lit-80soul · 1 year
poetry is a fundamental food group if you dont read a decent poem once or twice a month you get soul anemic bone tired and all that
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lit-80soul · 1 year
giggling kicking my feet
sweet as honey | part iii
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pairing: jenna ortega x blind!fem!reader
words: 4.741k
warnings: ableist remarks, swearing, mentions of smoking/drinking, bad writing
authors note: hey guys, i just wanna say thank you to the anons who pointed out my mistake and made me realise how insensitive my old ver of this chapter was. i have rewritten it and changed it, i hope this is better
After your first date with Jenna the two of you have gone on many, many more dates. 
By the third date you and Jenna did actually go to that restaurant you were supposed to go on your first date. 
You couldn't help but feel utterly euphoric anytime Jenna asked you out on another date or even held your hand, hugged you and kissed you. If there's a heaven you're more than sure it's with Jenna.
Altogether you've been on six dates with Jenna, and each date you could feel yourself falling harder and harder for her.
Maybe that's why when Jenna calls you on a sunny Sunday morning her words leave you stunned with silence.
"Y/n? Did you hear me?" She asks, breaking the silence. You dumbly nod your head, coughing soon after as you shake your head.
"No, yeah, I- what?" You stumble over your words with confusion as Jenna giggles over the phone.
"I asked if you wanted to be my date to the Wednesday Emmy Party." She repeats for your sake. Yet again, the words feel like a positive slap to the face. 
Jenna wanted you to go to the party with her? A party full of famous actors? 
"It's not gonna be huge, if that's what you're worried about. Just a small gathering of the cast at Joy's apartment to celebrate that the show won twelve emmys." Jenna explained in a reassuring manner, taking your stunned silence as a sign of rejection.
"Oh yeah, just a small party full of famous actors, no biggie right?" You finally say, laughing nervously. "Are you sure you want me to be your date though? I'm not exactly the same level as you guys." 
"Of course I want you there, I know for a fact Emma is dying to meet you. I can tell she's getting annoyed with how much I talk about you to her."  She says with a giggle, probably biting her bottom lip nervously as she awaits your answer. 
You let out a breathless sigh, a nervous smile on your lips. What's the absolute worst that can come out of it?
"Okay, I'll come as your date." You finally answer her question, your smile turning into one of relief as Jenna immediately starts saying 'yes!' over and over like an overused child finally getting the toy they've been begging for.
You chuckle as you nod your head, biting your lip. 
"You talk about me to your friends?" Jenna groans through the phone as you laugh, a smug smile on your face. 
"Shut up." Jenna replies through a small laugh. "The party is on Wednesday, I'll pick you up?" She confirms as a small static sound rippled through the phone.
You snort a laugh at the day, finding it much more ironic than Jenna was. 
"Yeah I'm free Wednesday and Thursday, so it doesn't matter if I get hung over." 
"I didn't know you were so rebellious to drink under the legal age." Jenna teases you, her voice becoming more static on the phone. You rolled your eyes as you scoffed. "Like you didn't admit to being hung over when recording a scene in 'X'." 
"Stalker much?" She quips back with a dry laugh. 
"Oh yeah because I would be such a stalker with my binoculars, staring and following you around the place like a peeping tom." 
"Oh whatever, I'll see you Wednesday?" Jenna replies, you chuckle as you nod your head, as if Jenna could see you.
"I'll be waiting." You say with a nostalgic smile. "I won't make you wait too long." She finished with her own soft smile.
"I'm so fucking nervous." You complained with a groan as you dropped to sit down on your bed, rubbing your sweaty palms against your jeans. "All of them are actually famous people. All of them!"
Delilah -your childhood best friend- chuckles as she patted your shoulder. "You're overthinking it, babe, they're just a bunch of dickheads who are known while we're a bunch of dickheads who aren't known." She tries to reassure you but it simply went into one ear and right out through the other. 
"But they're Jenna's friends, if they don't like me then Jenna might lose interest in me." 
"You're crazy if you think that. Everyone can see she's head over heels for you, hell, the media even knows." She replies swiftly as she squeezed your shoulder with a reassuring squeeze. 
You turned your head to look at hers. "Well I can't see that, can I?" Delilah shakes her head as she laughs softly, loosening her hand on your shoulder before you feel her take it off.
"Then you can hear it in the way she speaks to you, it's as if she's the one who's speaking to a famous actress." Delilah says as she stands up from the bed, picking up the dishevelled clothes off of your floor and folding them for you. "If it is shit then just give me a call and I'll pick you up, okay? I'm staying the night here anyway so it's not an issue."
That's true, Delilah had to ask to sleep at yours since she had a fight with her own girlfriend Claire, and like the good friend you are you told her obviously she could crash at your place.
You sigh as you nod your head at her words, running a hand through your hair. "I guess you're right." Delilah smirks at you as she opens the drawer full of clothes, neatly keeping the now folded clothes. "Of course I'm right." 
Abruptly, loud knocks are heard from the other room. You let out a rigid breath as you stand up stepping towards your wardrobe as you grab your cane. 
"Wish me luck." You ask Delilah as you run the cane along the wooden floor, heading towards the living room. "You won't need luck." She replied with ease as she walked alongside you to the door.
Opening the door for you, Delilah stood by your side as she grinned at Jenna. 
The brunette looks slightly surprised at Delilah but she doesn't stop smiling as she gives an awkward wave.
"Hey, nice to meet you, I'm guessing you're Delilah?" She asks as Delilah nods her head with a grin. "The one and only. Nice to finally meet you Jenna, Y/n talks about you very often." 
You not so subtly elbow her side as you smiled at Jenna, walking out of the apartment as you naturally went to grab her elbow. "She's more delusional than me, ignore her." You tell Jenna as she giggles, looking back at Delilah who leaned against the doorway waving at them.
"Have a great time, remember curfew is at midnight, young lady." Delilah teases as you and Jenna walk towards her car, rolling your eyes under the glasses as Jenna giggled once again. 
"So you talk about me to your friends, huh?" Jenna jabs at you playfully as she opens the car door for you, reciting your words from Sunday's phone call. 
"Shut up." You grumble as a soft blush attacks your cheeks. "Bullying the blind is a very cancelable thing, you know."  
Jenna is the one to roll her eyes this time as she smiles, taking your cane once you've sat down on the car seat.
She joins you in the front soon after she keeps your cane in the back seat, revving up with its surprisingly quiet engine.
"So who's at this supposed casual party then?" You ask her with a curious face as you nervously play with the hem of your shirt, a habit you've picked up since you were little. 
"Emma, Hunter and his husband Fielder, Joy, Georgie, Steve, Naomi, and Johnna and. Oliver can't come since he's currently filming another movie which is in another country." Jenna lists off as she drives towards Joy's apartment, where the party was being held. "I told you it isn't a massive party, so don't worry. Plus they're all very excited to meet you." She reassures you once again, at the same time she speaks, you feel her place a hand on your thigh.
You smile as you lay your hand over hers, gently caressing your thumb along her knuckles.
"I'm just as excited to meet your friends too, even though I'm shitting bricks over it." You say afflicting a chuckle from Jenna, you feel her squeeze your thigh in an attempt to calm you down. "If you feel uncomfortable at any moment just tell me and we'll leave early, okay? Nobody will shame you or be mad."
You let out a gentle sigh at that, a bit relieved at her kind words. "Thanks Jen."
Jenna smiled at your side profile briefly before she turned back to focus on the road. 
The rest of the car ride was full of mindless conversations between you and Jenna as the low music of Hozier filled the rest of the car. 
As usual, when Jenna parked the car she went to grab your cane before opening your car door open for you, and just as usual you gave her a small kiss in gratitude, resulting in Jenna having a soft blush on her nose and cheeks.
Jenna's elbow is already out for you to latch onto with your non-dominant hand. She double checks you're ready before the two of you make your way to Joy's apartment which thankfully has elevators since she lives on the ninth floor.
"I think they're playing UNO, right now." Jenna mentions as the two of you entered the elevator, her pressing the button '9' as the soft hum of elevator music filled your ears. 
