Dear angry protesters,
please be mature and don't use this protest as an excuse to break things,
you are against a person that has the country in his hands,
not against people who really want a change,
keep Belgrade safe, do not destroy it.
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И Америка се тресе од губитка...
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Politicians: These h**li**ns are destroying our future. Shame on them!
Also politicians: Manipulate people.
Don't fear about not having food or enough money to pay their bills.
Don't overdue themselves.
Treat people like shit.
Laugh at people because they can.
Lie and think they are strong.
Think they have the power like Hitler had.
Think they passed Tito's government.
Are heartless and will be.
Spend money on cars, clothing brands and other possibilities.
Not satisfied enough.
Has medical injuries and problems handled by the country.
Has a secured place.
Does not fear of going poor and homeless.
Can go to holidays without even thinking.
Is provoked but doesn't care.
Has 0 interest in humanity.
A citizen:
Does hard work and still gets paid nothing.
Throws all his money on bills and food.
Has to work 8+ hours a month for only 200-300 dollars. (25 000 - 35 000 dinars)
Has a diploma but can't have a job if he does not support the government.
Has a diploma but does not get the job because someone stole his place. ( The person does not have any proof of graduating from college and still gets the place possibly because he either paid or someone got him the job or he is not a citizen of Republic of Serbia. )
99% goes to bank to get a loan.
95% can't afford children's college rent.
97% work in private corporations.
Is being ruled by a politician.
Get's called names. Is being laughed at.
Is being judged by governments people.
Tries to run away and secure his life.
80% doesn't have a holiday.
90% has to wait for a document for a month.
85% of the time can't spend money on other thing that are not bills.
Get's provoked.
Court trials stretch for years while in other countries it goes about for a couple months or even a year. (Depends on the situation but the main problem is small trials in Serbia are never-ending).
Does not have guaranteed medical help.
Has to pay instead of the country if having any medical problems.
Every year new outlays are being increased while salary is small.
Is being judged for wanting rights.
Before judging the protesters and their actions,
take a look and see who is spitting on them,
last night while they were protesting peacefully,
police started dragging protesters because they were told to remove the 'ants' from the ground,
who's innocent here and who is a fool?
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Disclaimer: this post is not made to cause anger or to insult the Serbian government, it is simply made to report on the news what has been going this past days. Some of the information might be to strong, so please read on your own risk. People who are mention in this story will remain anonymous for their own safety.
#Serbia now:
On the 7th of July,2020, president Vučić announced that Belgrade will be closed and have a curfew between Friday and Monday and that more than five people should not be in the same space together. He talked about a lot of things like how many people are being tested, the possible 'lies' the government has been saying, Novi Pazar, a city located in south-west Serbia, who is in a critical situation because of COVID-19, respirators and many more. He talked about how people need to understand that this virus in not a joke in any possible way and people need to take more action and protect themselves and their family. The problem is half of the population does not believe the virus is either real or that it does not have the affect to enter the human body that fast. People are confused and keep asking the same question that nobody can answer. When he announced the possibility that people will have to stay the whole weekend in their homes, many people were frustrated with the decision and did not want to take his words for real. At the evening, massive numbers of people gathered at the National Assembly and started protesting. The protesting was not in anyway ' peaceful ' but ended being a disappointing vandalism.
Three cars and a police van were on fire. The damage was immediately posted. Hundreds of thousands of dinars are worth of damage.
Torches, tear gas, oysters and glass bottles were being thrown between the protesters and police.
Many people were injured and many police man were hurt. "It was a disaster. We tried stopping them but there were to many." said one policeman.
One of the protesters wanted to break in the National Assembly but were thrown out by the police.
Two men stopped an ambulance that was driving to the hospital with rotations. The two men were punished for their actions and many were disappointed with them.
Protesters DID NOT WANT any politician to join them and act like they care for citizens' rights.
Ana Brnabić was disappointed to see citizens' of Belgrade acting like 'h**li**ns'.
Kosovo was/is also another reason why people turned against Vučić.
Vučić was in the National Assembly but quickly evacuated with the situation going around.
