lizabethehampton · 3 years
i have a boyfriend lol
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lizabethehampton · 3 years
i like my best friend and i think he might like me too, call me y/n <3
no im kidding im terrified and so nervous like he might like me but he might not but like he might but i might be imagining it but like ahhhhhhhh im losing my mind who wants to hear me rant about it
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lizabethehampton · 3 years
so i got played lol
i was simping for my friend J at the beginning of the year but nothing happened because even tho he likes me, he’s moving in a couple months and doesn’t want to start anything. so it’s cool whatever, i start to catch feelings for a different guy and that’s going nice or whatever. and then i find out from J (who’s been supportive of me moving on and not jealous at all i love him sm) that the guy only started flirting with me as a bet. Three months ago, he told J, “I bet I could steal your girl even if she liked you.” and well...i was a bet lol
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lizabethehampton · 3 years
so i’m writing a book
and i saw a writing tip where you write a scene from each characters point of view to get to know them a bit better. i think it’s kind of cringe but my friends like it so here’s a scene i wrote for my favorite side character sibling duo :)
   “Carissa, darling, you need to calm down.”
   I was simply minding my own business, I was. Tanwen was hungry, and despite my orders to her handlers, they refused to feed her more. Something about typical dragon diets, etc etc. I argued with them about how Tanwen isn’t a typical dragon- not the sort from the northern mountains beyond Collis that they’re used to dealing with -and that she needs more to eat. But, of course, dragon handlers are stubborn fools, so here I was, sneaking into the kitchen to steal some raw meat for my mare.
   It wasn’t my fault I heard Prince Devlin calling after my sister, piquing my interest. And when I saw her storm down the hall past the kitchen doors, the boyishly handsome Devlin Ryoko struggling to keep up, I just had to know what the fuss was about.
   Conveniently, a lovely looking servant girl happened to walk by, so I flashed her a charming smile and said, “Sorry to interrupt your day, but do you mind doing me a favor?”
   “Anything, Your Highness.” She curtsied.
   I handed her the brown sack of meat I’d stolen. “Walk around, and to the first pair of guards you see I’d like you to give them this sack. Tell them it’s for Tanwen. They’ll know what to do with it. Thanks!”
   I winked at her before whirling around and dashing after my sister and her prince, not giving the girl a chance to respond.
   I found the two stalking down the shadowy corridor that led to the training hall where the guards usually honed their skills to the point of lethality. No surprise that Carissa would run here when she was upset. I knew of her late night adventures throwing knives at various targets once all the guards had returned to their posts or beds. I also knew that she hit the bullseye every time.
   I stayed a well enough distance from them to go unnoticed but still within earshot.
   “If you tell me to calm down one more time, Devlin,” Carissa snarled. “I’ll cut out your tongue and make sure you never tell anyone anything ever again.”
   Devlin paused for a moment as if her threat had actually frightened him. Then he chuckled with amusement, continuing after her. “Very cute, Carissa. But you need to relax. It wasn’t that serious, and it’s not like they said anything wrong. I’m not even sure why you’re upset.”
   My sister whirled on him. “Not like they said anything wrong? Not like they said anything wrong? They disrespected the servants, they disrespected me, and they disrespected females in general.”
   “You’re being dramatic, Carissa. You need to stop this or rumors will start going around.”
   She let out a harsh, breathy laugh. A sound I knew was dangerous from years of growing up with her.
   “You’re just like them.” Carissa scowled.
   “Oh, really. And what are they like?”
   “Entitled, incompetent, selfish, sexist, and downright embarrassing to be associated with!”
   I had to stifle my laugh to avoid being detected but I couldn’t stop the wolfish grin. That’s my sister.
   “How dare you! I’m going to be your husband, and you dare talk to me that way!”
   “I’ll talk to you however I like. Let me remind you, Prince Devlin Ryoko, that until we are married- which is a long way off -I outrank you. Therefore, I can do what I will. In fact, I could kill you and say it was self defense after you attacked me with that foolish cane you carry around and everyone would believe me because I’m just weak, young, darling little Princess Carissa who couldn’t hurt a fly.”
   Her intense glare was in conflict with her sickly sweet sarcastic tone. If Devlin was smart, he would walk away and leave her be until she cooled down. But he wasn’t, and instead he laughed. He laughed at her.
   Carissa shook her head in annoyance, turning once again and taking the last few steps to the training room doors. She pushed through them and stalked inside. Devlin, struggling to compose himself after his fit of laughter, followed her.
