liweipuren-blog · 8 years
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liweipuren-blog · 8 years
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liweipuren-blog · 8 years
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“about two dozen guards, a few family members, probably. i’m the cliche, extremely sheltered child of the family, i don’t get let out a lot, not by myself anyway. i do love markets, they’re so friendly. ah, i must go touring at some point, find a good disguise to sneak out. definitely make time, you won’t regret it”
“If you have guards assigned, please don’t sneak out for a recommendation I made. Or don’t sneak out at all. They’re usually there for a reason, unsafe is worse then sheltered and no need to make peoples' jobs unnecessarily difficult.”
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liweipuren-blog · 8 years
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“food is the greatest thing toe have ever been created, i could just eat all the time if i were allowed. china has a lot of tourist attractions right? i’ve always wanted to walk the great wall and take photos, the view looks incredible. if you ever get the chance to go, definitely explore! but take sun screen.”
“Well who’s going to stop you if that is what you want? The Great Wall is a sight but if you really want to see China go to a market. It might sound crazy, but local markets are the best. And the food, the aunties know how to make food. I’ll try to remember sunscreen to when I have the time for an adventure.”
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liweipuren-blog · 8 years
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“yeah, i guess, thank you. it’s no trouble, it’s not like i’m doing anything important.” the youngest shrugged and started walking towards the door. “how does a guard even disappears? well, whatever, he will probably get fired for it.”
With long strides, Liwei tailed the other. “He will. I’ll make sure of that. Reassigning him won’t work. He is clearly not fit for this.” He shook his head. “As to how he disappeared. No idea. One moment he was there, the next gone.”
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liweipuren-blog · 8 years
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liweipuren-blog · 8 years
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liweipuren-blog · 8 years
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“ah, my favourite things! the only thing better than food and shopping is food shopping. i used to go to china all the time but i haven’t in so long, except for now. i think it’s a nice place, i like it already. i’m from thailand so hot weather and even hotter food!”
Liwei couldn’t help but laugh, “I like the sound of that. Food is one of the best things in the world. I learned to appreciate very much after the army. China is a great place for a holiday, though Thailand is wonderful too. I been there a couple of times with my father, but sadly never really had the time to explore.”
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liweipuren-blog · 8 years
Aphrodite almost got a heart attack when she heard the smash an let out a yelp. “Oh, wow. You scared me.” She chuckled softly and looked up at him. “How long have you been in here? Did you see… the whole dancing thing? We should probably clean that up..”
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“I’m so, so sorry.” He repeated, eyes on her. Out of habit he went through a small seriers of bows. The blush crept further up until it reached his ears. “Ye-yes.. you are.. quite the dancer... I’ll.. get on with that. Not dancing. I’ll clean up.” He blurted and started looking around for something to contain the broken pieces, eyes down.
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liweipuren-blog · 8 years
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“well, i got sick after we came back from the cruise, it took me some time to get better again.” he retorted. “aren’t you looking for the foyer, or wherever? i can take you there. who are you even supposed to meet?”
“Ahh, okay. Well good to see you have recovered. Oh and yes, please. If you would be so.. kind.” He sighed. “The security detail. We’re actually supposed to talk about said disappeared guard.”
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liweipuren-blog · 8 years
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        ‘ heard wonders about about the different restaurants downstairs. ‘
“I suppose we could go take a look?” He gestured in the direction of the nearest elevator with one arm and offered her the other with a raised brow.<
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liweipuren-blog · 8 years
Describe your dream girl/guy?
“Someone who can protect themselves. Take care of themselves. Someone who understands that I'm a bit weird. And has long legs... really, really long legs..”
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liweipuren-blog · 8 years
What can a girl or guy do to make you weak at the knees every time?
“… I might have a bit of a thing for someone who can throw a punch..”
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liweipuren-blog · 8 years
fmk on the people on the dash
“.. For a moment I thought that would be a cool youth thing.. but no… no.. what is wrong with you people?”
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liweipuren-blog · 8 years
what's your sexuality? have you always known?
“.. I’m.. I’m bisexual.. or that’s what I think they call it. I don’t really understand all of these things. I just.. it has always been the plan that I should marry well and rule as a strong patriarch.. but then I went to the army and everything just changed. Not that anyone who likes their own gender is weak.. to my expirence, actually quite the opposite. But it complicates things. I’m happy to at least still like girls, it could have been worse.. but the current trouble is that I might be a bit in love with a boy. Or not a little… very much in love... and my parents wold definetely not approve.”
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liweipuren-blog · 8 years
what fictional character do you relate to the most?
“Colorless Tsukuru… that feels so sad to say out loud.”
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liweipuren-blog · 8 years
Who would you like to kiss?
“They’re in Beijing… so it doesn’t really matter... as for people here? Well it feels a bit wrong but if I had to choose.. Aphrodite is stunning..”
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