A video of three men being hit and be*ten by the police after rejecting to leave the park was filmed and posted on different sites. The three men were laying on the ground in pain as the police left them.
A man, lost his father due to COVID 19 and blamed the government for lying about having enough respirators. He claimed his father was not given the treatment that was promised and was one of the most critical patient (and many other) in Belgrade. "This is for you, dad. I know you are watching and you are proud. I love you,dad. This is for you!" Said the man. After this video resurfaced the internet, everyone was angry that president Vučić lied about 'having enough respirators' and many left comments that they were not surprised and what a disappointment this country is for believing the words that come from the television.
Protesters are being accused of spreading COVID 19.
97% had masks but still did not distance.
Lockdown will be decided by the crisis staff.
The 8th and 9th of July,2020:
President Vučić has decided he will NOT make the decision about Belgrade. He admitted he has no right to make a decision he isn't to sure how to control.
Many faces were supporting the protest and they were not citizens' of Serbia. -Vučić.
Criminals were mention that they were the ones who were 'trashing' Belgrade.
COVID 19 has no connection with voting, football games etc.
Vučić kept bringing people down while making his people 'world leaders' and 'only hopes for Serbia'.
05.10.2000. is a wish protesters want to come true. ( The fall of Milošević)
Vučić is in shock why people keep bringing his country down while he is doing everything to make it 'grow'.
There will be rules for Belgrade no matter what.
Novi Sad, Niš, Kragujevac also started protesting.
Tonight (9th July.) protesters are peacefuly protesting and tend to keep it that way.
Politicians are calling out h**li*ga*ns and cri**na** after 'destroying Belgrade' and doing vandalism 'on purpose'.
Many people are angry that Belgrade is being in the situation where it's not safe anymore and being trashed by some idiots who don't even live there or came from a different city. They are accused of 'pretending to be Belgraders'. It is proven that they are more than 80% Belgraders in the world then in the own city. Belgrade is composed from all citizens' across Serbia.
Students are protesting after being told they have to leave their dorms for the third time because they need to be prepared for COVID 19 patients. "We don't feel safe. We want our rights!".
Protesters are being called out for fighting for their rights.
Politicians are calling protesters 'criminal slaves' for wanting to remove Vučić.
"We aren't allowed to stand for our rights. They tend to keep us locked when we thought everything is going undercontrol. They are playing for our rights. I lost my friend because she was told to stay home even though she had other medical problems. Instead of celebrating her birthday, I was mourning her name and crying. He (Vučić) doesn't care about us, he just wants the money. He has it. He is building Belgrade on Dunabe and he still thinks we care about some stupid project. How are we not going to protest? I do not like and I am against harmful and disgusting behaviour some people showed the first day and even now, but we can't just stand here and pretend everything is okay. He stole votes and as soon as he secured his seat, this country got even worse. How are we suppose to live here? How can we try and stay positive after everything he has done. My family lives in Kosovo. He gave it. He just sold that land like nothing. He doesn't care about people. He acts like a human but even the facade can't cover his personality. No one can look up to us and that's okay. We don't want '99 again. We want peace. We all want, all of us, we want to breath not to feel pressured. We tell our kids to get the hell away from this country and to never look back. There is no future here. We all know that. He always breaks his promises. Kids grow up and become adults, what children is he talking about?! Where is their future if he is only building Belgrade? What about the South? East? West? Where are their rights?! We are all equal and we all deserve so much more. We have to pray and hope for the best, but in this life we are always going to be left down. " a woman gave her thoughts about protesting.
Other reason's why people want to dismiss Vučić:
He promised everyone 100 Euros when COVID 19 became serious in Serbia. He realised his mistake and ended up giving the money to retired people and people with special needs. Other had to register. He went from helping to you have to do this so I don't embarrass myself.
People were paid to come and cheer for Vučić when he would give speeches.
He lied about the respirators.
People believe that the number of positive patients fell just so that elections could happen.
After elections, Serbia became the worst in numbers of positive cases.
Before elections 50-94 cases, 10-20 respirator patients, almost everyone is cured, Serbia is almost done with COVID 19.
