lmthemes-support · 10 years
Hi, I'm using Tainted Love and am noticed audio posts don't seem to have a player. Is this intentional or am I experiencing an error? (ie I can't play audio posts from my blog webpage)
Hmm it appears for me. If you hover over the album art the player is there, however, it does appear faint on darker album covers. You can change the audio player color in the appearance options.
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lmthemes-support · 10 years
Hi! I'm using the Films Table (GIFs) page and the alignment of the first row is further to the right than all the other ones. I've looked at your FAQ page, and the copy/paste part isn't the problem. It's the same as all the other ones. Any suggestions as to what to do?
Well, it is only supposed to have 5 per line. If you want to have it span across the whole page you would need to remove the container.
Otherwise starting with the Breakfast Club you forgot to copy/paste an extra div:
The Avengers
The Breakfast Club
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lmthemes-support · 10 years
Film Table [Simple] Issues
carstlairs submitted: Hi there, first off. I want to say that I absolutely love your themes and thank you so much for spending your time and creating them for others!
So I’m trying to use your Film Table [Simple] page code as a sort of bookshelf. So in other words, instead of holding movies it’ll be holding books. I have it set up on a sideblog so I could adjust the coding before putting it on my main blog, but I’ve run into an issue with it.
I added all the spots that I wanted, but for some reason, only the first 3 rows show up? I’ve tried taking out the lazy load script to see if that would help, but it didn’t. Here’s a link to the blog I have it set up on if you’d like to see it. Thank you so much for taking your time to read this!
No worries! <3 So if you look in your code you have:
</divR accidentally.
So instead just close it off as: </div> and it should fix the issue :)
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lmthemes-support · 10 years
Hiii! I am currently using your film table theme and I find it very beautiful! I wanted to ask you if there was a way to make two separate tables, as in watched film and film I want to watch.. I wanted to have everything in one page, and I tried to just close the table tag and doing a new one, but instead of going down the page, it appears on the right! Can you help me?
Pre-post before the submission that I didn't see.
Basically, you can you'll just need to add:
Tumblr media
All over again.
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lmthemes-support · 10 years
bladechord submitted: sorryy this is the link of the page i’m trying to do!! http://bladechord.tumblr.com/movies See, the thing appears on the right!
Add: <div style="clear:both"></div>
before that watched code and that should do it.
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lmthemes-support · 10 years
hey, sorry to bother but i was wondering if you guys know a good base code that one can use, or would you recommend making themes tip to toe by myself?
There are some good base codes on theme hunter. It's whatever you're comfortable with. I guess it depends on how you think you learn best. By example or from scratch because you can always do base codes but I feel as though my tutorial on how to make themes provides examples which would be like base codes anyway. 
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lmthemes-support · 10 years
Hi, I'm a huge fan of your "Face Off" theme and I'm currently using it as my theme (you can check it out yourself). I was wondering if its possible to have posts a bit more smaller with 2 columns, while the tags, notes, etc stays the same? If you are able to help me with this, that would be greatly appreciated.
Like less than 250px? That would be a bit of work to do and would fall under customizations which unfortunately I don't assist with at the moment, sorry.
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lmthemes-support · 10 years
Hello, I'm using your graity hiatus theme. This is already my primary blog itself. I'm wondering why won't the blogroll tab show. I didn't make changes to the code. And reading your guide, there doesn't seem to be any instructions for blogroll. All I know is that primary blogs already gets blogroll. Hope you can help! Sorry for the trouble.
Ah I figured it out! lol 
So apparently I forgot a bit of code around the blogroll section so you can either replace the code between
or just add {block:Following} and {/block:Following} 
where it is around the code…
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lmthemes-support · 10 years
Hello. I'm using your hiatus theme (gravity, i think) and it's all good but the blogroll doesn't appear, it just say "blogroll" and nothing else. I already have a blogroll page, and i'm not really good with codes. So i was hoping you could help. Thanks in advance. :)
Are you using the page or the theme cause I think people are having trouble with that...
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lmthemes-support · 10 years
The theme you made and is currently used by Theme Hunter, will it ever be up for public use?
Yup, hopefully.
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lmthemes-support · 10 years
For your Tainted Love (#14) theme, how do you change the links under the roman numerals in the sidebar? I wanted to replace the "submit" option for III with an "about me" and have been able to change the hover text to reflect this, but can't find the corresponding link to alter/a way to make an 'about me' page to substitute with?
If III is submit you'll need to manually change the code here:
As to the second part about the about me page... are you asking how to make one or was that the link you wanted to replace the submit with?
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lmthemes-support · 10 years
Hi, you answered a question about this 3 months ago to another user about the links being blue in the captions of your theme 15: THE USUAL SUSPECTS, but you hadn't mentioned how to fix the problem. So I was wondering if you could help me through how to fix it, if you had the time? I'm using it @ martinskeez(.)tumblr(.)com if you need a visual. Thanks either way
Hmm yeah sometimes that can be odd for some reason… but I think I found the problem.
So if you see:
.cap a, .capf a {font-family: Consolas, Monospace; font-size: 10px; color: {color:Accent};}
.cap a:hover, .capf a:hover {text-decoration: line-through} 
You can either add:
.hid a
to the first line
and then
.hid a:hover
to the second or paste this over it:
.cap a, .capf a, .hid a {font-family: Consolas, Monospace; font-size: 10px; color: {color:Accent};}
.cap a:hover, .capf a:hover, .hid a:hover {text-decoration: line-through} 
let me know if that doesn't work.
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lmthemes-support · 10 years
I saw your hiatus theme Gravity and I think it looks great. Nice, modern, and there's just everything I could need in there. Would you consider making it a theme for non-hiatus blogs?
Yup. I shall put that on my to do list and hopefully have it this weekend.
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lmthemes-support · 10 years
hi im using your gravity theme and my blogroll doesnt show up? ive read users having the same problem too. im using google chrome btw. can you help me please? thank you xo
Hmm oh I suppose I read some of the questions wrong. So it's not showing up at all? Is there a test blog which you're using it on?
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lmthemes-support · 10 years
hello i just want to say i solved the problem about the blogroll issue. a fellow user of the gravity theme said the the blogroll code is different in the all in one page and that one works.
Thanks for letting me know! Yeah I know there were a few copy paste things. I will look into it.
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lmthemes-support · 10 years
Hi, I'm a coder myself and I've been playing around with codes for like five years. Everything I know I've figured out myself or learned through tutorials (including your "how to theme"). I've used pop ups quite a bit but for some reason on one of my new themes it's just not working. I've tried raising the z-index attributes and everying. It's so frustrating. It looks like the fade is blocking the askbox, but the z-index of the ask box is higher. Do you think you can shed some light my way?
Not sure if you got it to work or if it's on a test blog, but if you still need help with this I can definitely assist you.
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lmthemes-support · 10 years
Do you plan on publishing the code for the theme used by theme-hunter?
Definitely, just probably not for a while since I made it for them. So in a couple months or so probably.
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