You dryly laugh as you lean against the metal wall as the doors close. "Don't think I'll have much of a chance of winning." Jenna rolls her eyes as an amused smile rises on her face.
"Don't worry, they get distracted so easily that I bet they'll forget about it within five minutes." She says as she moves to stand by your side, leaning her head on your shoulder as you grab her elbow gently, drawing small circles on the clothed skin with your thumb. 
You chuckle at her words. "So they aren't like you then, little Miss Competitive?" You tease.
Jenna can get quite competitive, that's something you picked up quite quickly. Whether it be board games, video games and especially with football (or soccer as she calls it). 
"Oh no, Georgie is even more competitive than me. We once played one match of monopoly that lasted two days in total. In the end we had to call it quits but I was so close to winning." Jenna replies confidently, as if she was truly the one who was going to win.
You chuckle as you nod your head, turning your head soon after to place a feather light kiss to her head. "I don't doubt that for a second." You whispered with a low chuckle before pulling away from her head, leaning your head back against the metal cold wall of the elevator.
The elevator dings loudly as the door slides open, a robotic voice coming through the small intercom telling you and Jenna that you're on floor nine.
With a nervous smile you and Jenna make your way to Joy's apartment, Jenna knocking loudly three minutes before entering.
Music hits your ears the moment the door opens, the familiar voice of Lady Gaga filling it up even louder as you enter further into the apartment.
Your nerves spiked as you heard the chatter get loud and louder as you and Jenna walked into the living room where you could smell the strong scent of tobacco mixing with alcohol infiltrating your nose.
"Hey guys." Jenna greets the group, their heads instantly snapped towards her voice as you and her stood side by side. "This is Y/n, my-" She stops, not knowing what to say.
You haven't asked Jenna to be your girlfriend. Jenna hasn't asked you to be her girlfriend.
"-date, she's my date." Jenna finishes swiftly as she grins proudly at the fact you're her date.
A mix of "Hey, Y/n" and "Hi"s are thrown around the room by a myriad of different voices.
"Hey, Y/n, nice to meet you! Finally I can put a name to a face." A feminine voice speaks up, her voice sounding as smooth as a pearl. By her voice you guess you guess it's Emma Myers, one of Jenna's closest friends.
You chuckle aa you turned your head in the direction of the voice. "Wish I could say the same." You joke, hoping, praying they'll laugh at it rather than freezing up and wondering if they should or not.
Thankfully a snort of laughter is heard along with a few gurgles before the person laughs even harsher than before, coughing loudly.
"Jesus, someone take Naomi's drink away from her." A more masculine voice says this time, chuckling as he does.
"That's Georgie, the one who sucks ass at monopoly." Jenna whispers in your ear as she guides you to a free spot where you and her can sit on the couch. 
"I heard that." The voice you know as Georgie speaks up from close to where you sit. 
"Well, it is true Jen was winning and you were on the brink of bankruptcy." Someone else speaks up with a slight slur in their voice, indicating they've definitely drank a few before you and Jenna arrived.
"That's Johanna, she's a lightweight." Another voice speaks up before Jenna does, the voice is coming from beside you making you turn your head in the direction. "I'm Joy by the way." She introduces before she points at Hunter and Fielder who are sitting on the floor. "Hunter and Fielder, our local gays are currently sulking on the floor since they lost at Uno."
"I only lost because Hunter got me out." A deep voice says which you presume is Fielder's voice. "That's only 'cause you're the worst at Uno." Hunter replied with a smirk as he took a sip of his drink.
“I’m Steve.” Someone else announced from the other side of the room. You turned your head in the direction of the voice as you smiled politely. “Hi Steve.”
“Fielder might be bad at Uno but you lost seconds later, Hunter.” He remarks as he ate some of his chips from a bowl.
You laugh lightly as you loosen your grip on your cane but don't let go. Now knowing everyone's voices gives you much more confidence.
"Thanks for having me over, by the way, and congratulations on the twelve emmys." You say with a smile as you turn your head to look at the direction of where the music was coming from.
"No need to thank us, we're all more than happy to finally meet you after Jenna has been chatting our ears off about you." Joy replies, sipping her wine as she smirks at Jenna.
You grin as you turn your head to your side where Jenna was sitting. "So not only you talk Emma's ear off about me, but to everyone?" You jab playfully at her once again, Jenna's cheeks turn a scarlet hue shade as she turns to glare at anyone who laughs at your words.
"They're being dramatic and they're drunk, they don't know what they're talking about." She murmured trying to sound annoyed, but she had a small smile on her lips the entire time. "Sure." You remarked with your own smile.
Your fear and anxiety dissolved as the minutes passed, your fear that Jenna's friends wouldn't like you absolutely thrown out of the window.
Well that was until two hours passed.
You were in the middle of a conversation with Emma as Jenna and a few others such as Naomi, Georgie, Fielder and Johanna had left the room to go smoke on the small balcony near the kitchen. 
As Emma finished her sentence you felt a tap on your shoulder, jumping slightly your turned in the direction of the touch.
Steve chuckled awkwardly at your reaction as he plopped down next to you, forcing you to move up on the couch.
“Can I ask you a few questions about, you know?” He asked you with a slur to his voice, his breath having a strong smell of alcohol which definitely confirmed that he was quite drunk.
You nodded your head as you smiled at him. “Of course, and you can say blind, it's not like it's a bad word.” He rubbed the back of his neck as he laughed.
“Aight, cool. So do you know what Jenna looks like or what any of us looks like or are you completely blind?” He questions curiously as he sips out of a beer bottle with a burp.
“I lost all eye sight when I was in my teens so I don't know what any of you look like.” You explained to him before adding. “I did get a description from Jenna on how she looks, so I’ve got a pretty good idea in my mind.” A soft smile forms on your lips as you think of the memory.
On your fifth date with Jenna, you went over to her apartment for the first time and Jenna cooked for you an incredibly delicious meal. 
That night Jenna let you explore her body but it wasn't in a sexual way. She was wearing a shirt and jeans the entire time as your hands roamed her body as she described herself to you in great detail. 
She held your hands as she placed your hands on different parts of her as she described herself in detail to you. 
Her hair, her face, her neck, her arms, her waist, her stomach and even her legs. There wasn't anything sexual about the interaction, it was only meant to be viewed as something soft and intimate. 
Steve hummed as he dropped his now empty beer bottle to the ground, yawning as he lazily turned to look at you.
“Okay, okay.” He mumbled. “Why do you wear glasses inside then? Is it ‘cause like blind people's eyes kinda get nasty after they turn blind?” 
“Steve.” Emma whisper yells as he gives the drunken boy a look. He raises his hand, faking arrest as he rolled his eyes. “Jeez Emma, chill. I’m only asking questions and she said she was alright with it. Didn't you, Y/n?” 
You decided not to take his words to heart before you nodded your head. “It’s fine, honestly.” You reassure her with a sweet smile. “Before I turned fully blind I always wore sunglasses since it would reduce the glare from the sun and could help me much better with seeing with the small sight I had. After I completely lost my vision I guess I just never stopped taking them off, and I guess it’s because I also don't like how my eyes look.”
“That's fair. I mean no offence or anything but blind people’s eyes just look so creepy.” He replied with a lazy smile as he chuckled, moving his hand to scratch at his small beard. 
“Don't be a dick, Steve.” Joy voices up from her seat, glaring at the boy momentarily before going back to talk with Hunter. 
He scoffs slowly as he ignores her, deciding to see how far he could push you. 
Not knowing what to say you awkwardly laugh as you shuffle further away from him. 
After a few moments passed you presumed he was done speaking to you but you were unfortunately proven wrong the second you opened your mouth to speak to Emma.
“I couldn't imagine being blind, it sounds proper shit and miserable.” He says with an exaggerated sigh. “I mean you can't even see your girl, you only have to imagine her.”
“Steve, stop.” Emma repeats again as her voice becomes more firm. You swallow down your emotions as you try to give a small smile.
“Life isn’t automatically bad just because I’m blind, I actually love my life and wouldn't exchange it for any other life.” You reply trying to keep your emotions at bay and not let his words affect you. 
