littlexfic · 1 year
A/N: this is about eva being cold and jacks trying to help her even though he thinks he doesnt want to❤ idk when it takes place but its cute :)
It's definitely winter. If all the horrible Christmas decorations outside don't make it obvious, then the blizzarding storm outside certainly does.
    I don't really care for winter, I'm always cold anyways, so the weather outside doesn't change much for me. I don't really care about other people being cold either, they can suck it up and stop complaining. They deserve to be cold.
    I wonder where Evangeline is. Wait no, no I don't. I don't know why I thought that in the first place. I do really hope she's not too cold though. Maybe I should go check on her. No, what am I thinking? I really don't care about her, or about how cold she is. I'm just going to get to bed, it's late.
Knock Knock Knock
Ughhh, who could be coming here right now? I'm not even going to answer it
Knock Knock Knock
This person really doesn't want to go away, do they? I'm still not going to answer it.
    Then I hear the door creak open. Great.
Who wants to see me this desperately that they decide to barge into my house uninvited?
    "Jacks?" I hear an annoyingly adorable voice ask. I know that voice. Evangeline.
    "Jacks are you here?" She sounds cold. Oh no. I need to help her. I quickly get out of bed and- wait. What am I doing? I don't even care about this girl. There's no way I'm-
    "J-jacks? W-where are y-you?" She's definitely cold. That's it. I'm helping her. Not because I care about her, but no one deserves to be cold.
    I walk out into the living room, where I see Evangeline wearing one of my shirts and wrapped around one of my blankets, she's sitting in from of the fire, but it's not even turned on. She's also still shivering.
    "Little Fox, what are you doing?" I ask her, I sound annoyed, good. She can't know- I mean- think I care about her, because I don't
    "I'm sorry Jacks, I had no where else to go. My house is too far and it was too cold out. I can leave I'm sorry." She started to get up off the couch and towards the door.
    "Evangeline, wait." I didn't mean to tell her to wait. The words just slipped out. She turned around and looked at me.
    "Oh, your shirt, and your blanket. I'm so sorry. My dress was just really uncomfortable and-"
I couldn't take it. She looks so sad and scared and I'm not just going to make her walk around outside in a blizzard.
    I took a deep breath. "Evangeline, stay here tonight. You can give my shirt back in the morning."
    "really? thank you so much, Jacks." She said, smiling. I wish she wasn't so dang ador- no, no she isn't adorable.
    Then she walked up to me and hugged me. She was hugging me. I don't know what I was doing, but I was hugging her back. I don't know why. She just felt safe. She made me feel warm. She tried letting go but I pulled her back in. What is happening to me? I don't want to let her go. I can't her go. I need to be with her.
    She looked like she was falling asleep so I walked her over to the couch and layed her down. I put the blanket over her and was going to go back to my room, but her hand reached out and grabbed mine.
   "J-Jacks, I'm c-cold."
    "L-Lay with me. P-please"
     So I did. I don't know why. I think I'm just tired. I laid down next to her on the couch and wrapped my arms around her. She snuggled up into my chest and closed her eyes. I looked down at her and-
maybe I do care about her.
     "I care about you too, Jacks" she said softly,  and then she fell asleep.
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littlexfic · 1 year
a/n: this is my first fanfic so don't judge too harshly please! this is about eva's birthday(literally the title) 🎂🎉 it takes place after acftl when eva and jacks (hopefully) have their happy ending and they are living in the hollow(or maybe a little house, idk)❤
This needs to be perfect. Evangeline's birthday is tomorrow and Jacks has spent the last 4 hours trying to get everything as perfect as it can be. He decided he would throw her some sort of party, even though he would have rather had her all to himself, he knew she would want to see her friends.
He has refused to let anyone help him because he wants to be able to take all the credit. Lala is letting him use the Slaughterwood castle's ballroom because there isn't another place for him to throw a party as amazing as this one should be.
The ballroom looked magnificent. It was covered in pink decorations and pretty lights. Jacks was pretty proud of his work.
He had let Lala be in charge of invitations, so he had no idea who was coming, and honestly didn't care. The only person he cared about being there was Evangeline. Evangeline didn't know about the party, so he had to find a way to get here there. He figured he would just tell her to come with him and she would follow because he knew she couldn't resist him. (Or at least he liked to tell himself that)
~ 🍎Back at the Hollow🍎~
Evangeline had just finished getting ready for bed and Jacks still wasn't home. She was getting quite scared because it was really dark and really late and she had no idea where he could have gone.
She decided to lay in bed and hope that he would get home safely and soon. She tried to sleep but she just couldn't. The longest he was ever gone was about 2 hours, and in the daytime.
She almost got out of bed to go out to go look for him, but then she heard the door open. She quickly jumped out of bed and ran to Jacks.
"Jacks! For fates sake, where have you been this whole time!?"