   So I trailed after them, not bothering to hide. Stealth was now the least of my concerns. Especially now that I was debating whether to high-five my little sister or pummel Devlin. Possibly both.   Nodding to guards I recognized as friends, my feet carried me into a brisk walk to keep up with Devlin and Carissa.
   I heard the prince say, “Carissa, where are you going? This is no place for a lady.”
   “In that case, good thing I'm a princess and not a lady.” Carissa said dryly.
   She came to a stop at the small shooting range in the far corner of the training room. I finally made my presence known.
   “Young Prince Devlin, surprised to find you here.” I clapped a hand on his shoulder a bit more harshly than one usually would, smirking once I saw him grimace. “And Carissa, my baby sister. Found a new target to practice on, have you?”
   She grinned wickedly at me as she picked up one of the firearms off the wall next to me. “Yes, brother. Darling Dev here was happy to volunteer.”
   “What?” A nervous chortle escaped the boy’s lips.
   I chuckled, winking at Carissa. “Have fun. Don’t spill too much of his blood, please. It’ll be such a hassle to explain to King Laden why his son is rather...discolored.”
   Devlin let out an uncomfortable sound from deep in his throat.
   With one last grin, I turned away and moved toward the staircase that led up to the balcony area. It wrapped around the whole training room so that any interested in watching the guards train could at their will. Usually, it was filled with various ladies who were visiting the palace for whatever ball or luncheon was occurring that week; ladies who wanted to get a good view of the more handsome guards during their free time. Now, though, it was relatively empty.
   The captain, a close friend of mine, was already there, overseeing the training of the newer guards. Arrow Tatsuya, a good looking man appearing to be no older than a mortal 30 year old. He was good at his job, protecting the royal family of Koilada with his life. He had fought many battles with my uncle and my father centuries before I was even born. I respected him. He looked after me and Carissa, too, so we were never really rid of him. He was always around every corner, never far from us.
   “Arrow,” I nodded at him and leaned against the railing. His greeting was hardly more than a grunt, but he was never one to be particularly friendly.
   Upon noticing Carissa at the shooting range, Arrow turned his attention from his men to the princess. We watched Devlin try to tell Carissa to put the gun down, that she was going to hurt herself, or worse, someone else. His words, not mine.
   We watched Carissa roll her eyes and load the pistol, then, without warning, pull the trigger 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, times. She refilled and fired again. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. The resounding booms echoed through the training room and silenced everything.
   Everyone turned to watch as the princess lowered her arm, then turned to the prince next to her.
   “The next time you decide to piss me off,” Carissa said with deadly calm. “Think about this moment.”
   Then she dropped the gun into the case on the floor and sauntered out of the training hall. This time, Devlin was smart enough not to follow.
   The silence was broken by the sound of dozens of feet shuffling over to the shooting range. Someone brought forward the target Carissa had fired at and the crowd erupted into murmurs and gasps and whispers.
   Every shot, straight through the bullseye. Not one an inch away from the center.
   It seemed my little sister stayed true to the guards’ reports of her late night adventures. It also seemed that the world was in for a rude awakening. Turns out their weak, young, darling little Princess Carissa wasn’t weak or darling or little at all.
   I let myself fade into the shadows, let their misty, cool essence carry me downstairs. And in a flourish of black smoke, I appeared before the crowd, a smoking bullet in hand. Warm to the touch, it was one of the bullets that had embedded itself into the steel wall behind the targets after Carissa had pulled the trigger.
   Tossing it up into the air and catching it again, I grinned at the crowd. “Gentlemen. I think you’ll find my sister is a lot more than she seems.”
   And then I stepped forward, the crowd parting for me.
   Just before I exited the doors, I turned around to look up at the balcony area where Arrow still stood. There, on his face, was a rare smile. I smiled back, saluted him, and walked out the doors. They didn’t close behind me fast enough for me to miss the, “Stop gawking and get back to work!” the captain shouted at his men.
   I chuckled, walking the halls and stuffing the warm bullet in my pocket.
   When I turned the corner out of the corridor, Carissa was standing there waiting for me.
   “I can hardly believe I did that.” She said, pushing up off the wall.
   I smiled, swinging my arm around her shoulders and pulling her close. “I can.”
   My sister laughed and together we walked to the aerie where we found two terrified guards struggling to get close enough to Tanwen to feed her meat from a brown sack.
so yeah um...that’s it lol. thanks for reading!! let me know if you liked it <3
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