livcralone · 4 years
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          ʙᴏɴᴊᴏᴜʀ    ʏ'ᴀʟʟ    ᴡᴇ    ᴀʀᴇ    ʜᴇʀᴇ    ᴛᴏ    ʀᴜɪɴ    ᴜʀ    ᴅᴀʏ   
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livcralone · 4 years
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You can never have sex  I’m a dead man
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livcralone · 4 years
@ghstfcd​ liked for a lyric starter . !!
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“ YOU WOULDN’T BELIEVE THIS EVEN IF YOU SAW IT. ” -- there’s a hint of pride in his voice; they really fucked shit up back then, didn’t they ?? “ IT WAS A MASTERPIECE. I’M TELLING YOU. ” and then his smile turns a little bitter, a bit flat. “ I MEAN, WHILE IT FUCKIN’ LASTED. ”
chase atlantic -- okay .
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livcralone · 4 years
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like this for a lyric starter ( with a little bit of plot maybe ) !!
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livcralone · 4 years
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livcralone · 4 years
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livcralone · 4 years
@traumact it be them
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livcralone · 4 years
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he doesn’t really know what stu’s game is here, but it’s never been easy to figure out what’s going on inside that weird little head. Either way, Randy isn’t going to be the one to pussy out, even if it means he can’t pay full attention to Carrie washing all the blood off herself. (and what a world, where bothering Randy is somehow more interesting to Stu than a shot of Sissy Spacek’s tits) "Alright, dork. Pucker up.” It’s a joke, and when he puts his hand on the side of Stu’s face it’s just to show him that Randy’s serious, that the time to back out isnow, but it feels…really intimate. Randy doesn’t allow himself time to hesitate. Goes for the lips, but at the last minute swerves because he’s still Barry Bostwick at the beginning of Rocky Horror, before he discovers he’s into dick and starts with the stockings and the eye makeup. Randy’s not a stockings kind of guy. Anyway, the point is, he misses last minute and ends up kissing the idiot on the cheek, really close to his mouth. It’s awkward as shit, but…kinda nice? (he’ll think about that in therapy thirty years from now)
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was it his primary school teacher that once said ‘ never give up on your dreams ’ ?? whoever that was, their voice echoes in the back of stu’s head because this has to be the hundredth time he is making a move on this nerd -- so sue him for thinking that, per usual, randy is just going to punch his arm or call him a perv, or one of those things he does whenever stu invades his personal space. ( not that stu isn’t enjoying that -- he looooves it too. he’s not just in it to win it, no, no !! ) but then there’s a hand on stu’s cheek and randy just goes for it -- makes him freeze for a hot second -- because it seems like he’s going for the lips ( oh, damn, is this about to happen ?? ). eyes almost flutter close at the light touch nearly at the corner of his mouth and stu can’t help himself -- he laughs, breathless. “ OH, RANDY. RANDY, RANDY, RANDY. ” large hand grabs the smaller one, pulls it off his own face and just holds it; thumb digging in gently, drawing circles. ( they are nose to nose and stu’s chest grows heavier. huh !! weird !! ) “ YA MISSED. ”
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livcralone · 4 years
@virginrule​ sent a  💏 for a random kiss . 13. …discreetly.
stu loves movie nights way more than he used to -- because now, besides the popcorn and the drinks, and the weird-ass movies that randy picks for them at the video store, he has something else to look forward to. no matter how crowded the couch is, he somehow always manages to wriggle himself in there, next to randy and whichever poor fucker is next to him at the time. and randy always complains and huffs, and rolls his eyes -- but when the lights go off and stu’s hand finds his knee under the blanket they’re all sharing, he just stills and says nothing.
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tonight is a little different because they all had one ( or five .. ) too many drinks before actually putting the movie on. they’re all giggling and talking shit through the entire thing, and randy doesn’t even complain about it that much !! stu’s arm is resting on the back of the couch, around him, and when the rest is busy laughing at the lowkey racist kid from friday the 13th, he turns his head to the side and leans in. randy has but a second to look up before stu grabs the blanket and covers both their faces with it. there, in the pitch-black darkness, he plants one on him; quick and soft, so unlike stu. ( he can be sneaky when he wants to !! ) -- then, he pulls back with a wink and a smile, and gets back to watching the movie like nothing happened.
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livcralone · 4 years
attention all lovely followers: i follow back from @voical​ !! stu is a side hoe. for now. i might move him to a main blog but we shall see about that. for now, i’ll follow y’all back from richie :3c
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livcralone · 4 years
fifty ways to kiss someone.   send me a 💏 and i will randomise a number in order for my muse to kiss yours…
…good morning.
…where it hurts.
…where it doesn’t hurt.
…on a falling tear.
…to shut them up.
…in secrecy.
…in public.
…in joy.
…in grief.
…to distract.
…as encouragement.
…for luck.
…on a scar.
…on a place of insecurity.
…in a rush of adrenaline.
…in relief.
…in danger.
…as a ‘yes’.
…as an apology.
…as a suggestion.
…as a lie.
…as a promise.
…as comfort.
…after a small rejection.
…to wake yours up.
…to pretend.
…to gain something.
…to give up control.
…without a motive.
…because yours is running out of time.
…because mine is.
…because the world is ending.
…because the world is saved.
…out of pride.
…out of greed.
…out of lust.
…out of anger.
…out of envy or jealousy.
…out of spite.
…out of habit.
…out of necessity.
…out of love.
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livcralone · 4 years
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                     when   do   we   see   jamie  lee's   breasts  ??   i   wanna   see   jamie   lee's   breasts   !!