He sighs dramatically once again as he shakes his head. “I dunno man, being blind sounds shit. How're you supposed to even please your girl if you don’t even know where she is without her speaking?”
“How’re you supposed to please your girl with your one inch pinch?” Hunter remarks, sounding annoyed as his eyes narrowed on him. “Just shut the fuck up.” 
Steve snickered as he narrowed his eyes back at Hunter, crossing his arms over his chest. “Jesus, people are such snowflakes these days.”
As Hunter and Steve get into a heated argument you lean closer to Emma, in a whisper you ask her, “Can you please go get Jenna?” 
She nods her head immediately as she squeezes your shoulder in a silent agreement, standing up moments later and heading towards the kitchen.
“We’re not sensitive, you're just being a blatant asshole to Y/n.” Joy intervenes as she defends your honour, you smile in relief as you scoot further away from Steve, the grip on your cane tight. 
“I was just asking the blind chick some questions, is that a crime now too?” He asked in a mocking voice as he now turned to glare at Joy. 
A blind chick? Is that really all he saw you as? 
You swallowed nervously as your fingers began unconsciously tapping against your cane, a small frown on your lips.
“Why are you being such a dick?” Hunter asks him with his voice becoming more gruff. Steve laughs in disbelief as he turns to look at you. “You said you didn't mind my questions, true or false?” He questions you with a click of his fingers. 
You didn't know what to say as you tried to open your mouth, no words coming out as you felt incredibly uncomfortable by the entire situation. 
Steve scoffs as he clicks his fingers at you again acting as if you're a dog and he’s your owner. “Are you dumb as well?” He asks you in an annoyed tone.
“What the fuck did you just say?” A voice that reminds you of heaven says darkly, storming into the room. You sigh in relief as you gingerly put your hand out for Jenna to grab, to which she holds onto instantly, interlocking your fingers. 
You stand up next to Jenna as you grip your cane tightly.
He shakes his head again as a breathless sigh escapes his dry lips. “Nobody can take a joke these days.”
Jenna scoffs angrily as she glared at him. “Jokes are meant to be funny, I hear nobody fucking laughing, Steve.” She snarled as she ran her thumb along the skin of your hand. 
“That’s ‘cause you all can't take a fucking joke, nobody appreciates dark humour these days, fucking hell.” He grumbled, glaring right back at Jenna as he crossed his arms over his chest. 
You're frozen in place as you listen to the unfolding argument, your heart speeding up uncomfortably in your chest. 
“Apologise to Y/n right now.” Jenna demands dryly, not breaking eye contact with him. “If she can tell me where the remote is then sure.” 
Jenna’s grip on your hand tightened as her jaw clenched at his words. Fearing the argument was going to escalate quickly you tug at her hand making her break the staring contest to look at you with concern. 
“Apologise to my girlfriend right fucking now.” She growled out in a venous voice, her eyes never leaving the boys. 
Your heart stopped at her words as your eyes widened under the glasses. Girlfriend? Jenna thought of you as her girlfriend?
The two have an intense stare off as everyone else in the room holds their breaths, not knowing whether they should stop the argument or let it be.
Steve scoffs as he takes his eyes off Jenna standing up, laughing drunkenly with a shake of his head. “Fuck this, I’m out. This party was too lame for me anyway.” He announced as he headed towards the apartment door, slamming it shut behind him. 
Nobody moved, nobody uttered a word; all frozen in spot as to what just happened. 
You couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt crawling up your spine at the argument. If you didn't come none of this would've happened. 
Swallowing down any emotion in your voice you shakily slipped your hand free from Jenna’s. “Can you take me home please?” You gingerly whispered to her, your head hanging low. 
“Of course, I’ll go get my keys.” She replies instantly leaving the room to go retrieve her keys from the kitchen. 
“It was really nice to meet all of you.” You say, turning your body to face where the rest of them were, a weak smile on your lips. “I’m sorry for the whole mess and leaving early.” 
Emma moved to squeeze your shoulder momentarily as a sympathetic smile toyed on her lips. “You don't have to apologise for something that wasn't your fault.” She informs you.
You sigh as you nodded your head weakly, trying to let Emma’s words win the battle against your guilt. 
“We need to hang again, but without Steve this time.” Georgie says making you and a few others let out a weak chuckle. 
Jenna waltz back into the living room moving to your side and you quickly latch onto her elbow with a weak grip. 
“Thanks for having us over.” She says to them as she gives them a soft smile. All of them smile back as Joy nods her head.
You and Jenna make your departure without another word; no words being exchanged between you two as you head into the elevator.
The moment the doors closed in the elevator Jenna let out a sigh before she pulled you into a bone crushing hug, you're almost surprised you didn't drop your cane at the sudden movement. 
“I’m so sorry he said those things to you, Y/n, you didn't deserve any of that.” She whispers in a feather light tone of voice, her small arms surprisingly strong as they wrapped around your waist.
With one hand you wrapped it around her neck as you smiled a weak smile. “I know but it's okay, I promise. People say stupid shit all of the time especially when you have a disability; you just have to learn to not take it to heart.” 
“But he shouldn't have even said any of those things to you.” She added, removing one arm from around your waist to place her soft hand on your cheek. “You out of everyone don't deserve anything like that.”
Your heart melted at her words, nodding your head weakly. “I don't care about what he said, what I care about is what you said.” 
Jenna cocks her head to the side confused as she gazes at you. “What?” She questions confused, not knowing what she said.
“Apologise to my girlfriend right fucking know.” You quoted with your smile growing on your lips. “Last time I checked I didn't even know I was your girlfriend.”
Jenna’s cheeks turned a scarlet red shade of embarrassment as she let out a little. “Oh.” 
You giggled amused at her words as your fingers played loosely with the hair at the back of her neck. “Oh? Is that all you have to say?” You teased her before adding in a whisper. “Ask me.” 
“Ask you what?” Jenna asks, confused as she leaned into your touch. You rolled your eyes under the glasses as you paused your movement. “Ask me what I think of being called your girlfriend.” 
Eager to know your answer Jenna repeated your words with ease as she smiled nervously. “What do you think of being called my girlfriend?”
You smirked as you leaned even closer to her, your lips hovering over hers as you whispered. “That it's the only thing I've wanted to hear from you since our first date.” 
Jenna’s lips immediately connect with yours the second you finish speaking, sighing against your lips as she pulls you even impossibly closer to her.
You've never had what you'd describe as "perfect" in your life. But now to you, Jenna is the epitome of it. It's how you've always wanted life to feel, calm, and content; and you have that when you're with Jenna.
taglist: @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @canvascoloredin @alexkolax @wol-fica @caitlynscat @jyucejpg @omega-horus @andsoigotabutterfly @fanboy7794 @jjsmaybank20 @zhasmindoesntknow @jujuu23 @214-sofa @ssinfulprayers @nitchxhdc
if you wanna be added to the taglist comment and i'll add you:)
authors note: i hope this was better
680 notes · View notes
lit-80soul · 1 year
thinking about posting again about jenna and my new addiction, miss taylor swift
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lit-80soul · 1 year
summary: jenna helps you with your insomnia.
pairing: jenna ortega x gn!reader
tw: none, pure fluff (not unless you include my terrible writing lol)
words: 360
a/n: not my best work but i felt bad for not updating in a little while... life's been chaotic so i haven't had the time/energy to write much lol... don't worry y'all, new content coming...eventually?
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You rolled over on your side again, trying to get more comfortable, hoping that maybe if you were in just the position you might be able to fall asleep.
What was most likely only thirty seconds felt more like thirty years. You tossed again, rolling back around, trying to be gentle so you wouldn’t wake up your girlfriend sleeping next to you.
More minutes passed and still nothing. Your mind just wouldn't shut off. Sometimes it was random thoughts, other times you were starting at the back of your eyelids, hoping you'd eventually fall asleep.
Still nothing...
You leaned over, checking the time on your phone; 3:15 am. So much for a good night's sleep...
You put your phone back on the nightstand, wiggling back under the covers to get comfortable again.
"Mmmm, baby..." An arm was draped over your waist and your girlfriend's groggy voice broke the silence of the room, "why are you awake?"
