localteezersluvr · 2 years
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to my forever home - ateez.
thank you for having provided me with comfort and happiness. i have never regretted anything about being a part of the fans community. you’ve always been shining and still shining. i don’t know what life would be like without you. love you, to the moon 🌙 and beyond the galaxy 🌌
the end
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ateez (noun):
the 8 boys who i will love unconditionally and will never stop loving.
the 8 boys who bring me happiness and give me encouragement when i am at my worst
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dedicated to the one and only @localteezersluvr and ateez
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localteezersluvr · 2 years
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hongjoong ❀ idol radio 221222
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localteezersluvr · 2 years
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hongjoong ❀ season’s greetings 2023
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localteezersluvr · 2 years
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⟣ bringing this jongho back ⟢
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localteezersluvr · 2 years
i will officially start to post ateez and dream smp ship shot in here so if you don’t like dream smp, kindly block me and DO NOT report
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cr: pinterest
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localteezersluvr · 2 years
Hellooo! I'm a new atiny and I was wondering if you could help me get to know the boys a bit, I mean if you could describe them in a few words, what you think about them. I'm also curious who are the trouble makers and who are the mom and dad of the group who keep them in check. Thank you!
Well, Hello my Darling! Welcome to the crew.♡
To answer your first questions, I would have to say the members are like comforts for me. They are people I can turn to when I'm lost. They hold a deep meaning to me and I wouldn't be as confident and happy without them.
To your trouble maker question. I would personally say, they are all trouble makers but the worst in the bunch would be 100% Wooyoung and San. They are the definition of Loud, Childish, Adhd, Cra*k Head Energy.
Mingi and YunHo also have some trouble maker tendencies but not as bad as the two demons, Woo and San.
And your last question. Who are the mom and dad. And I think everyone would agree, Hongjoong and Seonghwa are the parents. Not only are they the oldest, they treat the members like their children.
Seonghwa is the Mother. Super clean, cuddly and a reassuring, Hwa has all the attributes of a mother figure. He makes sure his babies are cared for 24/7. We've seen him always checking up on them and keeping them in line and even when they are causing so much chaos, all he has to do is say stop and they will all listen.
Hongjoong is the Father. Tough, Joking, strict when he wants to be and will always stand up for his family. He acts like one of those hard working (workaholic) fathers that pretend to not like his children's company but in truth, he wouldn't survive without them. I don't know much about fathers, given mine abandoned me oop. But I feel he has just that nature that fathers have you know? Idk ahha maybe I'm just seeing things.
I hope my rambles gift you the answers you needed. And again, welcome to our little section of the internet. If you wanna hang and stay a while I have some great reading content. And If you want I'd love for you to check out my recommendation posts. Their are some amazing writers I've added there and I'm sure you will fall in love with there work. ♡♡
I hope you have an amazing day/night ♡
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localteezersluvr · 2 years
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to the moon
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localteezersluvr · 2 years
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another year of ateez's bday tradition 🥹
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localteezersluvr · 2 years
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ATEEZ :: 2023 SEASON’S GREETINGS :: Pick Your Partner! Friends Version
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localteezersluvr · 2 years
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ATEEZ :: 2023 SEASON’S GREETINGS :: Pick Your Partner! Friends Version
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localteezersluvr · 2 years
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ATEEZ :: 2023 SEASON’S GREETINGS :: Pick Your Partner! Friends Version
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localteezersluvr · 2 years
guardian angel
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Pairing: Seonghwa x female! reader
Genre: romance, angst, fluff, slight crack, highschool! au, bad boy! au, happy ending
Word count: 3.8k
Requested?: yes
Warnings: cursing, a lot of cliche themes, mentions of smoking and drinking, elements of crack, potential sexual assault (doesn't actually happen), suggestive, wooyoung being his awesome self
Summary: Seonghwa is known for being a delinquent. Nothing phases, and no one messes with him. But there is someone who he is drawn to. Someone he can't quite keep off his mind.
Author's Notes: I had so much fun writing this you have no idea. It took way longer to write than I wanted but I need it to be perfect. This fic does have some mature theme so do be warned! Thank you so much anon for requesting this. I really hope you all enjoy. Let me know what you think!! <3
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The whole concept of having a guardian angel was comforting. intriguing, almost. Having someone watching over, protecting you, perhaps without you even knowing. That was a comforting thought.
Or at least for you it was. But in this compulsory religious studies class, most kids were seconds away from falling asleep. The teacher droned on with her monotone voice, flicking through the PowerPoint presentation, which looked like a half-hearted effort, put together last night.
Not that it mattered. No one was paying attention anyway, all except the handful of teens who wanted to get the best out of their mediocre education system.
"Silence please" the teacher mumbled weakly at the class. Poor Miss had no presence, no impact. The hard-working students, such as yourself, usually sitting in the front row, could usually hear her feeble voice. But they weren't the ones who needed to hear it.
"She said shut up!"
A voice with authority. Everyone collectively gasped, quick to close their lips now as they turned to face the principal, who walked in not moments ago. She was the one to be feared.
And yet there were still some people who just didn't fear her enough.
"You boys at the back" she snarled as she pointed over to the back of the classroom.
Ahh, the boys at the back. There's such a thing to be said about a high school's social hierarchy. It followed the same, cliche, stereotypical pattern as every American high school rom-com movie does. It is the same each time, each year. At the bottom: nerds, geeks, unconventionally attractive pupils, or just simply people who strive to succeed academically which for some reason makes you a loser. And at the top? Hot, rich mean girl gangs who absorb their power by thriving off the fear of the 'low-lives' below them. And, of course, the boys at the back.
"Why are you still talking? Did you not hear me the first time?"
One of them mumbled and snickered but it was hard to tell who. Or at least, for the principle it was.
