, T'Ai-Wan, Taiwan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3W4KlXAohF/?igshid=148vrirp5jtwy
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linpeijyun · 5 years
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我對「人定勝天」的觀念,這些年來開始有些質疑。山林崩塌,其實需要的不是重建,而是休養生息,給大地一點時間,讓他們慢慢一步一步復原。 --我的心,我的眼,看見台灣;齊柏林 There is a saying that faith would move mountains. Director Chi, Po-lin was doubt about that. What we should do to the mountain collapse is not trying to getting the mountains back but letting them be. Give some spare time to them, they would recover by themselves gradually. #我的心我的眼看見台灣 ,#齊柏林 ,#閱讀 ,#directorchipolin ,#chipolin https://www.instagram.com/p/B3Uepp7giFy/?igshid=34l7oy2r51dp
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linpeijyun · 5 years
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#好好吃飯 ,#好好吃午餐 ,#自己煮自己吃 ,#一個人的午餐 ,#蔬食,#素食 ,#eatwell ,#lunchwell ,#lunchalone ,#vegan ,#vegetarian ,#cookathome (at Tanshui, T'Ai-Wan, Taiwan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3UeSXQg9tn/?igshid=sqqorct7n6be
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linpeijyun · 5 years
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#好好吃飯 ,#好好吃午餐 ,#自己煮自己吃 ,#一個人的午餐 ,#蔬食,#素食 ,#eatwell ,#lunchwell ,#lunchalone ,#vegan ,#vegetarian ,#cookathome (at Tanshui, T'Ai-Wan, Taiwan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3UeSXQg9tn/?igshid=sqqorct7n6be
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linpeijyun · 5 years
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每當做決定時,記住什麼是自己的責任。讓他人「徹底醒悟」或「回歸正途」,並不是你的責任。倘若無法平靜地面對決定,就放下吧。也許做決定的時機還未到,等心情平復,頭腦清楚時再決定怎麼做。慢下來,不需要覺得害怕,也不需要覺得抓狂。正確看待事情。讓人生好過一點。 --每一天練習照顧自己,Melody Beattie,林卓君譯 When make decisions, make clear what is your own responsibility. Making others understanding what their faults are or leading others back to the right path are not your responsibility. If you are not able to face the decisions peacefully, let it go. Maybe it's not the right time to make the decision. Just wait until your mind is clear enough. Slow down. No need to feel scared or mad. See things in the right way and better your life. --Codependent No More: How to Stop Controlling Others and Start Caring for Yourself,written by Melody Beattie #melodybeattie ,#codependentnomore ,#reading ,#每一天練習照顧自己 ,#林卓君 (at Tanshui, T'Ai-Wan, Taiwan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3POI9cApSV/?igshid=1noau9m832y37
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linpeijyun · 5 years
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淡水竹圍偏僻巷內的小甜點店,中午時分到的時候,卻是大排長龍。這家店的甜點都是手工製作,米苔目是純米做的,晚一點就吃不到,我們很幸運的有吃到倒數個位數的其中兩份米苔目。 #淳手作圓仔湯 ,#甜點,#dessert (at 淳手作圓仔湯 竹圍店) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3PN09cA3e3/?igshid=1wg7ed038jmmx
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linpeijyun · 5 years
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們基本上一方面活在不關心的時代,卻被這樣大量有關他人的資訊所包圍。只要想的話,就可以輕易取得那些資訊。然而雖然如此,我們對每個人其實幾乎什麼都不知道。 --沒有色彩的多崎作和他的巡禮之年,村上村樹 We are living in an cold world despite surrounded by so much information about other people. Though it's easy to get all the information we want, we actually know nothing. --Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage, written by Murakami Haruki #murakamiharuki ,#colorlesstsukurutazakiandhisyearsofpilgrimage #reading ,#沒有色彩的多崎作和他的巡禮之年 ,#村上村樹 ,#閱讀 (at Tanshui, T'Ai-Wan, Taiwan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3MZpxOgj_q/?igshid=1f20o80122qlq