You felt bad for waking her up with all your tossing and turning. But you couldn't help it.
"I'm sorry, love. I just can't fall asleep,"
Jenna snuggled closer to you, wrapping her arms around you, and burying her face in your chest.
"Did you take your meds?"
"Babe…" even in her half-asleep state she still found the energy to scold you.
"I know, I know," you sighed, "I just don't like taking them, they make me feel sleepy the next day,"
She sighed, it was way too late to take them now, not unless you wanted to be comatose for the rest of the day. But it gave her another idea to try.
"Come here," she pulled you closer to her, practically draping you across her small frame.
You settled in between her legs, your ear pressed right against her chest, listening to the steady rhythm of her heartbeat.
She grabbed her phone from the nightstand, putting on some soft music before setting it back down. She raked her hands through your hair, absentmindedly fiddling with the strands.
You nodded, ever so slightly starting to drift off to sleep, "perfect..."
It wasn't even five minutes before Jenna peeked down to see you fast asleep, arms wrapped tightly around her.
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lit-80soul · 1 year
the secret history but its judys pov in the form of diary entries about richard and his weird friends
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lit-80soul · 1 year
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Quiet Sense 
summary: Tara can’t get her drinking in control and risks losing you. 
warnings: Drinking ig
word count: 1,267
((feel free to send in any request 💕))
“You’re drunk.” The words spilled past the frown on your lips, leaving a bitter taste on the tip of your tongue. Tara rolled her eyes, a dopey smile plastered onto her lips. “But, I’m here,” she spoke matter of factly; you hesitated for a moment; she’d always do this, come late at night and be gone in the morning. Before any words could slip past your lips, Tara squeezed her way inside; a soft huff fell from your lips, slamming your door shut abruptly.
Keep reading
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lit-80soul · 1 year
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Gilmore Girls, 2000–2007 1x01 — Pilot
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lit-80soul · 1 year
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lit-80soul · 1 year
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Blythe Baird // Dave Eggers
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lit-80soul · 1 year
i'm so shy and so nasty and these two things don't mix well at all
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lit-80soul · 1 year
Low Budget Spider-Man
Summary: R gets dragged unwillingly into a friendship with Vada, and then the crush begins
Word Count: 3.2K
Warnings: Language, smut, masterbation, fingering
A/N: For the anon ask, and for my Froggy Boi @mindingmybidness12
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Moving schools during your Senior year was far from ideal. You had a well-established routine at your old school and a group of friends you loved. But a new job for your mom meant a move three hours south and a new school. You resolved to be the new kid that’s not to be fucked with. Your proclivity toward more alternative fashion and a very strong RBF made it surprisingly easy.
When you moved through the halls, people jumped out of your way, hardly anyone tried to talk to you. You overheard a rumor in the first week about you killing a kid at your last school that really tickled you. The truth was, you missed your friends. You didn’t have the energy to fight through the social norms in a new school to make new ones. So solitude suited you fine.
You ruined that for yourself about a month in.
You’re on your way to the bathroom during your History period, taking your time and enjoying the empty halls. A crash of something being thrown into the row of lockers catches your attention. Against your better judgment, you allow your curiosity to pull you around the corner, looking for the source of the noise.
A group of kids are in a circle, clearly egging on a fight. You approach the scene, something driving you to find out what’s going on. Call it curiosity, dumb luck, or sheer stupidity. When the group sees you, their eyes widen in fear, and they scatter. The only ones that don’t see you are the two pinning a girl to the lockers. 
She’s fighting hard, a slew of words pouring from her bleeding lip, making the situation worse. 
“Your sister is a fucking liar, and she’s mad because your mom wants me as bad as she does!” She shouts in their faces, her eyes wild.
One of the boys winds up to hit her, and you finally step in. You shove him hard, enough for his grip on her to fall as he stumbles to the side.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” You ask him, your voice dangerously low.
He wants to be angry, but he’s unsure. Apparently, he’s heard the rumors about you and is hesitant to try his luck. His friend lets the girl go and retreats to his side.
“Vada’s a friend of yours?” He asks, his voice cracking slightly.
You glance over at her, and she stares up at you. Her expression is hopeful, and she’s clearly afraid of what happens if you say no. 
You step toward the boys, and they inch backward.
“Leave her alone.” 
Their eyes flit between you and Vada, not done with their fight. You step forward again, and it breaks their resolve. They shrug and turn away, sneering over their shoulders. 
You turn to face Vada, who is wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. Spit and blood smear across her chin and her wrist, making her wince. You raise an eyebrow at her, curious about how she got herself into the situation. You decide not to ask, not wanting to break your ‘no new friends’ rule, no matter how cute she is. Without a word, you brush past her and make your way toward the bathroom.
“Hey! Hey, wait up!” She calls out, her footsteps echoing through the empty hall as she runs after you. 
She skids to a stop at your side, thinking you’ll stop walking, but you keep moving. She stumbles forward, trying to keep pace with you. 
“Thanks for saving my ass back there,” she says, looking up at you from your side.
You glance down at her and nod wordlessly, pushing the bathroom door open and leaving her outside. The door opens and closes behind you, telling you she’s followed you inside. 
“Don’t you wanna know why I was getting my ass kicked?” She asks as you close the stall door and lock it.
“No,” you say behind the door. 
She enters the stall next to you and scoffs.
“I slept with their sister. But then I decided I didn’t want to do it again, so she told them I cheated on her or something, but we’re not even in a relationship.”
She keeps talking over the sound of you both using the toilet and raises her voice when you flush.
“So, for some reason, they got it in their dumb fucking heads that they should kick my ass. And it’s so hypocritical, you know,” she flushes her toilet.
You’re washing your hands, hating yourself for starting this interaction. This girl is relentless. She comes out of the stall and turns on the sink next to you, her face animated as she continues talking.
“Why is hypocritical? So glad you asked. Tommy, the big one you scared first, he does WAY worse. I think he had like four girlfriends last week. Maybe we should kick his ass for being such a womanizer.”
You sigh, turn off the sink, and dry your hands hoping the air dryer will shut her up. It doesn’t. 
She follows you and dries her hands next to you, still going on about Tommy and his escapades. You can’t hear half of what she’s saying over the dryer, but that doesn’t stop her. 
On your way out of the bathroom, she’s on your heels and sticks to your side in the hall. She has to practically run to keep up with you and grabs your arm to stop you outside of your classroom.
“So what do you say? Should we kick his ass?” She says, smiling up at you, slightly out of breath, her lip bleeding again.
A very small, very quiet part of you thinks she’s charming. Almost endearing. But the part of you that’s just trying to get through the year silences that quickly. 
“There is no ‘we.’ I’m not kicking anyone’s ass,” you try to get around her, but she steps in your way.
“Okay, well, what if there was? A we?”
Again, you raise an eyebrow at her. She either could not take a hint or chose to actively ignore it. You grab her shoulders and move her aside, letting her go with your back to the door. You give her your best impression of a look that screams, ‘please fuck off’ and lean back to open the door.
“Okay, you think on it! I’ll see you at lunch!” 
She grins and tears off down the hall, moving too fast to hear you grumble back at her.
“Please, no.”
Vada finds you at lunch that day and in the halls the next morning and follows you to your car the next afternoon. You can’t for the life of you figure out why she’s decided to stick to you like glue, but she has. Maybe she enjoys the fact that you don’t talk much, giving her room to fill any empty space with her voice. 
Every day she’s with you breaks down your walls just a little further. You find yourself smiling when you spot her shoving her way through the cafeteria toward you and chuckling at her weird jokes. Even her offbeat sense of style begins to grow on you. 
Before you know it, she’s showing up at your house a few days a week, charming your mother, and snooping through your belongings. Movie nights at her house become routine, and her family welcomes you like you’re one of their own. What began as an entirely one-sided friendship slowly grows into a real one. 
And then the crush begins. 
It grinds on you that you like her as much as you do. You haven’t been in a relationship since your last girlfriend broke your heart, and your feelings toward Vada come as an unwelcome surprise. You fight it as hard as you can, but it’s a losing battle. Especially when she rests her head on your shoulder during a movie or never lets you have the last piece of popcorn. It’s nearly impossible to keep the feelings at bay when you catch her glancing over at you in the classes you have together and when she blushes at being caught.
