lizwomannaturenotes · 2 months
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Sar 3 Aug 2024.
Field trip with HFG to Mitcheldeiver spoil heaps. The land was used to dump the chalk spoil created as a result of digging the railway. Atropa belladonna, round leaved and sharped leaved fuelled side by side, plantago media, Potentially tabernaemontani - which was quote woody. Dwarf thistle, Ploughman's-spikenard ( Inula conyzae), Valeriana officinalis among many more other things including cut leaved getmander and red hemp nettle.
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lizwomannaturenotes · 6 months
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Park place second check, all daubs and mn
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lizwomannaturenotes · 8 months
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3rd Feb. Ufton, 6 Mn in main, 2 in cupboard and 2 in other side. Nothing at tyle mill, but 7 ble in the bridge at Moor copse, pants wet to check though!
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lizwomannaturenotes · 8 months
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Jan 21st
Caversham caves, quite rhe experience absail in , climb up 70ft ladder to get out, sadly not many bats (3), think it is too dry.
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lizwomannaturenotes · 8 months
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19th Jan a micro winter
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lizwomannaturenotes · 8 months
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Jan 13th 2024. Bearwood, door still on and intact which is great. Ble in one of the new chillion boxes and one if the Kent boxes and much to my suprise a Barbastelle!!!!!! Went round to dinton but door had been repaired and we could not get in. So because wverywhere still fkooded a massive detour round to clayfield. Pips in some of the 1ff and a hib box stuffed with noctules.
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lizwomannaturenotes · 8 months
Jan 11th Cetti's warbler in the garden. Also this month kingfisher (daily), gold crest, gadwell, dab chick, great white egret. For the RSPB garden birdwatch had. Blue tit, great tit, gold finch, siskin, chaffinch, green finch, sparrow, robin, black bird, jackdaw, red kite, long tailed tit.
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lizwomannaturenotes · 8 months
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Have been doing a series of water colour classes (mushroom obvs) struggling with gills a bit and ok the paintings are never goung to find thier way into an ID guide but they do look like mushrooms and are better than what I thought I could do and I am enjoying doing it. My dream would be to go out and actually be able to capture what I see - well I can only keep practicing.
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lizwomannaturenotes · 8 months
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6th Jan Hib checks at Ufton, and Tyle Mill couldn't do Pang as too flooded a day that was marked out by the flooding, with Winnersh and sonning flooded causing road closures and de-tours caversham looking dicey too. Walking with the dogs took time to apreciate the fat purple Alder buds back home in the evening to find a new underground stream flowing full force in my garden!
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lizwomannaturenotes · 9 months
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Second twitch of my life (and the first one was an accident). Was planning a birding trip with a friend, when looking at where to go Roseanne found reports of waxwings about in a housing estate, in Arbourfield. I agreed to meet her there and then go for a walk after. Arriving at an abandoned industrial estate on the edge of a newbuild estate didn't look like a very promising spot. But there they were the line of twitchers with thier scopes and cameras conspicuous in the quiet little residential close. The birds about 17 of them in the tops of the tall trees obviously desperate to come down and feed in the low bushes with berries but being put off by the large number of wierdos (with more arriving by the minute) lined up alongside the road. The whole thing was quite surreal, the twitchers mostly seamed to know each other, and Elaine (someone I know from bat group stuff turned up). The topic of conversation was mostly who had seen them where yesterday and who had e-mailed/messegd/contacted whom. I got in on the act by messaging Sophie (another batty friend who I know had been trying to see them). Overall it was a fairly empty experience that I won't be rushing to repeat bit like going to a safari park to go see aninmals, nothing like discovering and really seeing thrm for yourself. I do have one bird on my really want to see list but luckly it is not a twitchable one and I will be working on that over the coming months.
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lizwomannaturenotes · 9 months
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Hib checks at remenham folly 44bats, Mn, Md and BLE. Followed by dog walk along river at thames river park, cormorant, herons, graylag geese, swans, coots, mallards, Ltt, water rail magpie, crows, bh gull, other gulls, egypt geese. Pinned w3w of some bat boxes.
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Sunday 10th September 2023.
Guided walk at Greenham Common. Moasic of acid grasland with heathland. Curiously also a suite of species normally associated with chalk geasland.
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lizwomannaturenotes · 6 years
27 Feb.
Todays garden list for the month.
Rudd and trout coming to feed on food I thrown in for ducks. Mallards are back 2-3 Pairs with possibly one pair more resident. Moorhen starting to steak out nest sites and are doing their best to fend off newly arrived coots- lots of fights. Water rail seen on and off through month. Cattle eagret has put in a couple of appearances and we have recently seen a couple of swans, couple of pairs of teal around for a few days. Woodpdgeons in abundance. At least one pair collared doves visits the feeder. Blue tit, great tit, long tailed tit, marsh tit (visual only), siskin , greenfinch, chaffinch, blackcap, goldfinch, robin, dunnock, sparrow, were all regulars on feeder with reed bunting seen occasionally. Jackdaw regularly in small flocks. Magpie once in tree.
Goldcrest in yew seen once.
Brimstone and small tortoishell seen in last few days.
Loddon Lilly and pulmonaria in flower, bluebells breaking through.
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lizwomannaturenotes · 6 years
25th Feb Home
Caught Mr H. Hog in the act this evening as I went to feed him, he legged it. He is holding his weight and with the warmer weather is feeding more again. Won't be long before he can be released. He was just 150g when Rowan found him on Bridge street.
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lizwomannaturenotes · 6 years
24th Feb Reading sites hib checks.
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Despite still having cold nights with frosts, days have been unseasonably warm. Across 5 sites we only had 2 bats.
Old nest in pang valley bridge I think probably grey wagtail. Spring squil in profusion, planted at Ufton Court. Kids on the roof of the now destroyed hibernacula at Greenham - no bats.
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lizwomannaturenotes · 6 years
21st Feb Garden
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Swans are back, not very pleased to see Rowan, pulmonaria and Loddon Lilly in flower.
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lizwomannaturenotes · 6 years
19th Feb Harrow Way - short loop
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Found a starving barn owl too week to fly, took him down to the hawk trust next day but sadly he dis t make it.
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