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linpeijyun · 5 years
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#好好吃飯 ,#好好吃晚餐 ,#樺雲莊 ,#蔬食 ,#素食,#eatwell ,#dinnerwell ,#vegetarian ,#vegan (at 樺雲莊素食店) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3MYzzsg53e/?igshid=1ct5firuk31ju
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linpeijyun · 5 years
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粉絲數與流量固然重要,但無法換為尊敬與認同。新聞媒體的影響力,無論報紙、雜誌、電視或網站,最終仍取決於「創造值得信任的內容」。 --新聞不死,只是很喘,黃哲斌著 Though the numbers of the fans or the CTR of the press are important, they don't equal to audiences' respect and consents. No matter by what the medias are, the newspaper, magazines , TV or the websites, the influences of the press is dominated in creating the content that is worthy to be trusted. --The Turning Point of Digital Media #新聞不死只是很喘 ,#黃哲斌 ,#theturningpointofdigitalmedia,#reading ,#閱讀 (at Tanshui, T'Ai-Wan, Taiwan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3KFWLFA7p6/?igshid=ggngttczumol
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linpeijyun · 5 years
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麥當勞的奶蛋素漢堡,要記得跟服務人員說不要醬,如果沒特別說的話,會有香蒜醬。 #好好吃飯 ,#好好吃早餐 ,#奶蛋素 ,#素食 ,#麥當勞 ,#麥當勞素食 。#eatwell ,#breakfastwell ,#vegetarian ,#macdonalds (at McDonald's) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3KEhd9A-oK/?igshid=sjte7124251q
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linpeijyun · 5 years
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不管跑不跑步,每個人都有自己的痛苦,同理,也有各自的喜悅。不論任何人,都有他必須面對的煩惱;即使明知願望無法達成,也掙扎著向前進。既然不論去認何地方都一樣,不如堅定立場,遵循內心的渴望堅持到最後。 --強風吹拂,三蒲紫苑 Everyone has his own pain as well as joy. Everyone has his own worries that he has to face. Even knowing some dreams are hard to come true, still struggle for them. Since this situation is same everywhere, the best policy is following the heart and persist to the end. --#風が強く吹いている,by Miura Shion #強風吹拂 ,#三蒲紫苑 ,#日本小說 ,#閱讀 ,#miurashion ,#japanesenovel ,#novel ,#reading (at Tamshui, New Taipei City, Taiwan 新北市淡水區) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3HmOXVgmhi/?igshid=15fjbu00kqb7o
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linpeijyun · 5 years
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#好好吃飯 ,#好好吃午餐 ,#一個人的午餐 ,#蔬食,#素食 ,#自己煮 ,#自煮自食 ,#在家吃飯 ,#eatwell ,#lunchwell ,#lunchathome ,#cookathome ,#lunchalone ,#vegan ,#vegetarian (at Tanshui, T'Ai-Wan, Taiwan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3G5qWagJXQ/?igshid=10pu90k5xm47k
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linpeijyun · 5 years
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每個人跑步時都只有自己一個人,可以從他人的想法和人際關係的糾葛中解脫,真誠地面對自己的心。只有在跑步的時候,不用強顏歡笑,不必汲汲營營找尋自己的歸屬,不必在意別人對自己的看法,只要集中精神去跑就可以。 --強風吹拂,三蒲紫苑著 When playing the sport of running, everyone is alone. On the time of running, we can sincerely face our heart. Only on this time, don't have to keep social or care about how others think about me. What you have to do and think is only running itself. --#風が強く吹いている #強風吹拂 ,#三蒲紫苑 ,#日本小說 ,#閱讀,#reading https://www.instagram.com/p/B3FIa_hAAtu/?igshid=reaxpppkjyoo
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linpeijyun · 5 years
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鄰居親手製作的素食章魚燒,好好吃😋 #好好吃飯 ,#素食章魚燒 ,#素食,#蔬食 ,#蔬食料理 (at Tanshui, T'Ai-Wan, Taiwan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3FIOEwgJbF/?igshid=1qf7xes9h35hr
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