It was quite clearly Wooyoung. Known for never knowing when to shut up, Wooyoung was the one to not understand when things went too far, or when a situation was too serious. And he was the one to get away with everything.
"Who's still talking?"
Wooyoung decides, the clown that he is, to turn to Seonghwa in this instance, with the usual shit-eating grin on his face, making it seem like Seonghwa was the accomplice.
"Was it you, pretty boy? To the front of the class now!"
Seonghwa glared daggers into Wooyoung as he reluctantly grabbed his stuff and got up to walk right to the front.
Even just walking through the class, you could see how much power Seonghwa would hold. Girls would giggle and swoon over him, whispering to each other about how good he looked today. Boys would cough awkwardly as he walked passed them, pretending not to be even remotely attracted to him. And the nerds at the front wouldn't even dare look at him. Especially you.
Which was typical because the only desk that was free at the front for him to sit at was the one directly next to yours.
So, as you screamed internally at yourself for not choosing another seat at the start of the year, Seonghwa settled down next to you, throwing his stuff on the desk and sitting back leisurely on his seat. he let out a long, dramatic sigh.
"Good. Now the rest of you need to get on, you will be tested on this!" Everyone let out a low groan at this, and then the principal promptly left without another word.
The usual rumble of conversation started up again. You stared downwards at the work in front of you, trying to concentrate on something, anything that wasn't the hot guy next to you.
Your heart stopped. Breath hitched up in your throat as you strangled on a previous inhale. Is he talking to me? You thought to yourself. Eyes wide with fear, anticipation, and excitement, you decided to do the unthinkable.
You turned towards him.
Never had it occurred to you that, not only was he talking to you, but he was looking at you too. So as you mustered up the courage to turn your head towards him, you were faced with two, large, deadly brown orbs staring at you, eating you alive by the intensity of his gaze. This was the closest he had been to you. And the bravest you had ever been to dare to take his features in this close. You couldn't help yourself. Eyes trailing along his smooth, tanned skin, jawline so sharp you were convinced you could cut yourself on it if you touch it. Jet black hair styled to frame his face so expertly; so precise was the wisps of his fringe, and although he kept brushing his hair back with his long fingers, the stubborn stray hairs would remain rested neatly on his forward. Perfect. Strong cheekbones, magnificently angled nose, luscious lips that hid a devious tongue.
And all this time you were staring at him. But by God did he stare back. Reality only hit you once you were done drinking in his features, savouring the human painting before you as if he was the last painting left on earth. You only blinked your eyes downwards once you were conscious and very much aware that your wide eyes and agape mouth had made his eyes sparkle with curiosity.
"Hi" was all you could muster. A feeble, pathetic excuse of a word that he could barely hear. He felt the corner of his lips pull up at your response.
"What are we actually supposed to be learning?"
You were surprised at his question. Did he actually wanna do the work? Or did he just want to talk to you? Or.. or... what was happening?? You blinked in response before clearing your throat.
"Well, today's lesson is about angels. You know, the different types of angels, and different religious interpretations of what they are like. Miss just finished talking about Guardian angels and-"
"Oh, I don't actually care sweetie," he chuckled lowly as you blushed ferociously at the sudden pet name. You suspected he was mocking you, but all the while his eyes held a warm curiosity as he continued to gaze at you. "I don't believe in angels or anything like that, tsk."
Perhaps he was passing the time. Making the lesson go faster for himself by making conversation. That's how you viewed it anyway.
"Why did you ask then?"
Your sudden boldness shocked you both, but you hid it well. His eyebrow quirked up with interest.
"I just wanted to that pretty voice of yours," he hummed, his tone a mixture of playful banter and flirtatious intent. It made your cheeks feel warm.
"Do you believe in any of this crap then?" He queried, suddenly looking away and taking a much more serious interest in his broken pencil, which he played with masterfully and with great skill between the fingers of his right hand.
You tried not to get defensive about his ignorant and outright rude attitude. Part felt that that's what he wanted. He wanted to lure you into a trap, an argument, and all just for his amusement.
"I like the idea of guardian angels," you paused to look away from him, your gaze sinking to your desk again, "having someone to watch over you like that... I don't know... the whole idea makes me feel less... less lonely."
That was your truth. This wasn't the first conversation you envisioned having with him. It felt a bit strange, a bit peculiar. Too deep too quick, especially with someone like him.
You expected him to scoff at this considering his previous remark. But you felt him gaze at you once more. He didn't tut, he didn't hum in response. He just turned away without another word.
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That was the first time you interacted with Seonghwa. And you had a feeling, deep down, that it would be your last.
I mean, who were you kidding? You both guys ran in different circles. Had different lives, different friends, different... everything.
You knew this, and you knew this well. So why were you still thinking about him?
You felt he was undoubtedly out-of-your-league in all aspects. Looks, attitude, social status. Stuff that meant absolutely nothing to you but supposedly meant everything to everybody else. It was infuriating to tolerate these mindsets on a daily basis and yet you find yourself enduring and getting swallowed but the same expectations these mindsets create.
As you wallow in a stream of these thoughts you do not think for a second that the boy you now had eyes for - the delinquent who took a shine to you for reasons you could not explain - would be thinking about you in the same way.
But he was. And he hated it.
He wasn't a ladies' man like Wooyoung was. Wooyoung thrived when given attention from a pretty girl and he would do anything to impress them. Seonghwa was just not like that.
Rather, he preferred to flirt around, subtly. Throw a few winks here and there, biting his lip for too long as he made fleeting eye contact with as many girls as he could. He was quiet in his flirtatious endeavours, but he never really meant anything.
So he doesn't know why he starts feeling this way about you.
"What's the matter with you then?" Wooyoung nudged his friend, who seemed quieter than usual. The usual gang of boys met on the rooftop of the art building in their school. They would usually stay back well after hours, long until it gets dark. No one knew they were there, and jumping the gates was easy when they need to exit.