After elections 300+ cases, 120-130 respirator patients, 1000+ in hospitals, 1000+ in isolation, Serbia the most critical on Balkan.
He knew Novi Pazar was going to blow up. He did not do anything.
Belgrade hospitals do not have respirators.
Belgrade has a population of 1 million residents and yet doesn't have the medical needs.
He doesn't have a full government. What kind of country is Serbia then?!
Something that cannot be answered:
Why do people who die from other reasons are COVID 19 victims?
How come the number of cases grew?
Did the government lied all this time?
Was professor Kon right all this time?
Why are people not in hospitals if positive?
How to isolate if you do not have your own bathroom and kitchen?
Why are there no punishments for not wearing a mask?
Is there really a vaccine?
Is the virus real? Is it possible to make it disappear?
Vandalism is not the answer. People have every right to judge Vučić. He is not that bad, but he is not a sweetheart either. Luckily people are peacefully protesting and want to learn to have manners. The police is trying everything to not fight the protesters. Punishing other people for the damage is not right. Being called disgusting names from politicians needs to STOP! We are all people with a heart, we say and do things we should not but that is not the point. Being called a cri**na* is disgusting. Everyone is frustrated with the virus going on but we have to be reasonable. If you are someone who lost a loved one due to COVID 19, my heart goes for you and everyone you love and care about. This is a scary year. It's breaking my heart so many people died not only because of COVID 19. The virus is not the main problem here. People are. This going on in Belgrade is eye opening. It shows people want a break. They want freedom. They want, like every other country, to feel safe. I totally understand the point of view from some people. I ,too, also know there is no future in Serbia until someone really comes and actually cares for people. If territory and fake promises are more relevant then a person breathing, my God save us.
Comment's about Vučić
We are a small country and we never were known for good things, but honestly, how can we have that if we don't have a leader?
Lies and lies. Breaking promises. Being disgusted with people that don't like your way of ''handling" a country. Manipulate people and bringing them down. Having politicians spit on your people?
Is that a joke or is Vučić going to take this seriously.
Kosovo is more important than people?
How cruel do you have to be?
How disgusting that sounds.
We are told people are dying for God's sake and yet you talk for 2 hours and that is it.
Tito is rolling in his grave.
Why does anyone expect something good from Vučić?
Oh Serbia, poor little Serbia.
- comments from different sources.
For more information of these protests, feel free to look them up. I gave my personal opinion and I missed a lot of information about this protests but I shared the ones that needed to be put here.
If you are someone from Serbia, feel free to speak and to be free. If you wanted a change and did not get it, either run or keep blessing this country. You deserve much more. You'll get past everything. Keep running. Fight peacefully. Be normal and be mature. I wish everyone so much and pray everyday we get some peace and actually feel like people.
Don't look up to politicians. Nušić told us everything we need to know.
Be safe while protesting! Keep yourself safe and don't let a politician ruin your life. Bring back the rights and the light we all need.
Bring Serbia where she should be.
Not underneath.
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Me excited to FINALLY read Broken Knight
Also me halfway through the book:
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"Are Luna and Vaughn a thing?"
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Millie: *thinks Dean is the one*
Vicious: I always liked you.
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*reads Vicious*
*reads Ruckus*
*reads Scandalous*
*reads Bane*
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Landon:Tessa told me about you two on the phone
*Hardin confused*
Also Hardin: Why would she tell you about us getting off over the pho-
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Hardin: There is a big difference between not being able to live without someone and loving them.
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*Hardin's phone rings*
Hardin: Don't touch it.
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*After Tessa with Hardin: totally innocent*
*AWC Tessa with Hardin: total tease*
*AWF Tessa with Hardin:
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Elara: I won
Farley: Not this time bitch
Also Farley:
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Mare debating whenever she should call Satan or believe she actually has feelings for Cal even though she isn't getting it
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*Kilorn calling the guards after Mare admits she likes Cal more*
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Scarlet Guard: We have to be unnoticeable, we have to go in disguise
Also the Scarlet Guard:
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Rare seen photo of Afternators when @/aftermovie posts on IG
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