It all comes to a head just before the winter formal. You’ve decided to buck up and ask her to the dance. School events aren’t really your thing, but she wants to go, and you can’t stand the thought of another girl on her arm. 
On a whim, you decide to drive to her house early for movie night. You want to surprise her with the giant bag of sour patch kids and popcorn you got her. You tucked a note into the bag that asks her to be your date. 
Your hands sweat on the drive over, the possibility of her rejecting you making you so nervous you grind your teeth. It’s a slim chance she’ll say no, but there’s still a chance. 
Her parent's car is absent from the driveway when you get there, telling you they must be out for Amelia’s soccer game. You almost roll your eyes at yourself for being so close to Vada now that you know her family’s schedule. You also know that the side door will be unlocked, so you grab your things and leave your car, letting yourself into the house. 
It’s quiet in the living room and kitchen. The sun has almost finished setting, darkening the house in a warm orange. 
“Vada?” You call out, leaving the bags on the coffee table in front of the couch. 
You get no response and wonder if she’s gone to the game with her family. She knew you were coming, but you weren’t supposed to be there for another hour. 
You kick your shoes off near the front door and pad down the hall toward Vada’s room. A soft buzzing tickles your ear, coming from down the hall. You frown, trying to place the noise. You’re reaching for the doorknob when you hear her voice say your name. It isn’t until you open the door that everything clicks.
You can hear her sigh when the door cracks, her breath catching in her throat. The room is dark when it opens all the way, your eyes adjusting and traveling over to her bed. The buzzing sound is louder, and when she moans, you know you’ve fucked up.
“Oh shit,” you yelp, trying to back out of the room but bumping into the open door.
“Holy shit!” Vada cries, throwing the blankets from over her head and sitting up.
The buzzing on the blankets keeps going, and she frantically dives under them to stop it. You want to disappear, dissolve into thin air, but your feet are glued to the spot. You watch the ball under the comforter that is Vada scramble around, and the buzzing stops.
She stays under the blankets and groans, “Sooo, how long have you been standing there?”
You consider lying, saving her the embarrassment. But this is Vada, and you can’t lie to her. Plus, your feelings on walking into this aren’t entirely negative.
“Uhm…long enough?” 
Her voice takes on the high pitch it always does when she’s freaking out, and it makes you like her even more.
“Oh my god, I’m never leaving this room again,” she whines, still under the blanket.
You can’t help but laugh. The whole scenario is so bizarrely on theme with your relationship it’s comical. 
Vada pokes her head out from under the blankets, and even in the dim light, you can see her frowning.
“Are you laughing right now?”
You chuckle, “Yes, I’m laughing right now.”
“Well, the least you could do is leave me to finish the job,” she mumbles, throwing her hands up.
A terrible idea worms its way into your head. A terrible, wonderful idea.
“Or,” you say, stepping toward the bed, “or I could help you. You know. Finish the job.”
Vada’s eyebrows fly up her face, and you second-guess the terrible idea. Her mouth drops open as she stares at you.
You step back, “Or I can leave. I’m sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking. I’m sorry.”
“No!” Vada says, her voice high, “Don’t leave.”
Your stomach flips at her words. You step forward again. She slides out of her bed, her legs bare and her oversized shirt dropping around her waist. You’ve thought about this before, dreamed about it on occasion. But you never thought you’d actually be here. 
You lick your lips, and her eyes flick down to them, widening as they follow your tongue and then back to your eyes. She lingers near the edge of her bed, her hand toying with the hem of her shirt. You both stand there, unsure of the next move. 
You make the final decision, crossing her room in three long strides and pulling her into a bruising kiss. She reciprocates immediately, her hands wrapping around your waist. Her tongue is in your mouth, and your hands are sliding from her face to the hair at the nape of her neck, the kiss growing in intensity faster than you imagined. 
She pulls you back onto the bed, crawling backward to give you room to settle yourself over her. Even with your tongue in her mouth, she finds a way to make noise, whimpering and sighing, her hands all over you. She grabs the bottom of your shirt and pulls it up, breaking your lips apart to take it over your head and throw it aside. 
“You’re in so much more clothes than me,” she says, pushing you back to sit up and reaching for the button of your pants, “take these off.”
You scramble backward, kicking off the offending garment and crawling back over her. Her hands are around your face, and pulling you down to kiss her again, one of your thighs pressing between her legs, making her groan into your mouth. 
“Are we-“ she kisses you again, breaks it off, “are we really doing this?” She kisses you once more and pulls back, “Like for real it’s happening finally?”
You laugh, the vibration rumbling into her lips, and pull back, “Finally?”
“Yes finally, I’ve been waiting for you to make a move for forever.”
“Consider my move made then,” you grin down at her, and she returns it with a giddy laugh.
She pushes at your shoulders, turning you over on your back so she can sit on your hips. Her lips are on your neck, her tongue running across your skin, making your whole body light up. She kisses down to your chest, slips her fingers under your bra, and pulls it up your chest. You take it from her and pull it over your head, giving her full permission to do her worst. 
She moves herself down your body, her knees between your legs, and runs her tongue over your breast, the other in her hand. Your hips rut up when she wraps her lips around your nipple, dragging a moan from your lips. She switches sides, and her shirt falls over your legs, tickling your skin. You grab it from the back of the collar and pull it over her head. It turns inside out and hangs up on one of her earrings, making her jump. 
“Oh shit, I’m sorry are you okay?” You sit up, trying to untangle her hair and the shirt from the jewelry, the fabric still covering her eyes.
She giggles, sitting up on her knees, and blindly finds her ear, helping you untangle her, “Do I look like Spider-Man right now?”
You can’t help but laugh, Vada’s just so…Vada. 
“If Spider-Man had boobs, I guess you would look like him, sure.”
Her hands go to her chest, “Of course, the first time you see my boobs, I’d be accidentally cosplaying as the world's worst Spider-Man.”
You give up the untangling and laugh, grabbing her by the ribs. She stops hiding herself and continues to try to untangle herself from the shirt but is quickly distracted when you kiss her, still laughing softly. 
“It’s a low-budget Spider-Man, but probably the cutest one I’ve ever seen,” you tell her, your lips brushing across hers.
She sighs and finally manages to pull the shirt over her head, leaving her naked between your legs. She smirks at you and pushes you onto your back before kissing down to your stomach.
“Now, where were we?” She whispers, almost to herself.
Somehow, the t-shirt incident has not made you feel any less attracted to her. If anything, it’s made her even more lovable. Your smile is wiped clean from your face when she runs her tongue through your center, her expression all business. For all the work her mouth does talking, it does wonders on your body. At least now you know how to shut her up if you ever need to or even want to.
She sucks and licks your clit like it’s her job, making you cum in record time. Maybe because you’d wanted this for longer than you cared to admit, or maybe because she was genuinely that good. You lean up, pulling her back over you, and she swings a leg over your thigh, grinding onto it. She’s wet against your bare skin, distracting you as she tries to kiss you again. Your hands slide down her back, pushing her hips into grinding faster on your leg. 
She moans into your mouth, and you drop your leg, your hand moving down her body to replace it. Your fingers circle her clit, gathering the wetness between her legs and building her up. You can’t quite find the rhythm you’re looking for on your back, so you roll her over, retaking your place on top of her. 
She bites her lip, watching you through dark, hooded eyes. You kiss her neck and push a finger inside of her, adding another after a few strokes. She whines, her nails lightly scratching at your shoulders when you curl your fingers. 
“Fuck, y/n, that feels so good.” She sighs into your ear.
You leave her neck and return to her lips, gently taking the bottom one between your teeth before kissing her again. Her hips rock into you, and you pick up your speed, pushing her to the peak. She wraps her arms around your body, buries her face in your neck, and moans through her orgasm, gasping. 
She slumps back on the bed, her hair sticking to her forehead and her breath heavy. You drop to her side, resting your hand over her belly button. 
“Wow,” she says, her voice hoarse.
