littlenightingale98 · 4 years
forever young. forever you.
chapter 2/day 2: counterpart
A/N: sorry for posting on tumblr late, work kept me. but here it is, chapter 2. Thank you all for the lovely comments and @zutara-was-robbed for her amazing idea vomiting that helped make this fic possible and her ability to make me laugh.
Summary: After reunion comes joy- at least Katara had hoped. When she finally has the opportunity to confront the stranger, she learns a devastating secret that weights heavy on her heart and soul.
also posted on: AO3
“Speak what we feel, and not what we ought to say. Well, I’m forever young, and you’re forever you.” -We are Life by Emarosa
She wasn’t crazy. She hoped.
Katara wants to confront the man in black out in the open, only that would prove to be futile if it really happened to be who she thought it was. No doubt, he would run upon seeing her again like her first day here. She had no evidence it was Zuko but he looked at her, and when he did it was clear that he recognized her.
It took about a week before he crossed her, unnoticed to him. He was taller, much taller. His clothes did not hide his muscle definition and she can tell he was intensively active. Much different from the seventeen-year-old buy she knew but there was no mistaking those eyes.
Once she picked up on his routine, Katara was quick to follow, utilizing every chance between meeting Lotus members and rest to make it just an inch closer to Zuko. She stopped every so feet each time, afraid he might pick up on her stalking- other than the off chance of her being wrong weighing in her mind. No point in turning back now , Katara thought, I am officially labeled a creeper .
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littlenightingale98 · 4 years
forever young. forever you.
Day 1: Reunion
Rated: T
Summary: Lu Ten has a son. Zuko no longer had a claim and disappears without a trace. When things become restless in the former Fire Nation colonies and Katara is requested to aid the White Lotus in a strike against the Ozai Society four years later, never would the waterbender anticipate who she would find during her stay. Yet this was no time for a happy reunion. Zuko is dying and Katara realizes it’s too late to save him.
A/N: a seven part piece for zutara week.
Also posted on: AO3
Lu Ten has a son.
The day the boy had come carried in the arms of a relative and a confession carefully written on parchment by his deceased mother, the tides had shifted. Iroh, filled with utter joy, now had a piece of his son in the form of a four year old boy and Zuko no longer had a claim.
It was only natural that the rightful heir take his place. The Earth Kingdom woman who had stolen the heart of a soldier boy gave birth to a firebender. Iroh was thrust back in the world of Fire Nation politics, now Lord regnant until his grandson came of age. There was no mistaking how pleased many were to see the once banished prince removed from power. In fact, Zuko whole-heartedly agreed, graciously stepping down without a single objection.
The former Fire Lord who had risked his title and livelihood was thrust our of court. With a war criminal father, a legally insane sister and a treacherous mother, what was left for him but a string of failures and bad blood running through his veins? The world was quick to discard his accomplishments in favor of this unknown boy not even three month into Zuko’s reign.
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littlenightingale98 · 4 years
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what the FUCK, official youtube of avatar: the last airbender
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littlenightingale98 · 4 years
Katara loves Aang. Zuko loves Mai. What’s canon is canon. There’s nothing you or anyone can do about it. Move on with your life.
It’s also canon that Aang was ready and willing and about to murder Zuko at the drop of a hat in the comics. It’s also canon that Katara was a sad and lonely old lady who accomplished literally nothing as an adult (and didn’t have a single statue to show for it), to the point where she didn’t lift a finger when her entire family was in danger to try to save them. It’s also canon that Aang and Toph were terrible parents who left their older children with psychological scars that persisted well into middle and old age.
Who cares about canon? Since when has something needed to be canon to be worthwhile? Since when has canon mattered–particularly when it’s poorly written and makes no sense (both major romance arcs in AtLA, for example)?
Frankly, I don’t think I’m the one that needs to move on with my life. I’m perfectly happy in my zutara bubble with the amazing fanworks we consistently produce, the great meta and analysis, and the wonderful community we’ve formed. I certainly don’t feel the need to go into, like, Kataang or Maiko shippers’ inboxes to tell them how wrong they are for stanning couples that I find to be terribly written and lackluster.
Maybe you should accept that some people don’t vibe with canon and prefer to stick to their fanon corners and move on with your life, huh?
