can u sexualize me again i miss feeling like i meant smth to u lol
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Turned my body into a crime scene
Laid me to rest in a place of the restless
An emptied out grave that was never mine to begin with
Head stone reading
“Here they lay destroyed helpless and disposed of in a body they no longer get to call home.”
As you walk away they’ll ask you about me but will you ever tell them you were the last to see me alive?
The reason I’m hollowed out?
The reason my freezing corpse still finches at unexpected touch?
Here I lay buried in my grave trying to claw my way to the top.
Some people die before they’re actually dead and so I’ll haunt all the places I know and I’ll weep in corners, stare longingly from windows into empty gardens.
Because my body is a crime scene that my aching soul will wonder in all its crevices praying one day it’ll cross over.
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I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you so much
It makes me violently ill
Makes me want to throw up my insides until I’m as hollow as I feel
Every organ displayed in front of my like some sick autopsy
My heart will lay in the middle of it all
I hope you take it I hope you preserve it and stick it on a shelf to show off to everyone else.
You’ll show them happily you’ll tell them about me
“Look at her, she gave it all to me, it’s a pitty really but it’s mine to keep.”
And I’ll lay and rot and hope but I’ll be at peace because at least you kept me if only a piece.
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He’s a day dream, a wish I make on a shooting star, a secret I whisper to the moon, my deepest sweetest desire.
He makes my heart ache, race, break, and pull it’s self back together good as new, he leaves me breathless speechless lightheaded.
Hands sweating shanking reaching to brush fingertips or to interlock fingers.
He’s gentle but firm, stable, dependable, exciting, brand new, never before experienced.
He’s unknown but I know him like I know my own hand, I’ve never been with him before but I know he’s my home, he’s my safety my shelter from a ranging storm.
He’s the fire in my chest and the calming balm to my soul.
I bloom for him and he sprouts for me we’re petal soft but face the harshest of winters together like delicate snow flowers.
He’s everything and anything all at once all of the time.
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