“Wow,” you sigh.
“We should have been doing this the whole time.”
“If only it hadn’t taken you so long.”
You sit up on your elbow, a playful scowl on your face, “Excuse me, you could have done something about it yourself.”
“Uh, I don’t know if you missed the first part of tonight, but I was actively doing something about it before you interrupted.”
You lightly slap her stomach, “Vada!”
She smirks at you, “So you wanna go to winter formal with me?”
Your jaw drops, “I came here to ask you that.”
Her eyebrows lift, “Guess we should go dress shopping then. Or suits? Do you want to both wear a suit or a dress? Should we color coordinate-“
You cut her off with a kiss, trying not to laugh into her mouth again.
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lit-80soul · 1 year
Mentally I’m still here.
145 notes · View notes
lit-80soul · 1 year
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#pride and prejudice (2005) being a mood
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lit-80soul · 1 year
Inside your mind (chapter III)
prev. chapter | next chapter
pairing: Wednesday Addams x male! hybrid!oc! (Reed Turner)
summary: the closeness between Wednesday and Reed increases more and more. It's so fast that she can't even keep up and was almost making her forget about the attacks at the city... but not for too long.
warnings: yo I really really really haven't prooferred this one one, so my apologies bc mistakes are very likely to happen; Xavier; Wednesday using her powers to compell a person, mentions of stabbing and little description of it. Guess that's all.
word count: 2k+
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Wednesday was concentrated aiming her bow and looking fixedly at the painted target. She held her breath to have a perfectly steady shot if it wasn’t for a voice coming out of nowhere:
— Greetings, Addams — Reed said beside her. Wednesday jolted with the sudden grave voice and her arrow went far from the target, hitting some student’s butt. Which screamed in pain.
Wednesday's angry face for missing her shot looked up at Reed’s one. The boy hissed looking at that and contorted his face a little bit. He adjusted his squared sunglasses with his index finger before speaking again:
— Geez, that must have hurt.
— Weren’t you told to not startle someone practising archery, Reed? — Wednesday sighed annoyingly and bowed to get another arrow, putting on her bow and looking at the target again.
— Oh, we’re on a first-name basis now? That’s great — he silly half smiled.
— If you don’t stop talking you're going to join the boy at the infirmary — Wednesday threatened without looking at him.
— I heal fast from small injuries, you know?
— In this case… you’d die if hit your heart with this? — she lowed her bow and turned around to let her small body in front of him. Examining the piece attentively considering about the possibility of his death.
— For a temporary time, yes. It’d be like a wood stab so or a broken neck so… yea, I would, but I’d revive in a short time later.
— I do like stabbing — Wednesday almost smile with the thought and Reed knitted his eyebrows a little bit looking at the girl.
— Anyway, what are you doing out here? I thought you were never going to leave your bedroom otherwise to got get coffee or show up to some classes.
— I forgot about the stalking stuff for a second — he clicked his tongue and asked with his hands for the bow and arrow from Wednesday’s hands. She gave the items to him and stepped away, watching him and expecting him to fail.
Looking from a certain distance, Bianca, Enid and Xavier were all confused. First, because the mysterious boy was interacting with someone and second, this someone was no one less than the infamous Addams girl. And it didn’t seem like a hostile interaction.
Wich was the oddest thing in the whole situation.
— But I thought I’d come out and see this daffy Poe Cup that Weems is so passionate about — he shrugged and concentrate on the target.
— I’m guessing you're not participating.
— Oh, no — he shot. The arrow landed perfectly on the small yellow dot. Reed half smiled proudly and gave Wednesday her equipment back. — The only sports I’d agree to participate in would be football or track.
— It wouldn’t be fair since you have super-strength and speed.
— That’s exactly why. I’d know that was gonna win already wouldn't waste my precious energy for nothing — the boy gave her a cute smile.
— You should leave your bubble and practice some real sports. Like the fine art of fencing.
— Yea… wear an astronaut suit and try to poke another person with a point it's not really my thing — he shook his head. — But I’d totally watch your practice.
Reed, sometimes, wished he could just crack it open the head of Wednesday's head just to see what the raven girl was thinking. He never could tell with her inexpressive face, but he did love having her eyes on him like now.
— Weems told me that you and a girl were fiercely fighting to prove who was the best.
— Why did she tell you that?
— I asked about you — he shrugged his shoulders. — I wanted to know more about you and I didn’t want rumours from the students.
— And because you don't talk to anyone except from Eugene and myself.
— I guess you can call me a lonely wolf — he sighed dramatically. — It's my blessing and my curse.
— Howdy, guys — Enid approached them with a bright smile on her face before Wednesday could have the chance to answer. Wednesday stood beside Reed once again to face her acquaintances that were approaching. Enid was radiant as always, but Bianca and Xavier mostly were thinking that this interaction of them was strange.
The guy who never spoke, but was always being spoken about because no one had no idea who he was, so they have to use their imagination about him, was now throwing smiles at the Addams girl.
— Hello, Enid — Reed gave an educated on the werewolf.
— You know who I am? — her eyebrows were lifted.
— Course, you’re a friend of Wednesday. Are doing okay after that forest accident? You worried me quite a bit, to be honest.
Reed asked concerned and with the best intentions, but he shouldn’t have. Wednesday looked up at him. She didn’t tell anyone besides Thing that she had encountered Reed in the forest. Her friends knew that happened an accident in the forest, but Wednesday told them that Enid and she had tripped and fallen. That was it.
— How do you know about that? — Xavier asked, serious face. Reed realize what he had done and looked at Wednesday, which had shifted her gaze to the artist to encounter Reed’s eyes through his sunglasses.
— I… um… just told ya — he was thinking about what lie he would make up to them. — She's Wednesday's friend and um... she was really worried about your state and even cried, you know? So I got worried too because Wednesday… bloody hell!
Reed interrupted his explanation when felt an arrow poke the side of his right leg. Everyone but Wednesday gasped when they saw the object on the hybrid’s leg.
— My apologies, it slipped off my hand — she forced a small smile looking at Reed.
— Don’t stress, Addams — Reed said through his teeth and smiled ironically. The boy grunted before removing the object. It was starting to heal already, but it still hurt like a bitch.
— Didn’t know you were so close in such a short time — Bianca said.
— Neither did I. Never saw you two talking — Enid added truly confused and tilted her head to the left.
— Never saw you two close — that was Xavier who spat now. — Never saw you talking to anyone here, matter of fact, new guy.
— Name's Reed. And perhaps you should let your head out of the paintings once and a while and look around, mate — Reed smiled ironically again and, he and Xavier were staring at each other.
It was more than obvious that the artists were completely into Wednesday, since day one, but she always made sure she didn’t anything with him. But that didn’t make his hope diminish, one day, maybe, Wednesday would like him too. He was the kind of guy that would sit and wait for a girl.
— Maybe you’re right. After the Poe Cup, I could look around and find someone to tame you. What do you think, mate? — Reed’s jaw clenched with Xavier’s mock and he stepped ahead, but Wednesday stopped him with her hand. The boy finally averted his glare from the boy to Wednesday on his side.
— Enough with that childishness. If I’m in my regular faculties, I reckon I don't have to tell anyone with whom I talk to — she looked at everyone. — Now we have to go, the activity will start soon.
— You're right. Let's go — Enid said, trying to help to ease the tension formed.
— Are you going to watch? — Wednesday asked Reed.
— You want me to go? — he asked, part of him taunting Xavier purposefully too, who rolled his eyes.
— It's whatever to me, really — Wednesday stated and started to get her things to leave. — But I guess I'm not totally opposed to your existence near me.
Reed giggled and helped her. Yes, that must be the Wednesday Addams’ way of saying she wanted him to go.
She would never admit it out loud though, so he was satisfied with the best he could have for now.
— Thank you--
— Guys, y'all won't believe it!
Yoko approached them and took the lollipop out of her mouth before speaking.
— The Poe was canceled.
— What?
— Why?
— It was some stupid kid that drowned again? The Academy can make a letter to the family and everything would be fine — Wednesday suggested.
