lionheartfitness · 9 years
i just felt like having 600g of carbs.
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lionheartfitness · 10 years
Back at the GYM
Goimg to attempt another fitness streak. As many days in a row of at least 20 mins of resistance or cardio.
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lionheartfitness · 10 years
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Some workout motivation for movie junkies. Even with all the steroids and HGH Stallone actually does in real life his character John Rambo was all natural. His diet consisted of snakes and toruture, snakes, his consistently worked legs via tossing full grown men around, worked his core by firing machine guns designed to be mounted on tripods without any, and got his cardio in via stick fighting and sprinting through the jungle. Against all odds and with the tightest headband he got more ripped than any action hero before him.
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lionheartfitness · 10 years
Back at it.... 10 lbs lost and strength gained by Feb 17th 2014....
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lionheartfitness · 10 years
Abs only for Sunday morning. Not too much time but can still get a good about workout in.
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lionheartfitness · 10 years
November 1st
November first marks t-minus 117 isn days tilnim 30. I need to be brutal by then....
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lionheartfitness · 10 years
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lionheartfitness · 10 years
☝Why do they Photoshop dudes abs?
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lionheartfitness · 10 years
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9:04 at the gym and it feels like 4:30...
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lionheartfitness · 10 years
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Money where mouth is
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lionheartfitness · 10 years
1000 More cals burned today
Last night I ended with 2 beers then woke up in the early AM like 4 ish and slammed a bunch of peanut butter and whole milk. Honestly don't think the catabolic effect of alcohol really exists. Gonna go hit up the gym for legs and cardio to incinerate some more fat. I'll be there until my heart rate monitor dings 1000 kcals burned. 60 days of this should produce god like effects.
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lionheartfitness · 10 years
Gonna see if I can shred up without tracking cals
If all goes well I'll be 156 in 2 weeks. I am doing 1000 cals of gym work daily though.
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lionheartfitness · 10 years
nice leg swole!
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I’m sweating so fucking hard right now.
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lionheartfitness · 10 years
Back in the gym, not doing rest days anymore. over 30+ days of #godmode logged so far. I'm getting older everyday, might as well be brutal everyday. Diet sucks but i'm not hungry and I'm eating essentially whatever i can fit, yet i just cut my calories 2 days ago. MAXs are going up, I'm getting bigger, stronger and more cut. BTW No rest doesn't mean not listening to your body, if something hurts it gets rest but everything else is up for getting worked, or at least some power yoga. 
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lionheartfitness · 10 years
Almost a straight month without a rest day. Going brutality from now until February. I’m skipping #Beastmode and going straight to #GODmode.
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lionheartfitness · 11 years
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lionheartfitness · 11 years
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