livharlow · 4 years
message  ✉ liv & laila.
Laila: I definitely agree.
Laila: Getting the last word. Bold and smart.
Laila: Or, my favorite, that they were never interested in the first place. That always gets a chuckle from me. It's such a joke.
Liv: Oh, totally. Nothing changes my mind faster than a guy backtracking and telling me he never wanted to fuck me anyway. I could retire next week if I could invent a dating app that does social media background tracks on dudes before letting them join.
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livharlow · 4 years
message  ✉ liv & ben.
Ben: 26, so I'm an old man. lol. but seriously, I've always wanted to draw for major comic books but it's been hard getting my foot in the door so i just do it on the side right now.
Ben: sounds like you're always prepared.
Liv: I'm 26, so I guess I'll be joining you in the retirement home. If it makes you feel better, I don't think Morgan Freeman got big until his 40s and look at him now.
Liv: Always. Breaking some perv's hand is totally worth getting fired over.
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livharlow · 4 years
message  ✉ liv & rosette.
Rosette: Well, I definitely would say so.
Rosette: Even Bumble is intimidating, haha, sometimes I don't want to make the first move.
Liv: Oh, yeah? Why's that?
Liv: I'm sure a pretty girl like you doesn't have any problems with waiting for others to make the first move.
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livharlow · 4 years
message  ✉ liv & ben.
Ben: aw, thanks. pretty sure my dreams are dead but i think i'm living the next best thing.
Ben: has that ever happened before? i kinda of want to see that.
Liv: What are you, like 25? How are your dreams already dead?
Liv: Not yet, but there's always tomorrow.
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livharlow · 4 years
message  ✉ liv & laila.
Laila: Exactly. Sometimes texting them at all, fuels their ego.
Liv: Most of them totally aren't worth it. It's so much easier to block and never think about them again. Usually I'll tell them it's not going to work and then block so I don't need to deal with whatever dumb questions or excuses they have.
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livharlow · 4 years
message  ✉ liv & ben.
Ben: hoping the best for you. make your dreams come true and all of that.
Ben: that's good. you don't seem like the kind of person to work at a place that's cool with that stuff.
Liv: You too, cutie.
Liv: Definitely not. I'm not against breaking a hand if I have to.
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livharlow · 4 years
message  ✉ liv + britt
Britt: is that what youre looking for?
Britt: and ive got no insight on that bc i def don't fall into that group
Liv: No, but you can tell a lot about a person by how they respond.
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livharlow · 4 years
message  ✉ liv + roz
Roz: I'm always one for manifesting your own destiny
Roz: So that fact that you've spoken the question into existence means to me that you're likely to find at least one interested party.
Liv: Oh, damn. I hope he's hot then.
Liv: How has the whole speaking it into existence worked for you so far?
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livharlow · 4 years
message  ✉ liv & laila.
Laila: I love a good ghost.
Laila: I prefer the more direct method, but sometimes men only get the hint if you block them or keep them on read.
Liv: Direct is good too, but some men aren't even worth the see ya text.
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livharlow · 4 years
message  ✉ liv + scarlett.
Scarlett: I haven't met any yet, but I'd say they're high. I'm sure there's someone out there.
Scarlett: have you met any already?
Liv: You think? I haven't even come close yet.
Liv: Which is fine. I wouldn't know what to do with one if I found him.
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livharlow · 4 years
message  ✉ liv & rosette.
Rosette: 🥰
Rosette: Are you not one of them??
Rosette: No, they definitely are not. I like dating apps so I downloaded it years ago before I knew what it was about. And, um. It was a lot.
Liv: Yeah, I guess so. Lucky you.
Liv: You're definitely more of a Bumble girl.
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livharlow · 4 years
message  ✉ liv & laila.
Laila: Smart girl.
Liv: That’s me. I’m not above ghosting people if I need to.
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livharlow · 4 years
message  ✉ liv & rosette.
Rosette: Aww, well, thank you. That means a lot.
Rosette: I think there's some people who are genuine and nice out there. Even on this app.
Rosette: Tinder is terrifying.
Liv: No problem, babe.
Liv: Well, I hope you find some of them.
Liv: Yeah, I don’t see you on there. Those people aren’t looking for romance.
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livharlow · 4 years
message  ✉ liv & ben.
Ben: not yet, nah. how about you? find that sugar daddy yet?
Ben: men just straight up being gross to you. damn, that's the dream.
Liv: Not yet, but fingers crossed.
Liv: My boss is pretty good with that. Anyone gets too gross or handsy and they’re out.
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livharlow · 4 years
message  ✉ liv².
Olivia: Just playing odds, it's gotta happen. But dl is the best place to be if only so people aren't weird with them.
Liv: I feel like there’s no way for a sugar daddy to not be weird. You’re literally paying for someone to like you. I’ll def let you know if I find one though.
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livharlow · 4 years
message  ✉ liv & laila.
Liv: Depends. Is he hot?
Laila: No.
Liv: Block.
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livharlow · 4 years
message  ✉ liv & ben.
Ben: there is some irony of my first kiss from this app is from a woman. straight men are useless, so, sorry about that.
Ben: all i know about strippers and strip clubs is from movies, honestly. i hope half of it isn't true but i also hope you make a lot of money.
Liv: Does that mean you haven’t had any luck on here yet?
Liv: Depends what parts you hope aren’t true. We get treated way better than movies will let you think. Oh, we do. The tips pay my delivery addiction on their own.
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