— It was much more serious, Wednesday — the girl put her glasses on the tip of her nose, to create suspense while looking at every single person there. Reed included. — There was an attempt to murder the principal.
— What?! — Reed shouted. Yoko took the chance to look more attentively at the boy, he was handsome. — When did that happen?
— Wow, take it easy, Brit boy — the smaller one raised her hand. — She's fine, she's at her office though. It was a few minutes ago, someone put some bombs at her cabin by the lake but she managed to leave with just a few cuts. Rowan said she decided to cancel today because could be more bombs on the boats and they'd have to check, she doesn't want to risk our lives.
Reed listened to everything attentively and the second Yoko stopped talking, he rushed to his mother's office. Wednesday and everyone watched him disappear through the students until he was out of their vision camp. She being the only one to understand what he might be thinking.
— What's wrong with this guy? — Bianca asked.
Xavier scoffed.
— So much. I bet he's up to no good just like Tyler.
Wednesday decided to not waste her energy responding them and just handed her bow and bag of arrows to Enid.
— Enid, do me a favor and get this to Ophelia Hall, will you? I gotta go.
— It's okay but… where are you going?
— I have issues that need to be solved — she said and headed at a rapid pace to the Weem’s office.
— I swear to God if you don't let me enter in this office I'll rip off your head and hanging it on my wall and make sure your body won't ever be found — Reed growled, he's nostrils wide and the disperse look on the new assistant’s face was making him more wide.
And Wednesday just got there.
— I'm sorry, but I told you, p-principal Weems told me to not let anyone in. S-she's fine, don't worry about her.
Reed got the adult by his collar and was about to through him to the opposite wall when heard the raven girl's voice:
— Reed. Don't — Wednesday said simply. The furious boy and scared adult looked at her while she was approaching. — Put him down. Now.
— But he won't let me pass. Wednesday, you know that I need to see her I--
— I know — she interrupted him. — Trust me.
Reed looked at her with such intensity and it was just what he got in return. He let go of the man and stepped back, standing behind the smaller girl.
— Thank you, Wednesday… oh, I thought he would--
— You've received orders from Larissa Weems to only allow Reed Turner and me in her office today, isn't that right?
Wednesday lifted her left eyebrow after saying that looking without blinking into the guard’s black eyes. She was mastering her psychic's abilities a little bit every day. She could compel humans with weak minds with no problem.
He was a human. Of course! Wednesday was compelling him. Reed felt like an idiot for forgetting about it. He could've done it too, but his state of anger didn't let him think much. It would have saved some time.
— Yes! — he blinked and shook his head. — Of course, you two may come in.
He took one of the keys from his keyring and unlocked the door of the office.
— I was about to break that douche’s neck — Reed admitted, still pissed off when they entered the dark room. Not a sight of Larissa.
— I noticed, that's why I intervened. You cannot let your emotions control, Reed., control them… and you also shouldn't let your handprints on your victims.
She said looking deeply in his eyes, they got connected like this until Larissa popped up in Reed’s head and his worries appeared again.
— Where is she? — he asked, looking around the enormous room.
— I think there — Wednesday pointed out at the restroom’s door that had a light coming out from.
Both of them approached the door and Wednesday knocked. Reed crossed his strong arms and leaned his body against the wall.
— Who is it? I told I didn't want to see anyone.
— It's Wednesday Addams, Weems. Just checking if you're okay.
— Oh… — now the woman wasn't surprised anymore how one could pass the guard. — I'm fine, Wednesday, it was nothing really. If I get worse I'll go to the infirmary, you don't get to worry.
— Will you get out of there and tell us that? — Wednesday noticed how thick the boy's accent was when he was angry. — I won't leave until I see you, Weems.
The tallest woman sighed and closed her eyes for a second, she knew she didn't have a chance to remain in the restroom. Not when her son was there, being the stubborn he was, she knew Reed would wait as long as needed until he saw she was honestly fine.
She got to the door, limping, and unlocked it. The both students saw many little cuts on her porcelain skin and some bruises, but it wasn't looking deep.
— I'm going to kill that bloody bastard who did this — he said with gritted teeth. — C'mere, I'll put you there.
— Thank you — both of the tennagers helped Weems and they sat her on her comfortable office chair.
— You need anything? Meds or something… are you hurting too much? Shouldn't you be in the infirmary by the way? — Wednesday watched Reed despaired looking at Weems with darting eyes, checking and re-checking her.
— I'm fine, son, don't worry… — she sighed and took his hand. Finally stopping his wandering next to her chair.
Larissa suddenly remembered that Wednesday was still standing there with her hands in front of her body looking at them. The older one had her eyes just a bit wide to let it slide the information.
— It's okay. Wednesday already knows — Reed let go of her touch gently and sat on his mom's desk. — I trust her.
He turned his body to look back at the smaller girl and gave her a small smile, which wasn't reciprocated but there was a part of her that was… content? to hear that.
— What happened to your pants? — Weems knitted her forehead and looked at the ripped part on her son's pants.
— You see, Wednesday did stab me, but I still trust her… it's not like I'm a masochist or anything, though.
The boy's rumble made the raven girl sigh and wanted to stab him on the throat now so he couldn't speak. She rolled her eyes intend and just imagined that.
— And I did say that I liked stabbing — Wednesday spoke and then walked closer to them. Getting on the other side of the table. — I think what is really important here is to find out who's doing these attacks, don't you think?
— You're right… — Reed sighted and passed his hand through his wavy hair. He looked at her mother again. — Now we don't have any doubts anymore, this monster is trying to get you.
Now was Wednesday's turn to frown, watching attentively their conversation.
— Guess you're right… I'll have to reallocate you somewhere else, Reed…
— What? — the boy stood up. — You're nuts if you think I'll let you all by yourself when there's a monster out there trying to kill you.
— It's dangerous, Reed. I can't keep you safe if you're close to me, you could be the next target to them trying to get to me. I just won't let that happen — Weems said firmly looking at him.
— I'm your son, I'm already a target — he rolled his eyes. — This thing killed my father and I will not let the same happen to you.
— I know what you're trying to do, but this would only make it easy for the killer. They already killed citizens of Jericho to make the police believe it was one us, they're trying to close the school now, Reed. I can't deal with all of that without freaking out about your safety all the time, please acknowledge me.
Now everything made sense in Wednesday's head. The attacks were aimed at Larissa. But why? Who would do that? Certainly an issue from the past.
— I see your point — he said. — But I won't leave you, mum.
— You're unyielding — Weems expressed and hissed and her hurt back touched the back of the chair. It startled Reed.
— Have you ever met you? — he asked ironically and approached her. Taking her arm and putting it around his neck. Wednesday also helped her standing up. — We're going to the infirmary wind right now. I need to be sure you're really okay and...
— Why are you smiling? — he asked, confused looking at the women.
— That was the first time you referred to me as mom since you were a kid.
Reed felt a little awkward with her true statement and decided to brush it off, not saying anything else, so they headed to the infirmary in silence. Wednesday found out her family wasn't the only eccentric one.
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lit-80soul · 1 year
In the mood to get drunk, smoke a cigarette and listen to The 1975 !
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lit-80soul · 1 year
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lit-80soul · 1 year
too good for him.
g!p! amber freeman x fem! reader
summary: who’s better to make you forget about your ex than his friend? [requested]
words: 2k
warnings: smut +18, amber g!p!!! if you don’t like it don’t read, bisexual! reader, degradation, breeding kink, mentions of toxic relationship i guess, also i love chad ok he is an asshole in here but just for the plot, english is not my first language, may have mistakes.
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When you’ve meet Chad’s friends, you thought they were nice, the whole group welcomed you in their conversations and you felt like they were your friends too, except for one of them. Liv, the pink-haired girl, who seemed to give you fake smiles and always kept looking at Chad, even in front of you. When you told him that, he said you were crazy, that she was his friend for years and that wasn’t a reason for you to be jealous.
But, of course, he was lying, Not even two weeks after you guys break up, he was walking around school hallways holding hands with her.
You were mad, of course, the reason of the break up was dumb and you still believed he would come back crawling to you like he did before and you just loves the attention, the captain of the cheerleaders dating the football’s team hot quarterback definitely keeps you on the spotlight of the school. So maybe, just maybe you would accept him back.