"Calm down, my fox, " He said before grabbing her waist and bending down to slowly kiss her.
"Jacks, where were you and what have you been doing?" She asked suspiciously after pulling away from him.
"No where you need to know."
His words slighlty scared Evangeline.Where could he have been that she didn't need to know about?
Was he with another girl?
Apparently he heard her thought because his face softened as he looked at her and said, "My fox, you really think I was with another girl?"
"I mean, why else would you not want to tell me where you've been?"
"I promise you Evangeline, no woman out there could ever compare to you. I really hope you know that I would never do that to you, Little fox."
She stared at him for a littlt bit then. At his beautiful blue eyes, his shiny, soft golden hair, and then his perfectly shaped lips, just before putting her lips on his, she couldn't help herself.
Evangeline felt like she was floating everytime they kissed. His kiss truly was worth dying for. She pulled away and asked him,
"Then where were you, Jacks?"
"You'll see, lets go to bed, I'm exhausted."
He led her to their bed and she snuggled up to his chest as he wrapped his arms around her.
~🍎Evangeline's Birthday🍎~
Jacks woke up extra early so he could make Evangeline breakfast. He knew she loves anything fruity, so he made her strawberry pancakes with a smoothie and a side of berries. Jacks was actually a pretty good cook, he's had a lot of practice considering how long he's been alive.
He set the breakfast on the table and went up to the bedroom to find his fox looking rather perfect sleeping while cuddling a pillow and mumbling things he couldn't quite hear.
He didn't want to wake her, but luckily he didn't have to.
"Jacks?" Evangeline said tiredly while rubbing her eyes and looking around before finding him leaning on the doorway, staring at her.
"Goodmorning, Evangeline. Did you sleep good, my fox?" Jacks said as he stepped over to the bed and brushing her her out of her face.
"Yes, I slept wonderfully, Jacks, " Evangeline replied with a still tired voice and an adorable smile that made Jacks weak.
"Well, It's a big day. Happy Birthday, Little Fox." Evangeline let out a slight squeal as Jacks picked her up and took her into the kitchen. He sat her down at the table and she stared at her breakfast. She looked at it almost the same way she looked when she was about to become a vampire.
"Wow, Jacks. Did you make this?" She asked, looking rather shocked.
Jacks sat in the seat beside her and kissed her forehead.
"You look rather surprised, Little Fox, do you think I can't cook? I've been alive an awful long, I know how to do many things."
"Do you know how to ride a horse?" This caught Jacks a little off guard, what a random question.
"Yes actually, I do. Why do you ask?"
"I've always wanted to ride a horse, could you take me on a horse ride for my birthday?"
Jacks wouldn't have guessed that Evangeline wanted to ride horses for her birthday, but he would do anything she wanted to do, and honestly, the idea did sound rather enjoyable.
🌸Eva's POV🌸
Evangeline put on the simplest dress she could find. It was a light colored yellow dress with sleeves falling off her shoulders and there were lacey flowers on the skirt that weren't super noticable, but still pretty. She put a braid in her hair with yellow flowers going through it that matched her dress. She put on some reddish-pinkish lipgloss and headed to find Jacks. (Ik you probably cant really ride a horse in a dress, but just ignore that fact for now)
She walked downstairs to see Jacks sitting on a couch looking rather impatient. He looked up at her and his eyes glimmered while looking at her dress and hair and everything about her.
"Fates, Evangeline," He said while walking over to her and taking one of her hands in his and wrapping the other around her waist. "You look truly beautiful."
She felt her cheeks go slightly pink when he said that, but she ignored it and looked at him and said, "You don't look too bad yourself, Prince of Hearts."
He actually looked very far from bad. He was wearing a dark blue dublet that made his eyes stand out, and his hair was neatly brushed and smooth looking, but still looked the slightest bit messy, as if he had been running his fingers through it.
Evangeline stared at him. Mainly his lips. Jacks didn't seem to get the hint though.
Kiss me, Jacks
Then he was kissing her. Not as gently as she thought he would though. He was harsh, hungry. It was as if he couldn't get enough of her.
Wow, he really knows how to kiss.
Jack's let out a dark chuckle at that, she really needed to work on controlling her thoughts.
🍎Jacks POV🍎
Oh my fates, this girl. Jacks thought silently. He had realized he was going soft throughout the day, so he thought he needed to be a little more aggressive now. It was weird, he had always told himself she was just a tool to him, and he always tried not to care about her, but now, Evangeline is the most precious thing to him. He wouldn't trade anything for her. His little fox
He needed to make this the most amazing day of her life. They were going to ride horses, maybe go on a picnic, and then go to Evangeline's birthday party.
They left the Hollow to go to the horses, and once the got there Evangeline had the most amazing look on her face. She stared at the horses with a look of pure joy on her face.