So that's where they were, vaping sloppily and drinking uncontrollably. The bottles of beers accumulated around the overflowing rubbish bin. It was surprising that no one caught on to their activities considering they were shamelessly loud, with zero fear of getting found out, perhaps because they got away with everything.
"Nothing, I'm fine," Seonghwa shrugged his friend off, staring down at the glass bottle in his hand.
Wooyoung isn't stupid. He knows when something isn't quite right. Better yet, he is persistent. Stubborn, even. Annoyingly determined to chip away at you until you crack. He gets what he wants.
"Must be some lucky girl for you to be thinking about her so much," Wooyoung teased as the rest joined in to chuckle. Seonghwa scowled at the boy, glaring at him in a way that would send chills to someone's heart. It was a shame that he was glaring at Wooyoung, who was simply brimming with audacity. Seonghwa knew better than to get into an argument with him, so he just kept quiet.
What Wooyoung said made him think though. Why was he thinking about you? Why you, specifically? His calculating eyes shifted from one object to another as he tried to pattern in his mind some sound reasoning.
Perhaps it was the way you looked at him. Well, other people stared at his face on a daily. He just looked so perfect. So absolutely stunning. As Seonghwa looked back he realised you had the same gaze and yet something different. It was obvious you admired his appearance, perhaps even shocked when seeing him up close. However, he recalled a certain trace of curiosity. Of excitement. And as you stared at his face like this, he didn't realise was studying yours.
Yet, there was something in the way you interacted with him; the spike of boldness that shot out of you was something he didn't quite expect. Most girls either stammer like idiots when trying to talk to him, or they screech and giggle and touch him playfully when he doesn't want them to. There's no in-between. So admittedly, he was caught a bit off guard by how you responded to him.
And he liked being caught off guard.
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It had been a long ass day and you were, quite frankly, fed up. With your last lesson just finished you were so, so ready to go. Shoving your notebooks into your already heavy bag, you were stopped by the teacher.
"Y/N, I was just wondering if you wanted to join some extracurricular activities? It would really boost up your grades and would make your CV look excellent-"
Ah yes, of course. Here comes the lecture all the bright pupils get which guilt trip them into joining some weird club that no one goes to. You've heard this all before, and you weren't considering it now. It's a shame your teacher caught you at the wrong time because you were barely able to keep your eyes open from pure exhaustion as she spoke to you.
"Thanks Miss, but I've been really busy lately.."
You could see the disappointment in her face but you were so done with the day that you didn't even care.
"Just think about it, okay?"
Heaving a sigh, you slung your bag over your shoulder while the teacher left the classroom.
You knew one of the boys was still there, lurking at the back somewhere. The same group of boys always stayed back and you couldn't possibly think why. And you didn't dare to ask.
"Hey, Princess~"
You couldn't pin that voice on a face. It sounded familiar, but all the boys' voices sounded the same. Only Wooyoung's voice stood out the most since he talked so damn much. And, of course, Seonghwa's...
"You joining a stupid little club for your favourite teacher, eh?"
It was so petty you could've laughed. You turned around to face whoever this boy was, and his name escaped you. His name didn't matter to you regardless.
It unnerved you that he was by himself. Sure, having a whole group of them sneer at you wasn't ideal, but being alone with this guy after school hours made you want to run. But you didn't.
Your unamused face made the boy chuckle as you stared directly into his eyes. You wish you hadn't looked there, because surely you must have looked terrified by now; how he stalked up to you with confidence and intensity of a crow attacking a fresh piece of roadkill.
You stood your ground.
"No, I decided not to."
End of conversation. Done. Dusted. Swept under the rug.
He was at an uncomfortable distance now, too close for someone you don't know. And even closer for someone you didn't want to know.
"Good girl."
You shivered. The dread built up in the pit of your stomach.
"Still," he mused, "a strip club doesn't sound so bad."
He had you pressed up against the table as his hands started for the strap of your vest top, a finger curling around it as he slowly started to pull it down. You were paralysed. Eyes wide with fear and disbelief and confusion. You should've run, you told yourself. You should've run you stupid girl.
"Get your fucking hands off her!"
There was a voice, familiar in its depth, but not so familiar in its intensity and rage. Both of you snapped your head over to find Seonghwa, his eyes emoting the most indescribable anger someone could ever feel.
"What the fuck is wrong with you man, let us have our fu-"
It was too late. A fist thrown to the face was enough to send the boy flying. He was weak as he crashed down dramatically into one of the desks. Seonghwa moved to him and kept going. Punch, kick, slam. The boy would be bruised for weeks.
But he ran off anyway, stumbling out of the class. The heavy footfall of his feet echoed down the hall.
You and Seonghwa stared at each other in silence.
His eyes were full of regret. Regret that he didn't stay behind with his 'friend.' Regret that he let you see this violent side of him. Regret that he wasn't there for you. If he hadn't come in at the right time-
Your eyes were filled with sorrow, vision clouded by the beads of tears that formed at the bottom of your eyes. You had felt so alone, so out of your depth and in danger.
"Thank you so much," you burst into tears. You grabbed him and sunk your head into his chest and sobbed into the fabric of his t-shirt. Holding him close into a feeble, yet certain, hug. It was not something you intended to do, but in the overwhelming situation you found yourself in, you felt you owed him the world.
So a hug will do for now.
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"Of course he's out of the group, what are you even saying? It's no problem! He was a twat anyway."
Wooyoung sucked on his lollipop with such passion and vigour that Seonghwa thought he was going to inhale and choke on it, which admittedly would've been quite funny.
They sat by themselves on the rooftop, dangling their feet over the edge. They could see the sunset very clearly. It was beautiful. Wooyoung teased that it was almost... romantic! Of course this caused to threaten to push him over the edge for.