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livcralone · 4 years
rules: spell out your url with song titles and tag 10 people tagged by: @dadsbrak​ <3 tagging: @sequelcut​, @virginrule​, @diekirby​, @traumact​
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L et’s Kill Tonight -- Panic! At The Disco I Don’t Give A... -- MISSIO V illains -- Moncrief C lub Poor -- TMG  R aging on a Sunday -- Bohnes A ngel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene -- Hozier L ove Is a Bitch -- Two Feet O kay -- Chase Atlantic N ightcall -- Kavinsky E ver Fallen in Love (With Someone You Shouldn’t’ve) -- Buzzcocks
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livcralone · 4 years
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“play video games. is that what the kids call it these days?” randy snarks, mostly to himself. he bats stu’s hand away from his face. “WHAT, YOUR MOTHER NEVER TEACH YOU ANY SELF-CONTROL? LISTEN…”
because as annoying as he is, stu sort of looks like a sad, droopy puppy without billy to chase around, and now randy’s feeling guilty. “I’M WATCHING ROCKY HORROR TONIGHT. YOU CAN COME OVER IF YOU WANT, TAKE YOUR MIND OFF OF…THINGS.”
he hadn’t been planning on having a movie night, but stu looks like he needs it. besides, it’s not like randy’s a very busy guy; he mostly only hangs out with one group anyway. “YOU’LL LIKE IT, YOU CAN SEE SUSAN SARANDON’S BREASTS.”
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his hand is persistent; doesn’t give up even after being swatted, keeps on trying to pinch randy’s cheek or flick his ear, or whatever. ( as if it has a mind of its’ own !! ) “ THAT’S HOW WE CALL PLAYIN’ VIDEO GAMES, BUDDY. GET YO DIRTY, DIRTY MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER !! ”
that comment though, as small as it is, makes stu weirdly upset. it’s visible on his face for a split second -- and then disappears completely at the offer. “ OH, WORD ?? ” stu perks up instantly, spreads his arms as if he’s going for a hug. ( which he might !! ) “ AW, RANDY, THAT IS SO -- SO SWEET OF YA !! I’LL BRING LOTSA SNACKS. ”
the hug doesn’t happen after all but stu leans in closer, arms still outstretched. he smiles like they have a secret -- because they kinda do, right ?? randy likes sid, stu misses his best buddy, they’re in this together !! stu feels an overwhelming urge to be super nice all of the sudden and the first thing that comes out of his mouth is -- “ HEY,  BETWEEN US ?? SID DOESN’T KNOW WHAT SHE’S MISSING, MAN. I BET YOU’D KNOW HOW TO TREAT A LADY BETTER THAN BILLY-BOY DOES. ” ( does he really think that, though ?? huh, seems like it. )
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livcralone · 4 years
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“ -- I WAS SO FUCKED UP, LIKE, MAD CRAZY. AND THEN THE NEIGHBOUR STARTS YELLING, YOU KNOW, THAT CRANKY OLD BITCH  -- ” the story goes unfinished but it’s fine because stu immediately forgets what he was talking about anyway. he hums into the kiss; a surprised and yet a very pleased noise. the same hands that were waving around wildly -- a part of the storytelling process -- land on tatum’s small hips and pull her just sliiightly closer. they stay there, even when she lets go of his hair. seeing her grin, he grins right back. “ DAMN, BABE, YOU TRYIN’ TO GIVE ME A BONER IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HALLWAY? ” 
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it’s not that tatum’s not a nice person. It’s just that…well, she won, right? It’s only fair for her to gloat a little. That’s why when she sees Casey Becker in the hall, it’s not even a decision to turn to Stu for a kiss. She tangles her hand in his hair to pull him down to her, and takes a moment before releasing him. She’s grinning. Take that, bitch.
@livcralone​ sent 💏 and a whole bunch of uwus 42/50: out of pride
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livcralone · 4 years
senses and other oddly specific headcanons
tagged by: @beverlymarshrogan​
tagging: @virginrule​ @dadsbrak​ @diekirby​
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1. what does your muse smell like? weed. cologne -- when he remembers to use it, which is rarely. cedarwood men’s shower gel.
2. what does your muse’s hands feel like? rough. probably sweaty. softer whenever he’s dating a girl because he will keep stealing her hand lotion.
3. what does your muse usually eat in a day? junk food. candy. whatever there is in the fridge and then some more. he eats a lot and he eats like a fucking child.
4. does your muse have a good singing voice? no. but it doesn’t stop him from singing. he gets a bit better when he’s drunk, though, surprisingly. 
5. does your muse have any bad habits or nervous ticks? sticking his fucking tongue out all the time. it’s not a nervous habit, though. he bites his nails when he’s nervous, or the insides of his cheeks. you can see it in his jaw; when it’s tense, stu is tense.
6. what does your muse usually look like/wear? cartoon themed loose shirts, loose pants, loose sweaters. weird shit in general. he likes to walk around in his robe sometimes too, for no reason whatsoever.  
7. is your muse affectionate? how much? how so? annoyingly. he’s not exactly a softie when it comes to showing affection -- if he likes you, he will just lowkey bully you with tickling, picking up and carrying around, ruffling your hair, pinching you, etc. stu is very obnoxious with the way he shows his feelings. 
8. what position does your muse sleep in? he takes up the entire goddamn bed, sprawled around, mouth open, snoring. nothing cute. 
9. could you hear your muse in the hallway from another room? do you even have to ask. you could hear him from another house entirely.
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livcralone · 4 years
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tag drop !!
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