"I'm so excited Jacks, thank you for bringing me here" She said excitedly while looking up at him.
"Anything for you, Evangeline." He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer. "Let's go ride some horses"
They walked over to a black horse and before Evangeline had a chance to get on, he picked her up, causing a little surprised sound to escape her lips, and set her on the horse. He got on in front of her and she wrapped her arms around him, causing unwanted butterflies to fly through his stomach. Evangeline has touched him many times, but his heart still gives a little flutter each time she does.
It was the most peaceful horse ride he has ever been on. It gave him a feeling of comfort, riding through the pretty fields and forests, with Evangeline behind him.
They stopped found a flat spot of grass and decided to have a picnic there. Evangeline had a look in her eyes that made her look almost as happy as he has ever seen her. It had been the most amazing day he's ever had.
🎂The Night of the Party🎂
"Please LaLa, Evangeline won't care. I promise." Lala had been trying to get Jacks to wear a suit to Evangelines party for the past hour.
"Come on Jacks. If you love her you'll wear it" Jacks groaned. Now he felt like he had to wear it. Him and Evangeline haven't actually said 'I love you' yet, but Jacks knew he loved her without a doubt. He just didn't want to say it because he didn't know if she felt the same.
He gave in. "Fine, I'll wear it"
"Yay! Evangeline will be in love with it, trust me" Lala said happily
Lala left and Jacks went back to his room to find Evangeline. She was sitting on the bed reading a book. Jacks almost didn't want to say anything to her, he just wanted to watch her read. She's so pretty
Evangeline's head shot up.
"What did you say, Jacks?" She asked a little too innocently. She definitely heard.
"Come on Evangeline, we're leaving," He said, ignoring her question.
"Oh, where? and why are you wearing a suit?"
"You'll see, put this on," He told her while tossing her a dress Lala had given him to give to her.
She picked it up and stared at it.
"You want me to wear this?" She asked. Jacks hadn't actually looked at the dress, but when she held it up to him, he understood why she sounded so shocked. It was a light pink dress that looked very tight and only went to her knees. It had a slit at the bottom and thin strap sleeves.
"Jacks, are you trying to seduce me?" She asked while laughing slightly. He couldn't even tell if she was joking.
"I- no, no of course not, I didn't even see the dress." He was slipping over his own words.
He didn't want to make her uncomfortable, but he also wouldn't have minded if she wore the dress. In fact, he kind of wanted her to if he was being completley honest with himself.
Evangeline slightly raised an eyebrow at him, then went into the closet. When she came out, to his surprise, she was actually wearing the dress.
Control yourself, control yourself
She looked at him with her big doe eyes, and he didn't control himself. He walked up to her without even thinking, and then he was pressing her against the wall. He put on hand on her waist and the other through the slit on her leg. She grabbed his tie and pulled him closer. Fates
"Deja vu much, Little fox?" He asked her with a smirk, ignoring how wild she made him feel.
"You know Jacks, I think I'm going to change dresses, this one is very uncomfortable.
"No." he said without even thinking.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to say that." He was feeling quite flustered now.
Evangeline giggled, making him feel like he was going to faint. Then she let go of him and walked back into the closet without even saying anything. When she came out, she was wearing a cream colored gown with a lacy corset and sleevs. She looked gorgous, but Jacks secretly missed the other dress.
"Ok, Prince of hearts, where are we going?"
🌸Evangeline's POV🌸
Jacks led Evangeline out to a carriage, she was very confused. He was wearing a suit, which he looked fantasticaly handsome in, and he had tried making her wear one of the most inappropriate dresses she had ever seen. She honestly would've worn it, but she had standards.
Evangeline realized where they were going during the ride. The Slaughterwood castle. But why?
When they got there, Jacks helped her out of the carriage and walked her inside. They walked into the ballroom, and her jaw dropped. It was beautiful. She looked around and saw almost everyone she knew. She was so happy she could've cried.
"Did you do this, Jacks?" She asked, looking up at him.
"Maybe," he said with a slight smirk. She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a big hug. He hugged her back and when she pulled away she noticed everyone was dancing.
"Dance with me, Jacks?"
"Of course, Little fox" He led her to the dance floor and they started dancing. The song was slower, so they were dancing slow. She stared into his beautiful blue eyes, and he stared back.
"Yes, Jacks?"
"Happy birthday."
She gave him a kiss on the cheek as a thank you.
"Also," he continued, hesitantly, almost shyly it seemed
"I love you"
a/n: sorry if that seemed super rushed, I wrote the ending really fast😅 anyways, this is my first story, so let me know what you think!
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littlexfic · 1 year
I'm currently working on an evajacks fanfic about evangelines birthday, it should hopefully be out soon!
I am going to be writing some more ouabh fanfics, so please follow if your interested in reading, and leave any requests! :)
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