"You really pummelled him in though. He's got a black eye and everything. I never thought you were the type," Wooyoung said through slurps, talking with his lollipop still in his mouth.
Seonghwa stared at the sun ahead, its rays giving his face an ethereal glow.
"I don't care."
There was a moment of silence. Seonghwa's eyes stared ahead.
"I can't let anything happen to her."
"Why though?"
"I don't know. I don't even know!"
"I do."
"You L word her."
Wooyoung chose this moment to flutter his eyelashes mockingly at Seonghwa.
"Shut up."
"You do!"
"That doesn't make any sense I don't even know her."
Seonghwa may have said this but, in his heart, he knew he was wrong. Deep down he knew you. He had watched over you, observed the way you talk, what your interests are, what classes you liked the most that make your eyes light up, and what classes you hated and never put your hand up in. All from the back of the class, he would peak every now and then just to make sure you were okay. Like a guardian angel-
"Maybe you want to know her."
Seonghwa looked at his friend with an eyebrow quirked.
"How does your eyebrow not hurt from you doing that so much I will never know..."
"You're a pain in my ass, Wooyoung."
Seonghwa chuckled and gazed at Wooyoung fondly. It was nice having a friend like him to talk to about anything. Wooyoung can be crazy at times but he always has his back, that's for sure.
"Don't worry, I got this for you."
Seonghwa scrunched up his face in confusion.
"Wait wha-"
"Shhh, don't worry. I have an idea~"
"Not another one of your crazy-ass ideas."
"Don't worry. You're gonna love this one!"
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The end of the day on the last day of term felt like such a rush. Nothing exciting happened but you didn't expect much to begin with.
"Bye, I'll see you after summer," you hugged one of your friends goodbye, giving them a squeeze. It would be lonely without them for all this time, as they were going on holiday. There was a certain emptiness you felt at the bottom of your heart when you watched them walk away. You felt there was nothing to look forward to until they returned. It was a shame.
The hallway was starting to lull down with its usual chaos and students fled the school as soon as the bell rang. One by one, students disappeared until only a few remained around you.
As you fiddled with the keys to your locker, on opening it a piece of paper slipped out of it.
Your eyes sparkle with curiosity as you leaned down to pick the paper up. It was small and folded. Your fingers worked at opening it up, revealing slanted handwriting in black biro pen:
'Meet me on the art room roof.
~ Your Guardian Angel'
Your eyes glossed over now, staring at the paper. It was hard for you to examine what you had felt. It wasn't disbelief or shock or confusion. It was certainty. Relief. Comfort.
Smiling to yourself, you did as you were instructed. There was a quickness in your step, a skip of hope and anticipation as you marched to the other side of the school.
Up the stairs to the art classroom, opening the fire exit door and up some more stone stairs, cold and loud with each footstep. And up you were, on the roof, the sky now open to you with open arms as you were embraced by a warm breeze.
There stood Seonghwa, his slicked back hair shining in the sun. His shirt was untucked and hanging over his black trousers, and he wore his usual white bomber jacket on his back, which you thought, at this moment, looked like two angel wings. Perhaps you were romanticising, but it was his fault.
His back was to you as he stood near the edge of the roof. It was like he was posing, like he was in a movie and this was his action shot. As the drone camera circulates around him, getting a 360 cinematic shot of him, his face would be revealed as daring, determined eyes shining in his passion. That's what you had imagined.
"Is this my guardian angel?"
There was no movement when he heard your voice. You expected him to turn around but maybe he had other plans. Maybe he wanted you to come to him. On debating about it in your mind, you decided to give in, shuffling closer until you were right beside him, staring out into the distance just like he did.
"I don't believe in that crap, you know that."
This statement didn't hurt you. His voice was soft, playful, almost melodic. There was a purposeful gentleness about his words in which no man had ever spoken to you before.
A silence was shared between you both, and you couldn't discern whether it was awkward or just simply... was.
"But I like the idea of it," he continued. "The whole idea makes me feel less... lonely."
You recognised your own words that you had said to him before, and suddenly the bubbling sensation of hope erupted in your heart.
He turned to you with a fond smile, and at that moment your eyes connected. You had never felt so at ease when gazing into someone's eyes before. Seonghwa had a warm reassurance that no one could quite match.
Pulling you close to him, he embraced you gently, head atop yours as you both gazed out at the view together. It felt so intimate, like you had both shared a secret, that could never be told to another soul. It felt safe, comfortable. It just felt right.
Secure in his arms, shielded, protected: that's where Seonghwa wanted you to be, always.
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localteezersluvr · 2 years
joongs’ signature sex lines
Warnings: harddom!joong, sub!joong, dom!reader, sub!reader, overstimulation, dacryphilia, punishment, creampie kink, voice kink, insinuated exhibitionism, name calling (slut, poor thing, whore, baby), voyeurism, degration, praise, edging, begging, insecure!joong, needy!joong, masturbation, mirror sex, hair pulling, choking
(No gendered terms, please ignore any typos or grammar errors… i’m exhausted)
- such a good little whore
Though Joong would rather degrade you until you sob, he does toss in some praise every now and then.. while, of course, adding in some degration
- look at you, baby, so fucked out on my cock
Mirror sex is a must for Joong. He’d pull your head back by your hair, or wrap his hand around your neck and pull you up so your back is against his chest, still pounding you, and forcing you to look at yourself in the mirror.
- poor things gonna cum so hard, aren’t you?
Whether he be fucking you, fingering you, or giving oral, he would constantly make you feel almost pathetic for cumming, especially if you cum hard.
- touch yourself just like that, just for me
Hongjoong would LOVE watching you touch yourself and struggle to get yourself off. He would love your frustrated whines when you get so close but it’s not quite enough to finish. He would 100% use this as a punishment
- take it, hun, you wanted this.
