lnichols-blog1 · 7 years
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Session 15 - Project 3 - Final
While there are many colors in this photo, I tried to keep the color scheme to purple and greens. I created the illusion of space through the lenses on the aviators. I wanted the focal point to be the girl with the sunglasses on and the peace sign in her lens. I accomplished this by hierarchy scale, making that particular picture bigger than the others. I also wanted to add more texture to that picture, so I blended a picture of a purple iris with it, making it more abstract. 
Working with the aviators ended up being a lot more difficult than I originally thought it would be! I kept getting my phone or reflection in the lens, also just couldn’t quite create anything “abstract” with one photo, which is why I chose to blend in photoshop. 
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lnichols-blog1 · 7 years
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1. FP through one big thing - In this image, they really zoomed in on Simone Biles (cutting out the balance beam) to really make her the focus of the image. 
2. Change in direction - Everything in this image seems to be horizontal, except for Simone Biles. 
3. Change in color - with the background being all black, Simone Biles in her red leotard really pop out at you, sparking interest. 
4. FP through isolation - again, since they cut out most of the beam and really zoomed in on Simone Blies, along with the black background, Simone is the FP, through isolation. 
5. Seondary FP - a secondary FP would be the text. White text on a black background naturally stands out to a viewer. 
6. Rule of thirds - In this image, Simone is on the left side of the photo, not perfectly center. Which adds interest.
7. Symmetrical Balance - while the viewer’s eyes are first drawn to Simone, there is symmetry because of the lettering on the right side of the image. 
8. Curvilinear vs. Rectilinear - Everything in this image has straigh lines and follows the rectilinear pattern, except for Simone, who adds curvature to the image. Again, adding interest. 
9. Gaze motion - Simone is looking down, focusing on the beam, which in turn makes the viewer notice the beam that has been mostly cut out of the image. 
10. Illusion of motion- it is obvious that Simone is in motion in this image. 
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lnichols-blog1 · 7 years
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Session 13 - Project 2 final - Texture Composition. 
The intended FP is the block in the bottom right corner with the teal, gold and purple “puddle” of paint that the colors drip in to. I think the gold arrow could also be the focal point, since it is different material and shape, it breaks up the unity on the piece. I chose to use wood board for the back to create a rustic look. I chose the little round pieces of wood and used them in place of the rocks in my original design, because I decided rocks would get too heavy. To get the “puddle” of colors, the block was hydro-dipped, 
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lnichols-blog1 · 7 years
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SESSION 11 - Progress pic. Gathering materials together, at this point I didn’t have the background picked out. 
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lnichols-blog1 · 7 years
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SESSION 12 - Snapshot for approval. Here is a picture of me placing everything deciding where it will all go, before adding paint. I’m still a little undecided on the feathers and the small arrow and their placement. Thoughts? The focal point will be the square in the bottom right corner, It will be obvious once paint is added.
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lnichols-blog1 · 7 years
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Session 11 - Color Ad 
The FP is the kiwi. Most of the ad is green and the brown skin breaks the pattern up to draw your eyes to the kiwi. The balance composition used is informal balance, I believe, since the business logo is in the bottom right corner, but there is nothing to even it out on top. But this creates interest in the bottom corner, drawing your eyes to the information they want you to see. 
The color composition is color dominance. Not everything is green in the ad, but when you look at this ad, you know it is all about green. 
I believe this ad is idealistic. Kiwis are not normally THAT vibrant of green. 
Another principal used in this ad is Lost and Found. The kiwi disappears into the background. 
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lnichols-blog1 · 7 years
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S10 - Project 2 Sketch 3 - This one would be more playful, fun and bright. I haven’t decided what the background material will be yet, but the sun would be created with curly metal shavings (possibly painted gold). The arrows in the corners are going to be either sticks or metal arranged to look like arrows. I would add very small metal shavings in the left corner to represent water glistening in the sunlight. And the arrows on the right will be arranged to represent mountains. This sketch is all about travelling and adventure, so whatever colors I choose will be bright and cheerful. 
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lnichols-blog1 · 7 years
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S10- Project 2 Sketch 2 - In this sketch, I would make the focal point the bottom right corner. I would hydro-dip it in the 3 colors of paint that I choose for the dripping paint on the top of the sketch. The rocks will make it look as if the paint is dripping around it into the puddle. Will add a chevron pattern with arrows and a feather down the left side to balance it out. 
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lnichols-blog1 · 7 years
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S10 - Project 2 Sketch 1 - In this idea I would create a focal point out of metal spikey wall decorations I found. I would paint them bold metallic colors so they would stand out. The FP will be placed on craft paper I found with gold and silver dots. I think placing the FP near these dots will give the appearance of 3D dots, since the FP will be up off of the page. The background is rustic wood planks that I will hand scrape, and will burn the corners with a torch to add interest. I’m not sure if I will use arrows in this or how they will be arranged yet. 
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lnichols-blog1 · 7 years
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S10 - Final Project 1 Composition.
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lnichols-blog1 · 7 years
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SESSION 10 TEXTURE ADS - I love this ad for Royal Velvet. The way the towel is blended perfectly with the water is beautiful! In this ad you could say texture in revealed details and/or textural patterns.
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lnichols-blog1 · 7 years
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SESSION 10-TEXTURE ADS - In this ad, I think you could say texture with a natural theme or type as texture.
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lnichols-blog1 · 7 years
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SESSION 10 - TEXTURE ADS - In this ad for King Arthur Flour, they used the texture of food. 
They focal point was created by radial composition, since the flour spread around the heart is in a circle. 
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lnichols-blog1 · 8 years
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lnichols-blog1 · 8 years
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Project one final revision
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lnichols-blog1 · 8 years
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SESSION 9 - Realism is the principle used in this ad, with a bit of idealism, as well. The room is a nice living space (idealism) with the person and cat ‘living’ in it (realism).
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lnichols-blog1 · 8 years
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SESSION 9 -Idealism and realism are both used in this ad, although I think the main focus is the idealism principle, as it is the “end product” being advertised in this ad for photoshop.
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