His friends were very unpleasant with his behavior after you guys break up too, especially Amber Freeman, the black haired girl who seemed to have a crush on you even when you were still Chad’s girlfriend, she kept saying to you how he was an idiot and how a girl like you deserved more than that.
Of course you reciprocated, who wouldn’t? So when she called you to that party in her house, you obviously didn’t think twice before saying yes. Amber spent the whole night with you, complimenting you all the time, offering you beer after beer and telling you how you should forget about Chad, that he’s crazy for leaving such a beautiful girl like yourself. She wasn’t subtle, not even a little bit, it was written all over her face that she wanted you, and that made you want her just as much.
When she finally invited you to come to her bedroom, you had to take a look at Chad before follow her upstairs, he seemed entertained enough with Liv to even notice what you were about to so, “fuck it” you thought and let Amber take your hand and lead the way.
The second she locked the door, your lips was on hers, you couldn’t wait anymore and neither did she, immediately putting her hands on your waist and letting her tongue explore your mouth, everything went way too fast, but both of you enjoyed that.
“You have no idea of how much time i’ve been waiting for this…” she said low while taking off your shirt and you find yourself fighting the urge to tell her that you do have an idea, that she’s not as sneaky as she thinks.
But, instead, you just kissed her again, feeling the taste of beer on her mouth and her hands running through your torso, caressing your skin with her cold fingers. You wanted to feel her body on yours too, blindly trying take off her red shirt, Amber finds it funny, laughing a little on your mouth and finally helping you out, starting to take off her clothes after putting you laying on her bed.
You watched her in all her glory, taking off her shirt and pants, only in her boxes still, her boner was prominent and she seemed confident, not a single sign of shyness you could see on her, like she knew that you would like what you’ve seen, and she was totally right, you enjoyed the sight.
It didn’t take long for pale skin to be in contact with yours again, kissing you passionately, she bring her hands to your skirt, dragging the fabric until your skirt doesn’t covered your ass anymore, totally hooked on your waist, too impatient to even take the piece of clothing out of you, this could wait till the next round, and unknowingly for you, she had a thing for skirts.
When you in a needy act, tried to take her boxers off with your right hand, she breaks the kiss, keeping her face close to yours and taking your hand out of her hips to pin in the bed.
“I want to taste you first.” she whispers, and that’s your only warning before she lowered her body and puts one of your nipples in her mouth, just for the taste, she rolled your bud on her tongue and you almost arched your back, feeling the pleasure take you over.
When Amber’s done with both of your breasts, she lowered her body even more, getting with half of her body outside of the bed, but she didn’t care, all that she cared about was opening your legs after taking your panties off and differently from your shirt that she just thrown away in somewhere in her room, she puts them carefully by your side on the bed, almost like she wanted to keep them for herself.
As you felt her, now hot, breathing on your sensitive center you buckle your hips unconsciously, seeing her smirk at you, almost like she was expecting something from you and you knew damn well what.
“I want your mouth on me, Amber, please.” You said, bravely but still a little shy, seeing her eyes sparkle and her smirk grow into a smile.
“I’ve been waiting so long to hear you beg for me like a needy slut, baby.” she said before start kissing your center.
You were soaked already, all of her touches and the hot atmosphere left you wet enough for her to thrust without needing any preliminary, but Amber wouldn’t lost the chance once she got you on her bed, all hot and bothered for her to fuck you as she pleases, she waited too long for this and she wouldn’t do with you anything less than everything she imagined in her head.
The moment she’s done licking all of your length she separated your folds, her mouth finding its way to your clit as she sucked lovingly but firm, keeping your thighs in place as you moaning slightly and grabbed her hair, guiding her head as she eats you out, having you just a moaning mess under her.
“Fuck, Amber…” you whimpered her name and felt her moan into your pussy, sending vibrations all over your body.
Her tongue entered you, greedily exploring every right spot, every point that drives you crazy, her lip still made pressure at your swollen clit, she tried to say something that was muffled so you couldn’t understand but you definitely enjoyed the feeling.
Soon, you got closer to the edge, reaching her high calling Amber’s name as you fell apart on her tongue, she savored your taste as your juices covered her lips, lapping your length in small kitten licks.
When she was done cleaning you and your panting gets a little calmer, she puts her body on top of your again, involving your shaking legs on her hips, her covered cock brushed at your sensitive entrance. You felt like this orgasm relaxed you but at the same time only made you want her more.
And so does she, watching you cum had her bucking her hips onto nothing, searching desperately for relief, but she wouldn’t do nothing until you asked her, begged her.
“Amber… fuck, that was so good…” you bring hand to the waist band of her boxers again.“but I want more… please?” you smiled naughty at her, making your best doe submissive eyes.
Your hand slipped under her boxers, her cock was heavy on your hand, hard, twitching at your touch as you started to run your hand up and down in her long length, making her moan slightly in your ear, you felt her needy as her hips thrusted in your hand, only making you wetter, desperate for having her inside you even though you’ve just came in her mouth.
“I’m gonna give you what you want then…” She said. “I’m gonna fuck you and make you all mine.” After that, she readjusted herself on top of you, taking off her boxers and her dick spring free, you couldn’t see much, the lights were off and the only lighting was from her half opened window, but the limited sight already made you lick your lips in anticipation as she rubbed her head on your entrance, both of you moaning from the contact, but Amber contained herself, keeping calm as she whispered to you.
“Beg me to fuck you, baby, beg me to make you my slut.” her words could make you cum untouched.
“Please Amber, please make me yours, baby, your slut.” you bring both hands to your chest, stimulating yourself in a show for her while whining this words and the girl couldn’t say no to this.
She thrusted into you in a loud moan, you were hella tight but was really wet so it entered pretty easily, as if it were where it belonged, filling you up completely to the point where you felt full. You almost didn’t needed more time to adjust, urging her to fuck you hard and fast, and that’s what she did.
Some minutes later she was already thrusting into you like her life depended on it, too lost in your moans, in your tightness, in the way that she was literally realizing that old dirty fantasy of hers. With that thought on her mind her eyes became fully dark, she brings one hand to your neck, chocking it slightly, making you open your eyes and look at her face.
“You’re mine now…” she sounded possessive, pouching every word with a hard thrust on your pussy. “You’re my fucking slut now, you’re all mine, aren’t you?” You nodded with your head. “That’s right, you belong to me now…”
Her thrusts became sloppy as she said that, bucking her hips faster and harder, desperately searching for her orgasm that was so, so close.
“You know what i’m gonna do with you, baby?” she said with a devilish smile, dragging her free hand over your thigh until her fingers find your clit. “I’m gonna make you cum on my cock…” two of her fingers started a fast pace, rubbing it as you moaned louder clenching around her, feeling yourself starting to get closer too. “And i’m gonna cum inside you, so deep that you’ll come back home with my cum dripping down your thighs, just to remind you who you belong to now.”
Every dirty word she said had you bucking your hips back on her, hoping her to do everything she’s saying, and the first part wasn’t far away from being truth, her long cock kissed your cervix with each stroke, her fingers at your clit brings you right over the edge and in seconds, you were shaking under her, releasing all your cum on her cock, that didn’t stopped once, searching for its own release.
“I’m gonna cum, baby, take it all, okay? Be a good slut and t-ake all of it.” her voice faltered as she orgasms, filling you to the brim with her jizz, emptying herself completely inside you, deep, you felt like you were totally full and damn it felt good.
When she started to soften up still inside your warmth, Amber sigh loudly, catching her breath again and lay down on top of you, hugging your waist with both arms, her head rested on your chest and you caressed her hair, your sweaty bodies fitted each other perfectly.
“I don’t know if I made it clear but… I’ve always had a crush on you, even before you started dating Chad, you know.” She said with a soft voice totally different from her voice minutes ago, after a minute with her eyes closed listening your heartbeat.
You opened a smile.
“You’ve made it very clear, don’t worry.”
here in my country (Brazil) there’s a name for people who steals their friends girl/man (talarica) and I literally heard a song abt this and had the inspiration lol
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