If you tease him or act all needy around him, when he finally fucks you (which would most likely be paired with punishment for disturbing him just because you were horny), he would most definitely tell you to shut up and take if if you were whining and crying from it being “too much”
- you like that, don’t you?
While Hongjoong is typically a hard dom, he tries to incorporate ways to make sure you’re okay, and actually liking what he’s doing. I can also see him just liking the sound of your voice when you babble on about how good he makes you feel, so he asks you questions like that.
- take my cum, baby, take it
Joong 100% has a creampie kink. He’d wanna fill all of your holes with his cum just to make sure you know you’re his.
- don’t cover your mouth, let everyone hear how good i pound my pretty slut
Joong would kill for someone to overhear you two going at it, but he also just wants to hear you moan for him
SUB Joong starts here:
- please let me cum
Simple but effective. After you’ve been edging the poor boy for what seems like hours, he’s definitely gonna become a whining mess, possibly crying for you, too.
- can i please cum in you?
God, even as a sub, he’d have an obsession with filling your holes.
- i’m doing good, aren’t i?
Sub!Joong would NEED to be praised. I feel like he’d fall into his sub mindset when he’s feeling a bit jealous, but in an insecure way more so a possessive way. He’d need to be told how good he’s being for you constantly.
- ‘m all yours, all yours, okay?
Hongjoong would be the sweetest sub. When he’s close he’s either begging to cum, or blabbering on about how he’s yours and will always be yours. You would have to respond with a cliche “all mine” back to him otherwise he’d be VERY upset.
- kiss me please, want you to kiss me
He’d be such a needy boy to be honest. Whether you kiss him on his lips, chest, neck, jaw, hands, you name it, he’d be totally fine. He just wants all of your attention.
- i need you
He would say this when you haven’t given him attention and he’s visibly needy. He would be trying to get your attention, and after he fails a good 3 times, he finally gives in and shyly tells you what he wants to your face.
- please i cant
You would be getting revenge on him for making you touch yourself by making him touch himself. He’d be so upset that you even thought about doing that to him, but he tries to pull through but would get frustrated just looking at you watching him struggle. He would be so offended by it.
- stop, stop, s’too much
Joong would get overstimulated incredibly fast. He’d lowkey like it though— he just wouldn’t stop begging you to let him rest a bit.
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localteezersluvr · 2 years
Take a Break
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My Girlfriend is a Witch - October Country
Pairing: Witch!Mingi x Familiar!reader (gn)
Genre: Suggestive
W: a steamy make out sesh, implications of sex, reader is horny, that’s pretty much it.
Word Count: 1.0k
Summary: Mingi had been locked away in his study all day, he needs a break and you’re going to make sure it’s worth his while.
Part three of Honeys Halloween Party!
Six hours, it’s been six hours since Mingi had gotten home from his trip. Six hours since Mingi had locked himself away in his study to work even more. Mingi had left on a work trip to find a very specific root and has since been working with the said root in his office.
To say you were bored was an understatement, you had hoped Mingi would at least spend some time with you when he got back but he only spared you a small kiss when he returned, not even bothering to change from his outside clothes. 
You had tried everything to cure your own boredom. You worked on your own studies, made some food, watched tv, and read a book which had been part of your downfall. The steamy romance book had not only helped to cure your boredom but made you yearn for Mingi’s attention even more. 
‘Why would I read about this stuff when he’s right there.’
You would hate to disturb him but you knew he would get upset if you didn’t express your needs to him. After contemplating your choices you got up from the couch and made your way to the big office door and knocked. It was silent for a minute before you heard a quiet ‘come in’. You opened the door seeing Mingi’s back turned to you sitting in a chair, hunched over his desk. 
When you walked in the door Mingi could feel the arousal coming off you in waves. Being his familiar, the two of you were connected in certain ways. He could sense your feelings and emotions if they were strong enough and sometimes he was grateful he could. Being able to tell when you were excited or angry had helped him make your relationship strong, it made communication a lot easier. 
You walked over wrapping your arms around him from behind placing a kiss on his temple. 
“Min, you’ve been in here all day~ you should take a break.” 
“I know love, but I’m almost done, I just need to finish my notes.” He turned up to you, lips forming into a pout, asking for a kiss. 
You granted his wish but pulled away quickly, taking a peek over at his notes. There were messy scribbles labeling pictures, you would have thought it was illegible if you had not worked with him for so long. 
“Please Mingi, I've missed you. You were gone for so long and when you got back you barely spared me a glance.” 
Mingi cursed at himself, not realizing how much he had been neglecting you. He turned his chair around to face you before pulling you into his lap, your legs squeezing uncomfortably into the arms of the chair. 
“I’m sorry love, I can have a short break, then you can sit with me until I finish, and then I'm yours for the rest of the night. How does that sound?” Mingi turned the chair reaching for his phone to set a ten-minute timer. You smiled at him brightly before pulling him into a kiss. Mingi hadn’t realized how much he missed you, kissing you, as time seemed to escape his brain. He pulled away, catching his breath while resting his forehead on yours.
 You watched him, lips parted, breaths heavy, and eyes closed. Mingi was an attractive man. There was no way to dispute that fact, but he looked too good, with his unironed dress shirt, crinkled due to where you had placed your own hands. His specs sat far down the bridge of his nose, having slid down due to your previous kiss. 
Mingi opened his eyes to meet your own, taking a second to watch your reaction, before he wrapped his fingers around the back of your neck, smashing your lips together. You melted into him, as your hands went to his hair, pulling at the yellow and red locks. Mingi’s hands moved down your body, stopping on your ass trying to pull you as close to himself as possible. 