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littlenightingale98 · 4 years
Atla Twitter is like garbage and I don’t even use my Twitter acct that much but sometimes people bring the receipts 👀👀👀
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... Turns out the only “projecting” on a character happening are cishet white men projecting onto Aang 🤭🤭 Thank you for this post existing for fixing older Aang’s design to make him look not like a fucking white man. Also I could write a fucking essay about how Bryke are shit to their fans, especially their view of “fangirls” pisses me off, being condescending and insulting our intelligence, and imo the kataang romance is tainted by them.
Btw I’m rewatching LoK rn (I do agree people can overhate on it but bryke wrote some of it poorly fr and the V*ltr*n showrunners worked on it beforehand 😬) and I’ve realized that Makorra, Bryke’s superficial Zutara knockoff lets remember, is pretty much a genderbent kataang but i don’t think people are ready for that conversation either 🙃🙃 I will rant in my tags
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littlenightingale98 · 4 years
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littlenightingale98 · 5 years
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I just heard the news. I can’t believe it. Drugs stole another precious soul from this Earth today. Rest in peace Mac. And if you see my brother, tell him I said hello.
You helped me through his death. I swear you reminded me so much of him that when I heard your music I could feel him with me. Thank you for getting me through so much.
You’re amazing. Rest In Peace, My Friend. Most Dope, Forever. 🙌♥️✌️
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littlenightingale98 · 5 years
I wish I knew the exact time and date that harry told snape ‘there’s no need to call me sir professor’ so that I could take a moment of silence to remember the moment each year
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littlenightingale98 · 5 years
"Faith isn't never having any doubts, it's having what you need to overcome them."
Julian Blackthorn, Queen of Air and Darkness
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littlenightingale98 · 5 years
A lot of abusive tropes in media that guys consider "romantic" are sexist and demeaning to women. I'm not going to waste my time on this anymore since your non-answers of you aren't listening to me properly and learn the proper definition makes me think you run out of exuses to defend this abusive garbage. I've made my points. Sakura is queen and she deserves a divorce from this greasebag ✌🏻
So you’re too afraid to do something so simple as to give me the definition of sexism? Thanks for proving that you can’t say shit. I clearly told you that I would very gladly show you why your other points were equally stupid once you gave the definition of sexism, and you just couldn’t do it. Instead, you’re choosing to claim that I’ve run out of things to say in a pathetic attempt to save face, lol.
Next time, if you don’t want to be made to look like a complete and utter fool, know the meanings of the words you use before actually using them; It’s just common sense. Then again, maybe the notion of common sense is expecting far too much from someone who thinks it’s smart to compare domestic relationships to two people fighting on opposing sides of a large scale war.
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littlenightingale98 · 5 years
so i didn’t realize kuzco is literally only 17 in the emperor’s new groove and the pacha-kuzco dynamic becomes like 8x funnier bc pacha has accidentally adopted a teenager
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littlenightingale98 · 5 years
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@zutaraweek 2019 Official prompts:
July 28th - Gifts
July 29th - Speaked
July 30th - Shattered
July 31st - Mentor
August 1st - Youth
August 2nd - Found
August 3rd - Easier
You heard it here first!
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littlenightingale98 · 5 years
I have to say, as a redheaded woman myself, I couldn't agree more.
While yes, it is great that minorities are getting more representation, it's also sickening to me that people celebrate the replacement of characters who were originally white and different from the main stream of things. We all deserve to feel like we belong, regardless of weight, sexuality, disability, whatever.
And to celebrate the lessening of one for the advancement of another is sad. There would be an absolute uproar if the reverse had been done to Princess Tiana in a live action remake of The Princess and the Frog.
I'm not very good at wording how I feel about these things, so I'm probably going to piss some people off. But here's my two cents.
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littlenightingale98 · 5 years
Whatever, man, solar eclipses aren’t nearly as cool as lunar eclipses. A lunar eclipse is at NIGHT and the MOON turns BLOOD RED and you don’t need dumb glasses to watch it. It’s goth as hell. Fuck the sun.
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littlenightingale98 · 5 years
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Some wisdom about wisdom. 
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littlenightingale98 · 5 years
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Is this meme still relevant? Cuz Zutara most certainly is.
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littlenightingale98 · 5 years
I’m putting my foot down, if you don’t Know you’re flirting you’re not Flirting. Flirting requires knowledge and intent. If you’re not doing it on purpose you’re just bantering. I will die on this hill, yes.
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