Mingi had missed you so much, your comforting presence, the way you laughed at his stupid jokes, the way your body seemed to fit perfectly next to his, and the way your hands knew how to work wonders. The way your fingers had linked their way into his hair, pulling with the right amount of force made Mingi release a groan into the kiss. 
At the sound you ground down onto him, him reciprocating by grinding his hips upward. You let out a whimper, wanting to feel more friction. Mingi pushed his tongue into your mouth letting it taste your own. You broke the kiss, leaning down to place kisses on his jaw and neck, sucking and biting onto a specific spot so as to leave a mark. He let out another groan at the feeling. 
“Gonna make sure you know how much I missed you, I’m going to leave a souvenir for next time.”
He pulled you back up to his lips, this time a bit softer. It felt more caring rather than lustful. Mingi broke the kiss once again, “I missed you so much, baby..shit, I need to make sure you know how much.”
Mingi’s voice was harsh due to his loss of breath. Mingi had leaned in once more, lips only touching a second before his timer had gone off. He groaned, leaning back and reaching for his phone to turn the alarm off. Once turned off, the room had gone silent except for the sound of your own breaths. Mingi leaned back in his chair staring at the ceiling. 
“Fuck it.” 
He sat forwards wrapping his arms around you and pulling you up with him. He picked you up and threw you over his shoulder, starting for his office door.
“Oh my god! Mingi! What are you doing?” 
“I told you, I need to show you how much I missed you, I need more than ten minutes.”
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localteezersluvr · 2 years
Blades and Skins
The title you are reading may contain harsh language, sexuality, and some trigger words and behaviors for some. If you are sensitive to these issues, I do not recommend you to read this article. If you read such articles and are affected, what you read is not my responsibility. 
 !!Knife play,breastplay,candle waxing, bondage,moaning,burning, ice play, fingering, praising ( if anything I forgot you can tell me in commentss <3 ) 
A.N. : Hello, I’m a little tired these days, but I think I can write a little fiction.Unfortunately, my exams have started and I have a lot of homework every week, but I want to push my limits to write as much as I can. If you have an opinion or request, feel free to write. As long as you are respectful, my request box is always open for you <3 I hope you like the fiction. Good reading
Hongjoong’s eyes were filled with delight, and I could tell by the glint in his eyes that there was no going back. It moved the sharp part of the blade on my skin like writing, but never cut it. When he first showed me his knives collection, I thought it was just simple men’s taste, but Hongjoong was hoarding knives for other people’s enjoyment and I was the first to try it. That’s what made me special. The places where the blade slipped were burning and red, but it never bled. My soul was burning with pleasure, my cheeks were like fire. My hands trembled with pleasure, touching his shoulder and hair, and one after the other, I couldn’t hold back my moans and made pornographic noises. I never thought that a knife dancing softly on my skin could be so effective. But Hongjoong was different, I don’t know if it was because he was a surgeon, but he knew all the pleasure points so well that I was always surprised that he had never tried it with anyone and I was the first. I focused on my hands, which had been shaken out of my thoughts, and the knife rubbing against my skin, and the coldness of his hands. I couldn’t see him, it was crazy not being able to see his face. Now I wanted to cry with pleasure, I wanted to reach the climax and ejaculate. and ‘Hongjoong please, can you untie my eyes I can’t take it anymore.’ I said Hongjoong pulled the knife away from my body and I couldn’t feel anything anymore, the warmth and coldness of his hands, which was the opposite of his body, had disappeared. 'H-hongjong,’ I said, my voice shaking. At first I thought he was angry with me, but later on it occurred to me that Hongjoong couldn’t be angry with me. Minutes or maybe hours passed and no one made a sound. All my senses were closed as my eyes and hands were tied. I could only feel the sweet sting of the knife marks on my skin and the slightly cold air. But to be patient, I didn’t even say a word.
Hongjoong would never leave my side while making love. I couldn’t understand why he did such a thing. I hadn’t heard any footsteps since his warmth had gone. Since he was blind, his hearing was as strong as a dog. I shifted a little in the chair I was sitting in, but of course I couldn’t move. I grumbled a little, but there was no sound or anything, just white noise and the ticking of the clock. I even started to hear the sound of the candle burning and the bird flying outside, but these were not necessary for me, all I wanted was the presence of Hongjoong. The radiating flame of the candle seemed to be getting closer and closer to me. I can’t tell anymore whether I was imagining or really hearing it. All of a sudden, a melted candle fell on my skin, I screamed with the burning sensation of the candle and Hongjoong’s return, my body was completely his, now I couldn’t feel, think or remember anyone other than Hongjoong. I was fooled by Hongjoong without ever touching me. My brain was only focused on Hongjoon and his actions. He said to me, 'Calm down my dear, you have endured well, I will give you the best prize.’ I felt so happy and relieved when he said it, I can’t explain. I was able to say 'Hongjoong please’ and we both knew why I was saying please. Hongjoong, on the other hand, dropped another drop of the candle in his hand and circulated a very cold object in the same place. What was this cold object, I couldn’t focus anymore, I couldn’t even know simple things, I was completely hongjoong’s. He swirled a mixture of the two all over my body and suddenly his hands touched the tip of my chest. His hands, cold as ice, were now warm as the sun. I wanted him to touch me more and own me. I stretched myself towards Hongjoong. and I was able to say, 'H-hongjoong I can’t stand it please’. Hongjoong 'Be patient dear, everything has an order, what did I teach you. Try to remember, don’t be so weak. I know you can do it, as always. Aren’t I crazy?’ He said I was on the verge of insanity. I was speechless, I just moaned and could barely say yes. Now that his hands were all over my body, I was officially burning for Hongjoong. He was licking my breasts and leaving marks. With the knife he still had in his hand, it was as if he was writing something on my skin, leaving redness.
My feet were curling with pleasure and my hands were trembling. He said, 'Tell me what you want, my dear, I will do whatever you want, I am at your command’. I was frozen in my place. Hongjoong made this word a habit, he always said it. But I could never get used to it, I always just froze. I no longer had the strength to speak, and I was trembling with pleasure. 'Ho-hongjoong, please, please, please,’ was all I could say. 'Baby, what we talked about, be open to me in everything, what do you want, please, you don’t need to say, I’m here for you.’ Every word fascinated me. He was a perfect person, even his perfect word was not enough for Hongjoong. 'Hongjoong, I want to make love, give me all your love.’ Hongjoong said, “Your wish is my command.” said. and he untied my hands, my hands went straight to his hair, it was as if I had memorized it. I took a deep breath and started to ruffle his hair, I was totally relieved. Hongjoong put his hands on my blindfold and said, 'Can I do it?’ he asked, as if trying to understand exactly what I wanted. 'Yes,’ I said softly, opening my blindfold and starting to kiss my whole face. We were sucking on my lips, our tongues rubbing. My hands go to his shoulders and then I pull his hair from there. I was experiencing the peak of all emotions. His hands were all over my body as he kissed me. He was touching my breasts, squeezing, then stroking my face and moaning lightly from time to time. The room literally smelled of love and sex. Only wet sounds could be heard.
Suddenly his hand touched my hips and I jumped and groaned a little because of where his hands were roaming. His hands were on my thighs, my hips, my breasts. He was stroking, squeezing and loving. He suddenly stopped kissing and looked at me, 'Can I?’ she asked . I nodded slightly and looked straight into his eyes. He smiled lightly at me and placed a comforting kiss on my forehead. As he kissed, he inhaled all of my scent and gently caressed my inner thighs. His hands slowly climbed up to my pussy. He looked at me and kissed me passionately again, our tongues meeting again. Somehow I missed him over and over again when he was by my side. His hands were so talented that he quickly found my pleasure spot again, and he stroked it again and again in circular motions. My muscles tight, I couldn’t help moaning. My eyebrows were tight, my body was stretching like an arrow, just as he was about to come, he put his middle finger in and started kissing my face. He was telling me to stay calm, not to strain myself. How did he expect me to do this? I could come in just by looking at him when he was this attractive. He stuck another finger in, and I was so close now that my hands were stuck in his hair and my chest was thrusting forward. My feet were curling, my breathing was short, my vision was dark, my eyes were rolling. The strength in my hands was fading and only the word 'Hongjoong’ came out of my lips. Hongjoong said, “Okay baby, you’ve held on well, you can come. Live in the moment, my dear. He was making sentences like 'You are so beautiful right now, you are like angels falling from the sky’, I couldn’t even focus anymore. These beautiful words, the gestures she made just for my pleasure, her beautiful face, whose fingers I saw with my darkened eyes, all brought me closer to that beautiful end. My hands were starting to twitch, I couldn’t hear a word he was saying, one hand on his shoulder and one in his hair, and my moans were now very irregular and my only focus was on my own pleasure. I once again pushed myself into Hongjoong’s ringed fingers and came to his hands trembling and groaning. The rings were a very special delight. I couldn’t stand it and ejaculated, I had been waiting for this moment my whole life.
When I calmed down and my breathing evened out, I started to hear Hongjoong again. It is such a passionate lovemaking that my eyes were filled with tears and I was out of breath, even my hearing was coming back again. Hongjoong kissed my forehead and said, 'You did very well, my love’, kissed my forehead and asked, 'Do you want to go to the bathroom? And I said, 'What about you?’ I said  and pointed to the hard thing on his pants. Hongjoong said, "Baby, I think it’s enough for you for today, don’t care about me.” But I wanted to give him pleasure too and I knew my limits weren’t that high so I kissed him and started stroking his hard dick in his pants…
 A.N. : Do you want part 2? It’s like there’s an unfinished side to the story. And how did you find it was the first short fiction I wrote. I’m waiting for your comments.
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localteezersluvr · 2 years
What Is Reincarnation In Astrology?
   First of all, there is no certainty of what I will tell you, I am just sharing a branch of astrology to tell you. Whether you believe it or read it or not is entirely up to you.
You have to understand this before I can reading on the members because if you don’t know the reincarnation astrology it will be difficult for you to understand. I tried to summarize it as short as possible, I hope you are interested…
Thank uu for request  @atinytinaa <3
If we look at reincarnation from an astrological point of view, we see that everything is connected to the 8th,12th and 5th  house.
Aleksandar Imsiragic talks about death, orgasm and conception at the same time. That’s why I saw the picture above as appropriate for this topic. He visualized the 8th house and this subject beautifully. Birth, development, sexual intercourse, aging, death and re-entry into the womb.
In astrology, the house of death is the 8th house. We die in the 8th house. So this life is described by the houses from the first house to the eighth house. So this is our present life.
The period from the 8th house to the 1st house represents our journey in the womb.
The soul takes on its mission as it passes through the ninth house (jupiter). He knows his karma (saturn) in the tenth house. The eleventh (uranus) and twelfth houses (neptune) also form the spiritual structure. Right at this stage, the soul is embodied and as a result, the mother begins to feel the movements of her baby in her womb for the first time.
If the mother loses her baby in pregnancy, we know that the soul has ceased to be embodied. No matter how guilty the mother feels, there is nothing in her hands. This is the soul’s decision of its own will.
The afterlife is the 9th house. So the 9th house defines the future. If we take the ninth house as birth, then his death house becomes our fourth house. The house that comes after the 4th house becomes our new life.
When we accept the previous house of death of our present life as the 12th house, we understand that the house showing our past life is also the 5th house. It goes on like this.
Our astrological charts cover both the past, the present and the future. So by looking at our chart, we can see both our previous life and our next life.
From what I have said above, our 1st house is our current life. It follows that our 5th house is our past life and our 9th house is our future life. What matters is our present life, our past and future life. Because we actually live these 3 lives at the same time right now. Therefore, we have the opportunity to change the past and the future.
If we add all what I have said above to the reincarnation event, we will come to the fact that everything we experience in our lives is actually what we have sown.
The chart is a whole and therefore each planet has its own significance. But usually the things that show karma are the 12th house planets, Saturn and the south node. Their positions or transits give us the opportunity to change the past. Therefore, during these periods, we should give extra importance to our encounters with certain people or events in our lives and act carefully by using our will. So every breath we take and every step we take is actually very important. Because at the end of the job, we fix our past and create our future.
According to the theory of reincarnation, human beings can be anything.
If he is a rich  in one life, he will be a poor peasant in the next and will pay the price of being rich by experiencing the cruel decisions he made as a King as a peasant.
If a person is a thief or murderer in one life, the next life he will assume the role of the victim who is theft  or murdered.
If she is a prostitute in one life, she will take the role of a nun who takes a vow of chastity in the next.
First the rich dealer  and then the poor villager will take on the role of rich again in the next, but this time he will not repeat the mistakes he has made by using his will with the wisdom of having lived both roles. Or it will repeat and trap itself in an endless loop.
Let’s get to the main point, I actually wanted to talk about why Hongjoong and this life is his last life. (According to what I understood from reading the birth chart.) If anyone is still curious, I can write SHORTLY because what I’m going to write is not certain and the birth chart is private, I don’t want to share everything without being sure, but first you have to understand the reincarnation belief, believe it or not, it doesn’t matter. As I have already explained, in most religions, it is something that is seen as wrong.
First you need to understand this subject, it is enough to know that astrology is divided into karma and classical and both have great supporters.
If you want, I can also do about other members. (For example, I think this is life, Seonghwa’s first life, I wrote about it in my previous articles.) Or if you are curious about classical asyrology and want me to explain it, just write it.
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localteezersluvr · 2 years
caution: Everything written on this blog is fictitious and written for fun. If you don’t like it and if it contains a subject that you are sensitive to, I suggest you go out. Please heed the warning. Thank you for reading…  
A.N : Thank you guys for all of your support Im actually writing this blog for fun and this is so much for me… As you can understand english is not my first language but thank you for your support and care … 
How would Ateez behave after care? pt2.
San : San may be very emotional after sex and want to talk to you a lot. He may have taken the precaution of cleaning by putting a few wet wipes on the nightstand beforehand. Maybe he even prepared water and snacks because he wants to talk a lot of deep topics with you. San will talk to you well until the morning and talk about the future, and he will want to look into your eyes as if to memorize it. He may ask you a lot of silly questions. Like, would you still love me if I was a worm (he actually does this just to annoy you) He’s generally a sweet talker, and I think candid moments like this are more peaceful than taking a shower in the bathroom (please can all men take a sample from san?)
Mingi: In general, Mingi can be motherly to you and always ask you if you are okay. Even because of this, cleaning can be forgotten and he starts to suffocate you with nice compliments and wants to see you in return. After sex, he may be more than considerate and gentle, just like when you first had a girlfriend, he may be overly sensitive, and in your first sexes, he will most likely hug you and cry like a big baby with happiness because you value and trust him. In general, he becomes very possessive, emotional and protective after sex, he hugs you like a kuala all the time and doesn’t let go until you say you can’t breathe (he becomes a full rootstock.) Water and food are always ready, so you don’t have to worry about this, but as a hygiene, when you are hugging each other,if you can’t breathe and you say that you need to go to the bathroom, he probably won’t let you go and tells you that it can be done in the morning so you can sleep with a hug until the morning… ( please don’t insist, he may think you did it to get rid of him because he is too emotional.)
Wooyoung : Wooyoung is someone who can be a bit strict about sex if there is something that needs to be done and can give you some love later, if it’s a bit rough he can apply cream after a bath and then hug you quietly and thoughtfully. Wooyoung is always outspoken and that is his love language. He can be very frank with the person he loves, especially sincerely, so when he is at the hottest part of sex, “Hmm, can’t you just lie down like that? It’s like I couldn’t focus, baby :)”. When you’re in the middle of sex. It’s kind of weird, but it’s wooyoung… When you wake up suddenly, wooyoung might say, “you look prettier than yesterday, wow,” but don’t ask if I was ugly yesterday because you might suddenly get the answer yes. But he’ll definitely be very flirty after sex and maybe when he gets to take care of the serious part and relax and get a candid hug, he can make a lot of jokes and flirt with you… Just like high school sweethearts. The little giggles, the excitement as if it were the first of everything, the sweet compliments being said, the heartbeats heard from the outside, the sparkle in the eyes and more, wooyoung reminds me of these…
Jongho : Jongho would definitely be very possessive after sex. First of all, he would ask you a thousand times if you were okay, and after he was sure, he would definitely take you to the bathroom first thing and he could carry you in his arms because he didn’t want to tire you out more. He’d give lots of compliments and officially become your maid. Jongho came to life to start a family, to experience love, to learn to love, and to understand what it feels like to be loved and compassionate. That’s why he can hardly trust people and is very loyal in the relationship, he is the perfect father. (But he may not feel mature for this yet. He must learn love, compassion and intimacy first.) He needs to fully trust the person who will be their first, and he is also quite picky. He prepares a scenario for his loved ones to try many times and measures their reactions. Jongho is much smarter than you think… Anyway (if you have any questions about this, feel free to ask in the comments) If Jongho trusts you completely, he will do everything in his power just to show you your love and sincerity just to him. Just like he becomes your maid and will defend you anywhere, anytime no matter what. He likes it when you treat him like a baby… Please tell him you love him too and will never leave him side and promise he will be your slave…
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